664 research outputs found

    Verifying Safety Properties With the TLA+ Proof System

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    TLAPS, the TLA+ proof system, is a platform for the development and mechanical verification of TLA+ proofs written in a declarative style requiring little background beyond elementary mathematics. The language supports hierarchical and non-linear proof construction and verification, and it is independent of any verification tool or strategy. A Proof Manager uses backend verifiers such as theorem provers, proof assistants, SMT solvers, and decision procedures to check TLA+ proofs. This paper documents the first public release of TLAPS, distributed with a BSD-like license. It handles almost all the non-temporal part of TLA+ as well as the temporal reasoning needed to prove standard safety properties, in particular invariance and step simulation, but not liveness properties

    Rendezvous on a Line by Location-Aware Robots Despite the Presence of Byzantine Faults

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    A set of mobile robots is placed at points of an infinite line. The robots are equipped with GPS devices and they may communicate their positions on the line to a central authority. The collection contains an unknown subset of "spies", i.e., byzantine robots, which are indistinguishable from the non-faulty ones. The set of the non-faulty robots need to rendezvous in the shortest possible time in order to perform some task, while the byzantine robots may try to delay their rendezvous for as long as possible. The problem facing a central authority is to determine trajectories for all robots so as to minimize the time until the non-faulty robots have rendezvoused. The trajectories must be determined without knowledge of which robots are faulty. Our goal is to minimize the competitive ratio between the time required to achieve the first rendezvous of the non-faulty robots and the time required for such a rendezvous to occur under the assumption that the faulty robots are known at the start. We provide a bounded competitive ratio algorithm, where the central authority is informed only of the set of initial robot positions, without knowing which ones or how many of them are faulty. When an upper bound on the number of byzantine robots is known to the central authority, we provide algorithms with better competitive ratios. In some instances we are able to show these algorithms are optimal

    Deterministic meeting of sniffing agents in the plane

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    Two mobile agents, starting at arbitrary, possibly different times from arbitrary locations in the plane, have to meet. Agents are modeled as discs of diameter 1, and meeting occurs when these discs touch. Agents have different labels which are integers from the set of 0 to L-1. Each agent knows L and knows its own label, but not the label of the other agent. Agents are equipped with compasses and have synchronized clocks. They make a series of moves. Each move specifies the direction and the duration of moving. This includes a null move which consists in staying inert for some time, or forever. In a non-null move agents travel at the same constant speed, normalized to 1. We assume that agents have sensors enabling them to estimate the distance from the other agent (defined as the distance between centers of discs), but not the direction towards it. We consider two models of estimation. In both models an agent reads its sensor at the moment of its appearance in the plane and then at the end of each move. This reading (together with the previous ones) determines the decision concerning the next move. In both models the reading of the sensor tells the agent if the other agent is already present. Moreover, in the monotone model, each agent can find out, for any two readings in moments t1 and t2, whether the distance from the other agent at time t1 was smaller, equal or larger than at time t2. In the weaker binary model, each agent can find out, at any reading, whether it is at distance less than \r{ho} or at distance at least \r{ho} from the other agent, for some real \r{ho} > 1 unknown to them. Such distance estimation mechanism can be implemented, e.g., using chemical sensors. Each agent emits some chemical substance (scent), and the sensor of the other agent detects it, i.e., sniffs. The intensity of the scent decreases with the distance.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the Proc. 23rd International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO 2016), LNCS 998

    Revisiting the Problem of Searching on a Line

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    We revisit the problem of searching for a target at an unknown location on a line when given upper and lower bounds on the distance D that separates the initial position of the searcher from the target. Prior to this work, only asymptotic bounds were known for the optimal competitive ratio achievable by any search strategy in the worst case. We present the first tight bounds on the exact optimal competitive ratio achievable, parameterized in terms of the given bounds on D, along with an optimal search strategy that achieves this competitive ratio. We prove that this optimal strategy is unique. We characterize the conditions under which an optimal strategy can be computed exactly and, when it cannot, we explain how numerical methods can be used efficiently. In addition, we answer several related open questions, including the maximal reach problem, and we discuss how to generalize these results to m rays, for any m >= 2


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    We introduce the monitoring of trace properties under assumptions. An assumption limits the space of possible traces that the monitor may encounter. An assumption may result from knowledge about the system that is being monitored, about the environment, or about another, connected monitor. We define monitorability under assumptions and study its theoretical properties. In particular, we show that for every assumption A, the boolean combinations of properties that are safe or co-safe relative to A are monitorable under A. We give several examples and constructions on how an assumption can make a non-monitorable property monitorable, and how an assumption can make a monitorable property monitorable with fewer resources, such as integer registers

    Almost Universal Anonymous Rendezvous in the Plane

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    Two mobile agents represented by points freely moving in the plane and starting at two distinct positions, have to meet. The meeting, called rendezvous, occurs when agents are at distance at most rr of each other and never move after this time, where rr is a positive real unknown to them, called the visibility radius. Agents are anonymous and execute the same deterministic algorithm. Each agent has a set of private attributes, some or all of which can differ between agents. These attributes are: the initial position of the agent, its system of coordinates (orientation and chirality), the rate of its clock, its speed when it moves, and the time of its wake-up. If all attributes (except the initial positions) are identical and agents start at distance larger than rr then they can never meet. However, differences between attributes make it sometimes possible to break the symmetry and accomplish rendezvous. Such instances of the rendezvous problem (formalized as lists of attributes), are called feasible. Our contribution is three-fold. We first give an exact characterization of feasible instances. Thus it is natural to ask whether there exists a single algorithm that guarantees rendezvous for all these instances. We give a strong negative answer to this question: we show two sets S1S_1 and S2S_2 of feasible instances such that none of them admits a single rendezvous algorithm valid for all instances of the set. On the other hand, we construct a single algorithm that guarantees rendezvous for all feasible instances outside of sets S1S_1 and S2S_2. We observe that these exception sets S1S_1 and S2S_2 are geometrically very small, compared to the set of all feasible instances: they are included in low-dimension subspaces of the latter. Thus, our rendezvous algorithm handling all feasible instances other than these small sets of exceptions can be justly called almost universal

    Encrypt-to-self:Securely outsourcing storage

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    We put forward a symmetric encryption primitive tailored towards a specific application: outsourced storage. The setting assumes a memory-bounded computing device that inflates the amount of volatile or permanent memory available to it by letting other (untrusted) devices hold encryptions of information that they return on request. For instance, web servers typically hold for each of the client connections they manage a multitude of data, ranging from user preferences to technical information like database credentials. If the amount of data per session is considerable, busy servers sooner or later run out of memory. One admissible solution to this is to let the server encrypt the session data to itself and to let the client store the ciphertext, with the agreement that the client reproduce the ciphertext in each subsequent request (e.g., via a cookie) so that the session data can be recovered when required. In this article we develop the cryptographic mechanism that should be used to achieve confidential and authentic data storage in the encrypt-to-self setting, i.e., where encryptor and decryptor coincide and constitute the only entity holding keys. We argue that standard authenticated encryption represents only a suboptimal solution for preserving confidentiality, as much as message authentication codes are suboptimal for preserving authenticity. The crucial observation is that such schemes instantaneously give up on all security promises the moment the key is compromised. In contrast, data protected with our new primitive remains fully integrity protected and unmalleable. In the course of this paper we develop a formal model for encrypt-to-self systems, show that it solves the outsourced storage problem, propose surprisingly efficient provably secure constructions, and report on our implementations

    Want to Gather? No Need to Chatter!

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    A team of mobile agents, starting from different nodes of an unknown network, possibly at different times, have to meet at the same node and declare that they have all met. Agents have different labels and move in synchronous rounds along links of the network. The above task is known as gathering and was traditionally considered under the assumption that when some agents are at the same node then they can talk. In this paper we ask the question of whether this ability of talking is needed for gathering. The answer turns out to be no. Our main contribution are two deterministic algorithms that always accomplish gathering in a much weaker model. We only assume that at any time an agent knows how many agents are at the node that it currently occupies but agents do not see the labels of other co-located agents and cannot exchange any information with them. They also do not see other nodes than the current one. Our first algorithm works under the assumption that agents know a priori some upper bound N on the network size, and it works in time polynomial in N and in the length l of the smallest label. Our second algorithm does not assume any a priori knowledge about the network but its complexity is exponential in the network size and in the labels of agents. Its purpose is to show feasibility of gathering under this harsher scenario. As a by-product of our techniques we obtain, in the same weak model, the solution of the fundamental problem of leader election among agents. As an application of our result we also solve, in the same model, the well-known gossiping problem: if each agent has a message at the beginning, we show how to make all messages known to all agents, even without any a priori knowledge about the network. If agents know an upper bound N on the network size then our gossiping algorithm works in time polynomial in N, in l and in the length of the largest message

    Fast Two-Robot Disk Evacuation with Wireless Communication

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    In the fast evacuation problem, we study the path planning problem for two robots who want to minimize the worst-case evacuation time on the unit disk. The robots are initially placed at the center of the disk. In order to evacuate, they need to reach an unknown point, the exit, on the boundary of the disk. Once one of the robots finds the exit, it will instantaneously notify the other agent, who will make a beeline to it. The problem has been studied for robots with the same speed~\cite{s1}. We study a more general case where one robot has speed 11 and the other has speed s1s \geq 1. We provide optimal evacuation strategies in the case that sc2.752.75s \geq c_{2.75} \approx 2.75 by showing matching upper and lower bounds on the worst-case evacuation time. For 1s<c2.751\leq s < c_{2.75}, we show (non-matching) upper and lower bounds on the evacuation time with a ratio less than 1.221.22. Moreover, we demonstrate that a generalization of the two-robot search strategy from~\cite{s1} is outperformed by our proposed strategies for any sc1.711.71s \geq c_{1.71} \approx 1.71.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure