337 research outputs found
Segala puji hanya tercurah kepada Allah SWT, Tuhan semesta alam
yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya kepada ummat manusia.
Salam dan shalawat kita haturkan kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW yang telah
memberi petunjuk dan membimbing umat manusia menuju kebaikan yang di
ridhai Allah SWT.
Kreativitas sangat penting dimiliki oleh setiap individu. Hanya orang
orang kreatif yang dapat merubah wajah dunia. Kreativitas dapat
ditumbuhkembangkan melalui latihan secara kontinu. Untuk itu berbagai
negara telah merubah kurikulum yang bermuara pada peninkatan kreativitas
siswa. Di Indonesia, dalam kurikulum 2013 salah satu standar kompetensi
lulusan adalah kreativitas. Konsekuensinya adalah guru dituntut untuk
melakukan pembelajaran yang dapat menumbuhkembangkan kreativitas siswa
dan diperlukan penelitian pengembangan pembelajaran yang dapat menumbh
kembangkan kreativitas siswa. Buku ini dibuat berdasarkan hasul penelitian
pengembangan pembelajaran matematika yang dapat menumbuhkembangkan
kreativitas matematika siswa. Buku ini, sarat dengan teori-teori pembelajaran
dan berpikir kreatif yang di sajikan secara sederhana agar mudah dipahami
oleh pembaca yang pada gilirannya menjadi rujukan bagi pembaca yang akan
melakukan penelitian-penelitian terkait pembelajaran dan berpikir
kreatif.Khususnya dikalangan mahasiswa dan dapat dijadikan acuan oleh guru
dalam melakukan inovasi pembelajaran
Laporan Penelitian: Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Pengajuan Masalah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Mahasiswa Calon Guru
One of higher level of thinking types that currently attracts keen attention
of cognitive psychologists and becomes educational goal of each country is
creative thinking or creativity. At least, there are two reasons for that, namely 1)
the ability to think creatively is very important for individual to possess, and 2)
creative thinking can be improved through training.
Indonesia as a developing country realizes that to become a developed
country and parallel to other developed countries, it is needed creatively human
resources. Therefore, the ability to think creatively is accounted for national
education goal that is embedded in Ministry Regulation No. 22 Year 2006. Vision
2025 of Ministry of Education and Culture explicitly states that creative is one of
keywords that must be crystallized. Another concern that Ministry of Education
and Culture looks is the existance of policy in case of character of nation culture.
The impact of this policy is that teachers are demanded to develop characterbased-instructional
One of
it is seen that creative ability of teachers and students of all
educational levels are still low. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a research in
terms of creative thinking. Particularly, students as prospective teachers. It is
because to create a creative student, it is needed a creative teacher, and to create a
creative teacher, the ability of creative thinking of those prospective teachers has
to be improved. In relation to this concern, the author himself conducted a
research entitled The Development of Problem Posing-Based Mathematics
Instructional Model to Improve the Ability of Creative Thinking of Students as
Prospective Teachers (PMP2MK)”. This was aimed at developing problem
posing-based-instructional model to improve the ability of creative thinking of
students as prospective teachers (PMP2MK). In addition, to support the
practicality of this model, it was also developed an instructional package.
Particular targets expected within this study were: (i) Problem Posing-BasedMathematics
as Prospective Teachers (PMP2MK) in the form of model book; (ii)
Prototype of Instructional Package to Support the Practicality of Teaching and
Learning Activity by Using the PMP2MK Model. The intended instructional
package was Lesson Plan (RPP), Student Worksheet (LKM), Student Book (BM),
and Learning Achievement Test. Thus, to attain them, it was designed a
developmental research by referring to as Kemp’s approach.
The research conducted in the first year (year 2012) produced product as
the following: (a) The validated framework prototype of PMP2MK model
consisted of syntax, social system, reaction principle, supporting system, and
instructional and nurturant effects along with underpinning theory of PMP2MK
model; (b) The validated Prototype I of Student Book (BM), Student Worksheet
(LKM), Lesson Plan (RPP), and Creativity Test in Mathematics Problem Solving.
Henceforth, to produce a practical instructional model, it would be
conducted a limited trial. This is planned for the next 2
year of this study.
Whereas, to obtain an effective instructional model, it would be followed up with
an experimental research as a crystallization of implementation of the developed
instructional model. This is planned for the next 3
year of this study
The Students' NumericalLiteracy Ability in Junior High Schools
The Students' NumericalLiteracy Ability in Junior High
Laporan Penelitian: Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Matematika untuk Menumbuhkembangkan Karakter dan Kreativitas matematika Peserta Didik SMP
Development of Mathematics Learning Models to Foster Mathematical Character and Creativity in Middle School Students
Alimuddin, 2018, Number of Pages:
The government recognizes the importance of implementing the National Movement for Mental Revolution, which emphasizes character education in all schools across Indonesia, rather than limiting it to specific institutions. This inclusive approach aims to promptly enhance the quality of education, ensuring fairness and equity. The reinforcement of character education is expected to empower the talents and potentials of all students. However, our current education system overlooks certain crucial dimensions, namely physical education (kinesthetic), artistic expression (art), ethics, and spirituality.
Thus far, our focus has primarily been on cultivating academic intelligence, which fails to foster high-level thinking skills such as creativity and critical thinking. However, integrating these higher-order thinking abilities with students' character development is essential for nation-building. To address this issue, it is necessary to establish sustainable synergy among the government, schools, parents, and the community by strengthening character education. This effort aims to achieve a dignified, cultured, and distinctive Indonesia.
Based on Makassar State University's Research Master Plan on Leading Research in the field of education, the research objectives include: (1) developing character education-based learning models and (2) creating effective education and learning models. The research utilizes the Plomp (1997) development method, consisting of five stages: (1) initial assessment phase, (2) design stage, (3) realization/construction stage, (4) testing, evaluation, and revision stages, and (5) implementation phase. The quality of the learning model is assessed using Nieveen's (1999) criteria, which include validity, practicality, and effectiveness.
The preliminary results after three years of planned research include: (1) the availability of model books supported by learning tools such as lesson implementation plans (RPP), teacher manuals, student books, and valid student activity sheets, and (2) the availability of instruments, including a mathematical creativity test, student character observation sheet, learning outcome test, and valid observation sheet for monitoring learning implementation. The research outputs consist of: (1) draft books with ISBN, (2) draft international journals, (3) national papers, and (4) international papers.
Keywords: character education, mathematical creativity, learning model
The purpose of this study was to describe the creative thinking process of students'
field-independent cognitive style in solving mathematical problems related to the
circumference of a flat shape. The method used was descriptive qualitative. The
subjects of this study were class VIII students who had a field-independent cognitive
style based on the Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT). Data were obtained through \ud
tests, documentation, observation, and interviews. Data analysis was carried out
using four creative thinking processes developed by Graham Walla, namely
preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. The results indicated that
students could understand the problem well, tend to be quiet to find solutions, could
design solutions that would be done by choosing ideas to be solved by modifying the
knowledge they already have and applying designed ideas to solve problems.
Therefore, students seemed to understand mathematical operations related to the
circumference of plat shapes
Manajemen Strategi Pembinaan Karakter Anak di Madarasah Aliyah Bulukunyi Kecamatan Polongbangkeng Selatan Kabupaten Takalar
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Strategi Pembinaan Karakter Anak di
Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Bulukunyi. Sudah mengalami perubahan yang cukup baik
karena menerapkan sifat Jujur, Keadilan, Tanggungjawab, Peduli dan Kerjasama.
seperti Shalat dzuhur berjama’ah, Siswa dan siswi dilatih menghafal Hadist, yang
melanggar dimasukkan diruang Rohis, setiap bulan suci Ramadhan siswa dan guru
melakukan safari ramadhan, Budayakan Barasanji dan A’rate. Kemudian yang
terakhir mengajarkan Tadarrus dan Tilawah. Upaya Pembinaan Karakter Anak di
Madrasah Aliyah Bulukunyi. Siswa dan siswi dibekali pendidikan al-Qur’an dan
Hadits. Siswa dan siswi diajar Fiqh dan Dakwah. Siswa dan siswi diberi ruangan
khusus dalam rangka Pembinaan Karakter anak di Madrasah Aliyah Bulukunyi
Laporan Penelitian:Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis scientific (MPSK) untuk Menumbuhkembangkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Peserta Didik SMP dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika.
Development of Mathematical Model Based Learning scientific (MPSK)
for Cultivating Creative Thinking Ability of Students in the Junior
Mathematical Problem Solving
Alimuddin, 2015, Number of Pages: .124
Perceptions about the source of creativity is gradually shifting away from
the inheritance of talent (genius ownership inherited by an individual who is very
talented) the ability of the human variety. all individuals have the potential to be
creative. Creative thinking is always evolving, it can be learned, and can be
The facts show that the creativity of students in different countries is still
low. Many students who are high achievers in mathematics in the international
arena has recorded low ratings in the imagination and creativity) .guru very
important role to foster the creativity of students. One of the factors inhibiting the
growth and development of students' creativity is the lack of creative teachers to
develop learning that trigger the imagination, critical and creative students.
Learning framework that should be developed to foster the creativity of the
students in accordance with the characteristics of the subjects.
The question is "What is the profile of effective math learning math
students develop creativity?". To answer this question research Mathematics
Learning Model-Based Development cientific (MPSK) for Cultivating Creative
Thinking Ability of Students SMP (MPSK) .Penelitian is planned for 3 years. The
first year: the development phase, year-2: the pilot phase, and in all three phases
of implementation / dissemination.
This report, outlining the results of the study stage-2 (test) to see how far
the effectiveness of learning in order to develop mathematical creativity MPSK
eighth grade students after the first year has produced a model MPSK and
supporting devices are valid and reliabel.
Research is experimental research one group pretest-posttest design to see
the extent to which the effectiveness of learning in order to develop mathematical
creativity MPSK eighth grade students. Learning MPSK applied to class VIII-2,
which amount to 25 students (group I) and VIII-5 totaling 25 students (group II)
were selected by cluster sampling from 6 rendom homogeneous class VIII SMP
26 Makassar country. Meeting four times with teachers and at different times in
group I and II. Criteria creativity of mathematics: 1) N-Gain of at least 0.3, 2)
there is a significant difference in the creativity of students before and after
learning MPSK, and 3) the mathematical creativity group I and II together. Data
were collected using a mathematical creativity test development comprises 5
numbers refer to the mathematical creativity indicators. Rubric assessment used is
the development of creativity guilford section (1971).
Quantitative descriptive analysis aims to describe the mathematical
creativity of students, analysis of N-Gain aims to see an increase in students'
mathematical creativity, and t-Test analysis aims to look at the difference in the
creativity of students before and after learning and to determine whether the
mathematical creativity group I and II together ?. The results showed that the
effective application of learning MPSK foster mathematical creativity of students.
MPSK learning also has implications on process improvement and student
learning outcomes, as well as increased conten pedagogical knowledge (PCK) of
The effectiveness of amathematics learning model of realistic setting with NHT type on a three-dimensional main theme
This research was condu cted by selecting quasi experiments and treatment s in the form of
the realistic mathematics learning (RML) model in cooperative settings (Maresko) with numbered heads together (NHT) type in the
subject matter of 3D spaces. The research was conducted in grade ten in eight senior high schools in Makassar during
the school year 2016/2017. The instruments used in this study were the test results of learning, observation sheets,
teachers’ ability to manage learning, student activity observation sheets and questionnaire responses of students to the
teaching and learning tools. The results show that the learning outcomes of students who are taught by the Maresko
model NHT type were included in the higher categories and that it increased significantly the ability of students from the
pre-test to post-test. The activities of students in learning are at least in the positive category, as well as the responses of
students to the tools and learning are included in the positive category. The NHT type Maresko model was quite
effective when implemented in the class, with an effectiveness score of 3.32. Teaching is effective immediately when
applied in grade ten with an effectiveness score of 3.0. Therefore, the NHT type Maresko model was more effectively
applied in the teaching of the subject matter of three-dimensional spaces at the grade ten high school level.
Keywords: Realistic mathematics education, cooperative NHT type, 3D spac
Deskripsi Jenis Kesalahan dalam Menyelesaikan TIMSS-Based Test Ditinjau dari Kemampuan Awal pada Siswa SMP
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh siswa
berkemampuan awal matematika tinggi dan kemampuan awal matematika rendah dalam menyelesaikan
soal geometri berbasis TIMSS untuk domain kognitif mengaplikasikan (applying) dan penalaran
(reasoning). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif.
Subjek penelitian sebanyak 2 orang dengan 1 orang berkemampuan awal matematika tinggi dan 1 orang
berkemampuan awal matematika rendah dari siswa kelas VIII SMP. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan
terdiri atas tes matematika berbasis TIMSS yang dikhususkan pada konten geometri domain kognitif
aplikasi dan penalaran serta pedoman wawancara. Kesalaan yang dianalisis dikategorikan
menggunakan kategori kesalahan Newman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Untuk kategori
soal mengaplikasikan (applying), siswa kemmpuan awal matematika tinggi tidak mengalami kesalahan,
sedangkan siswa berkemampuan matematika rendah mengalami jenis kesalahan transformation, process
skills, dan encoding. (2) Untuk kategori soal penalaran (reasoning), siswa berkemampuan awal tinggi
mengalami kesalahan tipe transformation, process skills, dan encoding sedangkan siswa berkemampuan
awal rendah mengalami kesalahan tipe comprehension, transformation, process skills, dan encoding.
Kata kunci : Kesalahan, Soal Matematika TIMSS, Domain Kognitif applying dan reasoning konten
geometri, Kemampuan Awal, Kriteria Newman
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