27 research outputs found


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    This piece of work objectified a historical analysis on the introduction and the widespread of coffee in the southern region of Minas Gerais. Considered as objects of historygraphic study were literary works, documents, journalistic, memorialistic, biographic, documental and didactic oriented texts. Yet another method used was the quantitative one, besides orally reported pieces of historical nature as well as life history which completed the official documentation. Our empiric investigation object was the southern side of Minas Gerais, the study’s theme being the historic development of coffee in such region. The widespread of coffee in the region caused the arisal of a new landscape profile- the coffee landscape. Self-supporting farms arised on sites formerly covered with untouched vegetation. It also caused many towns to expand, and railroads were multiplied substituting for the trails on which jack-asses were predominant.The first coffee cultures in the region were settled in Aiuruoca, Jacuí and Baependi, by the Sapucaí and Grande rivers valley in the late 1700’s, by the troopers which made the the limk between the south of Minas Gerais and the state of Rio de Janeiro. We inferred that the greatest barrier against the expansion of coffee in the south of Minas was the difficulties concerning transportation. The means of communication were then precarious and the distances to be covered were too long. Up until the end of the 19th century both production and exportation were only modest due to rival producing areas which were closer to the embarkation harbours.With the beginning of the 20th century came a new production dynamism, due to the railroads. It has been 200 years of coffee culture in the south of Minas Gerais, the greatest justification for the denomination “traditional coffee producing region.â€coffee, rural complex, regional history,


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    The main purpose of this research was to identify and describe how beef producers and urban investors feel about the environment in which they act by comparing favorable and limiting factors associated with the development of partnerships between the two groups in the northern region of the State of Minas Gerais. A focused-interview method was used to collect data and interviews were conducted among four producers and four investors who had previously, or were still involved in partnerships, chosen by means of a purposive sampling technique. The following factors were cited by investors as incentives to participating in partnerships: insufficient capital to purchase land and personally raise cattle, the profits possible from cattle raising, the rapid return and the security and liquidity of their investment. The producers cited the possibility of making use of their pasture resources, having the capital from the investors and the possibility of receiving a sizable return on the sale of the cattle. Unfavorable factors cited by investors included low quality of pastures, the concerns of working with the producer, the risk of drought and possibilities of insolvency. Producers also cited the problems of drought as well as the doubts of the investors in their trustworthiness, the problems of settling up at the time of sales of the cattle and the low quality of the cattle bought by the investors. At the end of the study the producers and the investors were presented with the hypothetical possibility of choosing between being either a producer or an investor. The opinions were divided. Half of the investors and half of the producers chose to invert their positions in the partnership. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that partnerships were positively evaluated by the two categories of participants and thus represent a viable option for the production of beef cattle in the study region.partnerships in beef production, rural financing, interpretative analysis, agribusiness.,


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    This study aims to identify orientation objects which are for the head of family farms, agroscience professionals and town authorities, the meaning of favorable or limiting factors to the development of family agriculture in the south of Minas Gerais region. In relation to data collection, the technique ‘focused interview’ was used. The interviewees were selected by the non- probabilistic method of sampling by judgment. The results also showed that the process of orientation is not linear, once the interviewees established multiple connections among the different situational objects. Those connections highlighted that taking advantage of favorable factors and the reduction of the impacts of the limiting factors involve interdisciplinary notion, for they represent dimensions that involve different knowledge areas.agricultural families, development, social action theory, favorable factors, limiting factors.,


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    St. Sebastian s Parish, located in the municipality of Montes Claros, in the State of Minas Gerais, characterizes itself by its planning and by its apostolic pastoral work, directing its efforts towards integrating faith and life. The ´80s and ´90s were marked by intense rural worker participation in the Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) and by popular education with a view to human, and therefore community, promotion. This case study, of an interpretative nature, sought to verify, by participative observation and by interview transcripts, if the manner of the Jesuits intervention, through the BECs, was educational (with popular appeal) or tutorial (with an authoritarian hallmark). In addition it sought to investigate if there was a relationship between participation in parochial activities and those developed in the associations, in the trade union and in the community itself, as well as if this involvement favored the emergence of practices of sustainable development in the scenario researched. The answers to the questions were given by the social agents themselves, that is, domestic producers, residents, the Jesuits, pastoral workers, and interpreted by the investigator. Educational intervention for social participation in the communities provided personal, community and regional growth, contributing to development derived from people s involvement as protagonists in the solution of their problems in all areas, and in the search for sustainable alternatives to economic models that exclude development.social participation, rural communities, sustainable development., Community/Rural/Urban Development,


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    Este trabalho procurou identificar como os atores sociais vinculados à agricultura familiar (lideranças de produtores familiares, profissionais de ciências agrárias, autoridades municipais, pesquisadores e professores universitários) interpretam o papel do Estado para o desenvolvimento dessa categoria na Região Sul de Minas Gerais. Com relação à coleta de dados, utilizou-se a técnica "focused interview". Os entrevistados foram selecionados pelo método não-probabilístico de amostragem por julgamento. Os resultados revelaram que a interpretação feita pelos entrevistados aproxima-se mais da perspectiva do Estado patrimonialista burocrático autoritário, uma vez que os depoimentos apontam para a necessidade de uma maior intervenção do Estado. Por outro lado, alguns atores reconhecem a necessidade de uma estruturação do espaço público não-estatal, no entanto, salientaram que a mobilização dos produtores familiares na região ainda é incipiente e desarticulada. --------------------------------------------This work tried to identify how the social individuals linked to family agriculture (leadership of familiar producers, professionals of agrary sciences, town authorities, researchers and university professors) play the role of the State for the development of this category in the South Region of Minas Gerais. In relation to the data collection, the technique called “focused interview” was used. The interviewees were selected by the non probabilistic sampling by judgement method. The results revealed that the interpretation done by the interviewees is closest to the patrimonialistic bureaucratic authoritative State’s perspective, as the statements suggest a bigger State’s intervention. On the other side, some individuals recognize the necessity of a better structure of the non State public space, although mentioning that the familiar producers’ mobilization in the region is still incipient and inarticulate.agricultura familiar, Estado, desenvolvimento rural, análise interpretativa, familiar agriculture, State, rural development, interpretative analysis, Community/Rural/Urban Development,


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    This paper discusses the new articulation forms which were established between the agricultural and urban sectors due to the consolidation of the Brazilian agroindustrial complex in the end of the 1970’s. The following topics are highlighted in this discussion: a) the growing dependence that agriculture sector has on the urban sector as a consumer of goods and services; b) the transformation of a substantial part of agricultural output in raw material for urban industries; c) the oligopolistic and oligopsonic features of these commercial relationships; d) the integration of capitals and formation of great economic conglomerates; c) the ongoing globalization process. In such scenery, different social actors are identified as well as their differential capacity to influence the decision-making process inside the chains and in the ambit of the State. It also outlines the actors’ organizational capacity which is represented by collective actions, managerial efficiency, administrative professionalization, "systemic knowledge" and technological domain. The central question of this paper refers to the role that the agricultural cooperatives and other associativist forms can play as negotiation means inside and outside the productive chains, elevating farmers’ bargaining and claiming power. To answer this question several researches undertaken over the last two decades were examined. The most recent studies detect an effort to modernize cooperative management by turning them into more competitive organizations. However, this effort is sometimes interrupted by the process of manager’s succession. Interference of local political interests identified in the studies carried out in the 1980’s was also detected in the most recent researches and it is considered as one of the factors that limit the administrative dynamism of cooperatives. Although farmer associations are seen as an alternative means for family producers to adapt to the ongoing economic and social changes, the examined studies showed that as the business of those associations grow, managerial problems simultaneously rise.agoindustrial complex, productive chain, cooperative, social actors, interest articulation.,

    Revisitando o modelo processual de análise de políticas públicas com base nas relações entre Estado e Sociedade

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    O trabalho procura discorrer sobre alguns aspectos transversais na análise de política pública sob aperspectiva do modelo processual (ciclo de política pública), tais como: instituições, fragmentação,descentralização, participação, saber técnico e saber local. O modelo processual é enfocado não apenas comouma sistematização de fases administrativas (formulação, implementação e avaliação), mas considerados aspectosde diferentes naturezas. Portanto, este trabalho propõe que o modelo processual seja compreendido como umaconstrução social, na qual as políticas emergem de um processo interativo entre Estado e Sociedade. Além disso,rompe-se com a ideia de que a análise de políticas públicas abrange apenas preceitos da perspectivatecnoburocrática, mas, sobretudo, instiga iniciativas de formação da esfera pública e emancipação social, servindocomo referência para a gestão social de políticas públicas

    Administração, Sociologia e Análise Multiparadigmática

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    Dentre os campos que compõem a natureza multidisciplinar da administração, a sociologia do conhecimento pode ser considerada como uma aliada para compreensão das condições sociais ou existenciais do conhecimento na administração. Este artigo representa uma tentativa de explicitação de algumas relações entre administração e sociologia do conhecimento, de modo a propor a análise multiparadigmática como uma alternativa para os estudos em administração. Dentre as vertentes da sociologia do conhecimento, assume-se neste trabalho a forma paradigmática de se trabalhar a teoria social a partir de pensadores clássicos como Durkheim (abordagem do consenso), Marx (abordagem do conflito) e Weber (abordagem interpretativa). São apresentadas as principais orientações ontológicas, epistemológicas e metodológicas que as consubstanciam como paradigmas. A Administração incluiu muitas considerações desses paradigmas clássicos, que podem ser visualizadas nos paradigmas para análise organizacional desenvolvidos por Burrel e Morgan. O artigo também apresenta algumas considerações sobre o debate dos paradigmas, tais como: a incomensurabilidade, a ortodoxia do paradigma positivista, os pressupostos da Modernidade e o discurso da Pós-Modernidade. Não se pode negar a contribuição destas perspectivas para a construção do conhecimento, entretanto, novas abordagens devem ser visualizadas para a administração como campo do conhecimento. É neste sentido, que foi proposta a análise multiparadigmática como uma abordagem capaz de oferecer novos insights que podem tanto complementar quanto substituir velhos paradigmas de forma mais reflexiva. Além disso, ela não exime o pesquisador de trilhar as rotas tradicionais da pesquisa, tampouco o autoriza a descartá-las, consequentemente, isso não suprime os ensinamentos dos pensadores clássicos da Sociologia

    Estado e agricultores familiares: uma análise interpretativa sobre o desenvolvimento rural no Sul de Minas Gerais.

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    Este trabalho procurou identificar como os atores sociais vinculados à agricultura familiar (lideranças de produtores familiares, profissionais de ciências agrárias, autoridades municipais, pesquisadores e professores universitários) interpretam o papel do Estado para o desenvolvimento dessa categoria na região sul de Minas Gerais. Com relação à coleta de dados, utilizou-se a técnica "focused interview". Os entrevistados foram seledonados pelo método não-probabilístico de amostragem por julgamento. Os resultados revelaram que a interpretação feita pelos entrevistados aproxima-se mais da perspectiva do Estado patrimonialistaburocrático autoritário, tendo em vista que os depoimentos dos entrevistados corroboram com a reprodução das relações de dependência dos agricultores familiares em relação ao Estado. Por outro lado, alguns atores reconhecem a necessidade de mecanismos que incentivem a participação social, no entanto, salientaram que a mobilização dos produtores familiares na região ainda é incipiente e desarticulada