134 research outputs found

    Holy smoke, no more?:Tabacco control in Denmark

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    Statskundskab og journalistik – et mage par?

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    Due to a common intellectual heritage, journalism and political science share a number of common features, for instance their object of study, sources, and methods. Consequently, the two professions can engage in a fruitful partnership and in fact often do benefit from one another both in terms of teaching and research. For instance political scientists often use journalistic articles as source of information on a given matter, and journalists often cite political scientists as sources for their articles. At the same time the two professions have their distinct identities that sometimes makes their relationship difficult. However, as in any well functioning partnership there must be differences and  individuality or it won’t work

    Statskundskab og journalistik – et mage par?

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    Due to a common intellectual heritage, journalism and political science share a number of common features, for instance their object of study, sources, and methods. Consequently, the two professions can engage in a fruitful partnership and in fact often do benefit from one another both in terms of teaching and research. For instance political scientists often use journalistic articles as source of information on a given matter, and journalists often cite political scientists as sources for their articles. At the same time the two professions have their distinct identities that sometimes makes their relationship difficult. However, as in any well functioning partnership there must be differences and  individuality or it won’t work

    Dimensions of the Wage-Unemployment Relationship in the Nordic Countries: Wage Flexibility without Wage Curves

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    This paper analyses wage formation in the Nordic countries at the regional level by the use of micro-data. Our results deviate systematically from the main conclusions drawn by Blanchflower and Oswald (1994). We find no stable negative relation between wages and unemployment across regions in the Nordic labor markets once regional fixed effects are accounted for. Wage formation at the regional level is characterized by considerable persistence, but unemployment exerts no immediate influence on wages at the regional level. There is no evidence of a wage curve, nor of a Phillips curve, at the regional level in the Nordic countries. The results are consistent with a theoretical model where central bargaining agents determine a national wage increment, and local bargaining agents determine wage drift.wage curve; Phillips curve; regional unemployment and wages

    Generational Gaps in Political Media Use and Civic Engagement

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    "This book investigates news use patterns among five different generations in a time where digital media create a multi-choice media environment. The book introduces a new model – The EPIG Model (Engagement-Participation-Information*Generation) – to study how different generational cohorts’ exposure to political information is related to their political engagement and participation. The authors build on a multi-method framework to determine direct and indirect media effects across generations. The unique dataset allows for comparison of effects between legacy and social media use and helps to disentangle the influence on citizens’ political involvement in nonelection as well as during political campaign times. Bringing the newly of-age Generation Z into the picture, the book presents an in-depth understanding of how a changing media environment presents different challenges and opportunities for political involvement of this, as well as older generations. Bringing the conversation around political engagement and the media up to date for the new generation, this book will be of key importance to scholars and students in the areas of media studies, communication studies, technology, political science and political communication.

    Tilliden til de danske journalister og nyhedsmedier: i forfald eller ej?

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    I denne artikel undersøger vi, 1) hvordan tilliden til danske journalister og nyhedsmedier har udviklet sig over tid, 2) om der er forskel i tilliden til forskellige typer af nyhedsmedier, og 3) hvordan folks politiske partipræference påvirker deres tillid til journalister og nyhedsmedier. Vores analyser baserer sig på omfattende data fra Europa-Kommissionen, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Radius Kommunikation samt DR Medieforskning og viser, 1) at tilliden til journalister og nyhedsmedier er stabil over tid, 2) at folk stoler mere på public service-nyheder og kvalitetsaviser og mindre på tabloide nyhedsmedier, og 3) at partipræference kan forklare nogle variationer i tilliden
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