89 research outputs found

    Solubilization of Particles in Sediment Traps: Revising the Stoichiometry of Mixed Layer Export

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    Sinking particles, once caught in sediment trap jars, release dissolved elements into the surrounding medium through leaching from their pore fluids, chemical dissolution and the activity of free exoenzymes. This results in an increase in dissolved elements in the trap jar supernatant. Elemental fluxes as traditionally measured by sediment traps underestimate total export when this particle-associated dissolved flux is not considered. The errors introduced are variable and alter both the absolute levels of flux as well as the stoichiometry of export. These errors have been quantified and corrections applied for samples from sediment traps in the North Atlantic based on measurements of excess dissolved carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silica and calcium in the supernatant of the collection cups. At the base of the winter mixed layer, on average 90±6% of phosphorus fluxes are found as excess phosphate whereas for carbon and nitrogen dissolved concentrations account for 30 (±8)% and 47(±11)% of total fluxes respectively. Excess dissolved silica is on average 61 (±17)% of total biogenic silica flux. Little (<10%) of calcium is solubilized. The proportion of dissolved to total flux decreases with trap deployment depth. Calculations of the C:N:P ratios for particles only are well above the Redfield ratios of 106:16:1 (Redfield et al., 1963), although the mid-water dissolved N:P and N:Si values as well as the C:N:P ratios of remineralisation along isopycnals conform to the Redfield ratios at this site. Accounting for dissolved fluxes of all these elements brings the stoichiometry of export in agreement with the Redfield Ratio and with other geochemical estimates of winter mixed layer export. A factor of 3 to 4 higher ratios of organic: inorganic carbon export also implies that the net atmospheric CO2 sequestration by the biological pump is about 50% higher at this site when the dissolved elemental fluxes are considered. Solubilization is thus a process that should be accounted for in protocols used to measure vertical fluxes with sediment traps

    Influence of cell cycle phase on calcification in the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi

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    Calcification of the cosmopolitan coccolithophore species Emiliania huxleyi was investigated in relation to the cell division cycle with the use of batch cultures. With a 12 : 12 h light : dark cycle, the population was synchronised to undergo division as a cohort, simultaneously passing through the G1 (assimilation), S (DNA replication), and G2+M (cell division and mitosis) phases. Cell division was followed with the use of quantitative DNA staining and flow cytometry. Simultaneously, carbon-14 (14C) assimilation in organic and inorganic carbon as well as cell abundance, size, and organic nitrogen content were measured at 2-h intervals. In additional experiments, changes in calcification and cell cycle stages were investigated in nitrogen-, phosphorus-, and light-limited cultures. Calcification occurred only during the G1 cell cycle phase, as seen by the very tight correlation between the percentage of cells in G1 and calcification during the dark period. When growth was limited by nitrogen, cells decreased in size, remained in the G1 phase, and showed a moderate increase in the cell-specific calcite content. Limitation of growth by phosphorus, however, caused a significant increase in cell size and a dramatic increase in cellular calcite. Light limitation, by slowing the growth rate, prolonged the time cells spent in the G1 phase with a corresponding increase in the cellular calcite content. These results help explain the differing responses of coccolithophorid growth to nitrogen, phosphorus, and light limitation

    Re-examining rotavirus innate immune evasion: Potential applications of the reverse genetics system

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    Rotaviruses represent one of the most successful pathogens in the world, with high infectivity and efficient transmission between the young of many animal species, including humans. To overcome host defenses, rotaviruses have evolved a plethora of strategies to effectively evade the innate immune response, establish initial infection in the small intestine, produce progeny, and shed into the environment. Previously, studying the roles and relative contributions of specific rotaviral factors in innate immune evasion had been challenging without a plasmid-only reverse genetics system. Although still in its infancy, current reverse genetics technology will help address important research questions regarding rotavirus innate immune evasion, host range restriction, and viral pathogenesis. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge about the antiviral host innate immune defense mechanisms, countermeasures of rotavirus-encoded factors, and strategies to better understand these interactions using the rotavirus reverse genetics system

    Building bridges in Marine Science Education

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    The brochure “Building Bridges in Marine Science Education” introduces the stunning spectrum of doctoral research in marine sciences in Kiel and highlights the outstanding features of the ISOS doctoral programme. A central element of the brochure are 10 doctoral candidate profiles that show the “face of the science” by giving doctoral researchers from a broad spectrum of disciplines the opportunity to introduce their work in their own words

    Microzooplankton grazing and nitrogen supply of phytoplankton growth in the temperate and subtropical North East Atlantic

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    Serial dilution experiments were conducted on JGOFS-North Atlantic cruise of RV 'Meteor' M36/2 at a 20° W transect in June and July 1996 to assess the role of microzooplankton grazing and nitrogen supply in controlling phytoplankton stocks in the subtropical and temperate northeast Atlantic. Rates of microzooplankton grazing ranged from 0.08 d-1 at 54° N to 0.53 d-1 at 40° N and mean growth rates of phytoplankton ranged from 0.19 d-1 at 54° N to 0.75 d-1 at 40° N. Both rates were positively related to seawater temperature, whereas the apparent growth yield of phytoplankton declined with increasing temperature from 0.19 ”g chl a dm-3 d-1 at 54° N to 0.01 ”g chl a dm-3 d-1 at 33° N. Complete nitrogen saturation of phytoplankton growth indicated light or non-nitrogenous limitation at the nitracline at 47° N and in the deep chlorophyll maximum at 33° N, whereas in the mixed layer at 47° N and 54° N the ambient nitrogen supply was sub-saturated and yielded 63 and 39% of nitrogen- saturated growth. Nitrogen supply of phytoplankton growth was dominated by external and cellular sources in nitrate-rich waters of the mixed layer at 54° N and at the nitracline at 47° N, whereas nitrogen regeneration dominated at the nitrate-depleted surface waters at 47° N. However, in the deep chlorophyll maxima at 33° N and 40° N phytoplankton growth was primarily maintained by nitrogen regeneration, although external nitrogen was sufficiently available. The recycling efficiency of the microbial community was defined as the ratio of regenerated growth yield to herbivorous grazing loss. Efficiencies of ~100% under post-bloom situations indicated tight coupling of predation, nitrogen supply and phytoplankton growth. We suggest that microzooplankton grazing has a high potential for nitrogen supply and biomass control of phytoplankton communities during summer in the temperate and subtropical northeast Atlantic

    Microzooplankton grazing and phytoplankton growth in marine mesocosms with increased CO2 levels

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    Microzooplankton grazing and algae growth responses to increasing pCO2 levels (350, 700 and 1050 ÎŒatm) were investigated in nitrate and phosphate fertilized mesocosms during the PeECE III experiment 2005. Grazing and growth rates were estimated by the dilution technique combined with taxon specific HPLC pigment analysis. Microzooplankton composition was determined by light microscopy. Despite a range of up to 3 times the present CO2 levels, there were no clear differences in any measured parameter between the different CO2 treatments. During days 3–9 of the experiment the algae community standing stock, measured as chlorophyll a (Chl-a), showed the highest instantaneous grow rates (k=0.37–0.99 d−1) and increased from ca. 2–3 to 6–12 ÎŒg l−1, in all mesocosms. Afterwards the phytoplankton standing stock decreased in all mesocosms until the end of the experiment. The microzooplankton standing stock, that was mainly constituted by dinoflagellates and ciliates, varied between 23 and 130 ÎŒg C l−1 (corresponding to 1.9 and 10.8 ÎŒmol C l−1), peaking on day 13–15, apparently responding to the phytoplankton development. Instantaneous Chl-a growth rates were generally higher than the grazing rates, indicating only a limited overall effect of microzooplankton grazing on the most dominant phytoplankton. Diatoms and prymnesiophytes were significantly grazed (12–43% of the standing stock d−1) only in the pre-bloom phase when they were in low numbers, and in the post-bloom phase when they were already affected by low nutrients and/or viral lysis. The cyanobacteria populations appeared more affected by microzooplankton grazing which generally removed 20–65% of the standing stock per day

    Species-specific phytoplankton growth rates via diel DNA synthesis cycles. III. Accuracy of growth rate measurements in the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum.

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    The accuracy of species-specific phytoplankton growth rates estimated by cell cycle analysis was tested with the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum (Pav.) Sch. under conditions of altered nitrogen and phosphorus availability. Reduced nutrient availability caused major changes in the duration of cell cycle phases. At the nutrient level of complete f/2 media, the length of the combination of S, G2, and M phases was about 8 h at growth rates of 0.53 to 0.56 d-' A decrease in ~ 0 ,o~r N-O3 concentration extended the S+G2+M phase to about 15.5 to 17.7 h at growth rates ranging from 0.41 to 0.30 d-' Changes in phase durations dld not significantly affect growth rate estimates. In addition, a minimum growth rate, calculated from the maximum values on phase fraction curves, was shown to be usable as an error detector in some cases. Results support the validity of cell cycle analysis to measure in situ growth rates

    Abundance, encystment and sedimentation of acantharia during Autumn in the East Greenland Sea

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    The abundance and sedimentation of acantharia and their cysts was recorded in the water column and sediment traps in the East Greenland Sea in August-September 1990. Although acantharia constituted <1% of total suspended particulate organic carbon (POC) in the water column, up to 90% (average 55%) of the POC sedimenting in 100 m was present in the form of acantharian cysts during a 9 day drift experiment. Rapid dissolution of strontium sulphate, of which their shells and spines are constructed, was evidenced by their disappearance with depth in the water column, maximum dissolution occurring between 500 and 1000 m water depth. Mass encystment and sedimentation of this single group of sarcodine protozoa can have dramatic effects on, the measurement of particulate fluxes in the open ocean, and may be a recurrent phenomenon in the eastern North Atlantic

    SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 variant infection of human colon epithelial cells

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    The Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, characterized by multiple subvariants including BA.1, XBB.1.5, EG.5, and JN.1, became the predominant strain in early 2022. Studies indicate that Omicron replicates less efficiently in lung tissue compared to the ancestral strain. However, the infectivity of Omicron in the gastrointestinal tract is not fully defined, despite the fact that 70% of COVID-19 patients experience digestive disease symptoms. Here, using primary human colonoids, we found that, regardless of individual variability, Omicron infects colon cells similarly or less effectively than the ancestral strain or the Delta variant. The variant induced limited type III interferon expression and showed no significant impact on epithelial integrity. Further experiments revealed inefficient cell-to-cell spread and spike protein cleavage in the Omicron spike protein, possibly contributing to its lower infectious particle levels. The findings highlight the variant-specific replication differences in human colonoids, providing insights into the enteric tropism of Omicron and its relevance to long COVID symptoms
