103 research outputs found

    Pola Konsumsi dan Estimasi Permintaan Daging Ayam Ras (Broiler) pada Tingkat Rumah Tangga di Jawa Timur: Penerapan Model Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pola konsumsi dan estimasi permintaan daging ayam ras di Jawa Timur. Analisa ini dilakukan pada tingkat rumah tangga di Jawa Timur yang dibedakan berdasarkan wilayah (perdesaan dan perkotaan) yang kemudian diestimasi dengan menggunakan model Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan elastisitas permintaan Marshallian menunjukkan bahwa daging ayam ras di Jawa Timur memiliki sifat yang elastis baik di wilayah perdesaan maupun perkotaan. Sedangkan pada elastisitas silang yang menunjukkan terjadinya hubungan subtitusi. Sedangkan pada elastisitas permintaan Hicksian menunjukkan bahwa daging ayam ras di Jawa Timur bersifat elastis dan memiliki hubungan komplementer antar komoditas pangan hewani. Selajutnya, berdasarkan expenditure elasticity, daging ayam ras di Jawa Timur merupakan barang norma

    Impact of The Rising Rice Prices On Indonesian Economy

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    The purpose of this research is to analyzes impact of the rising rice prices on sectoral economic performance and welfare in Indonesia by using Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE) based on Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) of 2008. Economic sector of Indonesia is agregated into 22 sectors using Constant Elasticity of Substitutioon (CES) production function and 8 groups of households using Cobb-Douglasss utility. The result shows that rising price of 5 – 15 percent will increase domestic output of paddy,beans, and other food commodities, forestry, fishery, food and beverage industry, rice milling, spining and textil industry, wood industry, fertilizer, and pesticide. While the sector is declining domestic output of plantation sector, mining, paper industry, chemical and others, restaurants and hotels, and government.On the other hand, the increase of rice price decreases export, but it increases a whole import. The household real income increases, while group of households welfare decreases as the rice price increase. The government should be aware of the rising rice price,because it will harm the households. Keywords: rice price, sectoral economic performance, households welfare, CG

    Price Determination of Palm Oil Fresh Fruit Bunches on Imperfect Competition Market in Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia

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    The inequilibrium between the supplies of palm oil fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and the availability of palm oil mill causes the exploitation of palm oil fresh fruit bunches prices of farmers’ production, especially supply from estate smallholders (independent and plasma farmers). The exploitation of prices occur because of: a) market structure of palm oil fresh fruit bunches is oligopsony market, b) the value of conjectural elasticity is high, and c) the price elasticity value of supply and demand are small (0.19 and 0.048 are inelastic). This condition shows that oligopsony market power has sizeable and dominant influence on price determination of palm oil fresh fruit bunches in the input market. As the result, income, productivity and production of farmers are low. However, if farmers join in a cooperative institutional use oligopoly market power, so farmers can sell palm oil fresh fruit bunches at higher price or up to 34.86% of farmers’ real prices. Therefore, the price policy of government should consider to the elements of market power (conjectural elasticity) and the factors that influence market power (demand and supply price elasticities). The approach of bilateral monopoly market model can be an alternative solution of oligopsony market structure. Keywords: palm oil fresh fruit bunches, price, oligopsony, oligopoly, bilateral monopol

    Analisis Daya Saing Kopi Indonesia

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    Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan perkebunan yang mempunyai kontribusi yang cukup nyata dalam perekonomian Indonesia, yaitu sebagai penghasil devisa, sumber pendapatan petani, penghasil bahan baku industri, penciptaan lapangan kerja dan pengembangan wilayah (Disbun, 2014). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif kopi Indonesia. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu Revealed Comparative Advantage dan Porter Diamond Theory. Hasil analisis Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) menunjukkan bahwa kopi dari keempat negara memiliki keunggulan komparatif di atas rata-rata pasar dunia. Hasil analisis empat atribut Teori Berlian Porter dalam menyusun keunggulan kompetitif kopi Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia memiliki keunggulan pada faktor kondisi terkait sumber daya alam dan memiliki kelemahan pada faktor kondisi terkait sumberdaya manusia, IPTEK, serta ketersediaan infrastruktur


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    The purposes of this research is to describe local knowledge of farmer’s perception toward climate change and to analyze farmer’s intention toward climate change adaptation based on the theory of planned behavior. The sampling method used is simple random sampling with the population is the farmers in the research location. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics analysis and also structural equation modeling – partial least square (SEM-PLS) for generating information regarding farners behavior toward climate change. The results showed that 57.5 percent of respondents said that the intensity of rainy season and the temperature were changing significantly and 40 percent respodents also agree that the temperature was getting higher. There was 65% of respondents said that the climate change was driven by deforestration or logging. However, there was 17.5% of respondents said that factories have caused the climate change. Impact of climate change cause increasing pests and diseases attacking paddy crops and decreasing significantly of land productivity. For the structural equation modeling, subjective norm and perceived behavior control infuence positively the intention of farmers’ adaptation toward climate change

    Production and Cost Efficiency Analysis Using Frontier Stochastic Approach, A Case on Paddy Farming System With Integrated Plant and Resource Management (IPRM) Approach In Buru District Maluku Province Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the level of production and cost efficiency on paddy farming system with integrated plant and resource management (IPRM) approach in Buru District Maluku Province. Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method was used to estimate parameters in both frontier stochastic models. 120 respondents was determined by using simple random sampling method. The empirical finding shows that the varies of the error term in both models are mostly influence by inefficiency factors (g production= 0.933; g cost = 0.948) rather than stochastic factors. The average technical efficiency is 0.855 and 75.83% respondent already operates in this level of efficiency. The average cost efficiency is 0.86 and 80% of respondent already achieve this level of cost efficiency. These findings indicate that rice farming system with integrated plant and resource management approach in the research area are efficient and profitable. Keyword: Rice, Production efficiency, Cost efficiency, IPRM approach, Indonesia, Stochastic frontie

    Ekonomi Pertanian

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    Analisis Respon Penawaran Padi Indonesia

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    Beras merupakan bahan pangan bagi sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia. Penawaran beras di Indonesia terdiri dari produksi dalam negeri dan impor dari negara lain. Ketergantungan terhadap beras impor dari tahun ke tahun cukup tinggi, yaitu 500 ribu sampai 2 juta ton per tahun.Peningkatan produksi padi merupakan upaya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dan mengurangi impor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Menganalisis perkembangan penawaran padi Indonesia, (2) Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi luas areal panen padi Indonesia, (3) Menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhiproduktivitas padiIndonesia dan (4) Menganalisisrespon (elastisitas) penawaran padi Indonesia dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang.Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu dengan pendekatan model respon penawaran Nerlove. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa elastisitas penawaran padi Indonesia dalam jangka pendek sebesar 0,088 dan elastisitas jangka panjang sebesar 0,153.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa petani padi respon terhadap Perubahan harga. Nilai elastisitas ini berada pada kisaran inelastis, artinya presentase Perubahan penawaran lebih kecil daripada harganya yaitu sebesar 0,088 persen dalam jangka pendek dan 0,153 persen dalam jangka panjang sebagai akibat Perubahan 1 persen harga gabah

    Analisis Daya Saing Komoditas Bawang Merah di Kabupaten Kediri

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis tingkat daya saing komoditas bawang merah lokal terhadap bawang merah impor. Metode untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian yaitu analisis harga paritas (price parity analysis) dan analisis sensitivitas. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode purposive sampling untuk menentukan responden, yaitu lembaga pemasaran komoditas bawang merah impor di Kabupaten Kediri, antara lain pedagang grosir dan impotir bawang merah impor. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa hasil analisis harga paritas komoditas bawang merah lokal tidak memiliki daya saing terhadap komoditas bawang merah impor. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil perhitungan analisis harga paritas yang menunjukkan bahwa harga bawang merah lokal (Rp. 7.418,75/kg) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan harga bawang merah impor (Rp. 3.309,98/kg) sehingga akan didapatkan nilai harga paritas sebesar 0,446. Sedangkan hasil analisis sensitivitas menunjukkan bahwa harga komoditas bawang merah lokal memiliki daya saing ketika terjadi Perubahan (kenaikan) pada harga komoditas bawang merah impor dan kebijakan pajak impor sebesar 250%; Perubahan sebesar 200% pada Perubahan nilai tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar; sedangkan pada Perubahan biaya transportasi tidak memberi pengaruh terhadap daya saing bawang merah lokal
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