7 research outputs found

    COVID-19 Promotion and Prevention Measures in the Fish Auction in Karan Aur Pariaman City

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    The purpose of this research is to explain the COVID-19 promotive and preventive action in the neighbourhood of fish auction in Karan Aur Village Pariaman City. This method of study uses a descriptive technique, which explains how promotive and preventive efforts are performed in the field. Promotive action about the COVID-19 conducted in the fish auction in the town of Pariaman in the form of counselling in the community. This indication is seen from the community enthusiastic in the question and when the feedback about the disease COVID-19, the community's ability to answer questions also has begun well. As for the constraints in conducting counselling are also found as there are still people who do not concentrate in following the counselling caused because of their attention is distracted by children who are also brought at the time of counselling. Counselling time it felt too short, so the delivery of the extension material is not optimal. COVID-19 preventive execution generally runs as planned. While making preventive measures, there are still many people who do not behave well in the prevention of the spread of Coronaviruses, such as not keeping the distance at the time of communication, the presence of gatherings of people who are more than 5 people without wearing masks. At the time of giving counselling to the shop owner/crotch in the fish auction place about the importance of providing water and soap for hand wash ready action. In general, the shop/shop will apply the action, but there are also found shops/stalls that do not heed this preventative effort. &nbsp

    The Intervention of Slow-Stroke Back Massage Cutaneous Stimulus Techniques in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is the highest order of disease in the elderly in Indonesia in 2020 where with a percentage value of 49% and this disease occurs more frequently in women than in men. Treatment of pain in RA patients can be done with pharmacological therapy and non-pharmacological therapy. The aim of the study was to respondent’s intervention technic slow-stroke back massage cutaneous stimulus pada patient RA patients in the working area of the Pariaman Health Center. This research is a quantitative type using a quasi-experimental research design method. In this study design, there was an intervention group without a control group. Research design approach with one group pretest-posttest. The conclusion obtained in this study was that RA elderly respondents in the working area of the Pariaman Health Center were the female sex was 16 respondents (53.30%), and the male sex was 14 respondents (46.70%). The RA elderly pain scale before being given Kutaneus Slow-Stroke Back Massage therapy in the working area of the Pariaman Health Center, namely 26 respondents (86.70%) experienced moderate pain and 4 respondents (13.30%) experienced mild pain. Pain scale in elderly RA after being given Kutaneus Slow-Stroke Back Massage therapy in the working area of the Pariaman Health Center, namely 16 respondents (53.30%) experienced mild pain and 14 respondents (46.70%) experienced moderate pain.    &nbsp

    Impact of Environmental Sanitation and Infection Disease as a Determining Stunting Factor for Children

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    Stunting is a condition of a toddler where the length of the child is below the standard age of the child. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Indonesia is among the third countries with the highest prevalence of stunting in the South-East Asia Regional (SEAR) region. In 2015-2017 the average prevalence of stunting toddlers in Indonesia is 36.4% and this prevalence tends to be static. Environmental sanitation and infectious diseases are one of the determinants of stunting in children under five. Poor sanitation will be associated with an increased risk of infectious diseases that can cause stunting of children under five. If this stunting is not handled, it will cause problems for future generations, especially mental development and physical growth will be disrupted, and it will end in poverty and the threat of survival, thus requiring appropriate intervention in its handling

    Stunting Prevention Through Nutritional Education for Mothers and Children in Nagari Kajai, Pasaman Barat Regency

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    Stunting is a condition of chronic malnutrition during growth and development since early life. West Pasaman Regency is one of the provinces in West Sumatra which tends to experience an increase in stunting prevalence from 2007 to 2017, although there was a decline in 2018, the prevalence is still high at 35.2 (Riskesdas, 2018). To overcome this problem, it is important to conduct health education through the use of a healthy diet to prevent growth retardation. The purpose of this non-profit service is to increase knowledge and understanding of mothers in stunting prevention through health education to mothers and children, so that direct motivation from mothers is expected to be able to optimally pay attention to their growth and development. from children. The method used is to examine maternal knowledge and the problems of stunting prevention and early detection of stunting in Nagari Kajai. Mother's knowledge was measured by pre-test health education and post-test health education. Based on the pre and post test results from 21 respondents, 10 respondents (47.61%) understood about stunting prevention and it increased after health education was carried out where 17 respondents (80.95%) understood about stunting prevention, data were collected before health counseling was carried out. It is hoped that Nagari Kajai mothers will always follow a healthy diet for their children and receive ongoing support from cadres to prevent stunting and reduce stunting in West Pasaman Regency, especially Nagari Kajai


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    AbstrakKonsep Indonessian Diagnosis Related Group (INA-DRG) secara umum bertujuan untuk efisiensi dan mutu pelayanan kesehatan. Dengan tarif paket ini diharapkan akan mampu menekan tingginya biaya kesehatan, dimana salah satu pelayanan kesehatatan dengan biaya tinggi di suatu rumah sakit adalah tindakan sectio caesaria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui cost of treatment tindakan sectio caesaria berdasarkan klasifikasi INA-DRG di RSUD Pariaman tahun 2010.Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan melakukan perhitungan kwantitatif, dan pengumpulan data dilakukan secara retrospektif bersumber dari data sekunder berupa rincian biaya pengobatan berdasarkan aktifitas clinical pathway pasien sectio caesaria tanpa penyakit penyerta dan penyulit di kelas III RSUD Pariaman tahun 2010, analisa data yang dipakai adalah analisa univariat dan analisa biaya untuk menghitung cost of treatment tindakan sectio caesaria dengan menggunakan metode aktivity based costing dan simple distribution.Dari hasil perhitungan didapatkan cost of treatment sectio caesaria tanpa penyakit penyerta dan penyulit untuk kelas III adalah Rp.1.685.500,- bila gaji dimasukan dalam komponen biaya maka akan terjadi penambahan biaya 0,9% yaitu Rp. 1.849.225,-. Urutan komponen biaya terbesar dalam cost of treatment sectio caesaria adalah biaya obat (35,2%), tindakan operasi (23,5%), asuhan keperawatan (11,1%), akomodasi (7,1%) dan visite dokter (6,4%).Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa biaya pengobatan sectio caesaria tidak sesuai dengan tarif INA-DRG program Jamkesmas yaitu lebih besar 50,3% dari tarif INA-DRG program Jamkesmas.Kata kunci : Cost of treatment, INA-DRG Jamkesmas TarifAbstractConcept of Indonesian Diagnosis Related Group (INA-DRG) in general aims for efficiency and quality of health service. With this tariff package is expected to be able to reduce the high cost of health where one of health service with the high cost in one of hospital is sectio caesaria action. The research aims toARTIKEL PENELITIAN2know cost of treatment action of sectio caesaria based on INA-DRG in Pariaman RSUD years 2010.The research is descriptive by doing quantitative calculation and data collection is done retrospectively which sources from secondary data formed detail of the cost of treatment based on activity of patient clinical pathway sectio caesaria without comorbidities and complications in class III Pariaman RSUD years 2010. The data analysis used is the univariate analysis and cost analysis to calculate cost of treatment sectio caesaria action. It uses method of activity based costing and simple distribution.From the result of calculations are gotten cost treatment sectio caesaria without comorbidities and complications for class III are Rp. 1.685.500,- if wage is included in component cost, there will be additional cost 0,9% that is Rp. 1.849.225,-. The order of the largest component cost in cost of treatment sectio caesaria is medicine cost (35,2%), operation action (23,5%), nursing care (11,1%), accommodation (7,1%) and visited doctor (6,4%).Based on the result of research, it can be concluded that the cost of treatment sectio caesaria does not correspond with the INA-DRG Jamkesmas program tariff. That is larger 50,3% than Tariff of INA-DRG Jamkesmas program.Key word : Cost of treatment, INA-DRG Jamkesmas tarif