152 research outputs found

    Effect of Educational Intervention on Awareness and Attitude regarding Voluntary Blood Donation among Rural People: A Quasi- Experimental Study

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    Donation of blood has always been considered as Humanitarian act. Despite the increasing demands for blood and its products, many people have little interest in donating blood. We undertook this study to assess the level of knowledge & attitude and to assess the effect of awareness talk regarding voluntary blood donation among rural people. Information from attendants of the patients visiting the Telemedicine Centre was collected using the Predesigned Pretested Semi open ended Interview Schedule. Out of 108 study subjects, 83 (76.8%) of study subjects didn’t knew their blood group. 52 (48.1%) said women cannot donate blood while they are pregnant or lactating. After the awareness talk, 78 (72.2%) were motivated for voluntary blood donation. There should be more awareness activities to promote voluntary blood donation in public

    FPT Approximation for Constrained Metric k-Median/Means

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    The Metric kk-median problem over a metric space (X,d)(\mathcal{X}, d) is defined as follows: given a set LXL \subseteq \mathcal{X} of facility locations and a set CXC \subseteq \mathcal{X} of clients, open a set FLF \subseteq L of kk facilities such that the total service cost, defined as Φ(F,C)xCminfFd(x,f)\Phi(F, C) \equiv \sum_{x \in C} \min_{f \in F} d(x, f), is minimised. The metric kk-means problem is defined similarly using squared distances. In many applications there are additional constraints that any solution needs to satisfy. This gives rise to different constrained versions of the problem such as rr-gather, fault-tolerant, outlier kk-means/kk-median problem. Surprisingly, for many of these constrained problems, no constant-approximation algorithm is known. We give FPT algorithms with constant approximation guarantee for a range of constrained kk-median/means problems. For some of the constrained problems, ours is the first constant factor approximation algorithm whereas for others, we improve or match the approximation guarantee of previous works. We work within the unified framework of Ding and Xu that allows us to simultaneously obtain algorithms for a range of constrained problems. In particular, we obtain a (3+ε)(3+\varepsilon)-approximation and (9+ε)(9+\varepsilon)-approximation for the constrained versions of the kk-median and kk-means problem respectively in FPT time. In many practical settings of the kk-median/means problem, one is allowed to open a facility at any client location, i.e., CLC \subseteq L. For this special case, our algorithm gives a (2+ε)(2+\varepsilon)-approximation and (4+ε)(4+\varepsilon)-approximation for the constrained versions of kk-median and kk-means problem respectively in FPT time. Since our algorithm is based on simple sampling technique, it can also be converted to a constant-pass log-space streaming algorithm

    On Sampling Based Algorithms for k-Means

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    Rare Vascular Malformations of Ovary: A Clinical Masquerader

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    Presenting two cases of vascular malformations of ovary, both presenting with different and deceptive clinical features.Clinical presentation were:Case 1. 55/F with hyper-estrogenemia and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.Case 2. 45/F with ovarian mass suspicious of malignancy.A laprotomy was done in both cases and we received Uterus with cervix with bilateral adenexa. Relevant sections were taken. Histopathological examination revealed numerous dilated vascular channels lined by endothelial cells. Features were suggestive of:Case 1. Ovarian hemangioma with endometrial hyperplasia.Case 2. Cavernous hemangioma, ovary.Vascular malformations of ovary are very rare arising from failure in vascular formation, particularly in the canalizing process. The number of well documented cases seems to be nearly 60. It has been hypothesized that these induce stromal luteinization by mass effect in rare cases, leading to endometrial hyperplasia, thus making our cases even rarer

    Design and Performance Evaluation of Smart Job First Dynamic Round Robin (SJFDRR) Scheduling Algorithm with Individual Time Quantum for Each Process

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    Round Robin scheduling is mostly used CPU scheduling algorithm; it gives better result in comparison to other scheduling algorithm. But this algorithm may lead many problems directly related to time quantum. If selected time quantum is large, then the response time of the processes may turn in too high. On the other hand, if time quantum is short, it increases the number of context switch which may lead overhead of the CPU. In this paper, researcher proposed a new algorithm, called Smart Job First Dynamic Round Robin (SJFDRR) with individual time quantum for each process. The proposed algorithm calculates smart priority factor (SPF) and individual time quantum for each process. The factor SPF is calculated on the basis of user priority and system priority. The individual time quantum is calculated on the basis of burst time of the process. Based on the analysis, researcher has shown that the new proposed algorithm (SJFDRR) with individual time quantum solves the fixed time quantum problem and enhanced the performance of Round Robin

    Clinicomorphologic Spectrum of Basal Cell Carcinoma: A Series of Twelve Cases

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    Basal cell carcinoma is a non-melanocytic skin cancer that arises from basal cells. It is the most common skin malignancy in the developed world, while in India it is second to squamous cell carcinoma. Neglected tumors can continue to grow and lead to significant local destruction and disfigurement. Therefore, early diagnosis is essential. Here, is presented a series of twelve cases of basal cell carcinoma showing a spectrum of clinical presentation, including age, gender, and site of occurrence. Also, the varying patterns on microscopic examination are discussed. Prevalence in older age group was noted. The most common site was observed to be head and neck region. However, in contrast to previous studies, a female preponderance was observed. Different morphological types such as undifferentiated, pigmented, and spindle-cell variants were seen. It is important to differentiate basal cell carcinoma from other skin tumors and also type the tumors as the prognosis and risk of recurrence depends on subtype