4,861 research outputs found

    Race and Religion in the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

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    This Article analyzes the work of CERD in the area of religion, a field which, by definition, would not necessarily be covered by the mandate of a committee devoted to the eradication of racism and racial discrimination. Notwithstanding this difference of scope, to the extent that, in the contemporary world, race and religion appear increasingly interwoven, the work of CERD on religion has gradually become accepted and considered necessary

    A adoção do padrão internacional de relatórios financeiros em portugal: podem os custos esperados ser reduzidos?

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    In this paper we use a cost-benefit framework to discuss some of the expected effects related to the Portuguese adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Given the circumstances underlying this implementation, we anticipate that the overall net result following an analysis of costs and benefits will be negative. Therefore, we also examine what seems to be the causal factor behind this outcome and a potential way of reducing the net cost of adopting the IFRS. The costs are related to the professional updating of accounting skills of those directly or indirectly involved in the accounting process. A part of these costs will be incremental and permanent over time mainly due to the fact that two accounting systems will be kept in place. The adoption of a single accounting system, that based on the IFRS, would appear to be a possible solution to reduce such costs

    Domus tutor: A CBR tutoring agent for student support

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    The changes introduced by the Bologna process in the educational paradigm, moving from a lecturer centered paradigm to a learner centered paradigm, involves a more supported learning process based on learning outcomes and the adoption of new pedagogical methodologies. In this paper we present our strategy of integration of tutoring agents in learning environments, using the features of intelligent tutoring systems adapted to collaborative environments. The Domus Tutor agent is the face of the adaptive learning environment that integrates Learning Design, groupware and collaborative work technologies. The adaptation of the system to the learner profile is based on case-based reasoning methodology; witch is one of the major reasoning paradigms in artificial intelligence.- (undefined

    REXIB: Remote Experiments Interface Builder

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    Remote Experimentation is an educational resource that allows teachers to strengthen the practical contents of science & engineering courses. However, building up the interfaces to remote experiments is not a trivial task. Although teachers normally master the practical contents addressed by a particular remote experiment they usually lack the programming skills required to quickly build up the corresponding web interface. This paper describes the automatic generation of experiment interfaces through a web-accessible Java application. The application displays a list of existent modules and once the requested modules have been selected, it generates the code that enables the browser to display the experiment interface. The tools main advantage is enabling non-tech teachers to create their own remote experiments

    Global temperature homogenization can obliterate temporal isolation in migratory animals with potential loss of population structure

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    Abstract Climate change is expected to increase the spatial autocorrelation of temperature, resulting in greater synchronization of climate variables worldwide. Possibly such ‘homogenization of the world’ leads to elevated risks of extinction and loss of biodiversity. In this study, we develop an empirical example on how increasing synchrony of global temperatures can affect population structure in migratory animals. We studied two subspecies of bar-tailed godwits Limosa lapponica breeding in tundra regions in Siberia: yamalensis in the west and taymyrensis further east and north. These subspecies share pre- and post-breeding stopover areas, thus being partially sympatric, but exhibiting temporal segregation. The latter is believed to facilitate reproductive isolation. Using satellite tracking data, we show that migration timing of both subspecies is correlated with the date of snowmelt in their respective breeding sites (later at the taymyrensis breeding range). Snow-cover satellite images demonstrate that the breeding ranges are on different climate trajectories and become more synchronized over time: between 1997 and 2020, the date of snowmelt advanced on average by 0.5 days/year in the taymyrensis breeding range, while it remained stable in the yamalensis breeding range. Previous findings showed how taymyrensis responded to earlier snowmelt by advancing arrival and clutch initiation. In the predicted absence of such advancements in yamalensis, we expect that the two populations will be synchronized by 2036–2040. Since bar-tailed godwits are social migrants, this raises the possibility of population exchange and prompts the question whether the two subspecies can maintain their geographic and morphological differences and population-specific migratory routines. The proposed scenario may apply to a wide range of (social) migrants as temporal segregation is crucial for promoting and maintaining reproductive isolation in many (partially sympatric) migratory populations. Homogenization of previously isolated populations could be an important consequence of increasing synchronized environments and hence climate change
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