30 research outputs found


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    科学研究費助成事業(科学研究費補助金)研究成果報告書:基盤研究(A)2) 平成10~11年度 課題番号:国10041105はしがき........................................................................................................................V研究組織、研究経費、研究発表............................................................................VIパタゴニア地域概念図..............................................................................................IXパタゴニア・ソレール河谷の完新世の環境変動-氷河を中心として............1北パタゴニア氷原溢流氷河の1995/96-1998/99の変動.........................21北パタゴニア氷原の空撮........................................................................................31パタゴニア・ソレール氷河の表面プロファイルの測量................................41パタゴニア・ソレール氷河における流動観測結果.........................................47パタゴニア・ソレール氷河における歪速度観測結果....................................55氷河モデルにおける底面すべりの重要性..........................................................601998年夏季のソレール氷河における気象条件と熱収支の特徴...............64北パタゴニア氷原・ソレール氷河の水文特性.................................................75パタゴニア・ソレール氷河における氷雪崩の観測.........................................821998年ソレール氷河調査行動表........................................................................90南パタゴニア氷原ティンダル氷河における氷河調査の概要........................93南パタゴニア氷原ティンダル氷河涵養域における雪氷コア堀削............106南パタゴニア氷原ティンダル氷河における気象観測..................................139南パタゴニア氷原ティンダル氷河消耗域の雪氷生物調査..........................168パタゴニア・ペリートモレノ氷河の表面プロファイルの測量および氷河末端の流動とカービングの観測....................................................................................................................191Perito Moreno 氷河からのcalving(氷山分離)観測報告......................195パンタグラフ型アンチトルク機構の試作.........................................................20

    Glaciological Research Project in Patagonia 2006-2009

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    Landforms of the Balchenfjella area, the Sør Rondane, East Antarctica

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    Landforms of Balchenfjella (Balchen Mountain) and nunataks near it in the Sør Rondane, East Antarctica, were described using a geomorphological map compiled from field work and aerial photographic interpretation for Balchenfjella and aerial photographic stereograms for major nunataks. While the nunataks are in general standing out above the general surrounding ice surfaces and many of them show landforms of alpine glacier origin, Balchenfjella is characterized by landforms of areal scouring owing to continental ice-sheet glaciation and most of the area still lies below the surrounding ice surface. In this regard, Balchenfjella is found to be very unique in the Sør Rondane. Distinctive demarcation lines between the surfaces of weathered materials and fresh bedrocks found at the eastern side of the several nunataks and Balchenfjella suggest a recent lowering of the ice-sheet surface by several tens of meters. Wide covers of weathered erratics and/or tills over Balchenfjella indicate that the mountain was once covered by ice tongues spilling and closing in from surrounding sides and ablation was very extensive there. Based on the spatial distribution of weathered materials, the relative deglaciation sequence was inferred for Balchenfjella, finding that the eastern part, although higher, was most recently deglaciated. Schematic sequences of weathering, erosional and depositional processes working after deglaciation and their effects on the exposed surface were tentatively presented and the surface characteristics were listed for parts of Balchenfjella and each nunatak

    Morphological analyses of glacial valleys and estimates of sediment thickness on the valley floor: Victoria Valley system, Antarctica

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    The morphology of glacial valleys in the Victoria Valley system, Antarctica, was quantitatively analyzed employing the model Z=aX^b. In this model, the X and Z coordinate values are the distances from and the heights above the valley center as determined by photogrammetric techniques from 1 : 60000 high-altitude aerial photography obtained in 1970. The coefficients "a" and exponents "b" were determined by the method of least squares. Values for the exponents ranged from approximately 0.6 to 5,indicating that the glacial valley cross-sections could be approximated by profiles varying from shallow V's to quintic parabolas. These values differ from those obtained for glacial valleys in Europe and North America, where parabolas with exponents from 1.5 to 2.0 have been found to approximate valley cross-sections. Consequently, it appears that there are distinctive morphological differences among groups of glacial valleys. Two possible explanations for these morphological differences are presented : 1) different modes of glacial erosion; and 2) slopes at different stages of evolution by salt weathering. In addition to morphological factors, estimates of the depth of sediments in the valleys were also attempted by extrapolating the modelgenerated curve beneath the surface deposits to the valley floors. The difference between the photogrammetrically measured surface elevations and the estimated bedrock elevations yielded the depth estimates. Examination of the results indicates that these estimates are reasonably correct when appropriate segments of the valley wall are chosen for the curve fitting

    Short-term variations in flow velocity of Glaciar Soler, Patagonia, Chile

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    The Mt. Vechernyaya (272m above the surrounding sea level) area covers several square kilometers and the exposed bedrock area can be divided into western and eastern sections by an ice/snow body running north-south in the middle. The present landforms of the study area are primarily the results of selective erosion by the ice sheet, which was influenced by geologic factors such as joints, gneissosity and rock types. The joint-controlled linear trends in topography are very evident. Another characteristic of the area is step-like topographies. In the western section, five levels of relatively flat surfaces can be recognized, while in the eastern section, four levels can be distinguished. Steps are interpreted as the results of selective/differential erosion along the old faults, joints and geologic contacts, coupled with different lithologies. Tills are widespread, particularly in the lower area of the eastern section, although the cover is thin. Erratics are relatively small, typically less than 30cm in long axis and usually subangular to subround with relatively fresh appearance. Development of tafoni on erratics is very good, and so is development of sorted patterned grounds (chiefly polygons) on the tills. At present, it appears that periglacial processes such as freeze and thaw, gelifluction and nivation are strongly working in this area

    ヒガシ ナンキョク セールロンダーネ サンチ バルヒュン サン ト ソノ シュウヘン ノ ヌナタック ノ チケイ

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    東南極セールロンダーネ山地の東端に位置するバルヒェン山とその周辺のヌナタックの地形について, バルヒェン山では現地調査と空中写真判読から作成した地形学図を, 主なヌナタックについては空中写真のステレオグラムを使って記載した。ヌナタックは周辺の大陸氷床よりも高くそびえ, その多くはおもに山岳氷河の侵食による起伏の大きい景観を呈しているが, バルヒェン山は大陸氷床の侵食による, 全体に起伏の緩い滑らかな地形である。またバルヒェン山の大部分は周辺の氷床より低く, その地形的な特徴と相まってセールロンダーネ山地では特異な地域となっている。 いくつかのヌナタックとバルヒェン山の東面は, 風化した物質が載る斜面と新鮮な基盤岩の斜面が上下にきれいに分かれており, 最近大陸氷床が数10m低下したことを示している。バルヒェン山では, 風化したerraticsやtillsが広域にわたって新鮮な基盤の上に堆積している。これは, 過去に周辺の大陸氷床から流れ下ってきた氷舌がこの付近で合流し, 消耗したからと考えられる。これらの風化基盤と風化堆積物の分布に基づき解氷過程が推定され, バルヒェン山の西面が標高が低いにもかかわらず一番早く氷から開放され, 東面が標高が高いにもかかわらず一番新しいと判断された。 最後に, 解氷後の風化・侵食・堆積プロセスの作用とそれらによって作られる地形・地表状態について考察し表にまとめた。さらに, バルヒェン山やヌナタックではどのような地形・地表状態が分布するかを表にして, 相対的な新旧が比較できるようにした。Landforms of Balchenfjella (Balchen Mountain) and nunataks near it in the Sør Rondane, East Antarctica, were described using a geomorphological map compiled from field work and aerial photographic interpretation for Balchenfjella and aerial photographic stereograms for major nunataks. While the nunataks are in general standing out above the general surrounding ice surfaces and many of them show landforms of alpine glacier origin, Balchenfjella is characterized by landforms of areal scouring owing to continental ice-sheet glaciation and most of the area still lies below the surrounding ice surface. In this regard, Balchenfjella is found to be very unique in the Sør Rondane. Distinctive demarcation lines between the surfaces of weathered materials and fresh bedrocks found at the eastern side of the several nunataks and Balchenfjella suggest a recent lowering of the ice-sheet surface by several tens of meters. Wide covers of weathered erratics and/or tills over Balchenfjella indicate that the mountain was once covered by ice tongues spilling and closing in from surrounding sides and ablation was very extensive there. Based on the spatial distribution of weathered materials, the relative deglaciation sequence was inferred for Balchenfjella, finding that the eastern part, although higher, was most recently deglaciated. Schematic sequences of weathering, erosional and depositional processes working after deglaciation and their effects on the exposed surface were tentatively presented and the surface characteristics were listed for parts of Balchenfjella and each nunatak