14 research outputs found

    Chemical, Physical, Microstructural And Sensory Properties Of Set Fat-free Yogurts Stabilized With Whey Protein Concentrate

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    The aim of the present work was to study set-type, fat-free yogurt stabilized with skimmed milk powder (SMP) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) blends. The properties of interest were: fermentation kinetics, texture profile, syneresis, microstructure and sensory analysis. The fat-free yogurts were made with SMP/WPC addition at 1:0, 1.5:0.5, 1:1, 0.5:1.5 and 0:1. Whole yogurt with SMP/WPC addition at 1:0 was used as the control. Microscopy studies suggested that all the yogurts were similar, however the samples with a high proportion of WPC showed a slightly more compact structure. The addition of WPC resulted in a harder and more cohesive texture, greater water-holding capacity and reduced fermentation time. The fat-free yogurt with 5% of protein from SMP/WPC at 1.5:0.5 was similar to the control in texture profile, syneresis and sensory properties (p < 0.05).593-4161165(1996) Official Methods of Analysis, , Washington DCAugustin, M.A., Cheng, L.J., Clarke, P.T., (1999) Int. Dairy J., 9 (3-6), pp. 415-416Barrantes, E., Tamime, A.Y., Muir, D.D., Sword, A.M., (1994) J. Soc. Dairy Technol., 47 (2), pp. 61-68Bhullar, Y.S., Uddin, M.A., Shah, N.P., (2002) Milchwissenschaft, 57 (6), pp. 328-332Broome, M.C., Willman, N., Roginski, H., Hickey, M.W., (1982) Austr J. Dairy Technol., 37 (4), pp. 139-142Cheng, L.J., Augustin, M.A., Clarke, P.T., (2000) Aust J. Dairy Technol., 55 (2), p. 110Davies, F.L., Shankar, P.A., Brooker, B.E., Hobbs, D.G.J., (1978) Dairy Res., 45 (1), pp. 53-58El-Salam, M.H.A., El-Shibiny, S., Mahfouz, M.B., El-Dein, H., El-Atribi, H.M., Antila, V., (1991) J. Dairy Res., 58 (4), pp. 503-510Guirguis, N., Broome, M.C., Hickey, M.W., (1984) Aust. J. Dairy Technol., 39 (1), pp. 33-35Jelen, P., Buchheim, W., Peters, K.-H., (1987) Milchwissenschaft, 42 (7), pp. 418-421Lanara. Ministério da Agricultura, Brasília (1981)Kähkönen, P., Tuorila, H., (1999) Food Qual. Prefer., 10, pp. 83-91Martini, M.C., Bollweg, G.L., Levitt, M.D., Savaidano, D.A., (1987) Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 45 (2), pp. 432-436Modler, H.W., Larmond, M.E., Lin, C.S., Froehlinch, D., Emmons, D.B., (1983) J. Dairy Sci., 66 (3), pp. 423-429Modler, H.W., Kálab, M., (1983) J. Dairy Sci., 66 (3), pp. 430-437Parnell-Clunies, E.M., Kakuda, Y., Mullen, K., Arnott, D.R., Deman, J.M., (1986) J. Dairy Sci., 69, pp. 2593-2603Penna, A.L.B., Baruffaldi, R., Oliveira, M.N., (1997) J. Food Sci., 62 (4), pp. 846-850Rawson, H.L., Marshall, V.M., (1997) Int. J. Food Sci. Technol., 32 (3), pp. 213-220Rodrigues-Serrano, G., Perez-Hernandez, G., Gallardo, F., Gomez-Ruiz, L., Garcia-Garibay, M., (2002) Milchwissenschaft, 57 (9-10), pp. 540-543Tamime, A.Y., Deeth, H.C., (1980) J. Food Prot., 43 (12), pp. 939-977Torriani, S., Gardini, F., Guerzoni, M.E., Dellaglio, F., (1996) Int. Dairy J., 6 (6), pp. 625-636Verheul, M., Roefs, S.P.F.M., (1998) Food Hydrocolloids, 12 (1), pp. 17-24Yazici, F., Alvarez, V.B., Hansen, P.M.T., (1997) J. Food Sci., 62 (3), pp. 457-46

    Survival, metabolic status and cellular morphology of probiotics in dairy products and dietary supplement after simulated digestion

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    The objective of the present study was to compare the effect of dairy matrices (fermented milk and ice cream) and a dietary supplement containing the same amounts of inulin and the same viable counts of Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium animalis on the survival of probiotics when submitted to simulated digestion. The survival was evaluated by plate counts in MRS agar, the metabolic status by flow cytometry and the cell morphology by scanning electronic microscopy. The percentages of live cells observed by flow cytometry and by plate counts were higher in the fermented milk when compared with the other products (p < 0.05). The cell integrity was better maintained in the dairy products as compared to the dietary supplement. The dairy matrices were more effective in maintaining the viability of probiotics during the digestion process than the dietary supplement, and the fermented milk proved to be the best way of delivering viable probiotics55126134COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2017/25007-9sem informaçã

    Processed Cheese: Relevance For Low Sodium Cheese Development

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    [No abstract available]157169Abbott, D., Campbell, N., Carruthers-Czyzewski, P., Chockalingam, A., David, M., Dunkley, G., Ellis, E., Ramsden, V.R., Guidelines for measurement of blood pressure, follow-up, and lifestyle counselling (1994), CanadianBerger, W., Klostermeyer, H., Merkenich, K., Uhlmann, G., Processed cheese manufacture (1989), p. 238. , A joha Guide. 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    Microbiological risks of infant formulas

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi discorrer sobre os principais perigos biológicos encontrados em fórmulas infantis a partir dos relatos da literatura, especialmente de registros de surtos. Este estudo é de cunho exploratório por meio de revisão bibliográfica, sendo utilizados como fontes de dados sites de busca científica. Dentre os principais micro-organismos causadores de doenças ligadas à ingestão de fórmulas infantis estão o Cronobacter sakazakii e a Salmonella enterica, porém outras bactérias, como Clostridium botulinum, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus e Bacillus cereus, podem ser responsáveis por contaminações destas fórmulas. Visto que lactentes apresentam os sistemas imunológico e metabólico ainda em desenvolvimento, estes representam um público mais vulnerável a contaminantes, fazendo-se fundamental o oferecimento de alimentos seguros desde o processamento na indústria até a administração nas residências e unidades hospitalares22The objective of this paper was discuss the main biological hazards found in infant formulas from literature reports, especially from outbreak records. This study has an exploratory nature through a bibliographical review where scientific search sites were used as data sources. Cronobacter sakazakii and Salmonella enterica are among the main microorganisms that cause diseases associated with infant formulas ingestion; however, Clostridium botulinum, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus can also be responsible for infant formulas contaminations. Since infants have the immune and metabolic systems still in development, they represent a more vulnerable group to contaminants, making it essential to offer safe foods from processing in industry to administration in homes and hospital unit

    Acerola Nectar With Added Microencapsulated Probiotic

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the survival of a probiotic microorganism microencapsulated in cellulose acetate phthalate, added to acerola nectar. The changes in pH, Brix, organic acid content and color of the product during its shelf-life were evaluated. A total of 3 processing runs were carried out on a semi-industrial scale, each consisting of a 15-liter batch of acerola nectar with added prebiotics and a microencapsulated probiotic culture. The physicochemical characteristics of the samples remained stable throughout storage. After 30 days storage the acerola nectar samples containing microencapsulated probiotic microorganisms exhibited counts above 8 log CFU per 200mL, within the limits set by the Brazilian regulation for functional foods. On the other hand, the samples containing free Bifidobacterium animalis cells showed counts of 5.9 log CFU per 200mL after the same storage time. It was concluded that microencapsulation was a suitable technique for improving the viability of probiotic microorganisms in acerola nectar during cold storage. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.541125131Anekella, K., Orsat, V., Optimization of microencapsulation of probiotics in raspberry juice by spray drying (2013) LWT - Food Science and Technology, 50, pp. 17-24Brazilian Agency of Sanitary Surveillance (2003) Resolução RDC n°359, de 23 de dezembro de 2003. Regulamento Técnico de Porções de Alimentos Embalados para Fins de Rotulagem Nutricional, , http://www.anvisa.gov.br/legis/resol/2003/rdc/359_03rdc.pdf, ANVISA. Publicado no Diário Oficial da União em 26 de dezembro de 2003. 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A consumer study of probiotic non-dairy juice drinks (2004) Food Quality Preference, 15, pp. 751-759Luckow, T., Delahunty, C., Consumer acceptance of orange juice containing functional ingredients (2004) Food Research International, 37, pp. 805-814Maeda, Y., Yamamoto, M., Owada, K., Sato, S., Masui, T., Simultaneous liquid chromatographic determination of water-soluble vitamins, caffeine, and presevative in oral liquid tonics (1989) Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 72, pp. 244-247Mezadri, T., Villaño, D., Fernández-Pachón, M.S., García-Parrilla, M.C., Troncoso, A.M., Antioxidant compounds and antioxidant activity in acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) fruits and derivatives (2008) Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 21, pp. 282-290Nualkaekul, S., Charalampopoulos, D., Survival of Lactobacillus plantarum in model solution and fruit juices (2011) International Journal of Food Microbiology, 146, pp. 111-117Nualkaekul, S., Lenton, D., Cook, M.T., Khutoryanskiy, V., Charalampopoulos, D., Chitosan coated alginate beads for the survival of microencapsulated Lactobacillus plantarum in pomegranate juice (2012) Carbohydrate Polymers, 90, pp. 1281-1287Pereira, A.L., Maciel, T.C., Rodrigues, S., Probiotic beverage from cashew apple juice fermented with Lactobacillus casei (2011) Food Research International, 44, pp. 1276-1283Prado, F.C., Parada, J.L., Pandey, A., Soccol, C.R., Trends in non-dairy probiotic beverages (2008) Food Research International, 41, pp. 111-123Ranadheera, R.D.C.S., Baines, S.K., Adams, M.C., Importance of food in probiotic efficacy (2010) Food Research International, 43, pp. 1-7Renuka, B., Kulkarni, S.G., Vijayanand, P., Prapulla, S.G., Fructooligosaccharide fortification of selected fruit juice beverages: effect on the quality characteristics (2009) LWT - Food Science and Technology, 42, pp. 1031-1033Rivera-Espinoza, Y., Gallardo-Navarro, Y., Non-dairy probiotic product (2010) Food Microbiology, 27, pp. 1-11Rodrigues, D., Sousa, S., Gomes, A.M., Pintado, M.M., Silva, J.P., Costa, P., Storage stability of Lactobacillus paracasei as free cells or encapsulated in alginate-based microcapsules in low pH fruit juices (2012) Food Bioprocess Technology, 5, pp. 2748-2757Saad, N., Delattre, C., Urdaci, M., Schmitter, J.M., Bressolier, P., An overview of the last advances in probiotic and prebiotic field (2013) LWT - Food Science and Technology, 50, pp. 1-16Saarela, M., Alakomi, H.L., Mättö, I., Ahonen, A.M., Puhakka, A., Tynkkynen, S., Improving the storage stability of Bifidobacterium breve in low pH fruit juice (2011) International Journal of Food Microbiology, 149, pp. 106-110Saarela, M., Virkajärvi, I., Alakomi, H.L., Sigvart-Mattila, P., Mättö, J., Stability and functionality of freeze-dried probiotic Bifidobacterium cells during storage in juice and milk (2006) International Dairy Journal, 16, pp. 1477-1482Saarela, M., Virkajärvi, I., Nohynek, L., Vaari, A., Mättö, J., Fibres as carriers of Lactobacillus rhamnosus during freeze-drying and storage in apple juice and chocolate-coated breakfast cereals (2006) International Journal of Food Microbiology, 112, pp. 171-178Santo, A.P.E., Perego, P., Converti, A., Oliveira, M.N., Influence of food matrices on probiotic viability A review focusing on the fruity bases (2011) Trends Food Science and Technology, 111, pp. 377-385Shah, N.P., Ding, W.K., Fallourd, M.J., Leyer, G., Improving the stability of probiotic bacteria in model fruit juices using vitamins and antioxidants (2010) Journal of Food Science, 75, pp. M278-M282Sheehan, V.M., Ross, P., Fitzgerald, G.F., Assessing the acid tolerance and the technological robustness of probiotic cultures for fortifications infruit juices (2007) Innovation Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 8, pp. 279-284Sohail, A., Turner, M.S., Prabawati, E.K., Coombes, A.G.A., Bhandari, B., Evaluation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM encapsulated using a novel impinging aerosol method in fruit food products (2012) International Journal of Food Microbiology, 157, pp. 162-166Statsoft, Inc., (2000) Statistics (version 5.5): A comprehensive system for statistics, graphics and application development, , Statsoft Inc, TulsaVinderola, C.G., Costa, G.A., Regenhardt, S., Reinheimer, J.A., Influence of compounds associated with fermented dairy products on the growth of lactic acid starter and probiotic bactéria (2002) International Dairy Journal, 12, pp. 579-58

    Development And Shelf-life Determination Of Pasteurized, Microfiltered, Lactose Hydrolyzed Skim Milk

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    The segment of the world population showing permanent or temporary lactose intolerance is quite significant. Because milk is a widely consumed food with an high nutritional value, technological alternatives have been sought to overcome this dilemma. Microfiltration combined with pasteurization can not only extend the shelf life of milk but can also maintain the sensory, functional, and nutritional properties of the product. This studied developed a pasteurized, microfiltered, lactose hydrolyzed (delactosed) skim milk (PMLHSM). Hydrolysis was performed using β-galactosidase at a concentration of 0.4. mL/L and incubation for approximately 21. h at 10 ± 1°C. During these procedures, the degree of hydrolysis obtained (>90%) was accompanied by evaluation of freezing point depression, and the remaining quantity of lactose was confirmed by HPLC. Milk was processed using a microfiltration pilot unit equipped with uniform transmembrane pressure (UTP) ceramic membranes with a mean pore size of 1.4 μm and UTP of 60 kPa. The product was submitted to physicochemical, microbiological, and sensory evaluations, and its shelf life was estimated. Microfiltration reduced the aerobic mesophilic count by more than 4 log cycles. We were able to produce high-quality PMLHSM with a shelf life of 21 to 27 d when stored at 5 ± 1°C in terms of sensory analysis and proteolysis index and a shelf life of 50 d in regard to total aerobic mesophile count and titratable acidity. © 2014 American Dairy Science Association.97953375344(1995), ABNT (Associação Brasileira De Normas Técnicas). ABNT NBR 13526: Teste de comparação múltipla em análise sensorial dos alimentos e bebidas (reference method). 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