263 research outputs found

    Understanding The Process Model Of Leadership: Follower Attribute Design And Assessment

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    Early leadership studies produced significant research findings that have helped differentiate between leader and follower personal attributes and their consequent behaviors (SEDL, 1992), but little attention was given to the follower’s contribution to the leadership process. This study represents a continuation of research by Henderson, Antelo, & St. Clair on the process model of leadership begun in 2006. Initial research efforts concentrated on leader-held attributes that contribute to the process. Research in work group motivation indicates that individual worker motivation influences performance and productivity; thus, leaders seek to understand what motivates followers to reach extraordinary performance. Employees, however, respond in a variety of ways to their jobs and their organizations’ practices. A paramount task for the leader is to determine what factors impact work motivation. The idea is based on the premise that individual attributes are brought to the workplace by each member of the group.  The concept of individual differences involves personal needs, values, attitudes, interests, and abilities people bring to their jobs. Job characteristics refer to the nature of the position determining its limitations and challenges. Organizational practices are the rules, policies, managerial practices, and reward systems of the organization. This complexity is increased with the construct of motivation, which is understood as the process that moves a person toward a goal. In consequence, “motivated behaviors are voluntary choices controlled by the individual employee.” The leader, therefore, attempts to influence the factors that motivate employees. (Authors

    Ethics And Values In The Context Of Teaching Excellence In The Changing World Of Education

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    This article focused on the ethical problems associated with teaching in a transnational or multicultural environment. Authors offer a review of related literature, as well as extensive global teaching experience, to proffer a model that is designed to allow professional educators to maintain excellence in teaching in the problematic context. Recommendations for research are also offered as part of the conclusions (Henderson)

    Rainbow Of Followers Attributes In A Leadership Process

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    While the breeze of leadership is swaying the continent of North America with irresistible appeal, followership is left to rest in the shade. The subject has been given a very limited attention, thus, the paper attempts to address this deficiency and propose attributes of effective followers. Statistical survey design and correlation procedures are applied to assess selected variables and their relationship when examining the results of a multicultural survey conducted among leaders and followers of six countries. The results of the sample countries Russia and Belarus are being reviewed. Findings indicate that respondents tend to have an involuntary inclination towards group work and camaraderie, and are comfortable in the atmosphere of togetherness. Results also illustrate that respondents of the sample have a different understanding of notion of tolerance than respondents in the United States. The study discusses the need to understand how individual traits are assessed and developed, and how individuals can be formed, nurtured and prepared to become effective followers. The criticality of certain attributes characteristic to followers is examined along with practical suggestions of how some attributes can be brought to a more advanced level. The significance of having a leader inside every follower is emphasized. Uncomplicated, yet effective strategies on how to unleash and sustain followership capacity in individuals are described

    Optimisation of processing routes for a marine biorefinery

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    13 páginas, 5 figurasCurrent fishing practices result in the waste of 20 million tonnes of valuable resources every year. However, from now on, vessels must keep on board and land both target and those non-target species subject to quota regulations, as regulated by recent EU legislation, in the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Therefore, an important quantity of low-value marine biomass has to be managed in an efficient manner to avoid its waste. Several added value products apart from fishmeal and oil (like enzymes or nutraceuticals) can be obtained from the wide variety of discarded species trough different valorisation processes. The challenge arises when these species can be handled by more than one processing route. The selection of the best alternatives has to fulfil often-opposite sustainability criteria, considering also the constraints associated to each resource and process. This was achieved by a multiobjective framework using a suitable and efficient optimization approach based on scatter-search. The results from the obtained Pareto fronts show that, in general, the valorisation of specific fish parts rather than the use of the whole specimen is more optimal from both points of view. It is also demonstrated that the most suitable products to be obtained are biopeptides, chondroitin sulphate and fish enzymes, due to their high sales price and relative low environmental impact. On the other hand, alternative technologies to present state-of-the-art ones should be considered for the production of chitin, gelatine and fishmeal due to their high environmental cost. Furthermore, a high number of the most optimal valorisation pathways leave biomass unprocessed and therefore, its treatment as solid waste must be included in the economic and environmental costsThe authors acknowledge the financial support received from the European Union through the LIFE Environment Program of the European Union (LIFE05 ENV/E000267-BE FAIR,LIFE08 ENV/E/000119-FAROS and LIFE13 ENV/ES/000131-LIFE iSEAS). Dr. Amaya Franco-Uría would like to thank Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación for the support provided by the “Ramón y Cajal” SubprogramPeer reviewe

    Fish discards management in selected Spanish and Portuguese métiers: Identification and potential valorisation

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    15 páginas, 4 tablasWith the aim of promoting the responsible and sustainable management of marine resources, the European Union and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have established a set of international guidelines on by-catch management and reduction of discards. In this framework, the minimisation of discards and the optimal valorisation of inevitable unwanted biomass are the main objectives of the optimal and efficient discards management network that has been developed in FAROS LIFE + Project. According to FAO, in 2008, around 27 million tonnes of marine biomass were used for non-food purposes, these including fish meal, fish oil, bait or high-added value compounds production by pharmaceutical or cosmetic industries. In this work, the most important discarded species by the selected métiers of interest for FAROS project have been analysed regarding possible valorisation options in a wide variety of sectors, including food products for human consumption. A protocol to easily determine the most suitable valorisation strategies for each of them has been also established. In order to carry out this approach, several factors as the status of stocks in the environment, the valorisation potential of each species or by-product and the amounts discarded by métier have been taken into accountLIFE + Program of the European Union (FAROS Project – LIFE08 ENV/E/000119)Peer reviewe

    Developing a Compost Quality Index (CQI) based on the electrochemical quantification of Cd (HA) reactivity

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    The present work demonstrates the use of Cd2+ as a reactivity probe of the fulvic acids (FAs), humic acids (HAs) and dissolved organic matter (DOM) compost extracts. Significant differences were observed between the extracts, with the HA extract showing the highest reactivity. Comparing the different composts, the largest reactivity variation was again observed for HA then FA and finally DOM extracts. The Cd2+ binding extent was used to calculate the quality of composts and compared with a reference of uncomposted organic fertiliser (FLW), leading to the definition of an operational scale of compost quality. The parameter equivalent mass of fertiliser (mEF) was used for this scale sorted the seven composts from 0.353 to 1.09 kg FLW, for compost of sewage sludge (CSS) and vermicompost of domestic waste (CVDW), respectively. The significance of this parameter was verified through a correlation analysis between binding extent and the effect of compost application on lettuce crop growth in a field trial. The results demonstrate the potentiality of FA and HA extracts as markers of compost bioactivity and the use of Cd2+ as a reactivity probe.This work was financially supported by the Interreg VA Spain–Portugal Programme (EU) through the project Res2ValHum (0366_RES2VALHUM_1_P). A.C. Silva acknowledges receipt of a PhD grant (UMINHO/BD/40/2016) financed by the Operational Programme Norte 2020 (through the Project “NORTE-08-5369-FSE-000033”). J. Antelo and S. Fiol are also grateful for the financial support provided by Xunta de Galicia—Consellería de Educación e Ordenación Universitaria de Galicia (Consolidation of Competitive Groups of Research; GI-1245, ED431C 2022/40)

    Zonificación vitícola de áreas potenciales en el Valle Central de Tarija.

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    La vitivinicultura boliviana inicia un proceso de desarrollo en el continente a partir del siglo XV, que a través de las acciones de conquista realizada por los españoles van creando y desarrollando regiones las cuales producían vinos y singanis (destilado de uva de la var. Moscatel de Alejandría) para poder satisfacer la demanda de las ciudades y poblaciones creadas. A partir del desarrollo de la explotación de la plata en la ciudad de Potosí en el siglo XV, la actividad vitivinícola del continente se activa, para satisfacer en ese momento a la ciudad mas grande del continente y una de las más grandes del mundo, en esta región se extraía el 50% de la plata que circulaba en todo el mundo y a principios del siglo XVI ya contaba con más de 160 mil habitantes

    New Recurrent Structural Aberrations in the Genome of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Based on Exome-Sequencing Data

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is the most frequent lymphoproliferative syndrome in Western countries, and it is characterized by recurrent large genomic rearrangements. During the last decades, array techniques have expanded our knowledge about CLL's karyotypic aberrations. The advent of large sequencing databases expanded our knowledge cancer genomics to an unprecedented resolution and enabled the detection of small-scale structural aberrations in the cancer genome. In this study, we have performed exome-sequencing-based copy number aberration (CNA) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis in order to detect new recurrent structural aberrations. We describe 54 recurrent focal CNAs enriched in cancer-related pathways, and their association with gene expression and clinical evolution. Furthermore, we discovered recurrent large copy number neutral LOH events affecting key driver genes, and we recapitulate most of the large CNAs that characterize the CLL genome. These results provide "proof-of-concept" evidence supporting the existence of new genes involved in the pathogenesis of CLL

    Similitud molecular empleando Índices Híbridos

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    Se presenta un método para la detección de semejanza entre moléculas basado en macheo inexacto de grafos. Se parte del grafo molecular completo ponderado en sus vértices por propiedades químico-físicas particionadas sobre los mismos, se reduce el grafo por el procedimiento CALEDE que define Centros Descriptores o fragmentos de primer orden, los cuales son subgrafos ponderados por la suma de los valores de los vértices ponderados individualmente a su vez, y se construyen fragmentos denominados de segundo orden que incluyen la distancia entre los centros de masas de ambos centros descriptores. Se presenta el método de búsqueda aplicado a una base de datos de más de 300 moléculas con sus respectivas estructuras en tres dimensiones. Esos compuestos se encuentran evaluados como anticancerígenos en la base de datos de compuestos del NCBI-USA. En el experimento computacional se encuentra que, en dependencia de la función de similitud empleada, es posible detectar compuestos que a pesar de poseer diferente topología, poseen valores de las propiedades empleadas para el macheo lo cual sugiere la presencia de potenciales farmacóforos como hallazgo relevante, lo cual constituiría un novedoso enfoque para el diseño computacional de fármacos.Palabras Clave: similitud molecular, índices híbridos, CALEDE.</p