4 research outputs found

    Desenvolupament d’un sistema de monitoratge de la qualitat de l’aire en el transport públic

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    Amb la crisi sanitària que està vivint el món a causa del coronavirus, moltes són les preocupacions i pors dels ciutadans. Les activitats es limiten i s'evita al màxim les aglomeracions de persones per evitar els contagis. Encara així hi ha serveis essencials que per la seva naturalesa sempre concentraran a un gran nombre de persones, es tracta del transport públic. Buscant resoldre les preocupacions dels ciutadans i sob retot donar eines i informació de forma pública per a la conscienciació de la societat, aquest treball busca el desenvolupament d'un sistema capaç de monitorar la qualitat de l'aire al transport públic de la ciutat, inicialment a la ciutat de Barcelona. El desenvolupament del treball engloba un estudi de salut per a definir els components que mesura el sistema i un estudi basat en una recerca acadèmica sobre la influència del coronavirus a l'aire, resultant amb l'exclusió d'aquest del sistema a causa de la dificultat i incertesa de la seva mesura a l'aire. Es desenvolupa un prototip per a la validació del sistema, buscant la seva escalabilitat, la seva adaptació al transport públic i la validació de la tecnologia que sustenta el projecte, la creació d'una xa rxa basada en el IoT (Internet of Things) que sigui capaç de reportar la informació de forma dinàmica en temps real perquè sigui visualitzada pels usuaris del servei a través d'una aplicació mòbil. En aquest document també s'ha inclòs les següents fases pe r a la implementació del projecte en un marc real, així com línies futures per a la millora d'aques

    Experimental study of the heat transferred between two cylindrical rotating surfaces.

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    This document corresponds to the report of a study carried out to know the estimated temperature of a cylindrical element that rotates and is heated by a heater that is within the same assembly. Due to the difficulty of sensing this element, the evaluation of the temperature is studied through a theoretical heat transfer model that its coefficients are not known. Due to the nature of the system, the coefficients of this model are adjusted through the experimentation and the application of a computer algorithm created to calculate these coefficients through the data measured in a test based on the theory Identification models. The study begins with the summarized study of the fundamental concepts on the transfer of heat and its types. It treats the theory of minimization of errors applying the method of least squares as well as the algorithm of Levenberg-Marquardt, an application of the least square method with slight variations. From here a study of the system and the components that form it for this study is carried out and a first conceptual model of the transfer of heat of the system is presented. It creates the mathematical model that will represent the system to study and will define the mathematical fluxes and equations that form this mathematical model, as well as the parameters that interfere with it. It will explain how the resolution of the model will be carried out and the Python algorithm will be presented that will be responsible for the processing of the data and obtaining the results. An experiment design will be carried out based on the model identification theory and the different experiments will be planned for the adjustment of the form and its validation. The results obtained will be studied and represented in order to know the behavior of the model. In addition, there will be a sensitivity study of roller rotation speed in the system. Finally, we will propose the following steps and recommendations for improve the study and will provide some final conclusions about the study carried out

    Experimental study of the heat transferred between two cylindrical rotating surfaces.

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    This document corresponds to the report of a study carried out to know the estimated temperature of a cylindrical element that rotates and is heated by a heater that is within the same assembly. Due to the difficulty of sensing this element, the evaluation of the temperature is studied through a theoretical heat transfer model that its coefficients are not known. Due to the nature of the system, the coefficients of this model are adjusted through the experimentation and the application of a computer algorithm created to calculate these coefficients through the data measured in a test based on the theory Identification models. The study begins with the summarized study of the fundamental concepts on the transfer of heat and its types. It treats the theory of minimization of errors applying the method of least squares as well as the algorithm of Levenberg-Marquardt, an application of the least square method with slight variations. From here a study of the system and the components that form it for this study is carried out and a first conceptual model of the transfer of heat of the system is presented. It creates the mathematical model that will represent the system to study and will define the mathematical fluxes and equations that form this mathematical model, as well as the parameters that interfere with it. It will explain how the resolution of the model will be carried out and the Python algorithm will be presented that will be responsible for the processing of the data and obtaining the results. An experiment design will be carried out based on the model identification theory and the different experiments will be planned for the adjustment of the form and its validation. The results obtained will be studied and represented in order to know the behavior of the model. In addition, there will be a sensitivity study of roller rotation speed in the system. Finally, we will propose the following steps and recommendations for improve the study and will provide some final conclusions about the study carried out

    Experimental study of the heat transferred between two cylindrical rotating surfaces.

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    This document corresponds to the report of a study carried out to know the estimated temperature of a cylindrical element that rotates and is heated by a heater that is within the same assembly. Due to the difficulty of sensing this element, the evaluation of the temperature is studied through a theoretical heat transfer model that its coefficients are not known. Due to the nature of the system, the coefficients of this model are adjusted through the experimentation and the application of a computer algorithm created to calculate these coefficients through the data measured in a test based on the theory Identification models. The study begins with the summarized study of the fundamental concepts on the transfer of heat and its types. It treats the theory of minimization of errors applying the method of least squares as well as the algorithm of Levenberg-Marquardt, an application of the least square method with slight variations. From here a study of the system and the components that form it for this study is carried out and a first conceptual model of the transfer of heat of the system is presented. It creates the mathematical model that will represent the system to study and will define the mathematical fluxes and equations that form this mathematical model, as well as the parameters that interfere with it. It will explain how the resolution of the model will be carried out and the Python algorithm will be presented that will be responsible for the processing of the data and obtaining the results. An experiment design will be carried out based on the model identification theory and the different experiments will be planned for the adjustment of the form and its validation. The results obtained will be studied and represented in order to know the behavior of the model. In addition, there will be a sensitivity study of roller rotation speed in the system. Finally, we will propose the following steps and recommendations for improve the study and will provide some final conclusions about the study carried out