Rare Vascular Malformations of Ovary: A Clinical Masquerader


Presenting two cases of vascular malformations of ovary, both presenting with different and deceptive clinical features.Clinical presentation were:Case 1. 55/F with hyper-estrogenemia and dysfunctional uterine bleeding.Case 2. 45/F with ovarian mass suspicious of malignancy.A laprotomy was done in both cases and we received Uterus with cervix with bilateral adenexa. Relevant sections were taken. Histopathological examination revealed numerous dilated vascular channels lined by endothelial cells. Features were suggestive of:Case 1. Ovarian hemangioma with endometrial hyperplasia.Case 2. Cavernous hemangioma, ovary.Vascular malformations of ovary are very rare arising from failure in vascular formation, particularly in the canalizing process. The number of well documented cases seems to be nearly 60. It has been hypothesized that these induce stromal luteinization by mass effect in rare cases, leading to endometrial hyperplasia, thus making our cases even rarer

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