9 research outputs found

    A plazmamembrán Ca2+ ATPáz 4b izoforma apoptotikus fragmentjét reprezentáló mutáns sejten belüli lokalizációja, stabilitása, hatásai a sejtek Ca2+ háztartására és szerepe az apoptózis folyamatban = Intracellular localization and stability of a mutant representing the apoptotic fragment of the plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase 4b and its role in cellular Ca2+ homeostasis and apoptosis

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    A jelen kutatási periódus alatt egy fontos Ca2+ transzport fehérje, a plazma membrán Ca2+ ATPáz (PMCA4b) struktúra/funkció változásait tanulmányoztuk az apoptózis valamint a nekrózis folyamatai alatt. Eredményeink azt bizonyítják, hogy a PMCA4b fehérjét - függetlenül az apoptózist kiváltó októl - a kaszpáz-3 proteáz hasítja és egy 120 kDa molekulatömegű fragment képződik. A fehérje közben elveszíti C-terminális regulátor régióját, és -szuper aktívvá - válik. A "szuper aktív" PMCA fragmentnek megfelelő mutáns a plazmamembránban lokalizálódik és képes a citoszólikus Ca2+ szint szabályozására. Ezzel szemben oxidatív stresszt kiváltó szerek hatására a PMCA jelentős mértékű internalizációja és a citoszólikus Ca2+ szint hosszan tartó megemelkedése figyelhető meg. A C-terminális régió meghatározónak bizonyult a PMCA4b plazmamembránban történő eloszlásának szempontjából is. Kimutattuk, hogy a PSD-95 állványfehérje a PMCA C-terminálisán található PDZ-kötő motívumon keresztül elősegíti a PMCA kijutását a plazmamembránba, és itt a képződő fehérje-komplex szigetszerű csoportokba rendeződik. Vizsgálataink elősegíthetik a Ca2+ homeosztázis felborulására visszavezethető egyes malignus elváltozások illetve degeneratív betegségek közötti összefüggések jobb megismerését. | During the present research period we studied structural and functional changes of an essential Ca2+ extrusion protein, the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump (PMCA), during apoptosis and necrosis. We followed truncation of PMCA4b during apoptosis induced by mitochondrial or receptor-mediated pathways and found that a similar fragment of 120 kDa was formed and remained intact for several hours after treatment. We constructed a C-terminally truncated mutant that corresponded to this 120 kDa fragment and showed that it was fully and constitutively active, and targeted properly to the plasma membrane. In contrast, arsenate or excitotoxic concentration of glutamate induced PMCA internalization and consequently, resulted in an impaired Ca2+ clearance from the cytoplasm. We also showed that interaction with the postsynaptic?density-95 (PSD-95) scaffolding protein increased the plasma membrane expression of PMCA4b and redistributed the pump into clusters. The clustering of PMCA4b was fully dependent on the presence of its C-terminus. We suggest that loss of function internalization of PMCAs and/or disruption of specific Ca2+ signaling microdomains may contribute to the Ca2+ dysregulation that accompanies a number of degenerative diseases

    A C-terminal di-leucine motif controls plasma membrane expression of PMCA4b.

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    Recent evidences show that the localization of different plasma membrane Ca2 + ATPases (PMCAs) is regulated in various complex, cell type-specific ways. Here we show that in low-density epithelial and endothelial cells PMCA4b localized mostly in intracellular compartments and its plasma membrane localization was enhanced upon increasing density of cells. In good correlation with the enhanced plasma membrane localization a significantly more efficient Ca2 + clearance was observed in confluent versus non-confluent HeLa cell cultures expressing mCherry-PMCA4b. We analyzed the subcellular localization and function of various C-terminally truncated PMCA4b variants and found that a truncated mutant PMCA4b-ct24 was mostly intracellular while another mutant, PMCA4b-ct48, localized more to the plasma membrane, indicating that a protein sequence corresponding to amino acid residues 1158–1181 contained a signal responsible for the intracellular retention of PMCA4b in non-confluent cultures. Alteration of three leucines to alanines at positions 1167–1169 resulted in enhanced cell surface expression and an appropriate Ca2 + transport activity of both wild type and truncated pumps, suggesting that the di-leucine-like motif 1167LLL was crucial in targeting PMCA4b. Furthermore, upon loss of cell–cell contact by extracellular Ca2 + removal, the wild-type pump was translocated to the early endosomal compartment. Targeting PMCA4b to early endosomes was diminished by the L1167–69A mutation, and the mutant pump accumulated in long tubular cytosolic structures. In summary, we report a di-leucine-like internalization signal at the C-tail of PMCA4b and suggest an internalization-mediated loss of function of the pump upon low degree of cell–cell contact

    Apical Scaffolding Protein NHERF2 Modulates the Localization of Alternatively Spliced Plasma Membrane Ca2+ Pump 2B Variants in Polarized Epithelial Cells*

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    The membrane localization of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase isoform 2 (PMCA2) in polarized cells is determined by alternative splicing; the PMCA2w/b splice variant shows apical localization, whereas the PMCA2z/b and PMCA2x/b variants are mostly basolateral. We previously reported that PMCA2b interacts with the PDZ protein Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 2 (NHERF2), but the role of this interaction for the specific membrane localization of PMCA2 is not known. Here we show that co-expression of NHERF2 greatly enhanced the apical localization of GFP-tagged PMCA2w/b in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. GFP-PMCA2z/b was also redirected to the apical membrane by NHERF2, whereas GFP-PMCA2x/b remained exclusively basolateral. In the presence of NHERF2, GFP-PMCA2w/b co-localized with the actin-binding protein ezrin even after disruption of the actin cytoskeleton by cytochalasin D or latrunculin B. Surface biotinylation and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments demonstrated that NHERF2-mediated anchorage to the actin cytoskeleton reduced internalization and lateral mobility of the pump. Our results show that the specific interaction with NHERF2 enhances the apical concentration of PMCA2w/b by anchoring the pump to the apical membrane cytoskeleton. The data also suggest that the x/b splice form of PMCA2 contains a dominant lateral targeting signal, whereas the targeting and localization of the z/b form are more flexible and not fully determined by intrinsic sequence features

    En bloc release of MVB-like small extracellular vesicle clusters by colorectal carcinoma cells

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    Small extracellular vesicles (EVs) are membrane enclosed structures that are usually released from cells upon exocytosis of multivesicular bodies (MVBs) as a collection of separate, free EVs. In this study, we analysed paraffin embedded sections of archived human colorectal cancer samples. We studied 3D reconstructions of confocal microscopic images complemented by HyVolution and STED imaging. Unexpectedly, we found evidence that large, MVB-like aggregates of ALIX/CD63 positive EV clusters were released en bloc by migrating tumour cells. These structures were often captured with partial or complete extra-cytoplasmic localization at the interface of the plasma membrane of the tumour cell and the stroma. Their diameter ranged between 0.62 and 1.94 μm (mean±S.D.: 1.17 ± 0.34 μm). High-resolution 3D reconstruction showed that these extracellular MVB-like EV clusters were composed of distinguishable internal particles of small EV size (mean±S.D.: 128.96 ± 16.73 nm). In vitro, HT29 colorectal cancer cells also showed the release of similar structures as confirmed by immunohistochemistry and immune electron microscopy. Our results provide evidence for an en bloc transmission of MVB-like EV clusters through the plasma membrane. Immunofluorescent-based detection of the MVB like small EV clusters in archived pathological samples may represent a novel and unique opportunity which enables analysis of EV release in situ in human tissues

    The caspase-3 cleavage product of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase 4b is activated and appropriately targeted

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    The calmodulin-activated transporter hPMCA4 (human plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase isoform 4) is a target for cleavage by caspase-3 during apoptosis. We have demonstrated that caspase-3 generates a 120 kDa fragment of this pump which lacks the complete autoinhibitory sequence [Paszty, Verma, Padanyi, Filoteo, Penniston and Enyedi (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 6822–6829]. In the present study we analysed further the characteristics of the fragment of hPMCA4b produced by caspase-3. We did this by overexpressing the caspase-3 cleavage product of hPMCA4b in COS-7 and MDCKII (Madin–Darby canine kidney II) cells. This technique made it possible to clearly define the properties of this fragment, and we showed that it is constitutively active, as it forms a phosphoenzyme intermediate and has high Ca(2+) transport activity in the absence of calmodulin. When this fragment of hPMCA4b was stably expressed in MDCKII cell clones, it was targeted without degradation to the basolateral plasma membrane. In summary, our studies emphasize that the caspase-3 cleavage product of hPMCA4b is constitutively active, and that the C-terminus is not required for proper targeting of hPMCA4b to the plasma membrane. Also, for the first time, we have generated cell clones that stably express a constitutively active PMCA