124 research outputs found

    Effect of DNA Groove Binder Distamycin A upon Chromatin Structure

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    BACKGROUND: Distamycin A is a prototype minor groove binder, which binds to B-form DNA, preferentially at A/T rich sites. Extensive work in the past few decades has characterized the binding at the level of double stranded DNA. However, effect of the same on physiological DNA, i.e. DNA complexed in chromatin, has not been well studied. Here we elucidate from a structural perspective, the interaction of distamycin with soluble chromatin, isolated from Sprague-Dawley rat. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Chromatin is a hierarchical assemblage of DNA and protein. Therefore, in order to characterize the interaction of the same with distamycin, we have classified the system into various levels, according to the requirements of the method adopted, and the information to be obtained. Isothermal titration calorimetry has been employed to characterize the binding at the levels of chromatin, chromatosome and chromosomal DNA. Thermodynamic parameters obtained thereof, identify enthalpy as the driving force for the association, with comparable binding affinity and free energy for chromatin and chromosomal DNA. Reaction enthalpies at different temperatures were utilized to evaluate the change in specific heat capacity (ΔCp), which, in turn, indicated a possible binding associated structural change. Ligand induced structural alterations have been monitored by two complementary methods--dynamic light scattering, and transmission electron microscopy. They indicate compaction of chromatin. Using transmission electron microscopy, we have visualized the effect of distamycin upon chromatin architecture at di- and trinucleosome levels. Our results elucidate the simultaneous involvement of linker bending and internucleosomal angle contraction in compaction process induced by distamycin. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We summarize here, for the first time, the thermodynamic parameters for the interaction of distamycin with soluble chromatin, and elucidate its effect on chromatin architecture. The study provides insight into a ligand induced compaction phenomenon, and suggests new mechanisms of chromatin architectural alteration

    Lymphoma and Myeloma Cell Resistance to Cytotoxic Agents and Ionizing Radiations Is Not Affected by Exposure to Anti–IL-6 Antibody

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    Background: Production of high levels of IL-6 is often correlated with resistance to cytotoxics or ionizing radiations, in cancer cell lines as in various cancer patients. We investigated whether monoclonal antibodies directed against IL-6 may enable to reverse resistance of cancer cell lines. Methodology/Principal Findings: We exposed ten haematological cancer cells from lymphoma, myeloma, or leukemia origins to cytotoxics or ionizing radiations and assessed the effects of anti–IL-6 antibody addition on cell proliferation, apoptosis, or IL-6 signaling. A strong correlation between IL-6 secretion, measured by ELISA, and resistance to doxorubicin as ionizing radiations was observed in the multiple myeloma U266 and the Burkitt’s lymphoma Daudi and Namalwa cells. Although an anti–IL-6 antibody combined to both treatments efficiently blocked IL-6 signaling in U266 cells, expressing the IL-6 receptor gp80, it did not increase treatment-induced anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on these cells, as well as on Daudi and Namalwa cells. This lack of effect could be related to diverse factors: 1) a higher release of the soluble form of IL-6 receptor gp80 in response to doxorubicin and irradiation from all cell lines, 2) an impaired level of the IL-6 pathway inhibitor SOCS3 in Daudi cells, and 3) an increased release of IL-10 and TNFa, two cytokines involved in cell radio- and chemoresistance. Conclusions/Significance: These data support the fact that IL-6 is not the preponderant actor of cell resistance to cytotoxic

    Comprehensive Identification and Modified-Site Mapping of S-Nitrosylated Targets in Prostate Epithelial Cells

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    Although overexpression of nitric oxide synthases (NOSs) has been found associated with prostate diseases, the underlying mechanisms for NOS-related prostatic diseases remain unclear. One proposed mechanism is related to the S-nitrosylation of key regulatory proteins in cell-signaling pathways due to elevated levels of NO in the prostate. Thus, our primary objective was to identify S-nitrosylated targets in an immortalized normal prostate epithelial cell line, NPrEC.We treated NPrEC with nitroso-cysteine and used the biotin switch technique followed by gel-based separation and mass spectrometry protein identification (using the LTQ-Orbitrap) to discover S-nitrosylated (SNO) proteins in the treated cells. In parallel, we adapted a peptide pull-down methodology to locate the site(s) of S-nitrosylation on the protein SNO targets identified by the first technique. This combined approach identified 116 SNO proteins and determined the sites of modification for 82 of them. Over 60% of these proteins belong to four functional groups: cell structure/cell motility/protein trafficking, protein folding/protein response/protein assembly, mRNA splicing/processing/transcriptional regulation, and metabolism. Western blot analysis validated a subset of targets related to disease development (proliferating cell nuclear antigen, maspin, integrin beta4, alpha-catenin, karyopherin [importin] beta1, and elongation factor 1A1). We analyzed the SNO sequences for their primary and secondary structures, solvent accessibility, and three-dimensional structural context. We found that about 80% of the SNO sites that can be mapped into resolved structures are buried, of which approximately half have charged amino acids in their three-dimensional neighborhood, and the other half residing within primarily hydrophobic pockets.We here identified 116 potential SNO targets and mapped their putative SNO sites in NPrEC. Elucidation of how this post-translational modification alters the function of these proteins should shed light on the role of NO in prostate pathologies. To our knowledge, this is the first report identifying SNO targets in prostate epithelial cells

    Lasting DNA Damage and Aberrant DNA Repair Gene Expression Profile Are Associated with Post-Chronic Cadmium Exposure in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells

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    Cadmium (Cd) is a widespread environmental pollutant and carcinogen. Although the exact mechanisms of Cd-induced carcinogenesis remain unclear, previous acute/chronic Cd exposure studies have shown that Cd exerts its cytotoxic and carcinogenic effects through multiple mechanisms, including interference with the DNA repair system. However, the effects of post-chronic Cd exposure remain unknown. Here, we establish a unique post-chronic Cd-exposed human lung cell model (the CR0 cells) and investigate the effects of post-chronic Cd exposure on the DNA repair system. We found that the CR0 cells retained Cd-resistant property even though it was grown in Cd-free culture medium for over a year. The CR0 cells had lasting DNA damage due to reduced DNA repair capacity and an aberrant DNA repair gene expression profile. A total of 12 DNA repair genes associated with post-chronic Cd exposure were identified, and they could be potential biomarkers for identifying post-chronic Cd exposure. Clinical database analysis suggests that some of the DNA repair genes play a role in lung cancer patients with different smoking histories. Generally, CR0 cells were more sensitive to chemotherapeutic (cisplatin, gemcitabine, and vinorelbine tartrate) and DNA damaging (H2O2) agents, which may represent a double-edged sword for cancer prevention and treatment. Overall, we demonstrated for the first time that the effects of post-chronic Cd exposure on human lung cells are long-lasting and different from that of acute and chronic exposures. Findings from our study unveiled a new perspective on Cd-induced carcinogenesis-the post-chronic exposure of Cd. This study encourages the field of post-exposure research which is crucial but has long been ignored

    Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1/UCHL1 suppresses epithelial-mesenchymal transition and is under-expressed in cadmium-transformed human bronchial epithelial cells

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    Cadmium (Cd), a highly toxic heavy metal, is widespreadly distributed in the environment. Chronic exposure to Cd is associated with the development of several diseases including cancers. Over the decade, many researches have been carried on various models to examine the acute effects of Cd; yet, limited knowledge is known about the long-term Cd exposure, especially in the human lung cells. Previously, we showed that chronic Cd-exposed human bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B cells exhibited transformed cell properties, such as anchorage-independent growth, augmented cell migration, and epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT). To study these Cd-transformed cells more comprehensively, here, we further characterized their subproteomes. Overall, a total of 63 differentially expressed proteins between Cd-transformed and passage-matched control cells among the five subcellular fractions (cytoplasmic, membrane, nuclear-soluble, chromatin-bound, and cytoskeletal) were identified by mass spectrometric analysis and database searching. Interestingly, we found that the thiol protease ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase isozyme L1 (UCHL1) is one of the severely downregulated proteins in the Cd-transformed cells. Notably, the EMT phenotype of Cd-transformed cells can be suppressed by forced ectopic expression of UCHL1, suggesting UCHL1 as a crucial modulator in the maintenance of the proper differentiation status in lung epithelial cells. Since EMT is considered as a critical step during malignant cell transformation, finding novel cellular targets that can antagonize this transition may lead to more efficient strategies to inhibit cancer development. Our data report for the first time that UCHL1 may play a function in the suppression of EMT in Cd-transformed human lung epithelial cells, indicating that UCHL1 might be a new therapeutic target for chronic Cd-induced carcinogenesis. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Cytochrome P450 27C1 Level Dictates Lung Cancer Tumorigenicity and Sensitivity towards Multiple Anticancer Agents and Its Potential Interplay with the IGF-1R/Akt/p53 Signaling Pathway

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    Cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP450s) exert mighty catalytic actions in cellular metabolism and detoxication, which play pivotal roles in cell fate determination. Preliminary data shows differential expression levels of CYP27C1, one of the "orphan P450s" in human lung cancer cell lines. Here, we study the functions of CYP27C1 in lung cancer progression and drug endurance, and explore its potential to be a diagnostic and therapeutic target for lung cancer management. Quantitative real-time PCR and immunoblot assays were conducted to estimate the transcription and protein expression level of CYP27C1 in human lung cancer cell lines, which was relatively higher in A549 and H1975 cells, but was lower in H460 cells. Stable CYP27C1-knockdown A549 and H1975 cell lines were established, in which these cells showed enhancement in cell proliferation, colony formation, and migration. In addition, aberrant IGF-1R/Akt/p53 signal transduction was also detected in stable CYP27C1-knockdown human lung cancer cells, which exhibited greater tolerance towards the treatments of anticancer agents (including vinorelbine, picropodophyllin, pacritinib, and SKLB610). This work, for the first time, reveals that CYP27C1 impacts lung cancer cell development by participating in the regulation of the IGF-1R/Akt/p53 signaling pathway, and the level of CYP27C1 plays indispensable roles in dictating the cellular sensitivity towards multiple anticancer agents

    Bacillus anthracis Spore Entry into Epithelial Cells Is an Actin-Dependent Process Requiring c-Src and PI3K

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    Dissemination of Bacillus anthracis from the respiratory mucosa is a critical step in the establishment of inhalational anthrax. Recent in vitro and in vivo studies indicated that this organism was able to penetrate the lung epithelium by directly entering into epithelial cells of the lung; however the molecular details of B. anthracis breaching the epithelium were lacking. Here, using a combination of pharmacological inhibitors, dominant negative mutants, and colocalization experiments, we demonstrated that internalization of spores by epithelial cells was actin-dependent and was mediated by the Rho-family GTPase Cdc42 but not RhoA or Rac1. Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) activity was also required as indicated by the inhibitory effects of PI3K inhibitors, wortmannin and LY294002, and a PI3K dominant negative (DN) mutant Δp85α. In addition, spore entry into epithelial cells (but not into macrophages) required the activity of Src as indicated by the inhibitory effect of Src family kinase (SFK) inhibitors, PP2 and SU6656, and specific siRNA knockdown of Src. Enrichment of PI3K and F-actin around spore attachment sites was observed and was significantly reduced by treatment with SFK and PI3K inhibitors, respectively. Moreover, B. anthracis translocation through cultured lung epithelial cells was significantly impaired by SFK inhibitors, suggesting that this signaling pathway is important for bacterial dissemination. The effect of the inhibitor on dissemination in vivo was then evaluated. SU6656 treatment of mice significantly reduced B. anthracis dissemination from the lung to distal organs and prolonged the median survival time of mice compared to the untreated control group. Together these results described a signaling pathway specifically required for spore entry into epithelial cells and provided evidence suggesting that this pathway is important for dissemination and virulence in vivo

    Partitioning the Proteome: Phase Separation for Targeted Analysis of Membrane Proteins in Human Post-Mortem Brain

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    Neuroproteomics is a powerful platform for targeted and hypothesis driven research, providing comprehensive insights into cellular and sub-cellular disease states, Gene × Environmental effects, and cellular response to medication effects in human, animal, and cell culture models. Analysis of sub-proteomes is becoming increasingly important in clinical proteomics, enriching for otherwise undetectable proteins that are possible markers for disease. Membrane proteins are one such sub-proteome class that merit in-depth targeted analysis, particularly in psychiatric disorders. As membrane proteins are notoriously difficult to analyse using traditional proteomics methods, we evaluate a paradigm to enrich for and study membrane proteins from human post-mortem brain tissue. This is the first study to extensively characterise the integral trans-membrane spanning proteins present in human brain. Using Triton X-114 phase separation and LC-MS/MS analysis, we enriched for and identified 494 membrane proteins, with 194 trans-membrane helices present, ranging from 1 to 21 helices per protein. Isolated proteins included glutamate receptors, G proteins, voltage gated and calcium channels, synaptic proteins, and myelin proteins, all of which warrant quantitative proteomic investigation in psychiatric and neurological disorders. Overall, our sub-proteome analysis reduced sample complexity and enriched for integral membrane proteins by 2.3 fold, thus allowing for more manageable, reproducible, and targeted proteomics in case vs. control biomarker studies. This study provides a valuable reference for future neuroproteomic investigations of membrane proteins, and validates the use Triton X-114 detergent phase extraction on human post mortem brain

    Interaction between Hydrogenase Maturation Factors HypA and HypB Is Required for [NiFe]-Hydrogenase Maturation

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    The active site of [NiFe]-hydrogenase contains nickel and iron coordinated by cysteine residues, cyanide and carbon monoxide. Metal chaperone proteins HypA and HypB are required for the nickel insertion step of [NiFe]-hydrogenase maturation. How HypA and HypB work together to deliver nickel to the catalytic core remains elusive. Here we demonstrated that HypA and HypB from Archaeoglobus fulgidus form 1∶1 heterodimer in solution and HypA does not interact with HypB dimer preloaded with GMPPNP and Ni. Based on the crystal structure of A. fulgidus HypB, mutants were designed to map the HypA binding site on HypB. Our results showed that two conserved residues, Tyr-4 and Leu-6, of A. fulgidus HypB are required for the interaction with HypA. Consistent with this observation, we demonstrated that the corresponding residues, Leu-78 and Val-80, located at the N-terminus of the GTPase domain of Escherichia coli HypB were required for HypA/HypB interaction. We further showed that L78A and V80A mutants of HypB failed to reactivate hydrogenase in an E. coli ΔhypB strain. Our results suggest that the formation of the HypA/HypB complex is essential to the maturation process of hydrogenase. The HypA binding site is in proximity to the metal binding site of HypB, suggesting that the HypA/HypB interaction may facilitate nickel transfer between the two proteins
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