17 research outputs found


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    Contains the data used in the final repeated-measures analyses. Data include the BBS route information (STATE, ROUTE, RTCODE, LAT, LONG), the number of years of data (NYEARS), whether the site includes data for all (cicada) years or not (EMALL), the type of cicada (13 or 17 year; TYPE) and brood number (BROOD), and the mean standardized bird data for each year vis-a-vis the cicada cycle from emergence - 4 (YM4) through year 12 after emergence (Y12) for sites within the range of 13-year broods or year 16 after emergence (Y16) for sites within the range of 17-year broods. Missing values are listed as -9


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    This file contains the original BBS data for the 15 bird species used in the analyses along with the associated cicada brood data. Each line contains the following data: SPECIES (AOU number), STATE, ROUTE, OBSNUM {observer number), LATitude, LONGitude, YEAR, BIRDS (N birds observed), log-transformed N birds, N birds standardized to mean of 0 and SD=1, YRSFRMEM (years from the last emergence), TYPE (13-year or 17-year), BROOD number, NYEARS (of data for that site overall), EMEVENT (whether the data for that site includes an emergence year or not), EMALL (whether the data for that site includes values for all years of the relevant cicada cycle), XMASS (mass of the bird species)


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    The file "gypsy_moth_defoliation.csv" contains area defoliated (in units of square kilometers) by the gypsy moth from 1975 to 2014 in 64 x 64 km grid cells spanning the area considered "generally infested" by the gypsy moth (i.e., where gypsy moth populations were established) as of 1975. Defoliated area is based on aerial surveys

    Species and site characteristics used to fit dispersal models

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    This data file is a multi-tab spreadsheet that describes the characteristics of the 64 species and the 3372 50 x 50 km grid cells spanning the contiguous United States used in the spread models (where spatial data are calculated as the grid cell area-weighted average of county-level data used in Liebhold et al. (2013)). Within the spreadsheet, the 'griddata' tab includes scaled and unscaled spatial variables by grid cell, 'scaledhostden' includes scaled host density by grid cell, 'gridtreevolume' includes raw tree volume by grid cell as measured by the Forest Inventory and Analysis National Program (FIA), 'FIAcodes' lists the host FIA codes by pest species, and 'pestdata' includes scaled and unscaled pest characteristics

    Appendix A. Comparison of the model output for type II and type III functional responses.

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    Comparison of the model output for type II and type III functional responses