3 research outputs found

    Om sambandet mellan logopedens röstkvalitet, språkförståelse och kognitiv förmåga hos barnet

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    Övergripande syfte med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur en talares röstkvalitet påverkar språkförståelsen hos barn i åldern åtta år samt vilken roll barnets kognitiva förmågor spelar för språkförståelsen vid varierande röstvillkor. Det saknas idag svenska studier om i vilken utsträckning en talares röstkvalitet påverkar barns förståelse och lärande. Inte heller har man tidigare studerat hur arbetsminneskapacitet och exekutiva funktioner inverkar på språkförståelsen hos barnet vid olika röstvillkor hos talaren. Kunskap inom detta område är av stor vikt för såväl logopediskt arbete som för insatser i skolvärlden. Totalt 85 barn i årskurs 2 deltog i studien. Barnen medverkade i tre deltest; ett test avsett att mäta arbetsminneskapacitet, ett test avsett att mäta exekutiva funktioner samt ett digitaliserat språkförståelsetest, där testmeningarna var inspelade med två olika röstkvaliteter. Barnen delades in i två grupper, där den ena gruppen av barn fick lyssna på en typisk röst och den andra gruppen av barn fick lyssna på en dysfonisk röst. Resultatet på språkförståelsetestet visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan de olika grupperna. Däremot noterades ett ökat antal självkorrigeringar i den grupp som fick lyssna på dysfonisk röstkvalitet. Även kognitiva funktioner visade sig ha större betydelse för språkförståelsen i den grupp som presenterades för en talare med dysfonisk röstkvalitet

    Sex differences in children operated with pyeloplasty for pelvoureteric junction obstruction

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    PURPOSE: Pelvoureteric junction obstruction (UPJO) is a common cause of hydronephrosis in children but no previous studies have evaluated differences between boys and girls operated with pyeloplasty. This study aimed to evaluate potential differences between sexes in children operated with pyeloplasty for PUJO in terms of presentation, surgery, and long-term results.METHODS: Data was retrospectively collected from all children operated on with pyeloplasty between January 2002 and December 2020. Data contained several variables covering presentation, surgery, and long-term results.RESULTS: In total, 194 patients were included of which 126 (64.9%) were boys. There were no significant differences in prenatal findings, pelvic dilation on ultrasound, function of the affected kidney, surgical method, obstruction type, resolution of hydronephrosis, or improvement of function. Boys presented with pain more often than girls (47.4 vs 25.0%, p < 0.01) while girls were more prone to infections preoperatively (17.2 vs 7.0%, p = 0.04). All nine patients requiring reoperation were boys (p = 0.03).CONCLUSION: Girls with UPJO seem to experience infections as presenting symptoms more often than boys, while boys significantly more often present with pain. There is also a higher percentage of boys needing reoperation

    Antibiotic prescription using a digital decision support system : a register-based study of patients with hard-to-heal ulcers in Sweden

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate differences in antibiotic prescription for patients with hard-to-heal ulcers assessed using a digital decision support system (DDSS) compared with those assessed without using a DDSS. A further aim was to examine predictors for antibiotic prescription.DESIGN: Register-based study.SETTING: In 2018-2019, healthcare staff in primary, community and specialist care in Sweden tested a DDSS that offers a mobile application for data and photograph transfer to a platform for multidisciplinary consultation and automatic transmission of data to the Registry of Ulcer Treatment (RUT). Register-based data from patients assessed and diagnosed using the DDSS combined with the RUT was compared with register-based data from patients whose assessments were merely registered in the RUT.PARTICIPANTS: A total of 117 patients assessed using the DDSS combined with the RUT (the study group) were compared with 1784 patients whose assessments were registered in the RUT without using the DDSS (the control group).PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The differences in antibiotic prescription were analysed using the Pearson's χ 2 test. A logistic regression analysis was used to check for influencing factors on antibiotic prescription. RESULTS: Patients assessed using a DDSS in combination with the RUT had significantly lower antibiotic prescription than patients entered in the RUT without using the DDSS (8% vs 26%) (p=0.002) (only healed ulcers included). Predictors for antibiotic prescription were diabetes; long healing time; having an arterial, neuropathic or malignant ulcer.CONCLUSIONS: A DDSS with data and photograph transfer that enables multidisciplinary communication appears to be a suitable tool to reduce antibiotic prescription for patients with hard-to-heal ulcers