551 research outputs found

    On groups with the same character degrees as almost simple groups with socle the Mathieu groups

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    Let GG be a finite group and cd(G)cd(G) denote the set of complex irreducible character degrees of GG. In this paper, we prove that if GG is a finite group and HH is an almost simple group whose socle is Mathieu group such that cd(G)=cd(H)cd(G) =cd(H), then there exists an Abelian subgroup AA of GG such that G/AG/A is isomorphic to HH. This study is heading towards the study of an extension of Huppert's conjecture (2000) for almost simple groups.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1108.0010 by other author

    Effect of cold temperature on morphological development and quality characteristics of some population of Festuca arundinaceae Schreb

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    Con el objeto de evaluar el efecto de la temperatura baja sobre las características fenológicas de la festuca alta (Festuca arundinaceae) se recolectaron semillas de cultivares Bejnord, Esfahan, Brojen, Kamiran, Mashhad en bancos de germoplasma. Estas fueron sembradas en recipientes con temperaturas fluctuantes de 20 ± 5°C durante el día y de 5 - 12°C durante la noche. Posteriormente el semillero de 15 días de edad se cultivo a una temperatura base de 4 °C durante 30 días. Los materos fueron retornados a condiciones normales de invernadero y de campo hasta su etapa de floración. En la etapa de floración, las características morfológicas incluyeron: altura de planta, longitud de pedúnculo, longitud de panícula, número de panículas y longitud de la hoja bandera, peso fresco y seco y los pesos de la semilla, características de calidad como la digestibilidad de materia seca (DMD), proteína cruda (CP), carbohidratos solubles en agua (WSC), fibra detergente ácida (ADF) y cenizas totales, se registraron. Los resultados mostraron que las poblaciones de los cvs. Mashhad y Esfahan presentaron valores superiores para altura de la planta, longitud del pedúnculo, longitud de la panícula, peso de la semilla, peso fresco y seco conrespecto a otras poblaciones. Exceptuando la población Esfahan, las otras cuatro poblaciones fueron evaluadas por su buen valor nutritivo debido al alto contenido de carbohidrato soluble en agua. Los resultados también mostraron que los días grados crecimiento (GDC) de aquellas poblaciones que estaban sujetas a temperatura fría, presentaron menor estado de floración que el tratamiento control. Se concluyó que la temperatura fría no presentó efecto alguno sobre los desarrollos vegetativos, particularmente sobre la etapa de floración, pero redujo las fechas de floración en la etapa generativa

    Variation and Relationships of Shoot Yield, Morphological and Phenological Traits in Chamomile Populations (Anthemis triumfettii)

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    The chamomile species of Anthemis triumfettii (L.) All is one of important medicinal plant belong to Compositae family and it grows as wild species in Zagros and Alborz Mountains, Iran. The aim of this study was to evaluation of morphological and phenological traits and their relationships with essential oil. Seeds of seven accessions were sown in jiffy pots and transferred to field using randomize block design with three replications in Alborz research station, Karaj, Iran during 2011-12. Data were collected and analyzed for canopy diameter, plant height, flower number, flowering date, maturity date, shoot fresh and dry weight, Essential oil percentage and GDD to flowering and maturity dates. Results showed significance differences for all traits (

    Evaluation of dry matter yield and essential oil production in 84 accessions of Tanacetum polycephalum Sch.Bip. through multivariate analyses

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    In order to investigate diversity and explain the relationships of essential oil yield with morphological traits, 84 populations T. polycephalum, were sown in the field using randomized complete blocks design (RCBD) with three replicates in Research Institute of Forest and Rangeland, Tehran, Iran in 2013-2014. Data were collected for flowering date, growth degree days (GDD), stem number, plant height, dry matter (DM) yield, essential oil percentage, and essential oil yield. The relationships among traits were determined using correlation, regression and factor analysis. The genetic distance and genotype classification were determined using cluster analysis. DM yield was positively correlated with plant height, canopy cover, stem number and oil yield (ρ0.01), whereas oil% was negatively correlated with plant height and stem number (ρ0.05). Result of stepwise regression in which essential oil yield were considered as dependent variable showed that essential oil%, and DM yield accounted for 39.95 and 47.75%, of the total variations in essential oil production, respectively. In factor analysis, the Eigen values obtained from 1 to 3 factors were higher than one with 88.9% of total variations. In the first factor, traits of DM yield, plant height, canopy cover, stems number, and in the second factor flowering date, GDD and oil yield and in the third factor oil% had higher Eigen vector coefficients for genotype classification. In cluster analysis, genotypes were categorized in four groups. According to the obtained results, cluster 1 for early maturity, clusters 3 for plant height canopy cover, stems number, DM yield and essential oil production and cluster4, for essential oil%, had significantly higher mean values than other groups. There was a good agreement between the results obtained from cluster and factor analyses in scatter diagram representation of 84 genotypes based on the first and second factors. It was concluded that population of cluster 3 are capable to breeding improved new cultivars and should be focused on selection higher aerial biomass yield, plant height, flower number, essential oil%, coupled with early flowering date.Para investigar la diversidad y explicar las relaciones del rendimiento de aceite esencial con rasgos morfológicos, 84 poblaciones de T. polycephalum fueron sembradas en el campo utilizando diseño de bloques completos al azar (BCA) con tres réplicas en el Instituto de Investigación de Bosques y Pastizales, Teherán, Irán en 2013-2014. Los datos fueron colectados para la fecha de floración, días de grado de crecimiento (DGC), número de tallos, altura de planta, rendimiento de materia seca (MS), porcentaje de aceite esencial y rendimiento de aceite esencial. Las relaciones entre las características agronómicas se determinaron mediante correlación, regresión y análisis factorial. La distancia genética y la clasificación del genotipo, se determinaron mediante análisis de conglomerados. El rendimiento de MS se correlacionó positivamente con la altura de la planta, cobertura del dosel, número de tallos y rendimiento de aceite (ρ 0.01), mientras que el% de aceite esencial se correlacionó negativamente con la altura de la planta y el número de tallos (ρ 0.05). El resultado de la regresión gradual en la cual el rendimiento de aceite esencial se consideró como variable dependiente mostró que el% de aceite esencial y el rendimiento de MS representaron 39.95 y 47.75% de las variaciones totales en la producción de aceite esencial, respectivamente. En el análisis de factores, los valores de Eigen obtenidos de 1 a 3 factores fueron mayores que uno con 88.9% de las variaciones totales. En el primer factor, los rasgos de rendimiento de MS, altura de la planta, cobertura del dosel, número de tallos y en la segunda fecha de floración del factor, DGC y producción de aceite esencial y en el tercer factor, % de aceite esencial, tuvieron coeficientes de vectores Eigen más altos para la clasificación del genotipo. En el análisis de conglomerados, los genotipos se categorizaron en cuatro grupos. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, el grupo 1 para madurez temprana, los grupos 3 para cobertura vegetal del dosel, el número de tallos, el rendimiento de MS y la producción de aceite esencial y el grupo 4, para% de aceite esencial, tuvieron valores promedio significativamente más altos que otros grupos. Hubo una buena concordancia entre los resultados obtenidos de los análisis de grupos y factores en la representación del diagrama de dispersión de 84 genotipos en función del primer y el segundo factor. Se concluyó que la población del grupo 3 es capaz de producir nuevos cultivares mejorados y debe centrarse en la selección de mayor rendimiento de biomasa aérea, altura de la planta, número de flores, % de aceite esencial, junto con la fecha de floración temprana

    Varying the vegetative and morphological traits of Thymus kotschyanus L. affected potassium silicate nanoparticles, superabsorbent hydrogel, effective microorganisms, and animal manure

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    To study the effects of some new facilitators on the vegetative and morphological traits of Thymus kotschyanus, nine treatments were tested in the experimental rangeland field at the University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran. Treatments included control, potassium silicate nanoparticles (PSN) with two levels of 500 and 1000 mg/lit, superabsorbent hydrogel (SH) with two levels of 10 and 30 g/kg, animal manure (AM) with two levels of 100, 200 g/kg, and effective microorganisms (EM) with two levels of 1 and 2%. Data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results of mean comparisons of treatments for Thymus kotschyanus characteristics showed that the highest amount of studied traits were observed in the treated SH 30 g/kg. These traits include plant height (19.44 cm), basal area (4.66 cm), canopy cover (99.11%), number of secondary branches (9.44) and depth of rooting (16.49 cm), aerial parts volume (26.77 cm3), root volume (17.66 cm3), aerial parts fresh weight (14.40 g), aerial parts dry weight (7.18 g), root fresh weight (3.98 g), and root dry weight (2.07 g). In general, the impact of treatments on Thymus growth traits were ranked as follows: SH 30 g/kg, PSN 1000 mg/lit, AM 200 g/kg, SH 10 g/kg, PSN 500 mg/lit, AM 100 g/kg, EM 2%, and EM 1%. In addition, the lowest plant traits were found in control. Overall, it is recommended extending the cultivation of this native medicinal plant by considering ecological conditions in each region. In addition, to promote the establishment and facilitate the growth of planted species, it is recommended using the facilitators utilized in the present work

    Assessment of human and physical resources in health houses and health-care centers providing emergency services: a study in Golestan province

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    Background and Aims: The right information on current situation such as physical space, equipment and manpower make it possible to assess emergency activities as well as to manage and provide qualified services to patients. The aim of this study was to determine human and physical resources in health houses and health care centers to provide emergency services in Golestan province. Background and Aims: The right information on current situation such as physical space, equipment and manpower make it possible to assess emergency activities as well as to manage and provide qualified services to patients. The aim of this study was to determine human and physical resources in health houses and health care centers to provideemergency services in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Golestan province in 2012. The study population was health houses and health centers (both rural and urban). A multi-stage sampling method was exploited and required data were collected by check list through interviews and observations. All stagesof this research project were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS 16.Results: The results of this study show that about 17.9 percent of health houses had no male health workers and a lack of female health workers was noticed in 2.4 percent of them. Similarly, there is not any nurse in 38.9 percent of health care centers. About 94.4 percent of centers suffered from having male nurse’s aid and 97.2 of them had no female nurse’s aid. The results further indicated that most of health houses were in a good level with regard to medical equipments (66.7%) and needed medications (63.6%). The majority of health care centers (63.9%) were indeed at intermediate level considering injection chamber and at very week level (52.4%) from the wound dressing point of view. The studied centers lacked the requisite medications and were at low levels. 74.33 percent of health care centers suffered from an apparent lack of dressing room facilities. About 85.3 percent of health centers showed ambulance deficit.Conclusion: According to the low levels of personal resources, equipment and physical spaces in studied health care centers, it is necessary to consider appropriate measures in order to improve the situation in these centers. Journal of Health in the Field, Vol.3, No.4, Winter 2016 Keywords: Personal resources, Physical resources, Health house, Health care center, Emergency services in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Golestan province in 2012. The study population was health houses and health centers (both rural and urban). A multi-stage sampling method was exploited and required data were collected by check list through interviews and observations. All stages of this research project were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS 16.Results: The results of this study show that about 17.9 percent of health houses had no male health workers and a lack of female health workers was noticed in 2.4 percent of them. Similarly, there is not any nurse in 38.9 percent of health care centers. About 94.4 percent of centers suffered from having male nurse’s aid and 97.2 of them had no female nurse’s aid. The results further indicated that most of health houses were in a good level with regard to medical equipments (66.7%) and needed medications (63.6%). The majority of health care centers (63.9%) were indeed at intermediate level considering injection chamber and at very week level (52.4%) from the wound dressing point of view. The studied centers lacked the requisite medications and were at low levels. 74.33 percent of health care centers suffered from an apparent lack of dressing room facilities. About 85.3 percent of health centers showed ambulance deficit.Conclusion: According to the low levels of personal resources, equipment and physical spaces in studied health care centers, it is necessary to consider appropriate measures in order to improve the situation in these centers.Journal of Health in the Field, Vol.3, No.4, Winter 2016Keywords: Personal resources, Physical resources, Health house, Health care center, EmergencyFor downloading the full text please click here

    ارزیابی وضعیت منابع انسانی و فیزیکی خانه های بهداشت و مراکز بهداشتی درمانی در جهت ارائه خدمات اورژانسی: مطالعه ای در استان گلستان

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    Background and Aims: The right information on current situation such as physical space, equipment and manpower make it possible to assess emergency activities as well as to manage and provide qualified services to patients. The aim of this study was to determine human and physical resources in health houses and health care centers to provide emergency services in Golestan province. Background and Aims: The right information on current situation such as physical space, equipment and manpower make it possible to assess emergency activities as well as to manage and provide qualified services to patients. The aim of this study was to determine human and physical resources in health houses and health care centers to provideemergency services in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Golestan province in 2012. The study population was health houses and health centers (both rural and urban). A multi-stage sampling method was exploited and required data were collected by check list through interviews and observations. All stagesof this research project were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS 16.Results: The results of this study show that about 17.9 percent of health houses had no male health workers and a lack of female health workers was noticed in 2.4 percent of them. Similarly, there is not any nurse in 38.9 percent of health care centers. About 94.4 percent of centers suffered from having male nurse’s aid and 97.2 of them had no female nurse’s aid. The results further indicated that most of health houses were in a good level with regard to medical equipments (66.7%) and needed medications (63.6%). The majority of health care centers (63.9%) were indeed at intermediate level considering injection chamber and at very week level (52.4%) from the wound dressing point of view. The studied centers lacked the requisite medications and were at low levels. 74.33 percent of health care centers suffered from an apparent lack of dressing room facilities. About 85.3 percent of health centers showed ambulance deficit.Conclusion: According to the low levels of personal resources, equipment and physical spaces in studied health care centers, it is necessary to consider appropriate measures in order to improve the situation in these centers. Journal of Health in the Field, Vol.3, No.4, Winter 2016 Keywords: Personal resources, Physical resources, Health house, Health care center, Emergency services in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive cross sectional study was performed in Golestan province in 2012. The study population was health houses and health centers (both rural and urban). A multi-stage sampling method was exploited and required data were collected by check list through interviews and observations. All stages of this research project were conducted ethically. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS 16.Results: The results of this study show that about 17.9 percent of health houses had no male health workers and a lack of female health workers was noticed in 2.4 percent of them. Similarly, there is not any nurse in 38.9 percent of health care centers. About 94.4 percent of centers suffered from having male nurse’s aid and 97.2 of them had no female nurse’s aid. The results further indicated that most of health houses were in a good level with regard to medical equipments (66.7%) and needed medications (63.6%). The majority of health care centers (63.9%) were indeed at intermediate level considering injection chamber and at very week level (52.4%) from the wound dressing point of view. The studied centers lacked the requisite medications and were at low levels. 74.33 percent of health care centers suffered from an apparent lack of dressing room facilities. About 85.3 percent of health centers showed ambulance deficit.Conclusion: According to the low levels of personal resources, equipment and physical spaces in studied health care centers, it is necessary to consider appropriate measures in order to improve the situation in these centers.زمینه و هدف: مدیریت و ارزیابی فعالیتهای اورژانس و ارائه خدمات مطلوب به بیماران، تنها با داشتن اطلاعات صحیح از وضعیت موجود از قبیل فضا، تجهیزات و نیروی انسانی در مراکز اورژانس امکان پذیر است. هدف از انجام این مطالعه تعیین وضعیت منابع انسانی و فیزیکی خانههای بهداشت و مراکز بهداشتی درمانی در جهت ارائه خدمات اورژانسی بود. مواد و روشها: این مطالعه به صورت توصیفی و از نوع مقطعی انجام شد. جامعه پژوهش را مراکز بهداشتی درمانی شهری، روستایی و خانههای بهداشت استان تشکیل میداد. ابزار جمع آوری اطلاعات، چک لیست و روش نمونه گیری، چند مرحلهای بود. روش جمع آوری دادهها مشاهده و مصاحبه بود. تمام مراحل این طرح با رعایت موازین اخلاقی و پژوهشی انجام شد. جهت تحلیل دادهها از آمار توصیفی با استفاده از نرم افزار آماری SPSS.16 استفاده شد. یافته ها: بر اساس نتایج مطالعه، 17/9% خانههای بهداشت بهورز مرد و 2/4% بهورز زن نداشتند. همچنین 38/9% مراکز پرستار، 94/4% بهیار مرد و 97/2% بهیار زن نداشتند. اکثر خانه های بهداشت از نظر وضعیت تجهیزات و داروهای مورد نیاز اورژانس در سطح خوب قرار گرفتند. اکثر مراکز از نظر وضعیت تجهیزات اتاق تزریقات در سطح متوسط، از نظر وضعیت تجهیزات اتاق پانسمان در سطح خیلی ضعیف و از نظر وضعیت داروهای مورد نیاز، در سطح ضعیف قرار گرفتند. 74/33% مراکز اتاق پانسمان و 85/3% آمبولانس نداشتند. نتیجه گیری: با توجه به سطح ضعیف نیروی انسانی، تجهیزات و فضای فیزیکی مراکز بهداشتی درمانی، لازم است تدابیر مناسبی به منظور بهبود وضعیت موجود این مراکز اندیشیده شود.      &nbsp