4,104 research outputs found

    Simulating the Future Pension Wealth and Retirement Saving in Sweden

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    In this paper the wealth consequences of the Swedish pension system in the transition from a defined benefit to notional defined contribution system are simulated with almost exact institutional detail, using life cycle profiles estimated from detailed longitudinal micro data. Projected wealth, including different types of pension wealth, are computed and compared between cohorts, gender, wealth deciles and occupational categories. Consistent saving rates and replacement rates allowing consumption to stay constant after retirement are computed. Two different macroeconomic scenarios are considered, one using stylised values for growth, inflation etc. and another using demographically based forecasts. Some conclusions are that the cohorts born in the 1940s are relatively favoured, and so are the wealthiest deciles. Stylised macro assumptions yield more optimistic wealth projections than those corresponding to demographically based projections.Future Pension Wealth; Retirement Saving in Sweden

    Quantum algorithms for testing and learning Boolean functions

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    Perspectives on SĂĄmi participation shaping a duty to consult

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    Sweden has a longstanding reputation internationally for promoting and upholding human rights, however leading up to today the state has repeatedly received critique from international human rights bodies for failing to protect Sámi rights. Therefore the state has initiated the process of developing a duty to consult, which could potentially entail a fundamental change for Sámi rights in Sweden. The development of a policy to strengthen Sámi rights has engaged a wide range of actors and generated an extensive debate. This thesis has examined the divergence in views on this clearly contested issue, and the factors that have held the government back from a law proposal that more fully respects Sámi rights. An application of the WPR approach allowed the study to investigate underlying assumptions and understandings of Sámi participation within the government and among involved actors, and further how these understandings shaped the development of the duty to consult. The findings show that the Swedish state’s aspiration to strengthen Sámi rights falls short, as other interests are valued higher, resulting in a proposed duty to consult that does not fully provide the means for the Sámi people to influence decision-making processes regarding matters that concern them

    Made in Madagascar - The Impact of Rules of Origin on the Textile and Clothing Industry

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    This study investigates the impact of rules of origin (ROO) on the Malagasy textile and clothing industry. The ROO of two different preferential trading arrangements for developing countries, the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) of the US and the Lomé/Cotonou agreement of the EU, are compared and related to Malagasy clothing exports and textile imports. The AGOA ROO are found to be more liberal than the ones in Lomé/Cotonou, especially when it comes to input sourcing. This study shows that strict ROO have a negative impact on Malagasy clothing exports. Clothing exports to the EU tend to grow slower, be less diversified and use less diversified inputs than exports to the US. Further, strict ROO are not found to increase vertical integration in the Malagasy textile and clothing industry. It can therefore be questioned whether using strict ROO as a tool for development policy in highly fragmentized sectors is effective. Lastly, the utilization rates for AGOA apparel are higher than the ones for Lomé/Cotonou apparel, reflecting the higher costs of exporting to the EU due to strict ROO. In conclusion, the limited input sourcing possibilities in the Lomé/Cotonou ROO can be said to have limited the expansion and diversification possibilities of the Malagasy textile and clothing industry

    Universal quantum computation by the unitary control of ancilla qubits and using a fixed ancilla-register interaction

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    We characterise a model of universal quantum computation where the register (computational) qubits are controlled by ancillary qubits, using only a single fixed interaction between register and ancillary qubits. No additional access is required to the computational register and the dynamics of both the register and ancilla are unitary. This scheme is inspired by the measurement-based ancilla-driven quantum computation of Anders et al. [PRA 82, 020301(R), 2010], but does not require measurements of the ancillas, and in this respect is similar to the original gate based model of quantum computation. We consider what possible forms this ancilla-register interaction can take, with a proof that the interaction is necessarily locally equivalent to SWAP combined with an entangling controlled gate. We further show which Hamiltonians can create such interactions and discuss two examples; the two-qubit XY Hamiltonian and a particular case of the XXZ Hamiltonian. We then give an example of a simple, finite and fault tolerant gate set for universal quantum computation in this model.Comment: 10 pages, Published versio

    Structure and function of negative feedback loops at the interface of genetic and metabolic networks

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    The molecular network in an organism consists of transcription/translation regulation, protein-protein interactions/modifications and a metabolic network, together forming a system that allows the cell to respond sensibly to the multiple signal molecules that exist in its environment. A key part of this overall system of molecular regulation is therefore the interface between the genetic and the metabolic network. A motif that occurs very often at this interface is a negative feedback loop used to regulate the level of the signal molecules. In this work we use mathematical models to investigate the steady state and dynamical behaviour of different negative feedback loops. We show, in particular, that feedback loops where the signal molecule does not cause the dissociation of the transcription factor from the DNA respond faster than loops where the molecule acts by sequestering transcription factors off the DNA. We use three examples, the bet, mer and lac systems in E. coli, to illustrate the behaviour of such feedback loops.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Water management and new clean technologies in Africa: A review of Compotherm

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    Challenges in water management are becoming more severe in many countries and this is exacerbated by climate change. With the increase of environmental threats, a new market for clean tech companies is emerging on the global scheme. The majority of these companies are small and medium seized companies (SME) under rapid growth. This paper is investigating the clean-tech product Compotherm. Two market overviews of the global solar thermal market as well as the portable water purification market will be shown. Which market- based factors are vital for the products potential success? What current competitors are there? This paper will also study the current needs of water clean technologies in Africa by conducting and reviewing a series of interview. Findings show that the interest for thermal water heaters is growing in both a local and international view. Compotherm could be seen as plazed in the middle of two traditional product categorise within the market. in the market of portable purification systems the potential success of new products is dicussed upon. In order to survive in the rapid emerging business companies are have shown to market there product for a specific clientele.Challenges in water management are becoming more severe in many countries and this is exacerbated by climate change. With the increase of environmental threats, a new market for clean tech companies is emerging on the global scheme. The majority of these companies are small and medium seized companies (SME) under rapid growth. This paper is investigating the clean-tech product Compotherm. Two market overviews of the global solar thermal market as well as the portable water purification market will be shown. Which market- based factors are vital for the products potential success? What current competitors are there? This paper will also study the current needs of water clean technologies in Africa by conducting and reviewing a series of interview. Findings show that the interest for thermal water heaters is growing in both a local and international view. Compotherm could be seen as plazed in the middle of two traditional product categorise within the market. in the market of portable purification systems the potential success of new products is dicussed upon. In order to survive in the rapid emerging business companies are have shown to market there product for a specific clientele


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    Osteoarthritis is a common and important problem in performance horses and symptoms include lameness accompanied with heat, pain and joint swelling. Several different diagnostic methods exist. However, detection of early stages of inflammation is problematic; hence assays for biochemical markers, such as the cytokines, are considered a possible way to monitor inflammation. Many of the cytokines are mediators released in the process of inflammation and one important example is tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). In this pilot study of five horses, an ELISA was used to measure TNFα in synovial fluid from fetlock joints. This was performed in order to evaluate if any inflammatory reaction against intra-articularly injected hyaluronan X (hyaluronic acid) was present. Hyaluronan X is a new product with a higher molecular weight compared to hyaluronic suspensions commonly used in equine practice for the treatment of osteoarthritis. All the horses showed clinical signs of joint inflammation at some point. However, only one of the five horses presented a detectable level of TNFα in synovial fluid from the fetlock joint. Unfortunately, the hyaluronan X had been contaminated with ethanol during the manufacture and hence no conclusions about the side effects of this new hyaluronic suspension could be drawn. In future studies, a revised study design with repeated sampling of synovial fluid from experimental joints as well as control joints must be developed. In addition, the manufacturing of the hyaluronic suspension must be improved.Ledinflammation (osteoartrit) Ă€r ett viktigt problem hos arbetande hĂ€star och manifesteras som hĂ€lta med associerad vĂ€rme, smĂ€rta och ledsvullnad. Flera olika diagnostiska metoder finns att tillgĂ„ men tidiga stadier av inflammation Ă€r svĂ„ra att upptĂ€cka. DĂ€rför analyseras olika biokemiska och inflammatoriska markörer i bĂ„de ledvĂ€tska och serum. Dessa markörer inkluderar de olika mediatorer som frisĂ€tts i samband med den inflammatoriska processen i leden och ett viktigt exempel Ă€r inflammationscytokinen tumör-nekros-faktor alfa (TNFα). I den nedan beskrivna pilotstudien med fem hĂ€star injicerades kotleden i ett framben med hyaluronsyra X och den kontralaterala leden anvĂ€ndes som kontroll. Hyaluronsyra X Ă€r en ny produkt med högre molekylvikt Ă€n de som idag anvĂ€nds vid behandling av osteoartrit hos hĂ€st. En hĂ€stspecifik ELISA anvĂ€ndes sedan för mĂ€tning av TNFα i ledvĂ€tska. Tanken med detta var att utvĂ€rdera huruvida injektionen av hyaluronsyra X gav upphov till en inflammatorisk reaktion i leden. Alla fem hĂ€starna i studien visade kliniska tecken pĂ„ ledinflammation men bara en av dem hade ett förhöjt vĂ€rde av TNFα i kotleden. TyvĂ€rr var hyaluronsyrasuspensionen vid ett par tillfĂ€llen kontaminerad av etanol vilket i sig kan leda till inflammation i leden. DĂ€rför kan inga slutsatser om eventuella biverkningar av preparatet dras frĂ„n denna studie. Inför uppföljande studier bör tillverkningen av hyaluronsyra X förbĂ€ttras och kvalitetssĂ€kras. Dessutom mĂ„ste studiedesignen förĂ€ndras sĂ„ att upprepade ledvĂ€tskeprover tas frĂ„n bĂ„de försöksleden och kontrolleden vid samma tillfĂ€llen

    The effect of eco-certification on demand: The case of MSC-certified Norway lobster

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    We investigate if Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certified Norway lobster fishing vessels in Sweden got higher prices and sold larger quantities after certification was introduced in 2015. Using detailed daily panel data and exploiting the fact that the same fishing water contains both certified and non-certified vessels, we use a difference-in-difference model for analysing demand effects of MSC-certification. We find a price premium the first months after the launch of the certification scheme for the initial adopters. However, this price premium dissipates over time and is mainly found for trawler vessels. For trawlers, we also find a negative effect on sold quantities the first months after certification but a positive effect a few years after certification. Creelers, on the other hand, got a positive effect on quantities sold both immediately after certification and after a few years. No general effect of MSC certification is found on neither prices nor quantities when the entire period January 2012 – January 2018 is investigated

    Rye (Secale cereale) as mulchlayer in Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) farming : influence on insect damage

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    Befintliga vĂ€xtskyddsproblem inom jordbruk- och trĂ€dgĂ„rdsproduktion kommer troligen öka pĂ„ grund av klimatförĂ€ndringar som gör odlingssĂ€songen lĂ€ngre. Dessutom Ă€r trenden att odlarna har allt fĂ€rre bekĂ€mpningsmedel att tillgĂ„. Ett varmare klimat introducerar nya skadegörare och gynnar befintliga skadegörare som resulterar i ökat artbestĂ„nd och övervintring i Sverige. Detta gör det svĂ„rare att hantera skadeangrepp i odlingar för producenten och det svenska lantbruket behöver hitta alternativa metoder för att minska de ekonomiska förlusterna. DĂ€rav behövs nya odlingstekniker och odlingssystem för att minska skadeangrepp. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om ett odlingssystem med rĂ„gmulchlager i huvudkĂ„lsodling kan tĂ€nkas pĂ„verka skadeinsekter, med underlag av HIR SkĂ„nes demonstrationsodling dĂ€r anvĂ€ndning av rĂ„gmulch resulterade i minskat angrepp frĂ„n skadeinsekter i vitkĂ„lsodling. Arbetets mĂ„l Ă€r att undersöka faktorer som missgynnar fyra utvalda, vanligt förekommande skadeinsekter i huvudkĂ„lsodling idag i Sverige samt besvara frĂ„gestĂ€llningen: Hur pĂ„verkas de och vad Ă€r den bakomliggande orsaken till minskade angrepp av skadeinsekter i huvudkĂ„l nĂ€r de odlats i rĂ„gmulch? Litteraturstudien utgĂ„r ifrĂ„n vetenskapliga rapporter, rapport frĂ„n demonstrationsodlingen frĂ„n HIR SkĂ„ne i Borgeby och annan relevant fakta. Resultaten visade att mulch kan pĂ„verka skadeinsekters orienteringsförmĂ„ga och utgöra en fysisk barriĂ€r som försvĂ„rar framkomlighet att nĂ„ till vĂ€rdvĂ€xten. Naturliga fiender gynnas av mulchen men ökar inte deras parasitering och predation pĂ„ skadeinsekterna. Mikroklimatet blir fuktigare med mulch vilket kan öka svampangrepp som kan pĂ„verka skadeinsekter. Kemiska utsöndringar frĂ„n rĂ„g kan störa skadeinsekter, frĂ„gan om omfattningen kvarstĂ„r fortfarande. Sammanfattningsvis kan mulchen störa skadeinsekters orienteringsförmĂ„ga och i vissa fall reproduktionsförmĂ„ga, vilket leder till en minskad kolonisering och population. För att vidare kunna dra definitiva slutsatser behövs fler studier kring odlingssystem med mulch.The present problems with plant protection in agricultural and horticultural production will probably escalate due to climate change, which extends the growing season. The trend is also that the number of available pesticides are constantly reduced by the authorities. A warmer climate introduces new pests and favors existing ones, resulting in increased species abundance and overwintering in Sweden. This makes it more challenging for producers to manage pest attacks, and the Swedish agriculture needs to find alternative methods to reduce their economical losses. Therefore, new cultivation techniques and systems are needed to minimize pest attacks. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether a cultivation system with a rye mulch layer in cabbage cultivation could potentially affect pest insects, based on HIR SkĂ„ne’s demonstration, where the use of rye as mulch resulted in reduced insect pest attacks in head cabbage cultivation. The goal of this study is to examine factors that could disadvantage four selected, commonly occurring pests in head cabbage cultivation in Sweden today and answer the question of issue: How are pest insects affected, and what is the underlying reason for reduced pest attacks in head cabbage when cultivated in rye mulch? The literature study is based on scientific reports, HIR SkĂ„ne demonstration report in Borgeby, and other relevant sources. Results shows that mulch can have an impact on the orientation capability of insects as it serves as a physical obstacle that disturbs their ability to find a host plant. Natural enemies can benefit from mulch, though it does not increase their parasitism and predation on pests. The cultivation system creates a more humid microclimate, which can increase fungal attacks that may affect pests. Chemical emissions from rye may disrupt pest insects, but the extent remains uncertain. To summarize, mulch can interfere with the pest insect's orientation and, in some cases, their reproductive ability. This leads to a reduced colonization and population. To be able to draw definitive conclusions, more studies on this cultivation systems with mulch are needed
