19 research outputs found

    Custodire la distanza. Una riflessione sulla profondità come dimensione amorosa a partire da François Jullien

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    This paper presents a reflection on depth as the dimension in which the experience of love takes place. Because depth is co-instituited with the motor ability of a subject who is capable of going through space, it is the necessary condition for two subjects to approach each other. Referring to François Jullien’s notion of de-coincidence, in its various forms, this paper attempts to value distance and the “écart”, as the two main aspects of the relation with the other.This paper presents a reflection on depth as the dimension in which the experience of love takes place. Because depth is co-instituited with the motor ability of a subject who is capable of going through space, it is the necessary condition for two subjects to approach each other. Referring to François Jullien’s notion of de-coincidence, in its various forms, this paper attempts to value distance and the “écart”, as the two main aspects of the relation with the other.This paper presents a reflection on depth as the dimension in which the experience of love takes place. Because depth is co-instituited with the motor ability of a subject who is capable of going through space, it is the necessary condition for two subjects to approach each other. Referring to François Jullien’s notion of de-coincidence, in its various forms, this paper attempts to value distance and the “écart”, as the two main aspects of the relation with the other

    Terrestrial thought and the space of play. The ecological horizon of experience starting from Merleau-Ponty

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    Prendendo le mosse dall’opera di Maurice Merleau-Ponty, il lavoro compie una trattazione originale dei temi della corporeità e del suolo, che vengono messi in relazione con l’idea di gioco. Corpo e Terra, che sono stati visti, nella filosofia moderna di matrice cartesiana, come puri oggetti, conoscono una nuova tematizzazione nella fenomenologia, che li riscopre, rispettivamente, come corpo proprio e Terra suolo. La tesi si propone di fare luce sul lascito di questa riscoperta, suggerendo la possibilità di elaborare l’idea di una soggettività ecologica. L’ipotesi è che il gioco, indagato nei suoi aspetti antropologici, psicologici, etologici, e con riferimento al concetto di Spielraum, possa fornire un modello per un’analisi etica e ontologica del rapporto tra soggetto e mondo.Starting from Maurice Merleau-Ponty's work, this thesis suggests an original treatment of the problems of the body and space, through the inquiry of play. In the Cartesian tradition, body and Earth are viewed as simple objects. Phenomenology reimagines them respectively as "Leib" and "Boden", with reference to the idea of "Spielraum". This thesis proposes to shed light on the legacy of this rediscovery, arguing the possibility of ecological subjectivity. The supporting hypothesis is that play, investigated in its anthropological, psychological, and ethological aspects, can provide a model for the ethical and ontological analysis of the relationship between the subject and the world

    Istituzione e processi di individuazione. Per una ecologia dell’impersonale

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    The paper proposes a reading of the problem of the Impersonal in the Ecological Philosophy, starting from the M. Merleau-Ponty’s concept of institution and the G. Simondon’s theme of Individuation. At first, the paper analyzes the theming of the institution provided by Merleau-Ponty in the courses held in the 50s and it highlights its heritage in the late Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of nature. Then, the paper shows the consonances between nature as a metastable plane of immanence and the processes of individuation as conceived by Simondon. In the end, the paper shows the relationship between the impersonal field and the nature thought as a pre-individual process of subjectivization.The paper proposes a reading of the problem of the Impersonal in the Ecological Philosophy, starting from the M. Merleau-Ponty’s concept of institution and the G. Simondon’s theme of Individuation. At first, the paper analyzes the theming of the institution provided by Merleau-Ponty in the courses held in the 50s and it highlights its heritage in the late Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of nature. Then, the paper shows the consonances between nature as a metastable plane of immanence and the processes of individuation as conceived by Simondon. In the end, the paper shows the relationship between the impersonal field and the nature thought as a pre-individual process of subjectivization

    I laboratori.

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    In questa sezione, vengono presentate le riflessioni sviluppate dai gruppi di lavoro del progetto Filosofare rispetto a cinque assi tematici, corredate dalla descrizione delle attivazioni ritenute pi\uf9 efficaci e rappresentative per ciascun tema

    Pensiero terrestre e spazio di gioco. L'orizzonte ecologico dell'esperienza a partire da Merleau-Ponty

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    Nel 1939, in visita presso gli archivi di Lovanio, Merleau-Ponty legge per la prima volta il manoscritto husserliano sul Rovesciamento della dottrina copernicana. \uc8 un incontro importante, che contribuisce in modo decisivo a fondare la cosmologia merleau-pontyana. Dalla rivoluzione scientifica ai viaggi spaziali, il nostro ancoraggio alla Terra \u2013 questo grande inaggirabile che si corrisponde con il corpo vivo \u2013 si \ue8 indebolito, facendosi pi\uf9 mediato. Che ne \ue8, allora, del gioco che coinvolge il soggetto e il mondo? \uc8 possibile pensare la Terra come un oggetto? \uc8 necessario rinunciare a parlare di soggettivit\ue0, come ha auspicato la generazione post-strutturalista? Questo libro \ue8 un esercizio di pensiero sul modello dello Spielraum, lo spazio di gioco che modula i rapporti tra il vivente e il suolo, tra il soggetto e il suo orizzonte di possibilit\ue0, e la proposta di un\u2019ontologia del gioco che definisce una soggettivit\ue0 ecologica

    Il gioco e la vita. Del nostro essere eventuali

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    This contribution takes as a starting point certain aspects of Merleau-Ponty\u2019s philosophy which can be connected to a reflextion on play. The present work is guided by two questions: can the relation word-living being be described as play? Can playing activities explain something about this relation? On the one hand, looking through the lesson of some scientists \u2013 such as Goldstein, Edelman, and Sacks \u2013, the paper shows that a philosophy of life can benefit from an investigation on play. On the other hand, embracing the suggestions of Paul Val\ue9ry, it proposes a reading of his notion of implexe as one of the mean traits of the living being

    Baruch Spinoza, Etica. Omnia animata sunt. Per un'antropologia oltre l'umano

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    L'articolo propone un commento dello scolio della proposizione 13 della seconda parte dell'Etica di Spinoza alla luce dei dibattiti contemporanei in antropologia (Descola, Khon). Mostra le peculiarità dell'approccio spinozista rispetto alle problematiche attuali