38 research outputs found

    Falling in love with a wheelchair. Enabling/disabling technologies

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    Abstract in UndeterminedThe aim of this article is to explore how young women with physical impairments make use of technology in their identity construction, drawing on the metaphor of the cyborg as well as on science and technology studies and disability research. In addition to participant observation, semi-structural interviews were conducted and video diaries were kept of the women playing sledge hockey, wheelchair basketball, or table tennis. The informants included their wheelchairs in constructing their identities as young women and active subjects. In talking about pleasure and strength, they opposed the discourse that characterises disabled people as leading empty, tragic lives. They challenge stereotypical notions of gender in sport by displaying determination, strength, and risk-taking, while embodying a more traditional femininity when resisting the widespread view of disabled women as non-gendered and asexual

    Att crippa högre utbildning: Skillnad och erfarenhet i universitetens lÀrosalar

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    Samtidigt som antidemokratiska krafter vĂ€xer i Europa har frĂ„gan om breddad rekrytering och mĂ„ngfald Ă„terigen aktualiserats. I sin utvĂ€rdering av lĂ€rosĂ€tenas arbete med breddad rekrytering frĂ„n 2022 konstaterar UniversitetskanslersĂ€mbetet att den sociala snedrekryteringen bestĂ„r. Snedrekryteringen har negativa effekter pĂ„ sĂ„vĂ€l demokratisk samhĂ€llsutveckling som social rĂ€ttvisa. Dryga 20 Ă„r efter att uppdraget att frĂ€mja breddad rekrytering skrevs in i högskolelagen finns det alltsĂ„ skĂ€l att fundera över varför sĂ„ lite har hĂ€nt. EssĂ€n argumenterar för att blicken bör vĂ€ndas frĂ„n underrepresenterade grupper mot exkluderande normer och sociala strukturer inom universiteten. Syftet Ă€r att diskutera hur universitetslĂ€rare kan motverka de mekanismer som gör att vissa studenter kĂ€nner sig hemma i förelĂ€sningssalar och seminarierum medan andra inte gör det. EssĂ€n har ett intersektionellt perspektiv, men fokus lĂ€ggs sĂ€rskilt pĂ„ de normer och strukturer som tar utgĂ„ngspunkt i förestĂ€llningen om den normala kroppen, vad som benĂ€mns ableism. EssĂ€n diskuterar metoder för att synliggöra lĂ€rarnas och studenternas situering, pedagogiska verktyg för att lĂ„ta olika erfarenheter komma till tals, betydelsen av val av perspektiv och kurslitteratur liksom tillgĂ€nglig undervisning. NĂ€r skillnader synliggörs utan att ordnas hierarkiskt blir de skilda erfarenheterna en resurs för ett ömsesidigt lĂ€rande om varandra och det kritiska tĂ€nkandet frĂ€mjas.  ENGLISH ABSTRACT Cripping higher education. Difference and experience in university classrooms At the same time as anti-democratic forces are growing in Europe, the issues of broader recruitment and diversity in higher education have once again come to the fore. In its 2022 evaluation of universities’ work towards broader recruitment, the Swedish Higher Education Authority notes that social inequality in recruitment persists. Imbalanced recruitment has negative effects on both democratic societal development and social justice. More than 20 years after the task of promoting broader recruitment was written into the Higher Education Act, there is reason to consider why so little has happened. This essay argues that the gaze should be turned away from underrepresented groups and fixed towards exclusionary norms and social structures within universities. The aim of the text is to discuss how university teachers can counteract mechanisms that make some students feel at home within the university while excluding others. The essay has an intersectional perspective but focuses on exclusionary norms and structures based on the notion of the normal body – namely, ableism. The essay discusses methods for visualizing teachers’ and students’ situatedness, pedagogical tools for giving voice to different experiences, the implications of choice of perspectives and course literature, and accessible teaching. Making differences visible without organizing them hierarchically does not only turn different experiences into a resource for mutual learning, but also promotes critical thinking

    Ljud tar plats : funktionshinderperspektiv pÄ ljudmiljöer

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    Cripping sex education: lessons learned from a programme aimed at young people with mobility impairments

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    This paper analyses sexuality and relationship education (SRE) in a Swedish college programme aimed at young people with mobility impairments. Interviews and focus groups were conducted to explore students’ experiences of the structure, content and usefulness of SRE, and college personnel’s SRE practices. Results show that, although many of the issues covered are pertinent for all youth, being disabled raises additional concerns: for example how to handle de-sexualising attitudes, possible sexual practices, and how reliance on assistance impacts upon privacy. Crip theory is used as an analytical framework to identify, challenge and politicise sexual norms and practices. Students’ experiences of living in a disablist, heteronormative society can be used as resources to develop cripistemologies, which challenge the private/public binary that often de-legitimises learners’ experiences and separates them from teachers’ ‘proper’ knowledge production. Crip SRE would likely hold bene ts for non-disabled pupils as well, through its use of more inclusive pedagogy and in work to expand sexual possibilities. Crip SRE has the potential to disrupt taken-for-granted​ dis/ability and sexuality divides as well as to politicise issues that many young people presently experience as ‘personal shortcomings’

    “They really looked, looked and looked:” Contemporary dance, disability and the circulation of emotions

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    Over the past decade, several inclusive dance projects, in which professional dancers with and without disabilities collaborate, have been started in Sweden. The article explores disabled and able-bodied dancers’ and leaders’ experiences of and strategies for managing gazes and emotions – in encounters with the audience and other surrounding people – from a phenomenological perspective. Eleven qualitative interviews were conducted. The interviewees meet gazes filled with benevolence, surprise, pity and fascination. The emotions stick to the disabled dancers’ bodies, distance them from their own bodies and arouse uneasiness that needs to be handled. However, disabled dancers and disabled persons in the audience may also meet in the gaze of recognition. The companies’ internal gazes are important, too. When disabled dancers are only physically integrated or when differences are hidden, the potential for change gets lost. If choreographers and audiences succeed in looking beyond the body itself, an empathetic identification may take place. Another strategy is to completely break with voyeurism by blocking all gazes. The companies show new ways of interacting, thus expanding the possibilities for both able and disabled bodies.Au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie, plusieurs projets de danse inclusive, dans lesquels des danseurs professionnels handicapĂ©s et non handicapĂ©s collaborent, ont Ă©tĂ© lancĂ©s en SuĂšde. L’article explore les expĂ©riences des regards et des Ă©motions des danseurs et des leaders avec et sans handicap – lors de rencontres avec le public et les autres personnes qui les entourent – d’un point de vue phĂ©nomĂ©nologique. Onze entretiens qualitatifs ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s. Les personnes interrogĂ©es croisent des regards remplis de bienveillance, de surprise, de pitiĂ© et de fascination. Les Ă©motions collent au corps des danseurs handicapĂ©s et suscitent un malaise Ă  gĂ©rer. Cependant, les danseurs handicapĂ©s et les membres du public handicapĂ©s peuvent Ă©galement se rencontrer dans un regard de reconnaissance. Les regards internes des compagnies sont Ă©galement importants. Lorsque les danseurs handicapĂ©s ne sont intĂ©grĂ©s que physiquement ou lorsque les diffĂ©rences sont cachĂ©es, le potentiel de changement se perd. Si les chorĂ©graphes et le public rĂ©ussissent Ă  regarder au-delĂ  du corps lui-mĂȘme, une identification empathique peut exister. Une autre stratĂ©gie consiste Ă  rompre complĂštement avec le voyeurisme en bloquant tous les regards. Les compagnies montrent de nouvelles façons d'interagir, Ă©largissant ainsi les possibilitĂ©s pour les corps valides comme handicapĂ©s

    Fotbollstjejer och TV-sporten

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    Alltid dessa svÄrigheter

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    Elisabet Apelmo tittade pĂ„ trailrar för de Paralympiska spelen – men det var ett helt annat tv-program hon kom att tĂ€nka pĂ„

    Crip heroes and social change

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    THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS a critical reading of Robert McRuer’s Crip Theory: cultural signs of queerness and disability (2006), in which the author, a professor of English, explores common ground between disability studies and queer theory. The conjunction of the two has been rare (Grönvik 2008:48; Kafer 2009:291) but does ap- pear in a special edition of the magazine GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies for which McRuer was one of several guest editors (2003). The aim of the present article is two-fold. First, the consequences of McRuer’s choice of empirical data for Crip Theory are analysed. Second, the relevance of Crip Theory for a study on how female athletes with physical impairments relate to their bodies and to the field of sports is examined

    (Dis)Abled bodies, gender, and citizenship in the Swedish sports movement

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    The aim of this article is to examine how the Swedish Sports Organization for the Disabled (SHIF) portrays disabled people. A text analysis of two policy documents, 'Disability Sports Policy Programme' and 'Sports Objectives - A Summary of Aims and Guidelines for the Sports Movement', examines ways in which sports are supposed to affect people's bodies and contribute to society. Counter to its own aim to integrate disabled people, SHIF constructs such people as different and subordinated to able-bodied people, setting up an insurmountable boundary between the two groups