6,541 research outputs found

    Real Wage Chronologies

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    We process information in a large number of wage contracts, signed over a period of several decades, to generate the long-run history of the real wage for each bargaining pair. We term these hitherto unexamined histories ‘chronologies’. We are able to generate 1574 continuous real wage chronologies and we examine the evolution of the real wage in each case. We explore the influence of productivity growth, the industrial relations record of the pair, the influence of industry and region as well as the initial wage on the growth of the real wage rate over the decades in the sample. We conclude that these economically important forces can be statistically discerned in the wage chronologies.wage chronologies, productivity, industrial relations, convergence

    Optimal Contract Length for Voluntary Land Conservation Programs

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    In many parts of the world, deteriorating environmental conditions have led policy makers to develop policies and programs aimed at promoting conservation practices on lands devoted to agriculture. Such programs have been studied by environmental economists, but little research has been done on the usefulness of strategically varying the conservation contract's length. This paper uses theory and simulation to investigate the optimal contract length of land conservation programs when a policy maker tries to maximize the present discounted value of the stream of environmental benefits from the program. We find that contract length should vary with characteristics of the ecological processes that yield benefits from land retirement. Optimal contracts are longer when the environmental benefits in question things like woodland biodiversity take time to develop. However, it is not typically optimal to have the indefinitelylived contracts favored by some conservation groups, or even to offer contracts as long as the maturation period for the environmental services in question. In general, the optimal contract length depends on the trade off between an ecological effect (increasing the environmental benefits from one farmer) and an enrollment effect (increasing the number of farmers enrolled). Our findings also suggest that non-ecological regional characteristics (such as turnover rate and average farm income) could play an important role in the design of conservation programs.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Contract Duration and Indexation in a Period of Real and Nominal Uncertainty

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    A sample of 11885 wage agreements, reached in the Canadian unionized sector during 1976-2000, a period of high as well as exceptionally low inflation and substantial fluctuations in nominal and real uncertainty, is used to study the determinants of key provisions of contracts such as their duration and indexation clauses. Econometric techniques, which account for the interaction between duration and indexation, as well as the latent nature of the elasticity of indexation are used. Results obtained suggest that expected inflation, nominal and real uncertainty account for most of the secular and cyclical changes in contract provisions.contract duration, indexation, nominal, real uncertainty

    Semi-Finite Forms of Bilateral Basic Hypergeometric Series

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    We show that several classical bilateral summation and transformation formulas have semi-finite forms. We obtain these semi-finite forms from unilateral summation and transformation formulas. Our method can be applied to derive Ramanujan's 1ψ1_1\psi_1 summation, Bailey's 2ψ2_2\psi_2 transformations, and Bailey's 6ψ6_6\psi_6 summation.Comment: 8 pages. accepted by Proc. Amer. Math. So

    Homeland Insecurity

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    Homeland Insecurity is a project born out of a life’s worth of marginalization, internalized racism, and forced assimilation. It presents common experiences and emotions that are located between cultures, questioning what it means to inhabit a homeland that exists as a hybrid mental space. As I progress through life, my parents’ culture—my heritage—becomes more and more distant, yet like many non-white children of immigrants, I will continue to carry it in my face as a physical reminder of a life I do not know. Influenced by acculturation theory, my work explores this culture that never quite belonged to me to begin with—yet is still mine to lose. Through absence or erasure as visual motifs, I impart a sense of cultural displacement. While the experiences presented are rooted in my own, I attempt to assuage others with homeland insecurities, establishing commonalities throughout this identity

    Oceanographic Instrument Simulator

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    The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) established the Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment (FOCE) experiment to study the long-term effects of decreased ocean pH levels by developing in-situ platforms [1]. Deep FOCE (dpFOCE) was the first platform, which was deployed in 950 meters of water in Monterey Bay. After the conclusion of dpFOCE, MBARI developed an open source shallow water FOCE (swFOCE) platform located at around 250 meter of water to facilitate worldwide shallow water experiments on FOCE [1][2]. A shallow water platform can be more ubiquitous than a deep-water platform as shallow water instruments are less expensive (as it does not have to be designed to withstand the pressure at deep ocean depths) and more easily deployed (they can be deployed right along the coast). The swFOCE experiment is an open source platform, and MBARI has made the plans available online to anyone interested in studying shallow water carbon enrichment. There is a gateway node what is connected to four sensor nodes within the swFOCE. In order to test the sensor node individually, an idea of designing an Oceanographic Instrument Simulator is purposed. The Oceanographic instrument simulator (OIS), described in this paper provides the means for MBARI engineers to test the swFOCE platform without attaching the numerous and expensive oceanographic instruments. The Oceanographic Instrument Simulator simulates the various scientific instruments that could be deployed in an actual experiment. The Oceanographic Instrument Simulator (OIS) system includes the designed circuit board, Arduino Due and an SD Card shield. The designed circuit board will be connected to a computer through a USB cable, and be connected to MBARI’s swFOCE sensor node through a serial connection. When a query is given from the sensor node, the Arduino Due will parse the data given from the sensor node, search through the pre-installed data in the SD card and return the appropriate data back to the sensor node. A user can also manually set up the input current through a computer terminal window to control the simulated signals from the PCB

    Faulhaber's Theorem on Power Sums

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    We observe that the classical Faulhaber's theorem on sums of odd powers also holds for an arbitrary arithmetic progression, namely, the odd power sums of any arithmetic progression a+b,a+2b,...,a+nba+b, a+2b, ..., a+nb is a polynomial in na+n(n+1)b/2na+n(n+1)b/2. While this assertion can be deduced from the original Fauhalber's theorem, we give an alternative formula in terms of the Bernoulli polynomials. Moreover, by utilizing the central factorial numbers as in the approach of Knuth, we derive formulas for rr-fold sums of powers without resorting to the notion of rr-reflexive functions. We also provide formulas for the rr-fold alternating sums of powers in terms of Euler polynomials.Comment: 12 pages, revised version, to appear in Discrete Mathematic