11 research outputs found

    Московская архитектурная школа (МАРШ)

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    The Concept of Potential Spatial Frameworks of Historical Settlements

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    The topic of the article arose on the basis of the current promises of recent times, which largely determine the creative tasks of both practicing architects and scientists in the field of theory and history of architecture: the implementation of the priority project "The formation of a comfortable urban environment", the all-Russian contest "Historical settlements and small towns", the formation in the Russian Federation of a newlist of historical settlements, which is being worked on by the Association "Russian province" scientific and expert Council. The article introduces the concept of "potential spatial framework of historical settlement", which is formed as an integral one on the basis of natural-ecological, historical- cultural, social and business spatial frameworks of the city. Depending on the "dominant" dictating a particular type of potential spatial framework, it can be museum and exhibition, cultural and educational, pilgrimage, tourist, ethnographic, etc. Frameworks nodes fix respectively valuable natural landscapes, objects of cultural heritage, elements of the system of service. Axes - transport and pedestrian communications carried out at different hierarchical levels: connection of cultural heritage objects in a historical settlement; connection of transit public spaces; communication within districts; connection of historical settlements with each other; their connection with a large city. Public space is considered as a typological unit of the architectural environment; which merged its natural, historical and social components. In the creation of potential spatial frameworks in small historical cities and historical centers oflarge cities, where the basis of spatial development are monuments of architecture and it is possible to implement the principle of continuity of the public spaces, the approach to the revitalization of historical settlements is seen

    Феномен новейшей архитектуры Йошкар-Олы

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    В статье, посвящённой новейшей архитектуре Йошкар-Олы, впервые профессионально анализируется формирование архитектурной среды столицы Марий Эл начала XXI века. Осуществление масштабного замысла – превращение центра города в коллекцию адаптированных копий архитектурных памятников прошлого различных стран – определяется как «феномен» и рассматривается с точки зрения бинарных оппозиций. Ставятся следующие вопросы по поводу истоков заявленного феномена: исторические аналоги или авторские решения, театрализация или подлинность, дематериализация или целостность, разрушение или созидание. Статья преднамеренно не содержит однозначных выводов, но в ней даются развернутые авторские ответы на поставленные вопросы, опирающиеся на теоретические труды ведущих российских ученых. Статья сопровождается авторскими фотографиями

    Общественные пространства малых исторических городов. В поисках адресата

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    One of the solutions to the problem of migration from small towns and historical settlements is to organize public spaces required by different addressees. Public spaces are interpreted as a typological unit of the architectural environment, where natural, historical and social characteristics of certain settlements have a synthetic relationship. The article studies waterfronts, streets, squares and parks of small towns designed for a certain citizen or guest of the city. The article analyses foreign and national design experience, including the projects worked out for the competition “Small Towns and Historic Settlements”.В качестве одного из решений проблемы оттока населения из малых городов и исторических поселений предлагается организация общественных пространств, востребованных различными адресатами. Общественные пространства трактуются как типологическая единица архитектурной среды, в которой находят свою синтетическую взаимосвязь природные, исторические и социальные особенности конкретных поселений. Исследуются набережные, улицы, площади и парки малых городов, предназначенные для коренного жителя и гостя города. Анализируется зарубежный и отечественный проектный опыт, в том числе проекты, выполненные в рамках конкурса «Малые города и исторические поселения»

    A Trade Street of a Small Town as a Public Space(by the Example of Nizhny Novgorod Region)

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    Located round Nizhny Novgorod one of thelarge commercial and industrial centres of the Povolzhie (the Volga region), these towns possess their own regional specific character determined by the historically developed trade and craft traditions. The location of the main trade street in the town generallayout its relation to the transportation scheme, its planning, housing, architectural dominants, transformations and losses, today's state are studied for each town. Various types of trade streets built in thelate XVIII - early XX centuries are shown: a street-corridor with straight tracing and continuous masonry housing (Gostinny Ryad street in Arzamas), a street with direct tracing and dispersed masonry and masonry-wooden housing (Bolshaya Sovetskaya street in lyskovo), a street with curved picturesque tracing and continuous masonry housing (Nizhegorodskaya street in Pavlovo), space formed by three streets with a multiraw arrangement of continuous masonry buildings (Gorky street Bolshoy Kirovskiy sezd Kooperativny sezd in Gorodets). Two types of today's existence of historically formed trade streets of a smalltown are revealed i.e. an active use (Arzamas, Pavlovo) and stagnation (Lyskovo, Gorodets). Main problems of trade streets' modern use and conditions under which these streets may become valuable public spaces in contemporary understanding of this meaning are identified based on studying historical-culturat natural-ecologicat social-economic, architectural and town-planning criteria of assessment of trade streets' viability in modern conditions and ascertaining potential of their development related to the high historical-cultural value of such complexes

    Public Spaces of Small Historic Towns. In Search of the Addressee

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    One of the solutions to the problem of migration from small towns and historical settlements is to organize public spaces required by different addressees. Public spaces are interpreted as a typological unit of the architectural environment, where natural, historical and social characteristics of certain settlements have a synthetic relationship. The article studies waterfronts, streets, squares and parks of small towns designed for a certain citizen or guest of the city. The article analyses foreign and national design experience, including the projects worked out for the competition “Small Towns and Historic Settlements”

    Public Spaces of Small Historic Towns. In Search of the Addressee

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    One of the solutions to the problem of migration from small towns and historical settlements is to organize public spaces required by different addressees. Public spaces are interpreted as a typological unit of the architectural environment, where natural, historical and social characteristics of certain settlements have a synthetic relationship. The article studies waterfronts, streets, squares and parks of small towns designed for a certain citizen or guest of the city. The article analyses foreign and national design experience, including the projects worked out for the competition “Small Towns and Historic Settlements”

    Photo Gallery “Empty cities”

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    Architects like taking photos of their projects “au naturel”: they have to wait until the flow of people declines or the leaves fall down; the authors catch the light to capture their work in all its beauty and purity… But now we are witnessing a time we have never had before: plazas, streets and parks have become empty; even the smog has cleared away. The morning look is beautiful but so sad