18 research outputs found

    16ème groupe de travail sur les thons tropicaux

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    In 2013, the French purse seine fishing fleet of the Indian Ocean was composed of 13 vessels of individual capacity >800 t, which all represented a total carrying capacity >13,000 t of tuna. The total cumulated nominal effort exerted during the year was 3,673 and 3,185 fishing and searching days, respectively. The French purse seiners cumulated a total of more than 2,800 fishing sets, with 1 third made on free-swimming schools (FSC) and 2 third realised on schools associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs). The total annual landings of the principal market tunas by the French purse seine fishing fleet has remained very stable during 2010-2013, with a total of 66,000 t landed in 2013. The landings were composed of more than 55%, 33%, and 10% yellowfin, skipjack, and bigeye, respectively. Catch on FADs increased by 36% between 2012 and 2013 to reach more than 46,000 t. The proportion of yellowin in FAD-catch has strongly increased in the recent years and reached 45% in 2012-2013. The total number of sets per searching day on both fishing modes has been decreasing in the recent years and reached a low value <0.9 in 2013. Skipjack catch per positive set on FADs strongly decreased in the recent years concomitantly with an increase in yellowfin catch per set. The catch of large yellowfin per positive set on FSC has shown an increase in the recent years to reach 39 t in 2013. Landings of damaged and small-sized tunas as well as other marine species incidentally caught as bycatch in the French purse seine fishery on the local markets of Madagascar and Seychelles were estimated to be low at about 230 t y&#8722;1 during 2011-2013. They were predominated by a combination of small tunas and various tuna-like species of length <45 cm. In 2013, the total estimated bycatch discarded at sea, based on a raising ratio of total trips over observed trips, reached 3,850 t, i.e. 5.8% of the 66,000 t of the principal market tunas landings. Some emblematic species were found to be incidentally caught in the fishery and generally released with high levels of survival

    Local market of the tropical purse seine fishery: update and perspective for its assessment in Abidjan

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    Part of the tuna catch of purse seiners, not sold to the canneries, is landed with other bycatch species towards another commercial flow. This local flow better known as “Faux poisson” is an important socio-cultural and economic market for Ivory Coast and neighboring countries. Yet, Faux poisson catches landed to this local market increased this last decade since the development of FAD fishing in the mid-nineties. Regarding major tuna species, the catch landed in the local market is mainly composed of small individuals which are not accounted for in the species composition and in catch at size estimates from conventional sampling. Because of the difficulties of the data collection this portion of tropical tuna landing is ignored in the stock assessment models. The need of improve knowledge is so of prime importance to better assess the sustainability of the fishery and the ecosystem. The document presents the main results of recent research on local market flow landed in Abidjan by purse seiners French fleet in the eastern Atlantic. Data collection improvement and perspective for species composition assessment and catch at size are further discusse

    Statistics of the european and associated purse seine and baitboat fleets, in the Atlantic Ocean (1991-2017)

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    The document presents an overall summary of the fishing activities of the European and assimilated purse seine and bait boat fleets operating in the eastern Atlantic Ocean over the period 1991-2017. We describe the annual changes in fleet technical characteristics (carrying capacity, size), fishing effort (fishing and searching days), extent of fishing grounds, catches and nominal Catch per Unit Effort by species, as well as the average individual weight by species. Maps are also presented indicating the fishing effort distribution in the Atlantic, as well as the spatio-temporal distribution of European and assimilated purse seine catches in 2017 compared to previous years (2010-2016)

    Local market of the tropical purse seine fishery: update and perspective for its assessment in Abidjan

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    Part of the tuna catch of purse seiners, not sold to the canneries, is landed with other bycatch species towards another commercial flow. This local flow better known as “Faux poisson” is an important socio-cultural and economic market for Ivory Coast and neighboring countries. Yet, Faux poisson catches landed to this local market increased this last decade since the development of FAD fishing in the mid-nineties. Regarding major tuna species, the catch landed in the local market is mainly composed of small individuals which are not accounted for in the species composition and in catch at size estimates from conventional sampling. Because of the difficulties of the data collection this portion of tropical tuna landing is ignored in the stock assessment models. The need of improve knowledge is so of prime importance to better assess the sustainability of the fishery and the ecosystem. The document presents the main results of recent research on local market flow landed in Abidjan by purse seiners French fleet in the eastern Atlantic. Data collection improvement and perspective for species composition assessment and catch at size are further discusse