7 research outputs found

    S100A11 plays a role in homologous recombination and genome maintenance by influencing the persistence of RAD51 in DNA repair foci

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    <p>The repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) by homologous recombination (HR) is an essential process in maintenance of chromosomal stability. A key player of HR is the strand exchange factor RAD51 whose assembly at sites of DNA damage is tightly regulated. We detected an endogenous complex of RAD51 with the calcium-binding protein S100A11, which is localized at sites of DNA repair in HaCaT cells as well as in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) synchronized in S phase. In biochemical assays, we revealed that S100A11 enhanced the RAD51 strand exchange activity. When cells expressing a S100A11 mutant lacking the ability to bind Ca<sup>2+</sup>, a prolonged persistence of RAD51 in repair sites and nuclear γH2AX foci was observed suggesting an incomplete DNA repair. The same phenotype became apparent when S100A11 was depleted by RNA interference. Furthermore, down-regulation of S100A11 resulted in both reduced sister chromatid exchange confirming the restriction of the recombination capacity of the cells, and in an increase of chromosomal aberrations reflecting the functional requirement of S100A11 for the maintenance of genomic stability. Our data indicate that S100A11 is involved in homologous recombination by regulating the appearance of RAD51 in DSB repair sites. This function requires the calcium-binding activity of S100A11.</p

    Sacred Objects in Arts and Crafts of Rudolf II. Types and Iconography

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    When Emperor Rudolf II. moved to Prague with his court, city became one of the most important centers in Europe. The cultural aspirations of the new Emperor led to organizing a large collection with the great things from categories artificialia, naturalia, scientifica and to invitation of extraordinary craftsmen from the whole Europe. Masters of art and crafts were also invited on special decrees. Masters of art and crafts made very specific types in sacred way. Firstly there were small home altars with original commessi made by family of Castrucci and Miseroni in combination with other materials and cooperation with the other craftsmen. Further there were portrait medals by family of Abondio, gems - first of all by Ottavio Miseroni and Alessandro Masnago with assemblys by Jan Vermeyen and Andreas Osenbruck, commessi di pietre dure with sacred themes in fantastic and real landscapes by Castrucci family, plaquettes by Paulus von Vianen, statues by Ottavio Miseroni, chalices, crucifixes and monstrances. There were also very important handstones (handstein) with the sculpture solution of origin material with sacred themes. Further Emperor very appreciated original mosaics from various kinds of exotic birds with sacred themes from Mexico. This type of work has iris effect. There were also very important..

    Additional file 5: Figure S4. of Chromosomes in a genome-wise order: evidence for metaphase architecture

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    Metaphases from ten different primate species (see also Additional file 4: Table S1) demonstrating a genome-wise sorting of the haploid chromosome sets after M-FISH showing chromosome grouping and the closer location of homologous chromosomes next to the symmetry line. (TIF 727 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Chromosomes in a genome-wise order: evidence for metaphase architecture

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    Inverted DAPI images from 9 metaphase spreads of the normal proband from the family trio exemplify the bilateral grouping of haploid chromosome sets. These metaphases were also subjected to further analysis by pod FISH for determining the parental origin of the homologous chromosomes in the proband. (TIF 1521 kb

    Additional file 7: Figure S6. of Chromosomes in a genome-wise order: evidence for metaphase architecture

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    Round shaped metaphase spread from Silvery Langur (TCR, Trachypithecus cristata). Measurement of DNA content by DAPI per area resulted in ~20 % independent if the whole area is counted or a pie slice reflecting a symmetric/round shaped distribution of DNA in the metaphase state of the cell cycle. (TIF 255 kb

    Additional file 1: of Parental origin of deletions and duplications – about the necessity to check for cryptic inversions

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    Table S1. Besides details listed in Table 1, karyotype of index patient after GTG-banding and array-CGH, and the locus-specific probes used for the molecular cytogenetic study of the parents of the index patient are provided. No detailed clinical data is given, as this is not of interest for this study; all patients were studied due to developmental delay and or/dysmorphic features. (XLSX 19 kb