62,886 research outputs found

    Explaining the trasitions out of unemployement in Spain : the effect of unemployement insurance

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    In this article we study the factors that affect the transitions out of unemployment in Spain. We pay special attention to the impact of unemployment insurance benefits on the re-employment probability. We use a multinomiallogit model, and data from the EPA matched files from the second quarter of 1987 to the fourth quarter of 1995. Consistent with previous work, we find a negative effect of unemployment insurance receipt on the re-employment probability, and on withdrawal from the labor force. More importantly, we find a differential effect of benefit receipt when comparing time periods before and afier 1992. In april of that year the labor authority made eligibility requirements for unemployment insurance more restrictive, and curtailed benefit amounts

    Self-employment in the midst of unemployment : the cases of Spain and the United States

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    This article examines the relationship between unemployment and selfemployment. The empirical work is framed by a job search model with learning, where self-employment is an alternative for jobless workers. Consistent with the model's prediction, we find that for both spain and the United States, duration of unemployment significantly increases the probability of becoming self-employed. Further analysis showed that part-time work and the absence of Social Security coverage are more likely to be aseociated with self-employed workers. We also find that, in Spain, those self-employed who do not hire any persone earn eignificantly less than other comparable worker

    Entanglement and quantum transport in integrable systems

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    Understanding the entanglement structure of out-of-equilibrium many-body systems is a challenging yet revealing task. Here we investigate the entanglement dynamics after a quench from a piecewise homogeneous initial state in integrable systems. This is the prototypical setup for studying quantum transport, and it consists in the sudden junction of two macroscopically different and homogeneous states. By exploiting the recently developed integrable hydrodynamic approach and the quasiparticle picture for the entanglement dynamics, we conjecture a formula for the entanglement production rate after joining two semi-infinite reservoirs, as well as the steady-state entanglement entropy of a finite subregion. We show that both quantities are determined by the quasiparticles created in the Non Equilibrium steady State (NESS) appearing at large times at the interface between the two reservoirs. Specifically, the steady-state entropy coincides with the thermodynamic entropy of the NESS, whereas the entropy production rate reflects its spreading into the bulk of the two reservoirs. Our results are numerically corroborated using time-dependent Density Matrix Renormalization Group (tDMRG) simulations in the paradigmatic XXZ spin-1/2 chain.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, similar to published versio

    Mismatch in the Spanish labor market : overeducation?

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    The objective of this artide is to explain the job match, which is assessed by comparing attained education and job-required education as reported by workers . We frame our empirical work according to the occupational mobility theory. Using a cross-section of workers from a representative survey of the Spanish labor force , we consider overeducated workers to be those who report that the level of education their jobs require is below the level of education they have attained. Our results indicate that overeducated workers have less experience, decreased on-thejob training and higher turno ver than other comparable workers. We also observe an improvement in the job match over age and mobility.Publicad

    Labor market effects of fixed-term employment contracts in Spain

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    This article studies the labor market effects of flxed-term employment contracts in Spain. First, we present various relevant features of the institutional setting which gave rise to and resulted from the introduction of fixed-term contracts. Second, we look at the evolution of temporary and permanent employment over the period 1987-1995 for which data are available. Then we discuss the implications of the distinction between temporary and permanent in the employment relationship for labor market outcomes in Spain. Third, we undertake the empírical analysis, which is aimed al knowing who are the workers under flxed-term contracts, how much they earn as compared to permanent workers, and how likely they are to obtain an indeflnite employment relationship. We find that non household heads, youth, less educated workers, women and private sector employees are over-represented among the temporary workers. These workers earn signiflcantly less than those with indefmite contracts, and their transition rates from temporary into indefmite employment status appears quite low, having fallen signiflcantly over fue period 1987-1995

    Re-employment probabilities of young workers in Spain

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    We use matched .fi,les of the Labour Force Survey (EPA) for the period 1987- 1996 to study the re-employment probabilities of workers aged 16-29 in Spain. The sample is restricted to men and women who posses work experience. A discrete hazard rate model, assuming competing risks, allows us to investigate the factors that affect the probability of leaving unemployment for becoming either employed or inactive. In addition to a set of explanatory variables related to personal and previous job characteristics, we include year dummies to control for the effects of the economic cycle and other relevant factors that may have changed over the period of study. As an alternative measure for the business cycle, GDP growth is used. Duration dependence is incorporated in the model in a flexible way by including quarterly dummies.En este artículo se utilizan los ficheros enlazados de la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) del periodo 1987-1996 para estudiar las tasas de salida del paro entre trabajadores de 16 a 29 años de edad. La muestra está restringida a varones y a mujeres que han trabajado alguna vez. Para el análisis se usa un modelo de duración discreta que admite dos vías alternativas de salida del paro: hacia el empleo o hacia la inactividad. Además de variables demográficas y otras relacionadas con el empleo anterior, en las regresiones se incluyen variables .ficticias anuales para tener en cuenta el efecto del ciclo económico y de otros factores que podrían haber cambiado a lo largo del periodo de estudio. Como una medida alternativa del ciclo económico se utiliza el crecimiento del PIB. La posible variación de la tasa de salida a lo largo de la duración del desempleo se incorpora en el modelo de manera flexible mediante la inclusión de variables ficticias trimestrales.Publicad

    Towards a Generalized Hydrodynamics description of R\'enyi entropies in integrable systems

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    We investigate the steady-state R\'enyi entanglement entropies after a quench from a piecewise homogeneous initial state in integrable models. In the quench protocol two macroscopically different chains (leads) are joined together at the initial time, and the subsequent dynamics is studied. We study the entropies of a finite subsystem at the interface between the two leads. The density of R\'enyi entropies coincides with that of the entropies of the Generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE) that describes the interface between the chains. By combining the Generalized Hydrodynamics (GHD) treatment of the quench with the Bethe ansatz approach for the R\'enyi entropies, we provide exact results for quenches from several initial states in the anisotropic Heisenberg chain (XXZ chain), although the approach is applicable, in principle, to any low-entangled initial state and any integrable model. An interesting protocol that we consider is the expansion quench, in which one of the two leads is prepared in the vacuum of the model excitations. An intriguing feature is that for moderately large anisotropy the transport of bound-state is not allowed. Moreover, we show that there is a `critical' anisotropy, above which bound-state transport is permitted. This is reflected in the steady-state entropies, which for large enough anisotropy do not contain information about the bound states. Finally, we benchmark our results against time-dependent Density Matrix Renormalization Group (tDMRG) simulations.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, similar to published versio