18 research outputs found

    Formación de callos de caña de azúcar var. ‘SP 70-1284’ en medio de cultivo líquido a partir de explantes de campo

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    Explants from immature sections of young leaves in the stems of the variety of sugarcane ‘SP 70-1284’, were taken directly of field whit the objets of study the capacity for organogenic callus formation. The effect of the concentration of 2,4-D in the callus formation was evaluated using liquid medium and considering the section of the explante utilized. The best callus formation and quality of them was achieved in the three first sections nearly to the apical meristem whit the use of 3 mg.l-1 of 2, 4-D. With these explantes the lowes indices of contamination and fenolization were obtained.Key words: callus, contamination, explant, fenolization, Saccharum sp.Se estudió la capacidad de diferentes explantes obtenidos desde secciones de hojas inmaduras tomadas de tallos jóvenes de la variedad de caña de azúcar ‘SP 70-1284’, seleccionados directamente de campo para la formación de callos. Se evaluó el efecto de la concentración de 2,4-D en la formación de callos en medio de cultivo líquido considerando la sección del explante utilizado. Se logró la formación de callos de calidad en las tres primeras secciones del tallo más cercanas al meristemo apical al utilizar 3 mg.l.-l de 2,4-D. Con estos explantes se obtuvieron bajos índices de contaminación microbiana y fenolización.Palabras clave: callo, contaminación, explante, fenolización, Saccharum sp

    Spatial pattern of mottled stripe disease (Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans) in sugar cane

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    Sugar cane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is the most important agroindustrial crop of the tropics. Recently, sugar cane plants with chlorotic leaf streaking associated with the bacterium Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans have been observed. This disease impacts photosynthetic capacity and yield. Characterizing the spatio-temporal behavior of chlorotic mottling using prediction maps is an important element of integrated disease management. Here, we determine the spatial distribution of mottled stripe disease in sugar cane in southeastern Mexico. To do this, we randomly chose and georeferenced 80 points in commercial plots in 2016 and 2017 to determine the disease incidence. We generated an experimental semivariogram based on a predetermined theoretical model and estimated Kriging. The incidence was 2.93% in 2016 and 5.36% in 2017 in varieties ICP-MEX-92-1420, CP-72-2086, ITV-92-373, MEX-79434 and MEX-69-290. The spatial behavior of the bacteria fit the pentaspherical model in 2016 and the spherical model in 2017. Spatial interpolation was validated by Mean Error (ME), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Standardized Prediction Error (MSPE) values near zero, visualized using the generated map. The results will be used to guide management of mottled stripe disease in sugar cane in the affected area. Highlights H. rubrisubalbicans can persist from sugar cane growing season to the next and spread from one plot to another by different mechanisms. The chlorotic mottling of sugar cane showed an aggregate type spatial behavior at the regional level. The differences in spatial patterns between seasons show the dispersion potential of the disease in this crop system, as well as a latent infestation in the area. The semivariograms and maps show aggregate behavior of this disease, expressed as different spatial patterns given by the spatial dependence among points and the severity of the effects in each plot.Sugar cane (Saccharum spp. hybrids) is the most important agroindustrial crop of the tropics. Recently, sugar cane plants with chlorotic leaf streaking associated with the bacterium Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans have been observed. This disease impacts photosynthetic capacity and yield. Characterizing the spatio-temporal behavior of chlorotic mottling using prediction maps is an important element of integrated disease management. Here, we determine the spatial distribution of mottled stripe disease in sugar cane in southeastern Mexico. To do this, we randomly chose and georeferenced 80 points in commercial plots in 2016 and 2017 to determine the disease incidence. We generated an experimental semivariogram based on a predetermined theoretical model and estimated Kriging. The incidence was 2.93% in 2016 and 5.36% in 2017 in varieties ICP-MEX-92-1420, CP-72-2086, ITV-92-373, MEX-79434 and MEX-69-290. The spatial behavior of the bacteria fit the pentaspherical model in 2016 and the spherical model in 2017. Spatial interpolation was validated by Mean Error (ME), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Standardized Prediction Error (MSPE) values near zero, visualized using the generated map. The results will be used to guide management of mottled stripe disease in sugar cane in the affected area. Highlights H. rubrisubalbicans can persist from sugar cane growing season to the next and spread from one plot to another by different mechanisms. The chlorotic mottling of sugar cane showed an aggregate type spatial behavior at the regional level. The differences in spatial patterns between seasons show the dispersion potential of the disease in this crop system, as well as a latent infestation in the area. The semivariograms and maps show aggregate behavior of this disease, expressed as different spatial patterns given by the spatial dependence among points and the severity of the effects in each plot

    Crecimiento, regeneración y radiosensibilidad de callos de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. híbrido var. “SP 70-1284”) tratados con radiación gamma fuente 60Co

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    Calluses in growth of sugar cane, variety “SP 70-1284”, were radiated with a source of 60Co. The studied doses were between 10 and 80 Gy. The affectation of the Gamma radiation source 60Co in the growth of the callus and the regeneration of plants was evaluated. The results indicated that the dose that diminished the growth of callus in a value under 50% was the one of 30 Gy, and also the dose that diminished the regenerative capacity of the callus below to the 50% of the population was the one of 30 Gy. The results showed that for this variety of sugar cane doses superior to 30Gy of Gamma radiations jeopardizes the growth and the later regeneration of the callus. Its application is recommended to induce genetic variability in the variety of sugar cane “SP 70-1284”, as well as in programs of genetic improvement by mutations, in susceptible varieties of the sugar cane red blight (Puccinia melanocephala Syd) using calluses in growth.Key words: callus, hybrid, in vitro, improvement, rust, Saccharum sp, variabilityCallos en crecimiento de caña de azúcar de la variedad “SP 70-1284”, fueron irradiados con una fuente de 60Co. Las dosis estudiadas fueron entre 10 y 80 Gy. Se evaluó la afectación de la radiación Gamma fuente 60Co en el crecimiento del callo y la regeneración de plantas. Los resultados indicaron que la dosis que disminuyó el crecimiento de callo en un valor por debajo del 50% fue la de 30 Gy, así mismo se encontró que la dosis que disminuyó la capacidad regenerativa del callo menor al 50% de la población fue la de 30 Gy. Los resultados mostraron que para esta variedad de caña de azúcar dosis superiores a 30 Gy de radiaciones Gamma comprometen el crecimiento y la posterior regeneración del callo. Se recomienda su aplicación para inducir variabilidad genética en la variedad de caña de azúcar “SP 70-1284”, así como en programas de mejora genética por mutaciones, en variedades susceptibles a roya de la caña de azúcar (Puccinia melanocephala Syd) empleando callos en crecimiento.Palabras clave: callo, híbrido, in vitro, mejoramiento, roya, Saccharum sp., variabilida

    Adaptability of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) clones, introduced by exchange to southeastern Mexico.

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    ABSTRAC Objetive: To evaluate sugarcane clones in the adaptability phase, and select those with higher yield in field and factory than commercial control clones. Design/methodology/approach: 14 clones of sugarcane in the first cycle were evaluated. The experimental design consisted of randomized complete blocks with four replications. The following agricultural characteristics were evaluated: stem weight, population and yield; as well as the industrial characteristics: sucrose content, juice purity and theoretical sugar production. They were compared with the values ​​of local clones MEX 69-290 and CP 72-2086 that served as controls. Results: There were found statistical differences in agricultural and industrial characteristics between clones. In stem weight, clone LTMEX 94-02 was the heaviest. In population, clone Mex 95-35 was the one that presented the highest number of stems per ha. Regarding yield in the field, clone COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 was the one that obtained significantly higher tonnage per hectare compared to the two control clones. Among the factory characteristics, the clone MEX 96-10 had a significantly higher concentration of sucrose and with the highest value in juice purity, and in theoretical sugar production. Clone COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 presented the highest value of theorical sugar yield in comparison to the two control clones. Limitation on study/implications: Although data from the new clones are relevant, they belong to an only one cycle. Findings/conclusions: At least four clones evaluated showed high field and factory yields: COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433, LTMEX 94-02, MEX 95-59, and MOTZMEX 00-1192. In all four, field yield was statistically superior to that of the control MEX 69-290; thus, it is pertinent to continue with its evaluation and multiplication in the semi-commercial test phase. However, since they are introduced from other geographical regions, it is recommended to continue their evaluation under the environmental conditions of the region.Objective: To evaluate sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) clones in the adaptability phase and select those with high field and factory yields that significantly exceed the commercial control clones.Design/Methodology/Approach: Fourteen sugarcane clones were evaluated in a crop established for the first time and to which no cut has been made. The experimental design consisted of randomized complete blocks with four repetitions. The following agricultural characteristics were evaluated: stalk weight, population, and yield. The following industrial characteristics were likewise assessed: sucrose content, juice purity, and theoretical sugar production. Both values were compared with the values of the local clones MEX 69-290 and CP 72-2086 that were used as control.Results: Statistical differences were found in agricultural and industrial characteristics between clones. In terms of stalk weight, the LTMEX 94-02 clone stood out, while, in population terms, the Mex 95-35 clone recorded the highestnumber of stalks per ha. Regarding field yield, the COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 clone obtained significantly higher tonnage per hectare than the two control clones. Among the factory characteristics, the MEX 96-10 clone stood out with a significantly higher concentration of sucrose and with the highest juice purity. Finally, the COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433 clone had the highest theoretical sugar production value, which was statistically superior to the two control clones.Study Limitations/Implications: The data were obtained from a crop establishedfor the first time.Findings/Conclusions: At least four clones showed high field and factory yields: COLPOSCTMEX 09-1433, LTMEX 94-02, MEX 95-59, and MOTZMEX 00-1192. All four showed a field performance that had better statistics than the control MEX 69-290; therefore, it would be appropriate to pursue its evaluation and multiplication during the semi-commercial test phase. However, since they were introduced, their evaluation should continue under the environmental conditions of the region

    Efecto de la fenolización sobre explantes de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. híbrido var. Sp 70-1284) en la formación de callos

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. hybrid) is the crop were more work has been done on biotechnological aspects because of its economical importance among the comercial crops. When the explants from the field of the hibrid SP 70-1284 are used and manipuled, the lesions produced by the incicion become oxidable. With the objetive to reduce the phenolization that is present in the develoment of callogenesis, a protocol was tested, which showed good results when the spindles were submerged and sectioned in a solution with 200 mg.l-1 at citric acid, as well as the adition of the antioxidant at 50 mg.l-1 to the in vitro culture medium. The section of the explants that generated the greated amount of fresh biomass of callus and the best quality of them were the more young leaves situated above the meristen in the first 5 cm.Key words: contamination, tissue culture, callusLa caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp. híbrido), es de los cultivos comerciales que por su importancia económica más se ha trabajado sobre aspectos biotecnológicos. Cuando se utilizan explantes de campo del híbrido SP 70-1284, una vez que se manipulan, las heridas producidas por la incisión provocan la oxidación de los tejidos. Con el fin de reducir la fenolización que afecta en el desarrollo de la callogénesis, en esta variedad se probó un protocolo el cual mostró buenos resultados al seccionar los spindles sumergidos en una solución con 200 mg.l-1 de ácido cítrico como agente antioxidante, así como adicionar al medio de cultivo antioxidante ácido a razón de 50 mg.l-1 . La sección del explante que generó la mayor cantidad de callo fresco y la mejor calidad del mismo, fueron los segmentos de las hojas más jóvenes situadas en los primeros cinco centímetros por encima del meristemo apical.Palabras clave: contaminación, cultivo de tejidos, call

    Nuevas variedades de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) generadas por el Colegio de Postgraduados para el trópico húmedo mexicano

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    La caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) es el cultivo de mayor productividad a nivel mundial, y México se ubica como el sexto productor de azúcar y de caña de azúcar en el mundo

    Caracterización molecular de variedades de caña de azúcar cultivadas en el estado de Tabasco, México

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    To characterize varieties in recent years have used different types of morphological, biochemical and molecular methods. The aim of this study was to characterize molecular genetic variability in varieties of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) grown in the state of Tabasco, Mexico, by AFLP. It was used 12 varieties of sugarcane. Young leaves of plants growing in the field were selected for experiment. After making 12 combinations of primers, the results indicated that the combination E-ACC/M-CTA produced 72 to 1353 bp polymorphic fragments. The dendrogram revealed two distinct groups of Saccharum spp. and a variety that differed from both. Group I comprised the varieties C 87-51, 96-40 ATM, B 4362, 69-290 Mex, Mex Mex 91-130 and 57-1285, which formed a cluster and showed a similarity of 0.77%. Group II included the varieties RD 75-11, Mex 79-431, SP 70-1284, 72-2086 and CP Mex 59-32 which formed another cluster with 0.70%. The variety Mex 68-P-23 differed from the other 11 varieties.Keywords: DNA, AFLP, molecular markersEl objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar molecularmente la variabilidad genética en variedades de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) cultivadas en el estado de Tabasco, México, mediante AFLP. Se utilizaron 12 variedades de caña de azúcar de las cuales se tomaron hojas jóvenes de plantas en campo. Después de realizar 12 combinaciones de cebadores, los resultados indicaron que la combinación E-ACC/M-CTA produjo fragmentos polimórficos de 72 a 1353 pb. El dendrograma reveló dos grupos distintos de Saccharum spp. y una variedad que se diferenció de ambos. El grupo I comprendió las variedades C 87-51, ATM 96-40, B 4362, Mex 69-290, Mex 57-1285 y Mex 91-130, que formaron un conglomerado y presentaron una similitud del 0.77%. El grupo II comprendió las variedades RD 75-11, Mex 79-431, SP 70-1284, Mex 59-32 y CP 72-2086 las cuales conformaron otro conglomerado con 0.70%. La variedad Mex 68-P-23 se diferenció de las otras 11 variedades.Palabras clave: ADN, AFLP, marcadores moleculare

    Evaluación de variedades de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) introducidas al estado de Quintana Roo, México

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    Objective: Find at least one variety of (Saccharum spp.) that exceeds, or at least equals, the local varieties in terms of cane yield in the field and factory sugar. Design/methodology/approach: Ten varieties of sugarcane introduced to the state of Quintana Roo during the template cycle were evaluated, which were compared with two local varieties, NCo310 and CP722086. The experimental design consisted of randomized complete blocks and arrangement of divided plots with three repetitions. , in which the treatments were varieties. Measured variables were the length of the stalk (LTM), stem diameter (DT), number of stems per strain (NTM), sucrose content (SAC), field cane yield (RCC) and sugar yield (RA).  Results: The results obtained indicated that at least three varieties of sugarcane introduced had higher agronomic performance and yield than the varieties of the region (control). Regarding the RCC, the varieties B86326, LAICA96606 and CYZ82154 had 162, 147 and 143 t ha-1, respectively, compared with 123 and 136 t ha-1 of the control varieties NCo310 and CP722086, respectively; in terms of sugar yield, the varieties CP941674, SP835073 and SP811763 stand out, with 15.26, 14.46 and 14.09 t ha-1, compared with the control varieties, 15.39 and 12.28 t ha-1 for CP722086 and NCo310, respectively. Limitations on study/implications: An important limitation for this study is that there was only one culture cycle for the evaluation. Also, the irrigation conditions were not counted. Findings/conclusions: Varieties with outstanding yields field (RCC) and sugar (RA) were: CP941674, SP835073, SP811763 and LAICA9213, so its reproduction and culture is recommended.Objetivo: Encontrar al menos una variedad de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) que supere, o al menos iguale, a las variedades locales en cuanto a rendimiento en campo y de azúcar en fábrica. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se evaluaron diez variedades de caña de azúcar introducidas al estado de Quintana Roo, México, durante el ciclo plantilla y se compararon con las variedades locales, NCo310 y CP722086. El diseño experimental constó de bloques completos al azar y arreglo de parcelas divididas con tres repeticiones, en el cual los tratamientos fueron las variedades. Se evaluó la longitud de tallo moledero (LTM), diámetro de tallo (DT), número de tallos molederos por cepa (NTM), contenido de sacarosa (SAC), rendimiento de caña en campo (RCC) y rendimiento de azúcar (RA). Resultados: al menos tres variedades de caña de azúcar introducidas tuvieron comportamiento agronómico y rendimiento superiores, o al menos iguales, que las variedades de la región (control). Respecto al RCC, las variedades B86326, LAICA96606 y CYZ82154 registraron 162, 147 y 143 t ha-1 respectivamente, comparado con 123 y 136 t ha-1 de las variedades control NCo310 y CP722086. En cuanto a rendimiento de azúcar destacaron las variedades CP941674, SP835073 y SP811763, con 15.26, 14.46 y 14.09 t ha-1, comparado con las variedades control que reportaron 15.39 y 12.28 t ha-1 para CP722086 y NCo310, respectivamente. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Los datos son de un ciclo de cultivo en condiciones de lluvias. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Las variedades introducidas con rendimientos sobresalientes de campo (RCC) y azúcar (RA) fueron: CP941674, SP835073, SP811763 y LAICA9213, por lo que se sugiere su multiplicación para el cultivo

    Evaluación de la variabilidad fenotípica y selección temprana a roya de la caña de azúcar (Puccinia melanocephala H. & P. Syd) en plantas regeneradas a partir de callos irradiados de la variedad de caña de azúcar ´SP 70-1284´

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    It was evaluated the variability fenotípic in early phases of selection from plants regenerated of the mutagenic treatment with dose of 30 Gy of radiations Gamma (source 60Co) applicated to calluses in growth of the donating ´SP 70-1284´ tolerant to the rust disease of the sugarcane Puccinia melanocephala. The main changes the plants obtained in vitro, consinted in the height, the color, habit of growth, length and width of the leaf, as well as in the affectation for the rust disease. 14.28% of the changes all fenotipic was observed in plantín, and in the shoot the plants presented 10.99% of changes all fenotipic. In the vegetative multiplication one (MV1) three possible mutants were selected with smaller affectation in front rust disease of the sugarcan, resistance character to the rust disease efficiency of the tissue culture and the mutations induction with the dose of 30 Gy were of a mutant for each 1 525 plants evaluated in early phase of selection.Key words: variation fenotipic, selection early, mutagenesisSe evaluó la variabilidad fenotípica en fases tempranas de selección en plantas regeneradas a partir del tratamiento mutagénico con dosis de 30 Gy de radiaciones Gamma (fuente 60Co) aplicadas a callos en crecimiento del donante ´SP 70-1284´ susceptible a la enfermedad de la roya de la caña de azúcar Puccinia melanocephala. Los principales cambios consintieron en la altura de las plantas obtenidas in vitro, el color del tallo, el hábito de crecimiento, ancho y largo de la hoja, así como en la afectación por la roya. Se observó un 14.28% de los cambios fenotípicos totales en plantín, y en el rebrote la plantas presentaron un 10.99% de cambios fenotípicos totales. En la multiplicación vegetativa uno (MV1) se seleccionaron tres posibles mutantes con menor afectación frente a la enfermedad de la roya de la caña de azúcar, para éste carácter de resistencia hacia la enfermedad de la roya la eficiencia del cultivo de tejidos y la inducción de mutaciones con la dosis de 30 Gy fue de un mutante por cada 1 525 plantas evaluadas en fase temprana de selección.Palabras clave: variación fenotípica, selección temprana, mutagénesis