43 research outputs found

    Unzufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Körper und Symptome von Bulimie unter Studenten

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    Da bi se ispitala incidencija bulimičnih simptoma u studentskoj populaciji, na uzorku od 576 studentica Sveučilišta u Rijeci primijenjen je Upitnik za mjerenje bulimičnih simptoma BULIT-22, prilagođen našem jezičnom području. Primijenjene su i prilagođene mjere slike o vlastitu tijelu koje se odnose na kognitivno-ponašajni, afektivni i perceptivni aspekt: Upitnik općeg nezadovoljstva tjelesnim izgledom (BSQ; Cooper i sur., 1987.), Skala anksioznosti kao crte, izazvane izgledom tijela (PASTAS; Reed i sur., 1991.), Percepcija tjelesnog izgleda slikovnim podražajnim materijalom (CDRS; Thompson i Gray, 1995.). Utvrđena je statistički značajna povezanost bulimičnih simptoma, općeg nezadovoljstva tijelom i negativnih emocija koje osoba doživljava u svezi s vlastitim dijelovima tijela, podložnima debljanju. Rezultati pokazuju da studentice s izraženim bulimičnim simptomima (5.1 posto) izražavaju veće nezadovoljstvo vlastitim izgledom tijela. Čak je 11.9 posto studentica iskazalo ponašanja koja možemo držati subrizičnima za nastanak bulimije nervoze. U radu se diskutira o mogućnosti uporabe dobivenih rezultata u razumijevanju etiologije i tretmanu poremećaja hranjenja.In order to examine the incidence of bulimic symptoms in the student population, a sample of 576 female students of the University of Rijeka completed questionnaire for measuring bulimic symptoms BULIT-22, adapted to the Croatian language. Also used were the adapted measures of the image of one’s own body referring to the cognitivebehavioural, affective and perceptive aspects: questionnaire of general dissatisfaction with body appearance (BSQ; Cooper et al.,1987), scale of anxiety as a feature caused by body appearance (PASTAS; Reed et al., 1991), perception of body appearance stimulated by picture material (CDRS; Thompson and Gray, 1995). A statistically significant correlation was found between bulimic symptoms and general dissatisfaction with the body, as well as persons’ negative emotions regarding their own body parts with a tendency towards obesity. Results indicate that students with distinct bulimic symptoms (5.1%) express greater dissatisfaction with their bodies. As much as 11.9% of the female students demonstrated behaviour which can be considered at subrisk for the incidence of bulimia nervousa. The work discusses the possibility of applying the results in the interpretation of the etiology and treatment of eating disorders.Um das Vorkommen von Bulimie unter Studenten zu untersuchen, wurde in einer Testgruppe von 576 Studentinnen der Universität Rijeka eine Umfrage zur Ermittlung bulimischer Symptome durchgeführt. Grundlage der Untersuchung war der dem kroatischen Sprachraum angepaßte Fragebogen BULIT-22. Angewandt wurde außerdem adäquates Bildmaterial, das den kognitivverhaltensmäßigen, den affektiven und perziptiven Aspekt wiedergeben und zur Ermittlung der Einstellung zum eigenen Körper dienen sollte: ein Fragebogen zur Ermittlung allgemeiner Unzufriedenheit mit der körperlichen Erscheinung (BSQ; Cooper et al., 1987), eine Skala zur Bestimmung von Angstzuständen, die durch die körperliche Erscheinung bedingt sind (PASTAS; Reed et al., 1991), Testmaterial mit anschaulichen Bildelementen zur Ermittlung der Wahrnehmung der körperlichen Erscheinung (CDRS; Thompson und Gray, 1995). Man stellte fest, daß ein statistisch relevanter Bezug besteht zwischen bulimischen Symptomen, allgemeiner Unzufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Aussehen und negativen Emotionen, die die jeweilige Testperson in bezug auf Körperteile entwickelt, an denen sich der Hang zur Gewichtszunahme manifestiert. Die Untersuchung hat ergeben, daß Studentinnen mit starken bulimischen Symptomen (5,1% der Befragten) eine größere Unzufriedenheit mit dem eigenen Aussehen zum Ausdruck bringen. Sogar 11,9% der Studentinnen zeigten ein Verhalten, das als Vorstufe zur Entstehung bulimischer Neurose betrachtet werden kann. Es wird abschließend die Möglichkeit diskutiert, die gewonnenen Ergebnisse für das Verständnis der Ätiologie sowie für eine entsprechende medizinische Behandlung von Eßstörungen einzusetzen

    Weight Loss and Maintenance in Overweight and Obese Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

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    We assessed 87 overweight and obese patients with cardiovascular disease in order to explore the weight change over time, and related psychological, behavioural and environmental variables. After hospitalisation, all patients received recommendations for decreased calorie intake combined with physical activity. All of them were contacted for a follow-up after 6 to 23 months in person (N = 43) or in a telephone interview (N = 44). Results show that patients who attended the follow-up in person increased their weight significantly less and maintained their body weight more successfully in comparison with the group of patients contacted over telephone. In the present study, the most desirable techniques for weight reduction seem to be the low calorie diet and exercise. However, the level of attendance at received recommendations for dieting and exercise was not satisfactory. Patients reported different reasons that interfered with their weight loss attempt, such as problems at work or financial problems. We have discussed the necessity of continued contact and support for patients in the period of loss and maintenance of weight loss, considering their psychological, behavioural and environmental problems, and particularities


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    This thematic issue of Psychological Topics is devoted to the gut-brain axis, the cross-talk between the gut, its microbiota and the brain, and its role in understanding the underlying mechanisms that explain the complex interactions between the biological, psychological and social aspects of functional gastrointestinal, metabolic and weight disorders. Research on the role of the gut-brain axis in health and disease is quite new, and we hope that the articles published in this issue will contribute to further understanding of this interesting and important scientific topic. This issue presents a broad range of research reports, theoretical contributions and review papers on the effects of various functional gastrointestinal disorders and weight regulation issues on physical and mental health, and the quality of life in general.   Accordingly, the articles published in this issue of Psychological Topics cover a variety of topics, such as regulation of functions of the brain and body by the principle of predictive coding and implications for impairments of the brain-gut axis; gut microbiota and its role in human health and body weight; psychological factors and metabolic outcomes in overweight and obese individuals with type 2 diabetes; correlates of body mass index and the role of brain-gut miscommunication in irritable bowel syndrome; parents and childhood functional abdominal pain and the conjoint role of dieting and health complaints of adolescents.   We would like to express our thanks to all the authors for their contributions to this issue of Psychological Topics. Last but not the least, special thanks go to the Editor-in Chief, the Editorial Board and the academic reviewers.   Mladenka Tkalčić and Alessandra Pokrajac-Bulia

    Weight Loss and Maintenance in Overweight and Obese Patients with Cardiovascular Disease

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    We assessed 87 overweight and obese patients with cardiovascular disease in order to explore the weight change over time, and related psychological, behavioural and environmental variables. After hospitalisation, all patients received recommendations for decreased calorie intake combined with physical activity. All of them were contacted for a follow-up after 6 to 23 months in person (N = 43) or in a telephone interview (N = 44). Results show that patients who attended the follow-up in person increased their weight significantly less and maintained their body weight more successfully in comparison with the group of patients contacted over telephone. In the present study, the most desirable techniques for weight reduction seem to be the low calorie diet and exercise. However, the level of attendance at received recommendations for dieting and exercise was not satisfactory. Patients reported different reasons that interfered with their weight loss attempt, such as problems at work or financial problems. We have discussed the necessity of continued contact and support for patients in the period of loss and maintenance of weight loss, considering their psychological, behavioural and environmental problems, and particularities

    Disturbed eating habits, body dissatisfaction and frequency of dieting behaviour in Croatian high school students

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    Dijeta, kao način kontrole tjelesne težine, vrlo je rasprostranjen i široko prihvaćen oblik ponašanja. Prema nekim je autorima to ponašanje toliko učestalo među adolescentima, posebno djevojkama, da se može smatrati normativnim. Percipiranje vlastitoga tijela kao preteškoga značajno je povezano sa stavovima prema vlastitom tijelu, brizi o tjelesnoj težini i navikama prehrane, odnosno s provođenjem dijete te s nezadovoljstvom vlastitim tijelom. Osnovni je cilj našega istraživanja ispitati učestalost tih potencijalno rizičnih ponašanja i stavova za razvoj poremećaja hranjenja na uzorku od 1035 učenika prvoga i četvrtoga razreda različitih srednjih škola iz nekoliko hrvatskih gradova. Povišen rezultat na Upitniku navika hranjenja, koji upućuje na odstupanja u navikama hranjenja, poput učestaloga provođenja dijete, prejedanja ili povraćanja, postiže čak 7.7% djevojaka; od kojih je najviše 17-godišnjakinja (12.8%) te 0.5% mladića. Čak 35.6% djevojaka nezadovoljno je ili jako nezadovoljno težinom, a 19.4% izgledom, dok je težinom nezadovoljno ili jako nezadovoljno 13%, a izgledom 6.8% mladića. Dijetu provodi oko 40% djevojaka i 14% mladića, a razlozi koje navode su uglavnom želja za poboljšanjem izgleda. Između djevojaka i mladića postoje značajne razlike u odstupajućim navikama hranjenja i nezadovoljstvu tijelom u smislu da djevojke iskazuju više odstupanja u navikama hranjenja (učestalo provođenje dijete, prejedanje, povraćanje) i značajno su nezadovoljnije vlastitim izgledom od mladića. Rasprostranjenost dijete i usmjerenost adolescenata na tjelesni izgled i težinu ne bi se trebala zanemarivati jer zaokupljenost hranom i dijeta mogu voditi prema razvoju poremećaja hranjenja.Dieting, as a way of controlling body weight, is a widespread and accepted behaviour. According to some authors, the behaviour is so prevalent that it can be thought of as normative behaviour, especially among adolescent girls. Perceiving one’s body as too heavy is correlated with one’s beliefs and attitudes towards the body, worries about body weight and dieting habits, as well as body dissatisfaction. The main goal of our research was to examine the prevalence of this potentially risk behaviour in the development of eating disorders on a sample of 1035 freshmen and senior high school students from different Croatian cities. Around 7.7% of girls (mainly 17 years old – 12.8%) and 0.5% of boys have a result on the “ Eating Attitude Test” which is above the cut-off point. More than 35% of girls are either dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their weight and 19.4% with their appearance, while 13% of boys are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their weight and 6.8% with their appearance. 40% of girls and 14% of boys are on a diet, mainly because of a desire to look better. We also found statistically significant gender differences in distorted eating attitudes and body dissatisfaction; girls with more eating disorders (dieting, binge eating, and vomiting) were more dissatisfied with their body. The pattern of dieting behaviour and adolescent focus on body appearance should not be overlooked because it can lead to the development of eating disorders

    Different aspects of body image and eating habits in adolescence

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    Slika tijela multidimenzionalni je konstrukt koji igra značajnu ulogu u nastanku poremećaja hranjenja. Cilj je ovoga rada bio ispitati doprinos općeg nezadovoljstva tijelom te afektivnih i kognitivnih aspekata slike tijela u nastanku nekih simptoma poremećaja hranjenja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 270 učenica prvih i četvrtih razreda srednje škole. Analizom rezultata djevojaka različitog indeksa tjelesne mase pokazalo se da su najnezadovoljnije tjelesnim izgledom djevojke normalne težine dok su ozbiljno pothranjene djevojke značajno zadovoljnije i manje anksiozne u svezi izgleda. Utvrđeno je da su opće nezadovoljstvo tijelom i svjesnost o društvenim standardima vezanih uz izgled značajni prediktori simptoma poremećaja hranjenja (provođenja dijete, bulimičnog ponašanja, straha od debljanja i zabrinutosti hranom). Rezultati su komentirani u kontekstu sociokulturnih teorija o etiologiji i održavanju nezadovoljstva tijelom.Body Image is a multidimensional construct which plays a very important role in the development of eating disorders. The purpose of this research was to examine the contribution of global dissatisfaction and affective and cognitive aspects of body image in the development of some symptoms of eating disorders. 270 secondary first and fourth grade schoolgirls participated in this research. The results obtained on girls with differing body mass index has shown that girls with normal weight are the most dissatisfied with their body appearance while seriously underweight girls are significantly more satisfied and less anxious about their appearance. It is established that global body dissatisfaction and body consciousness of social standards which refer to appearance are significant predictors of symptoms of eating disorders (dieting, bulimic behavior, fear of weight gain and food preoccupation). Results of this research are explained in the context of sociocultural theories about the etiology and maintenance of body dissatisfaction


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    In the work there are results of research of teachers’ attitudes towards children with hearing problems. An aim of the research was to examine whether those attitudes are positive or negative. A method of theoretical analysis and survey ( research method ) are used in the work, but regarding instruments there is a questionnaire made for the purpose of this research. There were approximately 100 teachers of class tuition question in Tuzla County. According to analysis it is concluded that teachers’ attitudes towards children with hearing problems are positive.Škola i obrazovanje predstavljaju jedan od najosjetljivijih i najvažnijih čimbenika u prenošenju znanja i razvoju stavova prema drugome i drugima te prema civilnome društvu, ljudskim pravima i životu uopće. Škola i obitelj povijesno su primjeri institucija koje promiču dominantne vrijednosti, vjerovanja i način života. Odgoj za građansko društvo i ljudska prava trebali bi biti sastavnim dijelom školskoga okruženja, a ne samo nastavnih programa. Odgoj i obrazovanje za građansko društvo i ljudska prava neizostavni su dio ne samo školskoga poučavanja već i cjeloživotnoga obrazovanja. Cilj je ovoga rada ispitati stavove i mišljenja učenika osnovne i srednje škole i njihovih učitelja o građanskome odgoju u školi, obiteljskome okruženju i lokalnoj zajednici. Uzorak istraživanja čini 208 učenika osnovnih škola, 106 učenika srednjih škola i 111 nastavnika. Vrijednosti kao što su prava, obveze, odgovornosti, demokracija, sloboda i mir ispitane su u odnosu na spol, godine i stupanj školovanja učenika (osnovna i srednja škola). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju statistički značajnu razliku u donošenju odluka u lokalnoj zajednici između muških i ženskih ispitanika osnovne i srednje škole. S obzirom na stupanj školovanja postoji statistička značajna razlika između ispitanika osnovne i srednje škole. Učenici osnovne škole pokazuju veći stupanj u slobodi odlučivanja nego učenici srednje škole. Učitelji osnovne škole imaju pozitivnije stavove o uvođenju sadražaja o ljudskim pravima i građanskome odgoju u nastavne programe od nastavnika u srednjim školama. Statistički značajna razlika pokazala se i u iskazivanju stavova prema uvođenju ljudskih prava i građanskoga odgoja u nastavnome programu s obzirom na životnu dob nastavnika: mlađi nastavnici iskazuju pozitivnije stavove prema uvođenju tih sadržaja u nastavni program, za razliku od njihovih starijih kolega.La scuola e l\u27istruzione sono le istituzioni più sensibili e importanti nel trasmettere i saperi e gli atteggiamenti sia nei confronti degli altri e dei loro diritti umani, che verso la società e la vita in generale. Da sempre la famiglia e la scuola cercano di promuovere i valori, le credenze, le abitudini e gli stili di vita dominanti nella società. L\u27 educazione civica e il rispetto dei diritti umani dovrebbero costituire parte integrante della vita scolastica e non soltanto dei programmi d\u27insegnamento, come pure far parte obbligatoria dell\u27educazione permanente. L\u27obiettivo di questa ricerca era esaminare quali sono gli atteggiamenti e le opinioni degli alunni e dei loro insegnanti riguardo all\u27 educazione civica a scuola, in famiglia e nella comunità locale. Complessivamente sono stati intervistati 208 alunni delle scuole elementari, 106 alunni delle scuole medie superiori e 111 insegnanti. Sono stati presi in esame valori essenziali riguardanti i diritti, gli obblighi, le responsabilità, la democrazia, la libertà e la pace, in relazione al sesso, all\u27età e al livello di istruzione degli alunni (scuole primarie e secondarie). I risultati ottenuti indicano una differenza statisticamente significativa tra le decisioni prese dai soggetti femminili rispetto a quelle maschili sia della scuola elementare che della media superiore nell\u27ambito della comunità locale. Secondo il livello d\u27istruzione, si nota una differenza significativa tra gli alunni delle scuole elementari e quelli delle medie superiori. Gli alunni delle scuole elementari dimostrano maggiore livello di libertà nelle decisioni rispetto agli alunni delle scuole medie superiori. Gli insegnanti delle scuole elementari sono più propensi a introdurre nella programmazione contenuti sui diritti umani e sull\u27educazione civica, rispetto agli insegnanti delle scuole medie superiori. Inoltre, risulta esserci una differenza statisticamente significativa negli atteggiamenti verso l\u27introduzione dell\u27educazione civica e del rispetto per i diritti umani nei programmi scolastici, secondo l\u27età degli insegnanti: quelli più giovani gradiscono maggiormente l\u27introduzione di questi argomenti nei programmi d\u27insegnamento rispetto ai loro colleghi più anziani

    Thin-Ideal Internalization and Comparison Process as Mediators of Social Influence and Psychological Functioning in the Development of Disturbed Eating Habits in Croatian College Females

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    This study examined the role of internalization and comparison as mediators of relationships between socio-cultural pressures to be thin, psychological factors, restrictive and bulimic behaviours in college females. Participants were 262 Croatian college females (mean age = 21.22 ± 1.47 years) who completed self-report questionnaires. Regression analysis was used to test a model in which internalization and social comparison mediated the impact of socio-cultural pressure (parents and peers dieting, teasing, pressure to be thin, media influences), self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and perfectionism in restrictive and bulimic behaviours. Internalization is a significant mediator of the relationships between all predictors included in this research and disturbed eating habits. Social comparison is relevant as a mediator between social influence, negative affect, self-esteem, perfectionism and restrictive behaviour but does not mediate bulimic behaviour. These findings could be seful in understanding processes that may predispose young women to develop eating dysfunctions and indicate the need for prevention programs that incorporate formative influences and processes such as internalization of societal norms and comparison in the construction of therapeutic strategies