49 research outputs found
Enhancing Students' Speaking Through the Process of Performing Drama
An action research has always been interesting thing for teacher because the root of it is taken from their own problems. This study is a self reflection of a problem that is faced by the researcher. It focuses on a certain activity in a certain class and at a certain period of time. Questionnaires, interview sheet, observation sheet, students' worksheets, and teacher's lesson plans serve as data resources. The result shows a significant increase in the students score. However, there is variation on the general result
Analisis Perhitungan, Pemotongan, Pelaporan, dan Penyetoran Pajak Penghasilan (Pph) Pasal 21 Atas Karyawan Tetap (Studi Kasus pada PT. Sarah Ratu Samudera)
PT. Sarah Ratu Samudera is a company that concern on forwading sector in Surabaya. PT. Sarah Ratu Samudera withholding Income Tax Article 21 every month over the employee. Problems experienced by the company often incorrectly calculating and reporting and late payment of Income Tax Article 21 payable. This research was conducted in PT. Sarah Ratu Samudera Surabaya. This study was conducted to see how the calculation mechanism, withholding, payment and reporting of Income Tax Article 21 above the regular employees using withholding tax system. The study was conducted by using descriptive methods and data collection technique using documentation and interviews. Calculation of Income Tax Article 21 PT. Sarah Sarah Samudera for income received on a regular full-time employees is correct, but PT. Sarah Ratu Samudera does not count the number of Income tax Article 21 for irregular income received by employees in, named THR. Mistakes made by the company in calculating Income Tax Article 21 payable in August and December 2013 will result the amount of taxes paid and reported not as it should be. Article 21 are paid and reported smaller
Analisis Neodimium Menggunakan Metoda Spektrofotometri Uv-vis
ANALISIS NEODIMIUM MENGGUNAKAN METODA SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UV-VIS. Neodimium adalah jenis isotop yang dapat digunakan sebagai monitor penentuan derajat bakar (burn up), selain itu neodimium adalah unsur-unsur yang sering terdapat dalam logam tanah jarang sehingga mempelajari metoda analisis untuk penentuan unsur ini adalah cukup penting. Salah satu metoda yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan unsur tersebut adalah metoda spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dilakukan penelitian tentang bagaimana melakukan analisis unsur neodimium menggunakankan metoda Spekterofotometri UV-Vis dan parameter yang mempengaruhi hasil analisis. Hasil pengujian akan diterapkan pada analisis unsur Nd yang terdapat dalam logam tanah jarang dan pada analisis fision product untuk penentuaan burn up. Telah diperoleh parameter analisis untuk menganalisis neodimium dengan konsentrasi sampel berkisar dari 1 ppm hingga 7 ppm dengan tingkat keasaman larutan pada pH 3,5 dan konsentrasi pengomplek 0, 1 % serta waktu analisis kurang dari 30 menit. Analisis dapat diterima dengan persen akurasi berkisar antara 96,73% sampai 99,86% dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%
Synthesis of Zn(ii)/silica by Sol-gel Method as an Antibacterial Material Against Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus
Synthesis of Zn(II)/silica by sol-gel method as antibacterial material against Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus) has been done. Sol-gel process was carried out by reacting tetraethoxysilane, H2O, HCl, ethylene glycol and ZnCl2. The ZnCl2 concentrations varied 0.25, 0.5; 0.75, 1, and 1.25 M. Heat treatment were done by combination of microwave and oven, while the process of aging gel Zn(II)/silica carried out for 24 h and or without going through the process of aging. The Zn(II)/silica was then characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction method (XRD), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The Zn(II) ions concentration that released from Zn(II)/silica was determined by AAS. Zn content in Zn(II)/silica was determined by X-Ray Fluoresence (XRF). Porosity of materials were determine by monolayer adsorption of N2 gas. Antibacterial test was done by calculate the number of bacteria surviving after contact with Zn(II)/silica by plate count method and compared to silica.The XRD results showed that Zn(II)/silica phase composed of amorphous SiO2 and y-ZnCl2. The porosity test results showed that Zn(II)/silica has surface area of 517.698 m2/g. The XRF analysis results showed that ZnCl2 0.25 M produced the optimum Zn content 35,60% in Zn(II)/silica. Zn(II)/silica synthesized by heating in the oven at 150oC for 3 h after dried by microwave and aged resulted in the optimum Zn(II)/silica due to the least release of Zn(II) ions from Zn(II)/silica when analyzed by AAS (5.51%). Zn(II)/silica with concentration of 163 ppm could kill E.coli from concentration of 1.5 x106 CFU/mL to 0 CFU/mL in 2,5 h contact time, and reduces S.aureus concentration 1,2 x 106 CFU/mL with a contact time of 24 h. While the silica with the same concentration to that of the Zn(II)/silica showed no antibacterial effect against E.coli and S.aureus
Pembuatan Pulp Dari Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Untuk Karton Pada Skala USAha Kecil
Industri karton skala kecil saat ini mengalami kesulitan kontinuitas pasokan bahan baku (khususnya pulp dan kertas bekas). Limbah pengolahan minyak kelapa sawit sebagai bahan serat berlignoselulosa jumlahnya berlimpah, dan sebegitu jauh belum banyak dimanfaatkan, sehingga berindikasi potensial sebagai bahan baku industri karton. Pembuatan pulp tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) untuk karton dilakukan dengan proses semi-kimia soda panas pada ketel pemasak, dengan kondisi pemasakan TKKS tetap, yaitu konsentrasi soda (NaOH) 10%, perbandingan berat TKKS dengan larutan pemasak 1:5,5, dan suhu maksimum 120C yang dipertahankan selama 2 jam. Ketel ini merupakan bagian peralatan pada pembuatan karton skala kecil. Rendemen pulp TKKS mencapai 60,17%. Lembaran karton dibentuk di industri rakyat dari pulp TKKS 100%, dan dari campurannya dengan kertas bekas dan sludge industri kertas (50%:25%:25%), masing-masing bahan serat tersebut diberi bahan aditif (kaolin 5%, alum 2%, dan perekat tapioka 4%). Rendemen dan sifat kekuatan karton dari campuran bahan serat (pulp TKKS, kertas bekas, dan sludge) sedikit di bawah sifat karton dari pulp TKKS 100%, tetapi masih lebih baik dari pada sifat karton buatan industri rakyat dari campuran kertas bekas - sludge (50%:50%, tanpa aditif); dan sebagian besar memenuhi persyaratan standar karton komersial, kecuali indeks tarik dan indeks sobek. Kekurangan tersebut diharapkan dapat diatasi dengan penggunaan bahan rosin-soap sizing dan lebih banyak perekat tapioka
Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa Berbasis Eksperimen Materi Enzim Mikroba pada Bahan Ajar Bioteknologi Mikroba
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa berbasis Eksperimen materi enzim mikroba yang valid untuk bahan ajar bioteknologi mikroba. Pengembangan Lembar Keja Mahasiswa (LKM) mneggunakan Model 4D memiliki 4 tahapan, yaitu define, design, develop, dan disseminate. Pada penelitian ini hanya terbatas pada tahap develop. Analisis data menggunakan statistic deskriptif untuk menentukan kriteria kevalidan sebuah produk yang dikumpulkan melalui lembar penilaian yang diisi oleh validator Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa validasi dari ahli materi kategori valid dengan nilai persentase 88,33%, validasi dari ahli media dengan persentase 85,83% dengan kategori valid dan ahli bahasa dengan persentase 76,67% dengan kategori valid dan uji keterbacaan oleh mahasiswa dengan nilai persentase 84,50% dengan kategori valid. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa LKM berbasis eksperimen materi enzim mikroba yang dikembangkan valid untuk bahan ajar bioteknologi mikroba
Studi Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Fisika Antara Penggunaan Gambar Bergerak Dengan Gambar Statis
The purposes of this research were to determine the difference of learning outcome used dynamic images with static images and describe each of learning outcome. The samples in this research were students of class X in SMA Negeri 3 Kotabumi. The research was conducted used the one-group pretest-posttest design. Data were tested with N-gain analysis, normality test, homogeneity test and Mann-Whitney test. The results of Mann-Whitney test, asymp.sig value was 0.014, it can be stated that the average N-gain of learning outcomes used dynamic image is higher than the average N-gain of learning outcome of static image. Based on these result, there was the difference in learning outcome between two experimental classes. Beside that, there was an increasing of student's learning outcome by medium category which used dynamic image as well as static image.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar berbantuan gambar bergerak dengan gambar statis dan mendiskripsikan masing-masing hasil belajar. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 3 Kotabumi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan one-group pretest-posttest design. Data diuji dengan analisis N-gain, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas dan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil dari uji Mann-Whitney, nilai asymp. sig. yaitu 0,014, maka dapat dinyatakan rata-rata N-gain hasil belajar berbantuan gambar bergerak lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan rata-rata N-gain hasil belajar berbantuan gambar statis. Sehingga dapat dikatakan, terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar antara kedua kelas eksperimen. Seain itu, hasil belajar siswa berbantuan gambar bergerak, maupun gambar statis mengalami peningkatan dengan kategori sedang
Cs Ion Exchange Capacity of Zeolite Bayah, Lampung, and Tasikmalaya
Cs ions
exchange process has been conducted on natural zeolite (from Bayah, Lampung, and Tasikmalaya) which
was activated with ammonium chloride. NH4-zeolite which was formed, is used to exchanger or absorber
material of Cs ions. The duration of ions exchange process was optimized by varying the stirring time of 1
hours, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, and 24 hours. In all three zeolite types was obtained the
optimization process time are the contact time of 1 hours. Cation exchange capacity (CEC) of natural zeolite
was determined by standard methods. Attempts to obtain a monocation zeolite as a NH4-zeolite effectively
acquired about 88% which used as a exchanger or absorber Cs ions. The effectiveness of Cs ions Cation
exchange capacity with the ammonium was determined by batch-exchange for 1 hour. The calculation result
o effectiveness CEC-Cs are 1.4269 Meq/gram ± 0.0397, RSD: 2.79% for Bayah zeolite, 1.4476 Meq/gram
± 0.0103, RSD: 0.71% for Lampung zeolite, 1.4044 Meq/gram ± 0.0050, RSD: 0.36% for Tasikmalaya
zeolite. Stability of Cs-zeolte bond against heat treatment was tested at temperature of 25°, 300°, 600 °,
900°, and 1200 °C. The result showed that the relea se of Cs-ions is not significant from zeolite structure.
The heating below 900°C, the release of Cs-ions jus t occurs on the surface (it was not change the initial of
zeolite structure), whereas above that temperature was occurs the changed of zeolite structure, although
there was not visible the release of Cs-ions on leaching process at the water. The conclusion is all three
types of natural zeolite was potentially to be used as Cs-ions isolate which is especially useful to absorbing
Cs-radioactive isotope as a result from fission of nuclear fuel element