26 research outputs found

    New Insights On Differential And Linear Bounds Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming (Full Version)

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    Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) is a very common method of modelling differential and linear bounds for ciphers, as it automates the process of finding the best differential trail or linear approximation. The Convex Hull (CH) modelling, introduced by Sun et al. (Eprint 2013/Asiacrypt 2014), is a popular method in this regard, which can convert the conditions corresponding to a small (4-bit) SBox to MILP constraints efficiently. In our work, we study this modelling with CH in more depth and observe a previously unreported problem associated with it. Our analysis shows, there are SBoxes for which the CH modelling can yield incorrect modelling. As such, using the CH modelling may lead to incorrect differential or linear bounds. This arises from the observation that although the CH is generated for a certain set of points, there can be points outside this set which also satisfy all the inequalities of the CH. As apparently no variant of the CH modelling can circumvent this problem, we propose a new modelling for differential and linear bounds. Our modelling makes use of every points of interest individually. This modelling works for an arbitrary SBox, and is able to find the exact bound. Additionally, we also explore the possibility of using redundant constraints, such that the run time for an MILP solver can be reduced while keeping the optimal result unchanged. For this purpose, we revisit the CH modelling and use the CH constraints as redundant constraints (on top of our usual constraints, which ensure the aforementioned problem does not occur). In fact, we choose two heuristics from the convex hull modelling. The first uses all the inequalities of a convex hull, while second uses a reduced number of inequalities. Apart from that, we also propose to use the solutions for the smaller rounds as another heuristic to find the optimal bound for a higher round. With our experiments on round-reduced GIFT-128, we show it is possible to reduce the run time a few folds using a suitable choice of redundant constraints. Further, we observe the necessity to consider separate heuristics for the differential and linear cases. We also present the optimal linear bounds for 11- and 12-rounds of GIFT-128, extending from the best-known result of 10-rounds

    The Problem of Half Round Key XOR

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    In the design of GIFT, half round key XOR is used. This leads to the undesired consequence that the security against the differential/linear attacks are overestimated. This comes from the observation that; in the usual DDT/LAT based analysis of the differential/linear attacks, the inherent assumption is the full round key is XORed at each round

    DORCIS: Depth Optimized Quantum Implementation of Substitution Boxes

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    In this paper, we present the ``DORCIS\u27\u27 tool, which finds depth-optimized quantum circuit implementations for arbitrary 3- and 4-bit S-boxes. It follows up from the previous LIGHTER-R tool (which only works for 4-bit S-boxes) by extending it in multiple ways. LIGHTER-R only deals at the top level (i.e., Toffoli gates), whereas DORCIS takes quantum decomposition (i.e., Clifford + T gates) into account. Further, DORCIS optimizes for quantum depth and T depth. We match, if not surpass, other optimized quantum circuit implementations put forth in the other papers. Similar to LIGHTER-R, our tool is also easy to use, and we provide an extended interface to IBM\u27s Qiskit

    Quantum Implementation of ASCON Linear Layer

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    In this paper, we show an in-place implementation of the ASCON linear layer. An in-place implementation is important in the context of quantum computing, we expect our work will be useful in quantum implementation of ASCON. In order to get the implementation, we first write the ASCON linear layer as a binary matrix; then apply two legacy algorithms (Gauss-Jordan elimination and PLU factorization) as well as our modified version of Xiang et al.\u27s algorithm/source-code (published in ToSC/FSE\u2720). Our in-place implementation takes 1595 CNOT gates and 119 quantum depth; and this is the first in-place implementation of the ASCON linear layer, to the best of our knowledge

    An Overview of Hash Based Signatures

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    Digital signatures are one of the most basic cryptographic building blocks which are utilized to provide attractive security features like authenticity, unforgeability, and undeniability. The security of existing state of the art digital signatures is based on hardness of number theoretic hardness assumptions like discrete logarithm and integer factorization. However, these hard problems are insecure and face a threat in the quantum world. In particular, quantum algorithms like Shor’s algorithm can be used to solve the above mentioned hardness problem in polynomial time. As an alternative, a new direction of research called post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is supposed to provide a new generation of quantum-resistant digital signatures. Hash based signature is one such candidate to provide post quantum secure digital signatures. Hash based signature schemes are a type of digital signature scheme that use hash functions as their central building block. They are efficient, flexible, and can be used in a variety of applications. In this document, we provide an overview of the hash based signatures. Our presentation of the topic covers a wide range of aspects that are not only comprehensible for readers without expertise in the subject matter, but also serve as a valuable resource for experts seeking reference material

    From Substitution Box To Threshold

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    With the escalating demand for lightweight ciphers as well as side channel protected implementation of those ciphers in recent times, this work focuses on two aspects. First, we present a tool for automating the task of finding a Threshold Implementation (TI) of a given Substitution Box (SBox). Our tool returns `with decomposition\u27 and `without decomposition\u27 based TI. The `with decomposition\u27 based implementation returns a combinational SBox; whereas we get a sequential SBox from the `without decomposition\u27 based implementation. Despite being high in demand, it appears that this kind of tool has been missing so far. Second, we show an algorithmic approach where a given cipher implementation can be tweaked (without altering the cipher specification) so that its TI cost can be significantly reduced. We take the PRESENT cipher as our case study (our methodology can be applied to other ciphers as well). Indeed, we show over 31 percent reduction in area and over 52 percent reduction in depth compared to the basic threshold implementation

    Hardware Implementation of SpoC-128

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    In this work, we present a hardware implementation of the lightweight Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) SpoC-128. Designed by AlTawy, Gong, He, Jha, Mandal, Nandi and Rohit; SpoC-128 was submitted to the Lightweight Cryptography (LWC) competition being organised by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) of the United States Department of Commerce. Our implementation follows the Application Programming Interface (API) specified by the cryptographic engineering research group in the George Mason University (GMU). The source codes are available over the public internet as an open-source project

    Quantum Implementation and Resource Estimates for RECTANGLE and KNOT

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    With the advancement of the quantum computing technologies, a large body of research work is dedicated to revisit the security claims for ciphers being used. An adversary with access to a quantum computer can employ certain new attacks which would not be possible in the current pre-quantum era. In particular, the Grover\u27s search algorithm is a generic attack against symmetric key cryptographic primitives, that can reduce the search complexity to square root. To apply the Grover\u27s search algorithm, one needs to implement the target cipher as a quantum circuit. Although relatively recent, this field of research has attracted serious attention from the research community, as several ciphers (like AES, GIFT, SPECK, SIMON etc.) are being implemented as quantum circuits. In this work, we target the lightweight block cipher RECTANGLE and the Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) KNOT which is based on RECTANGLE; and implement those in the ProjectQ library (an open-source quantum compatible library designed by researchers from ETH Zurich). AEADs are considerably more complex to implement than a typical block/stream cipher, and ours is among the first works to do this

    Fault Location Identification By Machine Learning

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    As the fault based analysis techniques are becoming more and more powerful, there is a need to streamline the existing tools for better accuracy and ease of use. In this regard, we propose a machine learning assisted tool that can be used in the context of a differential fault analysis. In particular, finding the exact fault location by analyzing the XORed output of a stream cipher/ stream cipher based design is somewhat non-trivial. Traditionally, Pearson\u27s correlation coefficient is used for this purpose. We show that a machine learning method is more powerful than the existing correlation coefficient, aside from being simpler to implement. As a proof of concept, we take two variants of Grain-128a (namely a stream cipher, and a stream cipher with authentication), and demonstrate that machine learning can outperform correlation with the same training/testing data. Our analysis shows that the machine learning can be considered as a replacement for the correlation in the future research works