4 research outputs found

    GSK3 phylogenetic tree

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    Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree produced by RAxML 7.3.0 analysis of GSK3 land plant matrix with the GTRCAT model of evolutio

    GSK3 gene expression

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    Gene expression data for GSK3 homologs in select seed plants. Gene expression levels are measured by normalized reads per kilobase per million (RPKM) values per tissue, except for Arabidopsis genes where they are measured by normalized microarray signal intensities per tissue. Gene expression levels in root, stem, seedling, leaf, flower/cone (during pre-meiotic, post-meiotic, and post-anthetic developmental stages), and fruit/seed of each species, are provided

    Land Plant GSK3 matrix

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    MAFFT translation alignment of 445 plant genes encoding homologs of GSK3