6 research outputs found

    Identificação de Indicadores de Medição de Conhecimento de Membros do Corpo Docente das Universidades do Irã

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    Identifying and controlling knowledge assets is essential for any organization, and proper utilization of this capital, in the presence of appropriate criteria and indicators, will affect the performance and not merely a qualitative assessment. Therefore, the researchers seek to identify the indicators of knowledge measurement of faculty members in Iran's universities. The present research, based on the objective, is a fundamental research component, based on the nature is the descriptive research component and based on the type of argument, is a component of qualitative research. The data collection method is library resources and questionnaires and the technique used is Fuzzy Delphi method. The Delphi panel was established with 17 faculty members who were selected by a judiciary. The results of the research showed that among 61 indicators extracted from theoretical literature, two index such as: guidance the undergraduate theses and the ratio of postgraduate students to total students, do not affect the knowledge measurement of human resources at universities in Iran, and there are consensus about other indicators.Identificar y controlar los activos de conocimiento es esencial para cualquier organización, y la utilización adecuada de este capital, en presencia de criterios e indicadores apropiados, afectará el rendimiento y no meramente una evaluación cualitativa. Por lo tanto, los investigadores buscan identificar los indicadores de medición del conocimiento de los miembros de la facultad en las universidades de Irán. La presente investigación, basada en el objetivo, es un componente de investigación fundamental, basado en la naturaleza es el componente de investigación descriptiva y en función del tipo de argumento, es un componente de la investigación cualitativa. El método de recolección de datos son los recursos de la biblioteca y los cuestionarios, y la técnica utilizada es el método Fuzzy Delphi. El panel de Delphi se estableció con 17 miembros de la facultad que fueron seleccionados por un poder judicial. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron que entre 61 indicadores extraídos de la literatura teórica, dos índices tales como: orientación de las tesis de pregrado y la proporción de estudiantes de postgrado a estudiantes totales, no afectan la medición del conocimiento de los recursos humanos en las universidades de Irán, y hay consenso sobre otros indicadores.Identificar e gerenciar ativos de conhecimento é essencial para qualquer organização e utilização adequada desta capital, na presença de critérios e indicadores apropriados, irá afetar o desempenho e não apenas uma avaliação qualitativa. Portanto, os pesquisadores buscam identificar indicadores de medição de conhecimento dos membros do corpo docente nas universidades iranianas. Esta pesquisa, com base no objetivo, é um componente da investigação fundamental, com base na natureza do componente é pesquisa descritiva e, dependendo do tipo de argumento, é um componente da pesquisa qualitativa. O método de coleta de dados são os recursos da biblioteca e os questionários, e a técnica utilizada é o método Delphi Difuso. O painel Delphi foi estabelecido com 17 membros do corpo docente que foram selecionados por um judiciário. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que entre 61 indicadores extraídos da literatura teórica, dois índices, como a orientação de teses de graduação e a proporção de estudantes de pós- graduação para o total de alunos não afetar a medição de conhecimento de recursos humanos em universidades no Irã, e há consenso sobre outros indicadores

    An analysis of the enablers effective on the implementation of the circular economy and Industry 4.0 in the supply chain

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    Circular economy and Industry 4.0 are concepts that have garnered significant attention from businesses and universities in recent years. They are currently being promoted by many governments worldwide. The synergy between these two concepts offers the potential to move towards a more sustainable society and address the environmental and economic challenges related to managing organizational operations. This research aims to analyze the factors enabling the implementation of circular economy and Industry 4.0 in the supply chain of Yazd glass factories. In the initial phase of the research, a review of various articles was conducted using the meta-synthesis method to identify and categorize relevant enablers. This process resulted in the identification of 15 enablers categorized into four dimensions: economic, human resources, organizational management, and infrastructure. In the subsequent step, the Fuzzy DEMATEL technique was employed to examine the cause-and-effect relationships. The findings indicate that, within the economic dimension, the most influential enablers are "budget allocation for the implementation of circular economy and Industry 4.0" and "stimulation of demand for circular products." In the human resources dimension, "training and development of employees" and "organizational culture" play crucial roles. In the organizational-management dimension, "support and commitment of senior management" and "cooperation and networking with supply chain partners (industrial coexistence)" are highly significant. Lastly, within the infrastructure dimension, "development of information technology standards and infrastructures" and "security and protection of intellectual property rights" are considered the most effective enablers for the implementation of circular economy and Industry 4.0 in the Yazd glass factories. The results indicate that the Ardakan glass factories of Yazd should prioritize attention to economic and infrastructural enablers when implementing circular economy and Industry 4.0. Introduction The concept of the circular economy can be regarded as a solution to reduce production costs within a sustainable supply chain. In this context, the integration of cyber-physical systems, big data, data mining, data analytics, the Internet of Things, and novel business models can offer significant opportunities for the creation of sustainable industrial value, value capture, and the promotion of the circular economy (Antikainen et al., 2018). Industry 4.0, often referred to as the future of supply chains, can have numerous implications for sustainability, including the optimal utilization of resources and technology (Quezada et al., 2017). Based on the sustainability axis, the concept of Industry 4.0 aids industrial managers in encompassing not only environmental protection and control initiatives but also aspects of process safety, such as resource efficiency, human resource and societal well-being, and the development of smarter and more flexible supply chain processes (Luthra & Mangla, 2018). Numerous studies have explored the factors that impact the implementation of circular economy and Industry 4.0, and these factors have been broadly classified into categories such as barriers, challenges, drivers, and enablers (Fedotkina et al., 2019). Identifying the enablers that are effective in implementation is a crucial step in enhancing the performance of a circular and intelligent supply chain. Until these enablers are identified, it is impossible to determine their relative importance. Following their identification, industry practitioners and policymakers can develop appropriate strategies for their implementation. As such, this current research aims to identify, categorize, and analyze the effective enablers for implementing circular economy and Industry 4.0 at the Ardakan Glass Factory in Yazd, which is the largest glass factory in West Asia. To achieve this, both a qualitative method for enabler identification and the technical Dimtel method using fuzzy logic for establishing cause-and-effect relationships between enablers are employed. What sets this research apart from others is its focus on identifying the combined enablers for implementing the circular economy and Industry 4.0 at the Ardakan Glass Factory Group of Yazd, as well as the network approach that examines the relationships and interactions between these enablers. Given these key elements, this research aims to address the following questions: -What are the effective enablers for implementing the circular economy and Industry 4.0 at the Ardakan glass factories in Yazd? -What is the effectiveness and influence, including cause-and-effect relationships, of these enablers? Materials and Methods This research is categorized as applied-developmental research in terms of its purpose and is classified as a field-library study in terms of its methodology. Its objective is to formulate a novel scientific model of enablers for implementing circular economy and Industry 4.0 within organizational supply chains. Given the significant number of qualitative articles that have explored the enablers of Industry 4.0 and the circular economy across various industries and the need to establish a shared understanding of these enablers, the first stage of this research involved identifying effective enablers using the meta-synthesis qualitative method. Their validity was assessed through content validity, which involved obtaining opinions from 15 organizational experts. In the second phase of the research, the researchers evaluated the effectiveness and impact of these enablers using the Fuzzy DEMATEL method. The statistical population for the first stage of the research comprised all studies published in the Scopus database, the largest text database, related to the enablers that influence the implementation of circular economy and Industry 4.0 within organizational supply chains up until the commencement of this research. In the second stage of the research, the statistical population included all professors and managers with expertise in sustainability, familiar with circular economy, and knowledgeable about Industry 4.0 technologies at Ardakan Glass Factories in Yazd. For this phase, a purposeful sampling method was used to select ten participants. Discussion and Results The purpose of the current research is to analyze the enablers that are effective in implementing the circular economy and Industry 4.0 within the supply chain of Ardakan Glass Factories in Yazd. In the first stage of the research, various articles were reviewed, and the meta-combination method was employed to identify and categorize relevant enablers. This process led to the identification of 15 enablers across four dimensions: economic, human resources, organizational management, and infrastructure. In the second stage, the Fuzzy DEMATEL technique was utilized to investigate the cause-and-effect relationships between these enablers. The research results revealed that the economic and infrastructural enablers are considered influential dimensions that affect human resources and organizational management dimensions. Within the economic dimension, "budget allocation for the implementation of the circular economy and Industry 4.0" and "stimulation of demand for circular products" emerged as the most effective enablers. Additionally, in the infrastructure dimension, "development of IT standards and infrastructure" was identified as the most influential enabler for the implementation of the circular economy and Industry 4.0 within the supply chain. In the organizational management dimension, "the support and commitment of senior management" was recognized as the most influential enabler. Conclusion While the enablers mentioned are considered among the most effective ones in implementing circular economy and Industry 4.0 in the Ardakan Glass Factories of Yazd, it's crucial for the glass industry to prioritize the most important enablers. It's essential to pay adequate attention to all identified enablers. Using specific guidelines and a checklist of effective enablers during decision-making can facilitate the decision-making process and enhance decision-making capabilities. Therefore, based on the identified enablers and their importance in this research, it's recommended to develop and provide guidelines and checklists for executive managers. Among the significant limitations of this research is the reliance on a single scientific database, Scopus, for sourcing research. It's advisable to supplement this by utilizing other databases such as Google Scholar and Web of Science. Additionally, the classification of enablers was conducted using a qualitative approach. Researchers are encouraged to name and categorize enablers using survey and quantitative methods, such as cluster analysis, to expand their research scope. Another limitation pertains to the research's statistical population, which was restricted to Ardakan Glass Factories in Yazd due to time and cost constraints. To generalize the research results, it's advisable to investigate the same research topic in other glass factories across the country. Future researchers could employ methods like fuzzy cognitive mapping and systems dynamics to examine relationships and interactions between enablers. Moreover, the enablers identified and analyzed in this research were primarily based on international studies. To adapt these enablers to the specific conditions of Iran's industries, it's suggested that in-depth interviews be conducted with industry owners. This way, certain enablers that may be unique to Iran's circumstances or require different interpretations can be revised

    Uncertain Supply Chain Management Application of grey-based DEMATEL technique in designing of the aggregate green supply chain management's model

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    Nowadays, environmental issues are considered as the most important factor for competition. In this era, just modern companies can compete with each other and any environment friendly firm plays essential role in gaining more market share. Besides, the 21 st century is the era of modern steel and Iranian iron steel industry plays important role in the domestic and international trade only through emphasizing on protection of environment. Therefore, designing a model for strengthening the environmental performance in steel industries is necessary to get some advantages such as energy saving, reducing pollutants, eliminating (declining) of waste, creating value for customers and improving the productivity. In this research, first, we explain green supply chain management and then grey-based DEMATEL Technique is used to identify different factors influencing the green supply chain. Eventually, the green supply chain model (GSCM) is applied for the steel industry. The result determines the most prominence factors of GSCM in Yazd Steel Industry

    Fractional Mathematical modeling for production planning - with fuzzy approach (Case study: Khavar-E-Miane Furniture Co)

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    Nowadays the most important issues considered by the managers of industry is production planning and in this area, managers are faced with several goals that in many cases are in conflict with each other. Operations research techniques, with modeling, while the existing constraints consider, optimize organizational goals. Objectives of all these techniques are raising productivity in the organization. Mathematical model for this research that is made for production planning in Khavar-E-Miane Furniture Co is multiple Objective fractional programming. One of the difficulties in solving the multiple Objective fractional problems is computational problem that arise of variability, in the example Chames and Cooper and Gillmore and Gomory methods there. Hence this research was used fuzzy approach to solve multiple Objective fractional mathematical model of Khavar- E-Miane Furniture Company. Thereby also overcome the computational problems of variability in the previous methods, the relevant officials will be able to optimize their production systems. In this context the first phase, Pal's method was used that using fuzzy goal programming was solved the multiple Objective fractional mathematical model. More using Dutta fuzzy method was determined that the result using both methods is identical and membership functions are equal to =0.701 and //2 =1. It should be noted that other companies also changed slightly in the proposed mathematical model will be able to optimize the production planning

    Employing Multi Attributes Decision Making Techniques for Rating the Supply Chain Risk Factors (Case Study: the field of information technology in small and medium enterprises)

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    Supply chain is a network of independent organizations that cooperate with each other, in order to control, manage and improve material and information flow from suppliers to final consumers to meet customer satisfaction. In Industry, especially industries that are moving towards the longer supply chain, the issue of supply chain risk management is important. The risk management process focuses on the identification of risks and reduction of theirs adverse effects. Risk management process in supply chain includes four-phase identification, assessment, control or management and tracking of risky events. The aim of risk assessment is risk measurement based on various attributes. A key part of this process is risk rating; in this article first, with study of multi criteria decision making, it was tried to recognize the appropriate model for ranking of risk factors in order to determine their priority and allocate resources to deal with each of them. More, the field of information technology in small and medium enterprises was studied and after recognizing of risk factors of field of information technology in small and medium enterprises, Electre, Topsis and Taxonomy techniques to rank these factors were used. More and also with calculating the Spearman correlation coefficient for detecting convergence of ratings, using the mean method, the final ranking risk factors in the supply chain field were acquired

    Persian Registry Of cardioVascular diseasE (PROVE): Design and methodology

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    BACKGROUND: Our aim was to create and establish a database called &ldquo;Persian Registry Of cardioVascular diseasE (PROVE)&rdquo; in order to be used for future research and in addition, as a tool to develop national guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this paper, the design and methodology of the PROVE pilot study will be discussed, launched in Isfahan, Iran, in 2015-2016. METHODS: Through establishing PROVE, patients' data were collected from hospitals and outpatient clinics prospectively or retrospectively and followed up for a maximum of three years based on the type of CVDs. The inclusion criteria were as patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), stroke, atrial fibrillation (AF), heart failure (HF), congenital heart disease (CHD), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and chronic ischemic cardiovascular disease (CICD). Specific protocols, questionnaires, and glossaries were developed for each registry. In order to ensure the validation of the protocols, questionnaires, data collection, management, and analysis, a well-established quality control (QC) protocol was developed and implemented. Data confidentiality was considered. RESULTS: In order to register patients with ACS, STEMI, stroke, HF, PCI, and CICD, the hospital recorded data were used, whereas, in case of AF and CHD registries, the data were collected from hospitals and outpatient clinics. During the pilot phase of the study in Isfahan, from March 2015 to September 2016, 9427 patients were registered as ACS including 809 as STEMI, 1195 patients with HF, 363 with AF, 761 with stroke, 1136 with CHD, 1200 with PCI, and 9 with CICD. Data collection and management were performed under the supervision of the QC group. CONCLUSION: PROVE was developed and implemented in Isfahan as a pilot study, in order to be implemented at national level in future. It provides a valuable source of valid data that could be used for future research, re-evaluation of current CVD management and more specifically, gap analysis and as a tool for assessment of the type of CVDs, prevention, treatment, and control by health care decision makers. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p