6 research outputs found

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    The employment of malaria therapy for neurosyphilis has been decreasing since penicillin and other antibiotics appeared and neurosyphilis patients decreased recently in their number. But malaria therapy is one of the most effective therapies for neurosyphilis still now. So we must find out how to keep alive malaria blood not in vivo, simply. The results were: 1) The temperature in which malaria blood was kept, decided its fate. The preservation under 4℃, -20℃ was not suitable to keep alive malaria blood long. 2) The solution in a ratio of 4 parts of malaria blood to I part of ACD solution (anti-coagulant) was added by 1.2 to 2.5 mol. amounts of glycerin and then freezing it rapidly at a temperature of -79℃, quick thawing and injecting it intramuscularly among 65 subjects, infection was accomplished sufficiently in 54 subjects with no malaria history. The storage period was 3-242 days. Its incubation period was 12 to 28 days and the average 14.6 days. At present, the longest preservation period is 242 days. In case of slight prolongation of incubation subsequent to long preservation and the parasites figures of smears of Giemsa method, there is possibility of longer preservation than 242 days which is the longest period at this time. This method is simple, practical for malaria preservation. In this case, the factors to determine whether the blood was effectable or not effectable concerned the numbers of parasites in the blood before frozen. 3) Although the freezing drying method did not succeed this time, its possibility can be expected by observing the reconstruction of malaria parasites in glycerin using example. 4) As author described above, glycerin acts effectively on frozen-keeping of malaria protozoa, too

    The carbon texture of metallurgical coke and its bearing on coke quality prediction

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    The carbon in metallurgical coke is composed of textural units, varying in size and shape depending on the rank of coal carbonized. These induce a characteristic texture to coke surfaces. This thesis describes a study of the bearing of this texture on coke strength, particular emphasis being placed on investigating the feasibility of using textural composition data, determined by either scanning electron microscopy (SEX) of etched surfaces or polarized-light microscopy (PLX) of polished coke surfaces, as a basis of predicting the tensile strength of cokes produced from blended-coal charges from the behaviour of individual blend components. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of fractured coke surfaces revealed differences in the mode of fracture of textural components which implied variations in their contribution to coke strength. The tensile strengths of pilot-oven cokes, produced from blended-coal charges, could be related to their measured PLM textural compositions using equations derived from consideration of simple models of intergranular and transgranular fracture. The coke strengths could also be related, with greater precision, with textural data calculated from the coal blend composition and either the SEM or the PLM textural data for the cokes from the individual blend components. It was further found that the strength of blended-coal cokes were additively related to the blend composition and the tensile strengths of the single-coal cokes. Such relationships are useful, at the very least, for predicting the strength of cokes from other blends of the same coals carbonized under similar conditions. The various approaches to coke strength prediction have potential value in different situations

    The Red Army at Kyshtym in May-June 1918 (As Witnessed by General Staff Officer A. l. Simonov)

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    The article analyzes the report written by Andrey Simonov, a former General Staff officer, who served in the Red Army (but later switched sides and joined the White Army). The article briefly describes the biography of A. L. Simonov. The main focus is made on the military action of the Red Army near Kyshtym from 27 May to 12 June 1918 against the backdrop of the Revolt of the Czechoslovak Legion. The study investigates the state of the Red Army’s forces, their efforts against the Czechoslovak Legion, and retreat from the battle.В статье анализируется отчет Андрея Леонидовича Симонова, бывшего офицера Генерального штаба, находившегося на службе у красных (в дальнейшем перешел на сторону белых). Излагается биография А. Л. Симонова. Подробно описываются действия красных войск под Кыштымом с 27 мая по 12 июня 1918 г. в общем контексте развития чехословацкого восстания. Характеризуются состояние красных отрядов, их боевые действия против сил чехословацкого корпуса и отступление с поля боя