2,747 research outputs found

    An OFDM Signal Identification Method for Wireless Communications Systems

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    Distinction of OFDM signals from single carrier signals is highly important for adaptive receiver algorithms and signal identification applications. OFDM signals exhibit Gaussian characteristics in time domain and fourth order cumulants of Gaussian distributed signals vanish in contrary to the cumulants of other signals. Thus fourth order cumulants can be utilized for OFDM signal identification. In this paper, first, formulations of the estimates of the fourth order cumulants for OFDM signals are provided. Then it is shown these estimates are affected significantly from the wireless channel impairments, frequency offset, phase offset and sampling mismatch. To overcome these problems, a general chi-square constant false alarm rate Gaussianity test which employs estimates of cumulants and their covariances is adapted to the specific case of wireless OFDM signals. Estimation of the covariance matrix of the fourth order cumulants are greatly simplified peculiar to the OFDM signals. A measurement setup is developed to analyze the performance of the identification method and for comparison purposes. A parametric measurement analysis is provided depending on modulation order, signal to noise ratio, number of symbols, and degree of freedom of the underlying test. The proposed method outperforms statistical tests which are based on fixed thresholds or empirical values, while a priori information requirement and complexity of the proposed method are lower than the coherent identification techniques


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    As public became more aware of the possible hazardous effects of the conventional farming products, organic agriculture practices have been increasingly spreading all over the world. Since the 1980’s, organic agriculture has been an important topic in the research agenda of the scientists active in various fields from science to biology or even economics. Economic Unions have been increasingly important in the last decade, in which one of them is the European Union (EU) being the most integrated of all. It is an enlarging body that has achieved considerable degree of economic integration. The EU is considered to be important for Turkey. The EU has a supporting role in agricultural policy. Organical agriculture, which is considered to have an important role in EU economics, became more important issue between Turkey and EU relations, due to Turkey’s agriculture potential. Organic agriculture started in Turkey through the demand from foreign countries in 1990’s. Due to the lack of information sharing on organic agriculture, organic agriculture sector in Turkey was not aware of its potential. It is one of the factors that affects organic farming sector negatively. By creating the body which enables data sharing system by more number of people and significant support by organic agriculture sides would lead the sector to benefit from the existing potential. Organic agriculture market in Turkey will have a chance to compete with other world organic agriculture markets. Organic agriculture’s products are healthy for consumers. On the other hand what is also argued within this thesis is organic agriculture’s beneficial effects on the nature

    A Comparative Study of Scheduling Techniques for Multimedia Applications on SIMD Pipelines

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    Parallel architectures are essential in order to take advantage of the parallelism inherent in streaming applications. One particular branch of these employ hardware SIMD pipelines. In this paper, we analyse several scheduling techniques, namely ad hoc overlapped execution, modulo scheduling and modulo scheduling with unrolling, all of which aim to efficiently utilize the special architecture design. Our investigation focuses on improving throughput while analysing other metrics that are important for streaming applications, such as register pressure, buffer sizes and code size. Through experiments conducted on several media benchmarks, we present and discuss trade-offs involved when selecting any one of these scheduling techniques.Comment: Presented at DATE Friday Workshop on Heterogeneous Architectures and Design Methods for Embedded Image Systems (HIS 2015) (arXiv:1502.07241

    Time-Frequency Warped Waveforms

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    The forthcoming communication systems are advancing towards improved flexibility in various aspects. Improved flexibility is crucial to cater diverse service requirements. This letter proposes a novel waveform design scheme that exploits axis warping to enable peaceful coexistence of different pulse shapes. A warping transform manipulates the lattice samples non-uniformly and provides flexibility to handle the time-frequency occupancy of a signal. The proposed approach enables the utilization of flexible pulse shapes in a quasi-orthogonal manner and increases the spectral efficiency. In addition, the rectangular resource block structure, which assists an efficient resource allocation, is preserved with the warped waveform design as well.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; accepted version (The URL for the final version: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=8540914&isnumber=8605392

    Comparison of the relations between the EU and Western Balkan states with the relations between the EU and Turkey

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    Today when we talk about the enlargement strategy of the EU, we firstconsider on Turkey and Western Balkan States. So we want to describe the similarities and differences by making comparison of the relations betweenthe EU and Western Balkan States with the relations between the EU andTurkey. Firstly we need to describe briefly how the EU is established. As we all know, two powerful states - not from Europe - dominated over Europe for the firsttime at the end of the Second World War. A fact as USA in Western Europe and Russia in Eastern Europe to be new forces caused the European states todecide and attempt seriously about uniting in Europe and recovering whenboth forced states make politics for the regions at their controls to abidethemselves. The European states competing among themselves in Europeand in the World until that time were anyhow controlled or come under theinfluence of the others or else dependent on the others.Beside Europe to be dependent on the others, a fact as controlling Germany not to become a threat again as in the Second World War was effective forthe new structure. The European states that wanted getting over and findingsolutions for uniting, tried to stand by helping each other

    The Turkish power elite

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    This study aims to analyse, the general power structure of Turkish society, and specifically the Turkish power elite. Also, the relationships within and between the elite groups, and the distribution of power will be examined. This paper will also try to understand and explain the distribution of power in Turkish society: How far is power (effective power) diffused in society or how far it is centralised and concentrated in the hands of elite groups?    In accordance with the pluralists views one could argue that, power has been diffused and fragmented among many people or elite groups which together participate in the decision-making process in contemporary Turkish society. Nevertheless, decisive and effective power (parallel with the main thesis of the elitist view) has been concentrated and centralised in the hands of the small number of elite groups which are the most powerful in the national power structure. They are predominant over other groups and these dominant groups know what others do not know and can do what others cannot do.This study aims to analyse, the general power structure of Turkish society, and specifically the Turkish power elite. Also, the relationships within and between the elite groups, and the distribution of power will be examined. This paper will also try to understand and explain the distribution of power in Turkish society: How far is power (effective power) diffused in society or how far it is centralised and concentrated in the hands of elite groups?    In accordance with the pluralists views one could argue that, power has been diffused and fragmented among many people or elite groups which together participate in the decision-making process in contemporary Turkish society. Nevertheless, decisive and effective power (parallel with the main thesis of the elitist view) has been concentrated and centralised in the hands of the small number of elite groups which are the most powerful in the national power structure. They are predominant over other groups and these dominant groups know what others do not know and can do what others cannot do

    A different modernization experience: Turkish modernization and the army

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    This study will concern itself with Turkish political development from the early nineteenth century up to the present time: Firstly, the term modernization will be explained and the historical roots of Turkish modernization will be examined. Then, it will be concerned with the development of Turkish democracy. Also, the late Ottoman Period will be looked at very briefly, because Turkish modernization began in the Ottoman Empire.              The central institution in the process of Turkish modernization was the army. After the abolition of the Janissary in 1826, the military became one of the most Westernized elements in the Empire. Liberal ideas first spread among the military officers and military colleges became the centre of secret political organizations in the mid-nineteenth century. Turkish military elites have always had the aim of representing the new values, behavior patterns and life styles since the late Ottoman era.This study will concern itself with Turkish political development from the early nineteenth century up to the present time: Firstly, the term modernization will be explained and the historical roots of Turkish modernization will be examined. Then, it will be concerned with the development of Turkish democracy. Also, the late Ottoman Period will be looked at very briefly, because Turkish modernization began in the Ottoman Empire.              The central institution in the process of Turkish modernization was the army. After the abolition of the Janissary in 1826, the military became one of the most Westernized elements in the Empire. Liberal ideas first spread among the military officers and military colleges became the centre of secret political organizations in the mid-nineteenth century. Turkish military elites have always had the aim of representing the new values, behavior patterns and life styles since the late Ottoman era

    The power and the problems of the media in Turkey and political-religious identity of Tukish media elites

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    The media is one of the most important institutions in society. It is a reality that media play very substantial role in the production and social distribution of knowledge. In addition to that, mass media provides the greatest communication opportunities to the people. Also, contemporary media provides very distinctive weapons to obtain power, wealth and prestige in the society. Is the media, especially Turkish media voice, eyes and ears of the public or is it voice and operating arms of powerful dominant groups in the society? Is it heard the voice of public to the political elites or is it the major and very affective weapons of politicians helping them by manipulating social-economical problems of society and canalizing the interest and energy of the public to different subjects? The major objective of this study is to search all these and this kind of questions, In addition to that, this paper will concentrate on the matter of homogeneity and social consensus among Turkish media elites Also, political identity and religious affiliations of Turkish media elites will be examined.The media is one of the most important institutions in society. It is a reality that media play very substantial role in the production and social distribution of knowledge. In addition to that, mass media provides the greatest communication opportunities to the people. Also, contemporary media provides very distinctive weapons to obtain power, wealth and prestige in the society. Is the media, especially Turkish media voice, eyes and ears of the public or is it voice and operating arms of powerful dominant groups in the society? Is it heard the voice of public to the political elites or is it the major and very affective weapons of politicians helping them by manipulating social-economical problems of society and canalizing the interest and energy of the public to different subjects? The major objective of this study is to search all these and this kind of questions, In addition to that, this paper will concentrate on the matter of homogeneity and social consensus among Turkish media elites Also, political identity and religious affiliations of Turkish media elites will be examined

    Eşitsizliğin Teorik Temelleri: Sınıf Teorisi

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    This stduy aims to analyse  class theory and its major expansions. In addition, the problems and dilemmas of class theory are discussed. Social inequality, either socially or economically, is one of the most common features of capitalist societies. Some people or some social groups have more money, more prestige, more privilege and more influence on the decision making process.               Two main strategies have been used for analysing and explaining inequalities. The first and most popular strategy is “class theory” which stresses ownership and control to explain class differentiation. It concentrates on the inequalities based mainly on the ownership or non-ownership of economic resources. Class theory was fathered by Karl Marx and especially developed by Marxist writers. Class analysts focus on identification of classes as the major social forces of society. There are two main schools of thought in class theory with their variations within each school: a) Marxist Class Theory, b) Weberian Class Theory  If the Marxist class analysis and Weberian class analysis are examined it will be seen that, two approaches are incompatible and it is impossible to synthesise them. Nevertheless, Hindess sees Weber’s view as the correction of and supplement to Marx’s ideas rather than an alternative. When the ideas of Marx and Weber are compared, it will be clearly seen that both Marx and Weber explain classes in relation to the economy. Nevertheless, while Marx defines classes in terms of the relations of production, Weber defines them in relation to the market. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı sınıf teorisini, temel açılımları ile birlikte ele alıp incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, uzun yıllar sınıf teorisi açısından sorun oluşturan orta sınıf olgusu ile sınıf teorisinin sosyal-psikolojik boyutunu oluşturan sınıf bilinci (the class consciousness) üzerinde de duruldu.   Çalışmada, toplumlarda var olan eşitsizlikler ile ilgili olarak bu güne değin ortaya konmuş düşüncelerin genel bir değerlendirilmesi yapıldı. Bu bağlamda, özellikle bu alandaki iki temel yaklaşımdan biri olan sınıf teorisi (öteki yaklaşım elit teorisidir) üzerinde yoğunlaşıldı. Marksist sınıf teorisi ve Weberci sınıf teorisi dikkatlice incelendiğinde, bunların birbirlerinden oldukça farklı ve sentezi olanaksız iki teori olduğun görülür. Bununla birlikte bazı düşünürler, Weberci düşünceyi Marks’a bir alternatif olarak değil de, Marksist sınıf teorisinin bir düzeltmesi ya da tamamlayıcısı olarak değerlendirirler. Her iki yaklaşım da sınıf olgusunu, ekonomi temeli üzerinde açıklamaya çalışır. Bununla birlikte Marksist yaklaşım sınıf teorisini üretim ilişkileri üzerine inşa ederken, Weberci yaklaşım pazar ilişkilerini temel alır