33 research outputs found

    Social Security Reform in Indonesia: an Analysis of the National Social Security Bill (RUU Jamsosnas)

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    The Indonesian social security program is currently undergoing a fundamental overhaul designed to make the existing system work better for the beneficiaries and to extend social security coverage to more workers, both in the formal and informal sector. the existing scheme has not been successful in its aims to provide adequate social security benefits to beneficiaries because of its low coverage, limited benefits, and low investment returns, combined with poor governance. the government has proposed a plan to convert the current social security scheme, which is based on a provident fund system, into a compulsory social insurance system. the plan is analyzed in this paper in order to examine the possible impact of the proposed scheme on the Indonesian labor market, investment flows, the government budget, and the economy in general. from this analysis, we can conclude that there are several serious flaws in the government proposal as outlined in the proposed legislation, such as: the proposed scheme could worsen Indonesia's labor market and investment climate, worsen the government's budget deficits, and does not provide room for the private sector to provide social security benefits to Indonesians. many have concluded that publicly-provided social security schemes are no longer a viable model for workers today. instead private social security schemes would suit the health and retirement needs of today's workers better than public social security schemes. given the many problems facing the Indonesian public pension and healthcare system today, Indonesia should seriously consider adopting private social security programs to replace the current publiclyprovided scheme. keywords: social security, public pension, national health insurance, Indonesia

    Social Security Reform in Indonesia: an Analysis of the National Social Security Bill (RUU Jamsosnas)

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    The Indonesian social security program is currently undergoing a fundamental overhaul designed to make the existing system work better for the beneficiaries and to extend social security coverage to more workers, both in the formal and informal sector. the existing scheme has not been successful in its aims to provide adequate social security benefits to beneficiaries because of its low coverage, limited benefits, and low investment returns, combined with poor governance. the government has proposed a plan to convert the current social security scheme, which is based on a provident fund system, into a compulsory social insurance system. the plan is analyzed in this paper in order to examine the possible impact of the proposed scheme on the Indonesian labor market, investment flows, the government budget, and the economy in general. from this analysis, we can conclude that there are several serious flaws in the government proposal as outlined in the proposed legislation, such as: the proposed scheme could worsen Indonesia's labor market and investment climate, worsen the government's budget deficits, and does not provide room for the private sector to provide social security benefits to Indonesians. many have concluded that publicly-provided social security schemes are no longer a viable model for workers today. instead private social security schemes would suit the health and retirement needs of today's workers better than public social security schemes. given the many problems facing the Indonesian public pension and healthcare system today, Indonesia should seriously consider adopting private social security programs to replace the current publiclyprovided scheme. keywords: social security, public pension, national health insurance, Indonesia

    Menumbuhkan Sikap Kerukunan dalam Persepektif Iman Kristen Sebagai Upaya Deradikalisasi

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    Tolerance is very important for being together in a pluralistic society, there are incidents of intolerance that occur and there is a radical understanding of religion that does not uphold harmony. Creating horizontal conflicts that are very detrimental to society and the nation. From these problems, the writer uses literature research method with descriptive quantitative approach to answer the role of believers in fostering an attitude of harmony as part of deradicalization which aims to make Christians aware of the importance of maintaining harmony and peace in society as an important part of deradicalization. The conclusion from the discussion of this article is that believers must have an understanding that tolerance is part of the nation and state, so that an attitude will emerge to foster harmony as a spirit of peace. Then the role of Christians in being tolerant is made deradicalisation of the importance of living in multiculturalism. Because harmony becomes the unifying pillar in a plural society, in a beloved country. So that this research can provide insights and attitudes that promote harmony in society as part of deradicalization for the nation and state

    Making Services Work for the Poor in Indonesia : A Report on Health Financing Mechanisms in Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali : A Case Study

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    Based on the notion that good health is one of the basic right of all citizens, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) has promoted programs on health care financing for the poor. One of these programs is the Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan (JPK). In 2003, the pilot project on JPK for the poor (JPK-Gakin) started in 15 districts and two provinces, and was expanded to additional regions the following year. Since April 1 2004, PT Askes, a profit oriented private insurance company, was assigned as the insurer of the nonprofit health insurance scheme for the poor (the JPK-Gakin) in district Tabanan. With respect to PT Askes it is important to see in what ways does the prominent role of PT Askes influence the dynamics of health service delivery and how different is PT Askes from other insurers (the non-profit - public institutions) in managing the JPK-Gakin scheme. The Tabanan case demonstrated that the supervision and monitoring by the Dinas Kesehatan (DinKes) of an insurer like Askes runs the risks of being less effective because PT Askes is a relatively well-established institution that is totally independent of the DinKes. Moreover, there is a difference in the level of expertise and experience between PT Askes and the Dinkes regarding the management of insurance schemes. Therefore, the supervision and monitoring of PT Askes by the DinKes tends to be formal instead of actual. This difference in the level of expertise and experience can also be a barrier for the DinKes to negotiate the cost and coverage of the scheme with PT Askes. PT Askes as the insurer is also barely involved in the promotion and socialization of the program and the identification of the poor as their potential clients. Obviously, the JPK-Gakin scheme can secure primary health care for the poor (the gakin) at the puskesmas, but this does not necessarily mean that the poor will receive good quality care. In general, the health care at the puskesmas is quite limited both in term of quality and variety. The implementation of the JPK-Gakin scheme including adequate capitation for the puskesmas from this scheme would certainly not change this condition easily as it relates to more complex factors such as the availability of good medical staffs, instruments and facilities. The most positive effect of the JPK-Gakin scheme on the provision of health care for the poor is the possibility to get secondary and tertiary health care that is usually unaffordable for the poor. Nevertheless, for a range of different reasons, the majority of Gakin patients are not referred to the hospital. There are cases where the poor refused to be referred to the hospital although it was necessary because they were insecure about the additional costs that were not covered by PT Askes. Thus, although the JPK-Gakin scheme does secure the right of the poor to get medical treatment at the hospital, it cannot secure the actualization of it.health care program, financing mechanism, insurance scheme, stakeholders, health services

    Making Services Work for the Poor in Indonesia : A Report on Health Financing Mechanisms in Kabupaten East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara : A Case Study

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    Kabupaten Sumba Timur is one of 29 kabupaten/kota that were included in the test piloting of the JPK-Gakin program. Since 2003, the local health agency (Bapel) has been quite successful in managing this program. The program that is funded by the government from fuel subsidy allocations has already touched the poor whose numbers are quite significant (75% of the population are poor families) in Sumba Timur. Since 2005, the government has appointed PT Askes as the only implementing body for the JPKGakin program, while Bapel still operates this program. The involvement of two managers as JPKGakin implementers made the government issue a policy on the division of the puskesmas service area.. This transition period provided an opportunity for the local government to undertake an evaluation of the implementation of the program. There are several differences in the type and extent of health services offered by the two of them. The outcome of the findings shows that puskesmas and hospitals have responsibility for the patient costs of all poor families. However, the number of referrals of the poor to hospitals is small although Bapel provides transport allowances for patients who are referred to the hospital. There are quite a lot of limitations that are faced by the poor who live in a wide area across Sumba Timur. These limitations are the communitys very poor socio-economic conditions, endemic malaria, minimal numbers of health workers in rural areas and the long distances of peoples homes from health services. The manager of JPK-Gakin needs to give proper attention to the handling of health in Sumba Timur, the majority of whose people are poor.JPK-GAKIN, Sumba Timur, health, poverty program

    Making Services Work for the Poor in Indonesia : A Report on Health Financing Mechanisms in Kabupaten Purbalingga, Central Java : A Case Study

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    Purbalingga is the first kabupaten in Indonesia to start implementing its health insurance scheme for the poor, as a replacement for the JPS-BK scheme (Social Safety Net Program Health Sector). Poor families (Gakin) receive a range of health insurance services that are subsidized by the government free-of-charge, while better-off families pay a premium of only 50% or 100%. They are categorized as participants in Gakin Levels I, II and III. The aim is to achieve universal coverage for all citizens in Kabupaten Purbalingga, those who are poor as well as those who are not. Kabupaten Purbalingga is considered unique in the scope of its health services, because it not only includes poor families in its scheme, but also non-poor families. The local government of Kabupaten Purbalingga considers the health insurance scheme to be one of the main pillars of the poverty reduction effort in the region. They want the management of this scheme to become more independent and less dependent on DinKes (the local government health agency) so the program can be managed more efficiently and with more accountability. What is rather interesting is that DinKes plans to arrange a health insurance scheme that will be autonomous and sustainable for all better-off members in the future. They intend to slowly increase the premium until it reaches the real cost of the assistance package. According to DinKes, the cost should be approximately Rp92,000 per family per month. From the perspective of Bapel, an autonomous scheme with that level of premium definitely has potential, however they will always depend on the premiums to be paid by the government. It needs to be noted that the Community Health Insurance Scheme (JPKM) initiative in Kabupaten Purbalingga is almost entirely the initiative of the government as its moving force. The main protagonists are government (Regent, DinKes and Bapel), public service providers (public hospitals and puskesmas), the local parliament (DPRD) and other government agencies.JPK- Gakin, Purbalingga, health, poverty program

    Making Services Work for the Poor in Indonesia : A Report on Health Financing Mechanisms (JPK-Gakin) Scheme in Kabupaten Purbalingga, East Sumba, and Tabanan

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    The government of Indonesia has started the implementation of locally based healthfinancing schemes based on health insurance principles. This scheme is commonly known as JPK-GAKIN, which is a health-financing scheme through which the poor can access health care in public facilities, including primary and secondary health care. Due to the perceived success of JPK-GAKIN pilots, the government has decided to provide JPK-GAKIN in all districts in Indonesia from January 1, 2005. This study looks at the effects of different characteristics of JPK-GAKIN program on healthcare service provision, utilization of health care services, quality of healthcare provision, and how insurance characteristics can influence the relationships between stakeholders. Three districts were selected for the case studies : Purbalingga (Central Java), Tabanan (Bali) and East Sumba (Nusa Tenggara Timur). We found that compared with previous health financing schemes, JPK-GAKIN scheme has achieved better results in providing access to adequate health care coverage to members of the population, especially the poor. However, we found several problems associated with the scheme, such as : there is a need to improve its targeting and efficiency, it needs stricter financial monitoring and auditing, and it needs to increase stakeholders involvement in the governance of the scheme. We will elaborate on these concerns and recommend possible policy options to resolve them in this paper.local health financing, JPK-GAKIN, public health, poverty, Indonesia

    Making Services Work for the Poor in Indonesia : A Report on Health Financing Mechanisms in Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali : A Case Study

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    Based on the notion that good health is one of the basic right of all citizens, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) has promoted programs on health care financing for the poor. One of these programs is the Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan (JPK). In 2003, the pilot project on JPK for the poor (JPK-Gakin) started in 15 districts and two provinces, and was expanded to additional regions the following year. Since April 1 2004, PT Askes, a profit oriented private insurance company, was assigned as the insurer of the nonprofit health insurance scheme for the poor (the JPK-Gakin) in district Tabanan. With respect to PT Askes it is important to see in what ways does the prominent role of PT Askes influence the dynamics of health service delivery and how different is PT Askes from other insurers (the non-profit - public institutions) in managing the JPK-Gakin scheme. The Tabanan case demonstrated that the supervision and monitoring by the Dinas Kesehatan (DinKes) of an insurer like Askes runs the risks of being less effective because PT Askes is a relatively well-established institution that is totally independent of the DinKes. Moreover, there is a difference in the level of expertise and experience between PT Askes and the Dinkes regarding the management of insurance schemes. Therefore, the supervision and monitoring of PT Askes by the DinKes tends to be formal instead of actual. This difference in the level of expertise and experience can also be a barrier for the DinKes to negotiate the cost and coverage of the scheme with PT Askes. PT Askes as the insurer is also barely involved in the promotion and socialization of the program and the identification of the poor as their potential clients. Obviously, the JPK-Gakin scheme can secure primary health care for the poor (the gakin) at the puskesmas, but this does not necessarily mean that the poor will receive good quality care. In general, the health care at the puskesmas is quite limited both in term of quality and variety. The implementation of the JPK-Gakin scheme including adequate capitation for the puskesmas from this scheme would certainly not change this condition easily as it relates to more complex factors such as the availability of good medical staffs, instruments and facilities. The most positive effect of the JPK-Gakin scheme on the provision of health care for the poor is the possibility to get secondary and tertiary health care that is usually unaffordable for the poor. Nevertheless, for a range of different reasons, the majority of Gakin patients are not referred to the hospital. There are cases where the poor refused to be referred to the hospital although it was necessary because they were insecure about the additional costs that were not covered by PT Askes. Thus, although the JPK-Gakin scheme does secure the right of the poor to get medical treatment at the hospital, it cannot secure the actualization of it.health care program, financing mechanism, insurance scheme, stakeholders, health services

    Aktualisasi Misi dan Pemuridan Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam Era Disrupsi

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    Christian Religious Education teachers play a significant role in determining the spiritual increase of students. However, there are still many who do not realize and respond to the current state of disruption. They are less focused on students and prioritize cognitive only so that efforts to fulfill the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus are less significant results or developments in this era of disruption. To further discuss the actualization of the mission and discipleship of Christian Religious Education teachers in the era of disruption, the author uses the library research method in this discussion. The role of Christian religious education teachers in Mission and Discipleship must be the main goal through education that prioritizes and cares for the generation of the era of disruption. By equipping the understanding of God's Great Commission in mission education for Christian Religious Education teachers, they can be encouraged to improve teaching and learning methods. The purpose of this discussion is that the actualization of the mission and discipleship of Christian Religious Education teachers in an era of disruption can bring growth and development for the progress of God's church to be filled with true disciples of Christ.AbstrakGuru Pendidikan Agama Kristen memegang peranan yang sangat penting dalam menentukan meningkatnya kerohanian peserta didik, tetapi masih banyak yang belum menyadari dan meresponi keadaan era disrupsi saat ini.Mereka kurang berfokus kepada peserta didik dan cenderung mengutamakan kognitif saja, sehingga upaya pemenuhan Amanat Agung Tuhan Yesus kurang diperoleh hasil atau perkembangan yang signifikan dalam era disrupsi ini. Guna membahas lebih dalam mengenai aktualisasi misi dan pemuridan guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam era disrupsi, pembahasan ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka. Peranan Guru pendidikan agama Kristen dalam Misi dan Pemuridan harus menjadi tujuan utama melalui pendidikan yang mengutamakan pertumbuhan rohani dan peduli kepada generasi era disrupsi. Dengan membekali pemahaman Amanat Agung Tuhan dalam pendidikan misi bagi guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen, mereka dapat didorong pada peningkatan kualitas pengajaran maupun secara metode pembelajaran. Tujuan pembahasan ini, diharapkan aktualisasi misi dan pemuridan guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam era disrupsi dapat membawa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bagi kemajuan gereja Tuhan dipenuhi dengan murid-murid Kristus yang sejati