13 research outputs found

    Pemodelan Turbin Cross-flow Untuk Diaplikasikan Pada Sumber Air Dengan Tinggi Jatuh Dan Debit Kecil

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    Telah dilakukan suatu upaya memodifikasi dan rekayasa turbin jenis cross-flow. Rekayasa dilakukan dengan merubah jumlah sudut dan hubungannya dengan jumlah putaran, daya turbin, dan efisiensi turbin. Rekayasa juga dilakukan terhadap bentuk saluran yang digunakan yaitu saluran terbuka berbentuk persegi, setengah lingkaran dan trapesium. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengambil beberapa input yang disesuaikan dengan kebanyakan yang ada di lapangan. Input yang diambil adalah kecepatan alir, tinggi jatuh, kemiringan saluran, lebar penampang saluran, jari-jari saluran, diameter luar turbin, dan lebar turbin. Sementara itu besaran yang dibuat variabel adalah jumlah sudu pada turbin cross-flow. Penampang sebagai saluran air dipakai persegi, setengah lingkaran, dan trapesium dan ketiganya dibuat terbuka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan asumsi lebar penampang 4 m, tinggi jatuh 2 m, jari-jari 2 m, kemiringan 1/√3, kecepatan aliran 2 m/s, diameter luar turbin 0,75 m, dan lebar turbin 4,3 m, maka turbin dengan jumlah sudu 12 memiliki jumlah putaran, daya turbin, dan efisiensi turbin yang paling besar. Bilamana jumlah sudu diperbanyak, maka jumlah putaran, daya turbin, dan efisiensi turbin semakin kecil. Sementara itu penelitian untuk menentukan jenis penampang saluran didapatkan bahwa jenis saluran dengan penampang trapesium dihasilkan jumlah putaran, daya turbin, dan efisiensi turbin yang paling besar disusul jenis persegi dan setengah lingkaran

    Meaning in Landscape Architecture: Negotiating Identity in a Landscape of Local and National Significance

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    This thesis develops a landscape architectural approach to the design of meaning in locally and nationally significant spaces. It begins with an emerging contemporary trend: nationally significant sites that are ignored and reduced in importance by the changing, fluid urban landscapes that surround them. Adelaide Road, in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, is the site of Government House, the National War Memorial and the Basin reserve. These three nationally significant colonial icons suffer from lack of connection to their urban context, and thus this site is used as design case study. The thesis first develops a position on the expression of meaning through architectural form, particularly the meaning of national identity in capital cities. The expression of meaning in architecture is hindered by problems to do with the cultural context the sites are found within. Cultural shifts quickly move on from original designed meaning, leaving only culturally ingrained meaning. For nationally significant sites to remain relevant they need to become used, active parts of the urban landscape, so that layers of meaning and identity can accumulate within them. To situate the thesis in the context of Aotearoa-New Zealand, cultural traditions to do with sense of belonging to the landscape are used to establish a base set of values on which to base a design methodology. Landscape, particularly the natural landscape, has become a cliché expression of New Zealand national identity, to the detriment of urban landscapes. The design methodology uses landscape architecture theory to draw together Māori and Pākehā landscape values and apply them to the complex problems of an urban site. The design outcome frames the re-connection of Government House, the War Memorial and the Basin Reserve to the urban landscape within the cultural context of Aotearoa-New Zealand

    Data and Markov model overview.

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    <p>The boxes represent the health states that a neurogenic patient can transition between after having failed standard bowel care (SBC) before and after 2007. SBC alone. After having failed SBC >6 months, a patient can either a) Resume SBC, b) Progress to SNS/SARS/ACE or d) Progress to stoma (absorbing state). TAI in combination with SBC. After having failed SBC >6 months, a patient can either a) Initiate Peristeen TAI, b) Resume SBC, c) Progress to SNS/SARS/ACE or d) Progress to stoma. <i>The model assumes that patients do not transition directly from SBC/TAI to stoma</i>. <i>Transition probabilities have been obtained for each 6-month model cycle using GoalSeek in Excel</i>.</p

    Cost-effectiveness plane.

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    <p>WTP: Willingness to pay: linear threshold corresponds to the WTP value used by NICE in making reimbursement decisions (£30.000 per QALY gained). Each quadrant corresponds to one incremental cost option (cost saving, not cost saving) and one incremental benefit option (more/less benefit than comparator therapy).</p