Different aspects of body image and eating habits in adolescence


Slika tijela multidimenzionalni je konstrukt koji igra značajnu ulogu u nastanku poremećaja hranjenja. Cilj je ovoga rada bio ispitati doprinos općeg nezadovoljstva tijelom te afektivnih i kognitivnih aspekata slike tijela u nastanku nekih simptoma poremećaja hranjenja. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 270 učenica prvih i četvrtih razreda srednje škole. Analizom rezultata djevojaka različitog indeksa tjelesne mase pokazalo se da su najnezadovoljnije tjelesnim izgledom djevojke normalne težine dok su ozbiljno pothranjene djevojke značajno zadovoljnije i manje anksiozne u svezi izgleda. Utvrđeno je da su opće nezadovoljstvo tijelom i svjesnost o društvenim standardima vezanih uz izgled značajni prediktori simptoma poremećaja hranjenja (provođenja dijete, bulimičnog ponašanja, straha od debljanja i zabrinutosti hranom). Rezultati su komentirani u kontekstu sociokulturnih teorija o etiologiji i održavanju nezadovoljstva tijelom.Body Image is a multidimensional construct which plays a very important role in the development of eating disorders. The purpose of this research was to examine the contribution of global dissatisfaction and affective and cognitive aspects of body image in the development of some symptoms of eating disorders. 270 secondary first and fourth grade schoolgirls participated in this research. The results obtained on girls with differing body mass index has shown that girls with normal weight are the most dissatisfied with their body appearance while seriously underweight girls are significantly more satisfied and less anxious about their appearance. It is established that global body dissatisfaction and body consciousness of social standards which refer to appearance are significant predictors of symptoms of eating disorders (dieting, bulimic behavior, fear of weight gain and food preoccupation). Results of this research are explained in the context of sociocultural theories about the etiology and maintenance of body dissatisfaction

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