80 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic adversity and higher education: is the quota law a potential bridge to social mobility in Brazil?

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    This article aims to contribute to the debate on the role of the Quota Law regarding the potential social mobility of students with high socioeconomic adversity, using administrative data from a federal university in Brazil. We used Confirmatory Factor Analysis technique to construct an adversity index, composed of variables that may negatively affect access to higher education, such as students' socioeconomic background, parental education, and ethnicity. We classified courses by expected earnings and assessed how background is associated with course choice. Then, we used regression models estimated by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) to identify the relative importance of the interaction between quota categories with the adversity index and the score on the admission exam (National High School Examination – Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio-ENEM) to predict course choice and consequent possibility of social mobility. The results showed that quotas can reduce the negative effects of socioeconomic adversity on social mobility. However, they are not completely sufficient to “break”the effects of the low quality of secondary education in relation to ENEM performance and, consequently, social mobility

    Tempo de contato e de combinações de fungicidas, aditivo e inoculante sobre a sobrevivência de rizóbios e nodulação da soja.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito do tempo de contato e de combinações de fungicidas, aditivo e inoculante, no tratamento da semente, na sobrevivência de bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio atmosférico e nodulação da soja. Realizouse ensaios em laboratório para verificar a sobrevivência de bradirrizóbios, e em casa de vegetação para avaliar a formação de nódulos na raiz de plantas de soja. Em laboratório o delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições, com os tratamentos arranjados em esquema fatorial 9 x 3, onde o fator A correspondeu a nove combinações de fungicidas, aditivo e inoculante: T1= inoculante; T2= fludioxonil + metalaxil-M + inoculante; T3= fludioxonil + metalaxil-M + inoculante + aditivo; T4= difenoconazole + inoculante; T5= difenoconazole + inoculante + aditivo; T6= piraclostrobina + tiofanato metílico + fipronil + inoculante; T7= piraclostrobina + tiofanato metílico + fipronil + inoculante + aditivo; T8= carbendazim + inoculante e T9=carbendazim + inoculante + aditivo, e o fator B, a três períodos (4, 24 e 48 h) após o tratamento das sementes. Em casa de vegetação o delineamento foi em blocos casualizados, com sete repetições. Conclui-se sobre a sobrevivência de bradirrizóbios e nodulação da soja que: O tempo de contato de 4 h apresenta melhor resultado; Independentemente do uso do aditivo celular, o uso de piraclostrobina + tiofanato metílico+ fipronil apresenta menor efeito deletério; Os maiores efeitos deletérios foram observados para fungicidas à base de difenoconazole e carbendazim; O uso do aditivo associado com fungicida à base de difenoconazole contribui para o aumento

    Comparison of Cognitive Performance between Elderly Training Practices with Weights and Sedentaria

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    Comparison of cognitive performance among elderly people practicing training with weights and sedentary lifestyle. Estudy descriptive, cross-sectional and comparative, composition for 24 elderly between 60 and 70 years, divided into 2 groups, (G1) submitted to weight training and sedentary (G2). The G1 was submitted to 32 training sessions with traditional weight. Both groups were submitted to CogState® computerized cognitive testing batteries. The data were not parametric, using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the analysis of the dispersion curve and the Mann-Whitney test in the comparison of the cognitive performance variables. The results were performed with a significance level of 0.05 by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS®), version 16.0. The best cognitive performance was observed among the elderly practicing resistance exercises, as well as significant differences in the TRS and TRE variables. Elderly people who exercise with weights when compared with cognitive performance demonstrate results of the paradigms when compared to the elderly. With this, he concludes that weight training is effective in improving cognitive performance

    Malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia:a multicentric retrospective study in Brazilian population

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    Among the oral potentially malignant disorders, leukoplakia stands out as the most prevalent. The purpose of this study was to analyse the clinical-pathological features of oral leukoplakia in groups of patients from three major pathology centers in two different regions of Brazil, in order to determine which factors would be associated to the clinical risk of malignant transformation. A total of 148 patients was analyzed, and data regarding gender, age, site, classification of the clinical subtype, harmful habits such as use of tobacco and alcohol, time of evolution and presence of dysplasia were collected. The association between risk factors and malignant transformation was investigated using the chi-square test and Fischer's exact test for correlation of variables. A significance level of 5% (p?0.05) was used. The mean age of the patients was 60 years, and 56% were female. Most of the lesions (34,5%) were located in the lateral and ventral regions of the tongue. Of the 148 patients, ninety had clinical follow-up. Malignant transformation occurred in 13 patients (8.8%), with an average of 44 months of follow up. Non-smoker, nonhomogeneous clinical presentation, location at the tongue, and the presence of high degree of dysplasia were statistically relevant factors associated with a higher risk of transformation transformation

    Diagnóstico diferencial da Síndrome de Takotsubo e infarto agudo do miocárdio: uma revisão sistemática: Differential diagnosis of Takotsubo Syndrome and acute myocardial infarction: a systematic review

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    A cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo e o infarto agudo do miocárdio compartilham apresentação clínica e risco de morte semelhantes, embora uma das diferenças mais importantes seja a ausência de doença coronariana obstrutiva na cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo. Neste estudo, tem-se como objetivo analisar a literatura disponível avaliando o diagnóstico diferencial entre pacientes com CTT em comparação com pacientes com infarto agudo do miocárdio. Para isso, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática, utilizando-se a Pubmed e a Medline como base de dados. A partir da análise dos estudos e interpretação de suas principais descobertas, concluiu-se que para pacientes com CTT, outras condições e comorbidades, em vez de apenas dislipidemia e/ou outros fatores de risco estabelecidos, sejam responsáveis por um risco de morte comparável ao de IAM. No entanto, as conclusões desse estudo têm várias limitaçõe