7,149 research outputs found

    A percolation system with extremely long range connections and node dilution

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    We study the very long-range bond-percolation problem on a linear chain with both sites and bonds dilution. Very long range means that the probability pijp_{ij} for a connection between two occupied sites i,ji,j at a distance rijr_{ij} decays as a power law, i.e. pij=ρ/[rijαN1α]p_{ij} = \rho/[r_{ij}^\alpha N^{1-\alpha}] when 0α<1 0 \le \alpha < 1, and pij=ρ/[rijln(N)]p_{ij} = \rho/[r_{ij} \ln(N)] when α=1\alpha = 1. Site dilution means that the occupancy probability of a site is 0<ps10 < p_s \le 1. The behavior of this model results from the competition between long-range connectivity, which enhances the percolation, and site dilution, which weakens percolation. The case α=0\alpha=0 with ps=1p_s =1 is well-known, being the exactly solvable mean-field model. The percolation order parameter PP_\infty is investigated numerically for different values of α\alpha, psp_s and ρ\rho. We show that in the ranges 0α1 0 \le \alpha \le 1 and 0<ps10 < p_s \le 1 the percolation order parameter PP_\infty depends only on the average connectivity γ\gamma of sites, which can be explicitly computed in terms of the three parameters α\alpha, psp_s and ρ\rho

    Anisotropic Lifshitz Point at O(ϵL2)O(\epsilon_L^2)

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    We present the critical exponents νL2\nu_{L2}, ηL2\eta_{L2} and γL\gamma_{L} for an mm-axial Lifshitz point at second order in an ϵL\epsilon_{L} expansion. We introduced a constraint involving the loop momenta along the mm-dimensional subspace in order to perform two- and three-loop integrals. The results are valid in the range 0m<d0 \leq m < d. The case m=0m=0 corresponds to the usual Ising-like critical behavior.Comment: 10 pages, Revte

    Lifshitz-point critical behaviour to O(ϵ2){\boldsymbol{O(\epsilon^2)}}

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    We comment on a recent letter by L. C. de Albuquerque and M. M. Leite (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) L327-L332), in which results to second order in ϵ=4d+m2\epsilon=4-d+\frac{m}{2} were presented for the critical exponents νL2\nu_{{\mathrm{L}}2}, ηL2\eta_{{\mathrm{L}}2} and γL2\gamma_{{\mathrm{L}}2} of d-dimensional systems at m-axial Lifshitz points. We point out that their results are at variance with ours. The discrepancy is due to their incorrect computation of momentum-space integrals. Their speculation that the field-theoretic renormalization group approach, if performed in position space, might give results different from when it is performed in momentum space is refuted.Comment: Latex file, uses the included iop stylefiles; Uses the texdraw package to generate included figure

    Estimativas de parâmetros genéticos para características de crescimento em bovinos da raça Canchim utilizando modelos de dimensão finita.

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    Os objetivos neste trabalho foram avaliar diferentes modelos, em relação aos efeitos maternos considerados, para características de crescimento e estimar os parâmetros genéticos para essas características em bovinos da raça Canchim, por meio de análises uni, bi e multicaracterísticas. As características peso ao nascimento, peso ao desmame, pesos padronizados para 12, 18, 24 e 30 meses de idade em machos e fêmeas e peso adulto de fêmeas foram analisadas utilizando-se quatro modelos com os efeitos aleatórios adicionados em sequência. Os efeitos maternos influenciaram os pesos do nascimento aos 2 anos de idade e o peso à desmama foi o mais afetado pelos efeitos maternos. As estimativas de herdabilidade direta obtidas das análises bi e multicaracterísticas foram superiores àquelas obtidas das análises unicaracterísticas. As estimativas de herdabilidade do efeito genético direto obtidas usando análise multicaracterística foram 0,39 para peso ao nascer; 0,31 para peso à desmama; 0,29 para peso aos 12 meses; 0,28 para peso aos 18 meses; 0,26 para peso aos 24 meses; 0,30 para peso aos 30 meses; e 0,38 para peso à idade adulta. As correlações genéticas estimadas entre pesos obtidos em idades jovens com peso à idade adulta foram altas, acima de 0,79. A seleção com base em características de crescimento em qualquer idade pode promover ganhos genéticos moderados no peso corporal de animais da raça Canchim em todas as idades-padrão, inclusive nos pesos ao nascer e à idade adulta das fêmeas. É importante considerar nas análises os pesos prévios à seleção para estimar parâmetros genéticos para pesos após a seleção. A análise multicaracterística é a mais indicada

    Influência da idade de plantas de juta (Corchorus capsularis L.) na suscetibilidade a Colletotrichum corchorum.

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    Publicado também em: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE FITOPATOLOGIA, 16., 1983, Belém, PA. Programa, resumos e colóquios. [S.l.]: Sociedade Brasileira de Fitopatologia, 1983. p. 138-139

    Neutrino Telescopes as a Direct Probe of Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We consider supersymmetric models where the scale of supersymmetry breaking lies between 5 ×106\times 10^6 GeV and 5 ×108\times 10^8 GeV. In this class of theories, which includes models of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking, the lightest supersymmetric particle is the gravitino. The next to lightest supersymmetric particle is typically a long lived charged slepton with a lifetime between a microsecond and a second, depending on its mass. Collisions of high energy neutrinos with nucleons in the earth can result in the production of a pair of these sleptons. Their very high boost means they typically decay outside the earth. We investigate the production of these particles by the diffuse flux of high energy neutrinos, and the potential for their observation in large ice or water Cerenkov detectors. The relatively small cross-section for the production of supersymmetric particles is partially compensated for by the very long range of heavy particles. The signal in the detector consists of two parallel charged tracks emerging from the earth about 100 meters apart, with very little background. A detailed calculation using the Waxman-Bahcall limit on the neutrino flux and realistic spectra shows that km3^3 experiments could see as many as 4 events a year. We conclude that neutrino telescopes will complement collider searches in the determination of the supersymmetry breaking scale, and may even give the first evidence for supersymmetry at the weak scale.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure