79 research outputs found

    Pairwise transitive 2-designs

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    We classify the pairwise transitive 2-designs, that is, 2-designs such that a group of automorphisms is transitive on the following five sets of ordered pairs: point-pairs, incident point-block pairs, non-incident point-block pairs, intersecting block-pairs and non-intersecting block-pairs. These 2-designs fall into two classes: the symmetric ones and the quasisymmetric ones. The symmetric examples include the symmetric designs from projective geometry, the 11-point biplane, the Higman-Sims design, and designs of points and quadratic forms on symplectic spaces. The quasisymmetric examples arise from affine geometry and the point-line geometry of projective spaces, as well as several sporadic examples.Comment: 28 pages, updated after review proces

    Codistances of 3-spherical buildings

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    We show that a 3-spherical building in which each rank 2 residue is connected far away from a chamber, and each rank 3 residue is simply 2-connected far away from a chamber, admits a twinning (i.e., is one half of a twin building) as soon as it admits a codistance, i.e., a twinning with a single chamber.Comment: 35 pages; revised after a referee's comment

    Automorphisms and opposition in twin buildings

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    We show that every automorphism of a thick twin building interchanging the halves of the building maps some residue to an opposite one. Furthermore we show that no automorphism of a locally finite 2-spherical twin building of rank at least 3 maps every residue of one fixed type to an opposite. The main ingredient of the proof is a lemma that states that every duality of a thick finite projective plane admits an absolute point, i.e., a point mapped onto an incident line. Our results also hold for all finite irreducible spherical buildings of rank at least 3, and as a consequence we deduce that every involution of a thick irreducible finite spherical building of rank at least 3 has a fixed residue

    Symmetry properties of subdivision graphs

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    The subdivision graph S(Σ)S(\Sigma) of a graph Σ\Sigma is obtained from Σ\Sigma by `adding a vertex' in the middle of every edge of \Si. Various symmetry properties of §(Σ)\S(\Sigma) are studied. We prove that, for a connected graph Σ\Sigma, S(Σ)S(\Sigma) is locally ss-arc transitive if and only if Σ\Sigma is s+12\lceil\frac{s+1}{2}\rceil-arc transitive. The diameter of S(Σ)S(\Sigma) is 2d+δ2d+\delta, where Σ\Sigma has diameter dd and 0δ20\leqslant \delta\leqslant 2, and local ss-distance transitivity of §(Σ)\S(\Sigma) is defined for 1s2d+δ1\leqslant s\leqslant 2d+\delta. In the general case where s2d1s\leqslant 2d-1 we prove that S(Σ)S(\Sigma) is locally ss-distance transitive if and only if Σ\Sigma is s+12\lceil\frac{s+1}{2}\rceil-arc transitive. For the remaining values of ss, namely 2ds2d+δ2d\leqslant s\leqslant 2d+\delta, we classify the graphs Σ\Sigma for which S(Σ)S(\Sigma) is locally ss-distance transitive in the cases, s5s\leqslant 5 and s15+δs\geqslant 15+\delta. The cases max{2d,6}smin{2d+δ,14+δ}\max\{2d, 6\}\leqslant s\leqslant \min\{2d+\delta, 14+\delta\} remain open

    Line graphs and 22-geodesic transitivity

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    For a graph Γ\Gamma, a positive integer ss and a subgroup G\leq \Aut(\Gamma), we prove that GG is transitive on the set of ss-arcs of Γ\Gamma if and only if Γ\Gamma has girth at least 2(s1)2(s-1) and GG is transitive on the set of (s1)(s-1)-geodesics of its line graph. As applications, we first prove that the only non-complete locally cyclic 22-geodesic transitive graphs are the complete multipartite graph K3[2]K_{3[2]} and the icosahedron. Secondly we classify 2-geodesic transitive graphs of valency 4 and girth 3, and determine which of them are geodesic transitive