4,850 research outputs found

    Decoherence induced by a phase-damping reservoir

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    A phase damping reservoir composed by NN-bosons coupled to a system of interest through a cross-Kerr interaction is proposed and its effects on quantum superpo sitions are investigated. By means of analytical calculations we show that: i-) the reservoir induces a Gaussian decay of quantum coherences, and ii-) the inher ent incommensurate character of the spectral distribution yields irreversibility . A state-independent decoherence time and a master equation are both derived an alytically. These results, which have been extended for the thermodynamic limit, show that nondissipative decoherence can be suitably contemplated within the EI D approach. Finally, it is shown that the same mechanism yielding decoherence ar e also responsible for inducing dynamical disentanglement.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Enlightening the dynamical evolution of Galactic open clusters: an approach using Gaia DR3 and analytical descriptions

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    Most stars in our Galaxy form in stellar aggregates, which can become long-lived structures called open clusters (OCs). Along their dynamical evolution, their gradual depletion leave some imprints on their structure. In this work, we employed astrometric, photometric and spectroscopic data from the \textit{Gaia} DR3 catalogue to uniformly characterize a sample of 60 OCs. Structural parameters (tidal, core and half-light radii, respectively, rtr_t, rcr_c and rhr_h), age, mass (McluM_{\textrm{clu}}), distance, reddening, besides Jacobi radius (RJR_J) and half-light relaxation time (trht_{rh}), are derived from radial density profiles and astrometrically decontaminated colour-magnitude diagrams. Ages and Galactocentric distances (RGR_G) range from 7.2\,\lesssim\,log(t.t.yr1^{-1})\,\lesssim\,9.8 and 6RG\,\lesssim\,R_G(kpc)\,\lesssim\,12. Analytical expressions derived from NN-body simulations, taken from the literature, are also employed to estimate the OC initial mass (MiniM_{\textrm{ini}}) and mass loss due to exclusively dynamical effects. Both rcr_c and the tidal filling ratio, rh/RJr_h/R_J, tend to decrease with the dynamical age (=t/trht/t_{rh}), indicating the shrinking of the OCs' internal structure as consequence of internal dynamical relaxation. This dependence seems differentially affected by the external tidal field, since OCs at smaller RGR_G tend to be dynamically older and have smaller Mclu/MiniM_{\textrm{clu}}/M_{\textrm{ini}} ratios. In this sense, for RG8R_G\lesssim8\,kpc, the rh/RJr_h/R_J ratio presents a slight positive correlation with RGR_G. Beyond this limit, there is a dichotomy in which more massive OCs tend to be more compact and therefore less subject to tidal stripping in comparison to those less massive and looser OCs at similar RGR_G. Besides, the rt/RJr_t/R_J ratio also tends to correlate positively with RGR_G.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Investigating dynamical properties of evolved Galactic open clusters

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    The stellar content of Galactic open clusters is gradually depleted during their evolution as a result of internal relaxation and external interactions. The final residues of the evolution of open clusters are called open cluster remnants, barely distinguishable from the field. We aimed to characterise and compare the dynamical states of a set of 16 such objects. The sample also includes 7 objects that are catalogued as dynamically evolved open clusters. We used photometric data from the 2MASS, astrometric data from the GAIA DR2 and a decontamination algorithm that was applied to the three-dimensional astrometric space of proper motions and parallaxes for stars in the objects' areas. The luminosity and mass functions and total masses for most open cluster remnants are derived here for the first time. Our analysis used predictions of N-body simulations to estimate the initial number of stars of the remnants from their dissolution timescales. The investigated open cluster remnants present masses and velocity dispersions within well-defined ranges: M between ~10-40M_Sun and sigma_v between ~1-7km/s. Some objects in the remnant sample have a limiting radius R_lim<~2pc, which means that they are more compact than the investigated open clusters; other remnants have R_lim between ~2-7pc, which is comparable to the open clusters. We suggest that the open cluster NGC2180 is entering a remnant evolutionary stage. In general, our clusters show signals of depletion of low-mass stars. This confirms their dynamically evolved states. We conclude that the open cluster remnants we studied are in fact remnants of initially very populous open clusters (No~10^3-10^4 stars). The outcome of the long-term evolution is to bring the final residues of the open clusters to dynamical states that are similar to each other, thus masking out the memory of the initial formation conditions of star clusters.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The quantum theory of measurement within dynamical reduction models

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    We analyze in mathematical detail, within the framework of the QMUPL model of spontaneous wave function collapse, the von Neumann measurement scheme for the measurement of a 1/2 spin particle. We prove that, according to the equation of the model: i) throughout the whole measurement process, the pointer of the measuring device is always perfectly well localized in space; ii) the probabilities for the possible outcomes are distributed in agreement with the Born probability rule; iii) at the end of the measurement the state of the microscopic system has collapsed to the eigenstate corresponding to the measured eigenvalue. This analysis shows rigorously how dynamical reduction models provide a consistent solution to the measurement problem of quantum mechanics.Comment: 24 pages, RevTeX. Minor changes mad

    On the Electromagnetic Properties of Matter in Collapse Models

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    We discuss the electromagnetic properties of both a charged free particle, and a charged particle bounded by an harmonic potential, within collapse models. By choosing a particularly simple, yet physically relevant, collapse model, and under only the dipole approximation, we are able to solve the equation of motion exactly. In this way, both the finite time and large time behavior can be analyzed accurately. We discovered new features, which did not appear in previous works on the same subject. Since, so far, the spontaneous photon emission process places the strongest upper bounds on the collapse parameters, our results call for a further analysis of this process for those atomic systems which can be employed in experimental tests of collapse models, as well as of quantum mechanics.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, updated version with minor change