404 research outputs found


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    The changes in the business environment may bring a company into a dangerous situation if the company does not react properly to the changes. In order to successfully coping with the change, a number of companies have taken several measures to improve the performance, either by restructuring, or reengineering their organization. Usually there are two areas of changes that take the attention of management. Firstly, the changes in shared vision, business strategy, structure, and system of organization. Secondly, the change in human behavior of organization, which consists of staff, skill, and style. Pascale and A thos (1981) in their se ven S model of chronic organization, called the former as the hard S while the latter they called soft 5. No matter how excellent are the business strategy, structure and system, the changes in an organization would not occur unless there are changes in human behavior. This paper discusses the effort to change the behavior, with specialemphasis on leader behavior. A case study from an oil company, Caltex Pacific Indonesia (CPI) which is in the process of restructuring, would be utilized as an illustration of the effort to change the organization through leadership development program. In CPI a massive leadership development program has been launched to speed up the process of change. The program covers all layers of leaders, starting from the bottom layer up to the top management level. The bottom layer focuses on transformational leadership, the second upper layer stresses on synergistic leadership, and the top layer concentrates on visionaryleadership. Based on qualitative data found from a preliminary study aimed at assessing the impacts of the program in speeding up the change in CPI, it was found that the CLD program has contributed positively to the change process

    Profesionalisme psikologi dan tragedi yang mungiun terjadi

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    Keywords: jasa psikologi, profesi psikologi

    Hubungan antara Intensitas Menonton Tayangan Televisi Berisi Kekerasan, Persepsi terhadap Keharmonisan Keluarga, Jenis Kelamin, dan Tahap Perkembangan dengan Kecenderungan Agresivitas Remaja: The Relationship between the

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    This research aims to examine the relationship between the intensity of watching violence on television, the perception of family harmoniouness, with the aggressive tendencies of adolescence. This research also intends at knowing the differences in the aggressive tendencies of adolescence based on sex and phases of development The research subjects were 180 Senior High School (SMU) Bonaventura and Sint Louis at the Kotamadya Madiun, including 93 boys and 87 girls. Data was collected using questionnaires, those were aggressive tendencies of adolescence questionnaire, intensity of watching violence on television questionnaire, and perception of family harmoniousness questionnaire. Research data are analyzed using regression analysis, and analysis of variance. The results of the research show that: (1) there were positive and very significant correlation between the intensity of watching violence on television and the aggressive tendencies of adolescence fr 1 = 0,375p = 0,001 (highly significant* (2) there were negative and very siiaficant correlation between the perception toward family harmoniousness and aggressive tendencies of adolescence (= -0,496p = 0,000 (highly significant))(3) the boys were higher than the erls on the aggressive tendencies of adolescence {F = 10,288= 0,002 (highly significant)(4) there were no differencies aggressive tendep ncies of adolescence based on adolescence phases of development {F = 0,180p = 0,832 (not significant)). Key words: Aggressive tendencies of adolescence â Intensity of watching violence on television -- Perception of family harmoniousness -- Sex -- and Phases of development

    Hubungan Antara Bias Keputusan Dengan Adversity Quotient Dan Anchor Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan = The Correlation Between Decision Bias with Adversity Quotient and Anchor in Decision Making

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    The decision, sometimes, has been well considered,- but in fact, the bias still happens. This bias, sometimes, is not caused by the lack of person ability, but by the previous decision. Nevertheles that decision is done by other people or themselves which actually does not bound and also is not relevan but it becomes an anchor to the person itself. Adversity quotient is a response characterstic of a person in facing problems in order to guarantee the quality of the decision making wich is caused by the existence of anchor. This research tried to examine the influence of the adversity quotient anticipation to the decision bias which was caused by the existence of anchor. The independent variables of this research were the adversity quotient, anchor and risk degree. The dependent variable was the decision bias. This research was done in the form of experiment with 150 subjects of Javanese who live in the boarding house surrounding Yogyakarta for about two until three years in which they had no job experience to gain the money and also no expense money except from the family (this belongs to the issues of the study, that is money decision). The subjects were deviled into six treatment groups, namely, without anchor with high risk, without anchor with low risk, high anchor with high risk, high anchor with low risk, low anchor with high risk and low anchor with low risk. The main data analysis used anova and regression with SASS for windows MO. The result of the study shows that (1) the existence of anchor influences the bias of the decision making to the research subject. (2) The sex differences do not influence significantly to the decision bias because of the existence of the anchor. (3) Person\u27s adversity quotient degree (value) is useful in anticipating the influence of anchor in decision making. (4) The strength of the adversity quotient influence is antisipating the influence of anchor will drops gradually when gets the high risk problem. (5) The strength of adversity quotient effect is not different between male and female. Key words: Decision biasadversity quotientanchorrisk degree

    Status Pekerjaan, Niat Untuk Memakai alat kontrasepsi dan prilaku pemakaian alat kontrasepsi studi longitudinal di Kelurahan Triharjo DIY

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauhmana niat untuk memakai alat kontrasepsi berkorelasi dengan prilaku pemakaian alat kontrasepsi. Berdasarkan pada teori \u27behavioral intention\u27 yang dikemukakan oleh Fishbein dan Ajzen diperkirakan bahwa niat untuk memakai alat kontrasepsi akan berkorelasi dengan prilaku pemakaian kontrasepsi. Untuk menguji perkiraan ini dilakukan wawancara terhadap 466 responden wanita pasangan usia subur. Sebagian dari responden pernah diwawancara di tahun 1976 untuk mengukur tinggi rendahnya niat untuk memakai alat kontrasepsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ads korelasi antara niat untuk memakai kontrasepsi yang diwawancara di tahun 1976 dengan prilaku kontrasepsi di tahun 1983. Responden yang memiliki niat yang tinggi ternyata lebih besar kemungkinannya untuk memakai alat kontrasepsi jika dibandingkan dengan responden yang rendah niatnya. Selain itu diperoleh basil-hasil tambahan yang menunjukkan adanya penurunan dalam jurnlah anak yang dimiliki dan jumlah anak yang dikehendaki Kata Kunci:alat kontraseps

    Pengaruh mintakat ekologi utama terhadap program insentif peningkatan pendapatan kelompok akseptor k.b. di kabupaten Gunung Kidul=The Influence of the Main Ecological Zone on the Progress of Incentive Program for Income

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    ABSTRACT The purpose of this investigation is to know how much the difference of influence between physical and social environments of an ecological zone on the Cooperative Effort (UB, Usaha Bersanu2) progress of a family-planning acceptor group given an initial capital incentive for developing the depositing-borrowing activity or other productive and economic acitivities. The investigational method applied is the causal and correlational one by selecting the investigational location of Gunung Kidul regency which can be divided into 3 main ecological zones based on the difference of its physical components, e north zone, central zone, and south zone, as a study material. The data collection is done by interviewing 144 "UB" groups as respondents, taken by means of the stratified purposive sampling representing each zone in balanceby the observing the conditions and by discussing the secondary data and literatures. The test of the difference between the physical and social environments, of the capital & non capital progress among the zones is performed by the Variant Analysiswhereas the test of influence of the physical environment, of social environment, of \u27\u27UB\u27s" age, of initial capital - on the capital and non-capital progresses - is done by the Regression Analysis. The investigational results reveal that (1) the different physical environmental factors in 3 zone have a positive relation to its \u27VB\u27s" progress(2) there are some indications that the social environmental conditions in the north zone are relatively more advanced than those of the central zone with has relatively more positive physical environmental supports(3) the factors of the physical and social environments, of "UB\u27s" age, and of initial capital on the whole are greatly influential to the "UB\u27s" progressstatistically the greatest influence is given by the "tat\u27s" age, followed by the social environment, physical environment, and initial capital, respectively. Key words: ecological zone - initial capital - cooperative effor

    Cultural factors in the etiology of mental disorderand their impacts on clinical symptoms and intervention

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    Keywords: cultur-etiolog


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    Pemberian jasa psikologi kepada masyarakat adalah salah satu bentuk aktivitas profesi psikologi. Dari tahun ke tahun tuntutan akan jasa psikologi semakin meningkat. Tumbuh dan berkembangnya banyak lembaga konsultasi psikologi di Indonesia dalam dasawarsa terakhir ini merupakan indikator betapa besarnya kebutuhan masyarakat akan jasa psikologi

    Membangun Kepercayaan Menuju Indonesia Madani, Demokratis dan Damai (Sebuah Tinjauan Psikologi Sosial)

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    kata kunci : psikologi sosia

    Attributional Analysis Of Immoral Behavior

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    ABSTRACT Eighty eight college students, half male and half female, were requested to rate stories depicting an actor engaging in immoral behaviors in terms of the actor\u27s responsibility for the behavior and the negativity of behavior. Three variables were manipulated in the stories : sex of the actor, sex-type of behavior, and the motive for the behavior. The results showed that when the motive of behavior was for gain, subjects evaluated the behavior more negatively than when the motive was for avoiding loss. The motive of behavior was also found to interact with the sex-type of behavior. Male-typed behaviors were evaluated more negatively under the gain motive, while female-typed behaviors were evaluated equally negative in both motive conditions. Subjects with high achievement motivation perceived the immoral behavior more negatively as compared to the low achievement motivation subjects. Female actors tended to be rated more negatively than male actors. Keywords: Immoral Behavio