883 research outputs found

    Antibody responses to a Cryptosporidium parvum rCP15/60 vaccine

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    Cryptosporidium parvum is a zoonotic apicomplexa-protozoan pathogen that causes gastroenteritis and diarrhoea in mammals worldwide. The organism is transmitted by ingestion of oocysts, which are shed in faeces, and completes its lifecycle in a single host.^1^ C. parvum is ubiquitous on dairy operations worldwide and is one of the leading causes of diarrhoea in calves on these farms.^2,3^ Here, for the first time, we describe the antibody response in a large group of cows to a recombinant C. parvum oocyst surface protein (rCP15/60) vaccine and the antibody response in calves fed rCP15/60-immune colostrum produced by these vaccinated cows. Results of recent genotype surveys indicate that calves are the only major reservoir for C. parvum infections in humans.^4^ Human C. parvum infections are particularly prevalent and often fatal in neonates in developing countries and to immunocompromised people, such as AIDs patients.^4^ Drug therapy against cryptosporidiosis is limited and not wholly efficacious in either humans or calves^5^, making development of an effective vaccine of paramount importance. To date, there is no commercially available effective vaccine against C. parvum, although passive immunization utilizing different zoite surface (glyco)proteins has showed promise.^6-9^ All cows we vaccinated produced an antibody response to the rCP15/60 vaccine and the magnitude of response correlated strongly with the subsequent level of antibody in their colostrum. All calves fed rCP15/60-immune colostrum showed a dose-dependent absorption of antibody. Our results demonstrate that vaccination of cows with rCP15/60 successfully induces antibodies against CP15/60 in their serum and colostrum and that these antibodies are then well absorbed when fed to neonatal calves. With further research, this C. parvum vaccine may well be a practical method of conferring passive protection to calves against cryptosporidiosis. Furthermore, a specifically targeted immune-colostrum may be valuable in protection and treatment of immunocompromised human patients with cryptosporidiosis

    Docosahexaenoic acid for reading, working memory and behavior in UK children aged 7-9: A randomized controlled trial for replication (the DOLAB II study)

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    Background: Omega-3 fatty acids are central to brain-development of children. Evidence from clinical trials and systematic reviews demonstrates the potential of long-chain Omega-3 supplementation for learning and behavior. However, findings are inconclusive and in need of robust replication studies since such work is lacking. Objectives: Replication of the 2012 DOLAB 1 study findings that a dietary supplementation with the long-chain omega-3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) had beneficial effects on the reading, working memory, and behavior of healthy schoolchildren. Design: Parallel group, fixed-dose, randomized (minimization, 30% random element), double-blind, placebo-controlled trial (RCT). Setting: Mainstream primary schools (n = 84) from five counties in the UK in 2012–2015. Participants: Healthy children aged 7–9 underperforming in reading (<20th centile). 1230 invited, 376 met study criteria. Intervention: 600 mg/day DHA (from algal oil), placebo: taste/color matched corn/soybean oil; for 16 weeks. Main outcome measures: Age-standardized measures of reading, working memory, and behavior, parent-rated and as secondary outcome teacher-rated. Results: 376 children were randomized. Reading, working memory, and behavior change scores showed no consistent differences between intervention and placebo group. Some behavioral subscales showed minor group differences. Conclusions: This RCT did not replicate results of the earlier DOLAB 1 study on the effectiveness of nutritional supplementation with DHA for learning and behavior. Possible reasons are discussed, particularly regarding the replication of complex interventions. Trial registration and protocol: www.controlled-trials.com (ISRCTN48803273) and protocols.io (https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.k8kczuw)

    Application of the LymphGen classification tool to 928 clinically and genetically-characterised cases of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL).

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    We recently published results of targeted sequencing applied to 928 unselected cases of DLBCL registered in the Haematological Malignancy Research Network (HMRN) registry (1). Clustering allowed us to resolve five genomic subtypes. These subtypes shared considerable overlap with those proposed in two independent genomic studies(2, 3), suggesting the potential to use genetics to stratify patients by both risk and biology. In the original studies, clustering techniques were applied to sample cohorts to reveal molecular substructure, but left open the challenge of how to classify an individual patient. This was addressed by the LymphGen classification tool (4). LymphGen assigns an individual case to one of six molecular subtypes. The tool accommodates data from exome or targeted sequencing, either with or without copy number variant (CNV) data. Separate gene expression data allows classification of a seventh, MYC-driven subtype defined by a double hit (DHL) or molecular high-grade (MHG) gene expression signature(5-7).HR was funded by a studentship from the Medical Research Council. DH was supported by a Clinician Scientist Fellowship from the Medical Research Council (MR/M008584/1). The Hodson laboratory receives core funding from Wellcome and MRC to the Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute and core funding from the CRUK Cambridge Cancer Centre. HMRN is supported by BCUK 15037 and CRUK 18362

    Molecular effects of the consumption of margarine and butter varying in trans fat composition: a parallel human intervention study

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    BACKGROUND Whereas the dietary intake of industrial trans fatty acids (iTFA) has been specifically associated with inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes, understanding the impact of dietary fats on human health remains challenging owing to their complex composition and individual effects of their lipid components on metabolism. The aim of this study is to profile the composition of blood, measured by the fatty acid (FAs) profile and untargeted metabolome of serum and the transcriptome of blood cells, in order to identify molecular signatures that discriminate dietary fat intakes. METHODS In a parallel study, the molecular effects of consuming dairy fat containing ruminant TFA (rTFA) or margarine containing iTFA were investigated. Healthy volunteers (n = 42; 45-69 y) were randomly assigned to diets containing margarine without TFA as major source of fat (wTFA control group with 0.4 g TFA per 100 g margarine), margarine with iTFA (iTFA group with 4.1 g TFA per 100 g margarine), or butter with rTFA (rTFA group with 6.3 g TFA per 100 g butter) for 4 weeks. The amounts of test products were individually selected so that fat intake contributed to 30-33% of energy requirements and TFA in the rTFA and iTFA groups contributed to up to 2% of energy intake. Changes in fasting blood values of lipid profiles (GC with flame-ionization detection), metabolome profiles (LC-MS, GC-MS), and gene expression (microarray) were measured. RESULTS Eighteen FAs, as well as 242 additional features measured by LC-MS (185) and GC-MS (54) showed significantly different responses to the diets (PFDRadjusted_{FDR-adjusted} < 0.05), mainly distinguishing butter from the margarine diets while gene expression was not differentially affected. The most abundant TFA in the butter, i.e. TFA containing (E)-octadec-11-enoic acid (C18:1 t11; trans vaccenic acid), and margarines, i.e. TFA containing (E)-octadec-9-enoic acid (C18:1 t9; elaidic acid) were reflected in the significantly different serum levels of TFAs measured after the dietary interventions. CONCLUSIONS The untargeted serum metabolome differentiates margarine from butter intake although the identification of the discriminating features remains a bottleneck. The targeted serum FA profile provides detailed information on specific molecules differentiating not only butter from margarine intake but also diets with different content of iTFAs in margarine. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00933322

    Molecular effects of the consumption of margarine and butter varying in trans fat composition: a parallel human intervention study.

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    BACKGROUND Whereas the dietary intake of industrial trans fatty acids (iTFA) has been specifically associated with inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes, understanding the impact of dietary fats on human health remains challenging owing to their complex composition and individual effects of their lipid components on metabolism. The aim of this study is to profile the composition of blood, measured by the fatty acid (FAs) profile and untargeted metabolome of serum and the transcriptome of blood cells, in order to identify molecular signatures that discriminate dietary fat intakes. METHODS In a parallel study, the molecular effects of consuming dairy fat containing ruminant TFA (rTFA) or margarine containing iTFA were investigated. Healthy volunteers (n = 42; 45-69 y) were randomly assigned to diets containing margarine without TFA as major source of fat (wTFA control group with 0.4 g TFA per 100 g margarine), margarine with iTFA (iTFA group with 4.1 g TFA per 100 g margarine), or butter with rTFA (rTFA group with 6.3 g TFA per 100 g butter) for 4 weeks. The amounts of test products were individually selected so that fat intake contributed to 30-33% of energy requirements and TFA in the rTFA and iTFA groups contributed to up to 2% of energy intake. Changes in fasting blood values of lipid profiles (GC with flame-ionization detection), metabolome profiles (LC-MS, GC-MS), and gene expression (microarray) were measured. RESULTS Eighteen FAs, as well as 242 additional features measured by LC-MS (185) and GC-MS (54) showed significantly different responses to the diets (PFDR-adjusted < 0.05), mainly distinguishing butter from the margarine diets while gene expression was not differentially affected. The most abundant TFA in the butter, i.e. TFA containing (E)-octadec-11-enoic acid (C18:1 t11; trans vaccenic acid), and margarines, i.e. TFA containing (E)-octadec-9-enoic acid (C18:1 t9; elaidic acid) were reflected in the significantly different serum levels of TFAs measured after the dietary interventions. CONCLUSIONS The untargeted serum metabolome differentiates margarine from butter intake although the identification of the discriminating features remains a bottleneck. The targeted serum FA profile provides detailed information on specific molecules differentiating not only butter from margarine intake but also diets with different content of iTFAs in margarine. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00933322

    Introduction: Rethinking the Impact of the Inter-American Human Rights System

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    This chapter introduces the central themes of the book and argues that the Inter-American Human Rights System (IAHRS) is activated by political actors and institutions in ways that transcend traditional compliance perspectives and that have the potential to meaningfully alter politics and provoke positive domestic human rights change. The chapter identifies key gaps in existing human rights scholarship, particularly in relation to the IAHRS, and outlines three core perspectives on the System’s impact on human rights. It offers a synthesis of the key findings of the volume, and provides reflections on the future prospects of the System by locating it in its broader global context

    Comparison of Face Washing and Face Wiping Methods for Trachoma Control: A Pilot Study.

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    Eye-to-eye transmission of Chlamydia trachomatis, the causative agent of trachoma, may be plausibly interrupted if faces are kept free of ocular and nasal discharge. Between April and June 2018, 83 children aged 1-9 years with active trachoma were recruited from 62 households and allocated to a face cleaning protocol: face washing with water, face washing with water and soap, or face wiping. Faces were examined for the presence of ocular and nasal discharge, and swabs were taken from faces and hands to test for C. trachomatis at baseline, immediately post protocol, and after 1, 2, and 4 hours (washing protocols). Washing with soap was more effective at removing ocular discharge than either washing with water (89% and 27% of discharge removed, respectively, P = 0.003) or wiping with a hand (42%, P = 0.013). The reduction in prevalence of ocular discharge was sustained for at least four hours. The prevalence of C. trachomatis on face swabs was reduced by all washing protocols. The importance of soap should not be overlooked during facial cleanliness promotion

    Mutation screening using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues: a stratified approach according to DNA quality.

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    DNA samples from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues are highly degraded with variable quality, and this imposes a big challenge for targeted sequencing due to false positives, largely caused by PCR errors and cytosine deamination. To eliminate false positives, a common practice is to validate the detected variants by Sanger sequencing or perform targeted sequencing in duplicate. Technically, PCR errors could be removed by molecular barcoding of template DNA prior to amplification as in the HaloPlexHS design. Nonetheless, it is uncertain to what extent variants detected using this approach should be further validated. Here, we addressed this question by correlating variant reproducibility with DNA quality using HaloPlexHS target enrichment and Illumina HiSeq4000, together with an in-house validated variant calling algorithm. The overall sequencing coverage, as shown by analyses of 70 genes in 266 cases of large B-cell lymphoma, was excellent (98%) in DNA samples amenable for PCR of ≥400 bp, but suboptimal (92%) and poor (80%) in those amenable for PCR of 300 bp and 200 bp respectively. By mutation analysis in duplicate in 93 cases, we demonstrated that 20 alternative allele depth (AAD) was an optimal cut-off value for separating reproducible from non-reproducible variants in DNA samples amenable for PCR of ≥300 bp, with 97% sensitivity and 100% specificity. By cross validation with a previously established targeted sequencing protocol by Fluidigm-PCR and Illumina MiSeq, the HaloPlexHS protocol was shown to be highly sensitive and specific in mutation screening. To conclude, we proposed a stratified approach for mutation screening by HaloplexHS and Illumina HiSeq4000 according to DNA quality. DNA samples with good quality (≥400 bp) are amenable for mutation analysis with a single replicate, with only variants at 15-20 AAD requiring for further validation, while those with suboptimal quality (300 bp) are better analysed in duplicate with reproducible variants at >15 AAD regarded as true genetic changes

    Detecting extra-ocular Chlamydia trachomatis in a trachoma-endemic community in Ethiopia: Identifying potential routes of transmission.

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    BACKGROUND: Trachoma elimination efforts are hampered by limited understanding of Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) transmission routes. Here we aimed to detect Ct DNA at non-ocular sites and on eye-seeking flies. METHODS: A population-based household survey was conducted in Oromia Region, Ethiopia. Ocular and non-ocular (faces, hands, clothing, water containers and sleeping surfaces) swabs were collected from all individuals. Flies were caught from faces of children. Flies, ocular swabs and non-ocular swabs were tested for Ct by quantitative PCR. RESULTS: In total, 1220 individuals in 247 households were assessed. Active trachoma (trachomatous inflammation-follicular) and ocular Ct were detected in 10% and 2% of all-ages, and 21% and 3% of 1-9-year-olds, respectively. Ct was detected in 12% (95% CI:8-15%) of tested non-ocular swabs from ocular-positive households, but in none of the non-ocular swabs from ocular-negative households. Ct was detected on 24% (95% CI:18-32%) of flies from ocular-positive households and 3% (95% CI:1-6%) of flies from ocular-negative households. CONCLUSION: Ct DNA was detected on hands, faces and clothing of individuals living in ocular-positive households suggesting that this might be a route of transmission within Ct infected households. In addition, we detected Ct on flies from ocular-positive households and occasionally in ocular-negative households suggesting that flies might be a vector for transmission within and between Ct infected and uninfected households. These potential transmission routes may need to be simultaneously addressed to suppress transmission