7 research outputs found

    Generalized Model of the Genesis of Literary Genres

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    У статті обґрунтовано вихідну когнітивну модель-образ, здатну слугувати для здійснення узагальненого опису синергетичного механізму генезису літературних жанрів. Відповідно до принципу синархічної антиномії «єдність – множинність» показано, що потенційний ідеальний світ творчих задумів автора здатен реалізуватися шляхом синергетичної трансформації обмеженої кількості архетипових ідей в множинність конкретних змістів і літературних жанрів як альтернатив їхньої матеріалізації.The authors substantiate the basic cognitive model-image which serves for the generalized description of synergetic mechanism of the genesis of literary genres. In accordance with the principle of synarchic antinomy «unity – multiplicity» the article shows that the potential ideal world of the author’s creative intentions is realized by means of transformations of the limited number of archetype ideas into the multiplicity of meanings and literary genres as the alternatives of their materialization.В статье обосновано исходную когнитивную модель-образ для обобщенного описания синергетического механизма генезиса литературных жанров. В соответствии с принципом синархической антиномии «единство – множественность» показано, что потенциальный идеальный мир творческих замыслов автора может реализоваться путем синергетической трансформации ограниченного количества архетипических идей в множественность конкретных смыслов и литературных жанров как альтернатив их материализации

    Methodology of interpreting the results of the interdisciplinary lingual-and-energetic research

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    In this paper, the authors substantiate the specificity of a new method and methodological and technological procedures for a complex qualitative-and-quantitative description of the results of non-traditional interdisciplinary lingual-and-energetic studies of stochastic self-developing cognitive processes of human speaking-and-thinking activities. Methodological possibilities and rules of a comprehensive assessment of qualitative and quantitative aspects of these processes’ self-development are described in the paper. Using a theoretical principle of preserving the utterance’s emotional-and-pragmatic potential as well as the dimensionless K-criterion for defining the level of the utterance emotional-and-pragmatic potential, the authors work out the analysis method based on a psycho-energygram that presents the self-development of cognitive processes of speaking-and-thinking activities in the individual’s spiritual sphere. The trajectories of the analyzed processes’ self-development are considered from the standpoint of synergetic knowledge and thus are interpreted in the form of corresponding attractor structures with bifurcation points that acquire the cognitive status of concepts. The methodology described in the paper opens up new possibilities for a scientific quantitative description of the dynamics of self-developing processes of the individual’s speaking-and-thinking activities. These activities are viewed by the authors in their direct correlation with the reasons that actualize qualitative and meaningful acts generated by psychic and physiological bases of a person’s communicative behavior

    "Сучасні тенденції фонетичних досліджень", III Круглий стіл з міжнародною участю

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    The paper advances methodological steps, i.e. expert and instrumental analyses, in the process of studying the role of segmental speech units’ interaction in producing the utterance subliminal effect


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    In the paper on the basis of a systemic methodological approach within the framework of speech energetic theory the author advances a theoretical insight into the nature of psycho-energetic generation and decoding of speech pauses in communication as well as offers a theoretical and conceptual solution to the problem of defining the dimensionless criterion able to quantitatively evaluate the levels of emotional and pragmatic potentials of certain speech segments at their pausal juncture, or boundary, termed in the paper as “a pausal jump”. The paper elaborates the formula defining the criterion of specific pausal jump of emotional and pragmatic potentials of the adjacent speech segments, being derived on the basis of the substantiated conceptual assumptions and methodological conditions. The author comes to the conclusion that the offered quantitative criterion will (1) advance the possibility to classify the energetic properties of emotional utterances, and (2) will allow the researcher to make up the speakers’ typical psycho-energetic portraits

    Text rhythmic system: Its energetic and subliminal potentials

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    The article introduces scientific considerations concerning the energetic nature and origin of rhythm subliminal potential in a spoken text as well as the mechanisms of its impact on the recipient. The paper advances the idea that rhythm energetics and its subliminal potential is based on such postulates: (1) rhythm is generated in the speaker’s psyche at the levels of his/her unconscious (or existential being) and subconscious (or mental and transcendental beings) spheres; (2) the text rhythmic system has a definite emotional and pragmatic potentials that realize a latent manipulative and subliminal influence; (3) generation of the spoken text tempo-rhythm is carried out by means of integrating micro-rhythms of all levels of the speaker’s inner speech into the internal macro-rhythm, which is materialized in the form of an outer tempo-rhythm as a complex means of achieving a subliminal effect of speech. The article also outlines the prospects of studying a subliminal nature of rhythm

    V Круглий стіл з міжнародною участю «Сучасні тенденції фонетичних досліджень»

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    The paper presents methodological grounds for interdisciplinary experimental phonetic studies carried out within the framework of speech energetics theory. The methodology is aimed at obtaining qualitative and quantitative data of emotional and pragmatic potentials’ actualization in the processes of individual’s thinking-and-speaking activities. The paper advances a model built in the form of a grid that allows the researcher to graphically model and mathematically calculate energetically dynamic characteristics of thinking-and-speaking activities that take place in the individual’s spiritual sphere. The coordinates of the grid correspond to the emotional and pragmatic potentials as well as the time scale demarcating the self-developing processes under study. The author outlines possible prospects for the model application in the study of psycho-energetic processes of the individual’s thinking-and-speaking activities

    "Сучасні тенденції фонетичних досліджень", III Круглий стіл з міжнародною участю

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    The paper highlights the importance of increasing the students’ foreign language competence through including phonetics and phonology into the teaching process