4,224 research outputs found

    Gain narrowing in few-atom systems

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    Using a density matrix approach, we study the simplest systems that display both gain and feedback: clusters of 2 to 5 atoms, one of which is pumped. The other atoms supply feedback through multiple scattering of light. We show that, if the atoms are in each other's near-field, the system exhibits large gain narrowing and spectral mode redistribution. The observed phenomena are more pronounced if the feedback is enhanced. Our system is to our knowledge the simplest exactly solvable microscopic system which shows the approach to laser oscillation

    Atmospheric Analysis of the M/L- and M/T-Dwarf Binary Systems LHS 102 and Gliese 229

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    We present 0.9-2.5um spectroscopy with R~800 and 1.12-1.22um spectroscopy with R~5800 for the M dwarfs Gl 229A and LHS 102A, and for the L dwarf LHS 102B. We also report IZJHKL' photometry for both components of the LHS 102 system, and L' photometry for Gl 229A. The data are combined with previously published spectroscopy and photometry to produce flux distributions for each component of the kinematically old disk M/L-dwarf binary system LHS 102 and the kinematically young disk M/T-dwarf binary system Gliese 229. The data are analyzed using synthetic spectra generated by the latest "AMES-dusty" and "AMES-cond" models by Allard & Hauschildt. Although the models are not able to reproduce the overall slope of the infrared flux distribution of the L dwarf, most likely due to the treatment of dust in the photosphere, the data for the M dwarfs and the T dwarf are well matched. We find that the Gl 229 system is metal-poor despite having kinematics of the young disk, and that the LHS 102 system has solar metallicity. The observed luminosities and derived temperatures and gravities are consistent with evolutionary model predictions if the Gl 229 system is very young (age ~30 Myr) with masses (A,B) of (0.38,>0.007)M(sun), and the LHS 102 system is older, aged 1-10 Gyr with masses (A,B) of (0.19,0.07)M(sun).Comment: 29 pages incl. 13 figures and 5 tables;; accepted for publication in MNRA

    Broad-band photometric colors and effective temperature calibrations for late-type giants. II. Z<0.02

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    (Abridged) We investigate the effects of metallicity on the broad-band photometric colors of late-type giants, and make a comparison of synthetic colors with observed photometric properties of late-type giants over a wide range of effective temperatures (T_eff=3500-4800 K) and gravities (log g=0.0-2.5), at [M/H]=-1.0 and -2.0. The influence of metallicity on the synthetic photometric colors is generally small at effective temperatures above \~3800 K, but the effects grow larger at lower T_eff, due to the changing efficiency of molecule formation which reduces molecular opacities at lower [M/H]. To make a detailed comparison of the synthetic and observed photometric colors of late type giants in the T_eff--color and color--color planes, we derive a set of new T_eff--log g--color relations based on synthetic photometric colors, at [M/H]=-0.5, -1.0, -1.5, and -2.0. While differences between the new T_eff--color relations and those available from the literature are typically well within ~100 K, effective temperatures predicted by the scales based on synthetic colors tend to be slightly higher than those resulting from the T_eff--color relations based on observations, with the offsets up to ~100 K. This is clearly seen both at [M/H]=-1.0 and -2.0, especially in the T_eff--(B-V) and T_eff--(V-K) planes. The consistency between T_eff--log g--color scales based on synthetic colors calculated with different stellar atmosphere codes is very good, with typical differences being well within \Delta T_eff~70 K at [M/H]=-1.0 and \Delta T_eff~40 K at [M/H]=-2.0.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, A&A accepte

    Spectral Energy Distributions for Disk and Halo M--Dwarfs

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    We have obtained infrared (1 to 2.5 micron) spectroscopy for 42 halo and disk dwarfs with spectral type M1 to M6.5. These data are compared to synthetic spectra generated by the latest model atmospheres of Allard & Hauschildt. Photospheric parameters metallicity, effective temperature and radius are determined for the sample. We find good agreement between observation and theory except for known problems due to incomplete molecular data for metal hydrides and water. The metal-poor M subdwarfs are well matched by the models as oxide opacity sources are less important in this case. The derived effective temperatures for the sample range from 3600K to 2600K; at these temperatures grain formation and extinction are not significant in the photosphere. The derived metallicities range from solar to one-tenth solar. The radii and effective temperatures derived agree well with recent models of low mass stars.Comment: 24 pages including 13 figures, 4 Tables; accepted by Ap

    Metallicity of M dwarfs III. Planet-metallicity and planet-stellar mass correlations of the HARPS GTO M dwarf sample

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    Aims. The aim of this work is the study of the planet-metallicity and the planet-stellar mass correlations for M dwarfs from the HARPS GTO M dwarf subsample Methods. We use a new method that takes advantage of the HARPS high-resolution spectra to increase the precision of metallicity, using previous photometric calibrations of [Fe/H] and effective temperature as starting values. Results. In this work we use our new calibration (rms = 0.08 dex) to study the planet-metallicity relation of our sample. The well-known correlation for Giant planet FGKM hosts with metallicity is present. Regarding Neptunians and smaller hosts no correlation is found but there is a hint that an anti-correlation with [Fe/H] may exist. We combined our sample with the California Planet Survey late-K and M-type dwarf sample to increase our statistics but found no new trends. We fitted a power law to the frequency histogram of the Jovian hosts for our sample and for the combined sample, f_p = C10^\alpha[Fe/H], using two different approaches: a direct bin fitting and a bayesian fitting procedure. We obtained a value for C between 0.02 and 0.04 and for \alpha between 1.26 and 2.94. Regarding stellar mass, an hypothetical correlation with planets was discovered, but was found to be the result of a detection bias.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 18 pages, 11 Figures, 12 Table

    Metallicity of M dwarfs IV. A high-precision [Fe/H] and Teff technique from high-resolution optical spectra for M dwarfs

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    Aims. In this work we develop a technique to obtain high precision determinations of both metallicity and effective temperature of M dwarfs in the optical. Methods. A new method is presented that makes use of the information of 4104 lines in the 530-690 nm spectral region. It consists in the measurement of pseudo equivalent widths and their correlation with established scales of [Fe/H] and TeffT_{eff}. Results. Our technique achieves a rmsrms of 0.08±\pm0.01 for [Fe/H], 91±\pm13 K for TeffT_{eff}, and is valid in the (-0.85, 0.26 dex), (2800, 4100 K), and (M0.0, M5.0) intervals for [Fe/H], TeffT_{eff} and spectral type respectively. We also calculated the RMSEV_{V} which estimates uncertainties of the order of 0.12 dex for the metallicity and of 293 K for the effective temperature. The technique has an activity limit and should only be used for stars with logLHα/Lbol<4.0\log{L_{H_{\alpha}}/L_{bol}} < -4.0. Our method is available online at \url{http://www.astro.up.pt/resources/mcal}.Comment: Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Updated one important reference in the introduction. Some typos correcte

    Anisotropic 2D diffusive expansion of ultra-cold atoms in a disordered potential

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    We study the horizontal expansion of vertically confined ultra-cold atoms in the presence of disorder. Vertical confinement allows us to realize a situation with a few coupled harmonic oscillator quantum states. The disordered potential is created by an optical speckle at an angle of 30{\deg} with respect to the horizontal plane, resulting in an effective anisotropy of the correlation lengths of a factor of 2 in that plane. We observe diffusion leading to non-Gaussian density profiles. Diffusion coefficients, extracted from the experimental results, show anisotropy and strong energy dependence, in agreement with numerical calculations

    Photometric colors of late-type giants: theory versus observations

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    To assess the current status in the theoretical modeling of the spectral properties of late-type giants, we provide a comparison of synthetic photometric colors of late-type giants (calculated with PHOENIX, MARCS and ATLAS model atmospheres) with observations, at [M/H]=0.0 and -2.0. Overall, there is a good agreement between observed and synthetic colors, and synthetic colors and published Teff-color relations, both at [M/H]=0.0 and -2.0. Deviations from the observed trends in Teff-color planes are generally within \pm 150K (or less) in the effective temperature range Teff=3500-4800K. Synthetic colors calculated with different stellar atmosphere models typically agree to ~100K, within a large range of effective temperatures and gravities. Some discrepancies are seen in the Teff-(B-V) plane below Teff~3800K at [M/H]=0.0, due to difficulties in reproducing the 'turn-off' to the bluer colors which is seen in the observed data at Teff~3600K. Note that at [M/H]=-2.0 effective temperatures given by the scale of Alonso et al. (1999) are generally lower than those resulting from other Teff-color relations based both on observed and synthetic colors.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 232 "The Scientific Requirements for Extremely Large Telescopes", eds. P. Whitelock, B. Leibundgut, and M. Dennefel