93 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial activity of 1, 3, 4-thiadiazole derivatives: a recent review

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    A few five members’ aromatic systems having three hetero-atoms at symmetrical positions, for example, thiadiazoles have been considered broadly attributable to their intriguing pharmacological properties. These thiadiazole derivatives are the heterocyclic compound which contains the five member ring along with nitrogen and sulfur atoms. This recent study covers the most dynamic thiadiazole subordinates that have demonstrated significant biological activities, for example, anti microbial, anti inflammatory, anti tubercular, ant-diabetic, diuretics, anti depressant, radio-protective, anti-leishmanial and cytotoxic activity. This review likewise examines the structure-activity relationship (SAR) of the most powerful compounds. It can go about as an imperative tool for restorative scientists to create more current compounds having thiadiazole moiety that could be better operators regarding viability and safety

    Investigation of mindfulness & job of guardians in their child's oral prosperity & brushing framework

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    Background: Childhood dental caries is a significant wellbeing worry in kids that keep on contrarily influence the oral wellbeing. Oral wellbeing in children’s assumes a key job as it sets out the establishment for sound lasting teeth. This investigation was done to evaluate the mindfulness level of guardians about the children's oral health. Methods: A cross-sectional survey study was directed among 150 guardians with children’s' answering to private dental school. In this examination, the guardians of kids’ children than 5–15 years were approached to fill the pre-tried questioner directed survey and the information were classified. Results: It was seen that constrained members knew about the oral soundness of preschool children. About 34% of guardians have information identified with brushing procedures and oral maladies. Just 36% of guardians have general mindfulness identified with children's oral wellbeing, significance of standard dental exam, and investigation of kid's oral hole. This examination unmistakably uncovers that there is an absence of information and mindfulness identified with significance of children's oral wellbeing. Conclusion: Our outcomes demonstrate that guardians who would be advised to information in regards to oral wellbeing, their children’s were having altogether lesser tooth rot. The job of guardians is exceptionally huge, however almost 50% of the guardians don't direct their children’s for brushing and keeping up great oral cleanliness. Ordinary dental exams by organizing dental camps in schools and teaching the children’s and guardians about oral cleanliness will improve the circumstance

    Reproductive Performances and Management Effects on Productions of Indigenous Dairy Cows Raised at Char Areas in Northern Bangladesh

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    The study was conducted to assess the existing reproductive performances and the effect of nutritional supplementation on productions of indigenous cows in Char areas (remote river Jamuna sand islands) in northern part of Bangladesh from October 2009 to March 2010. The study also projected the frequency and determinants of long calving interval (LCI), retention of foetal membrane (RFM), dystocia (D), and abortion (A) in indigenous cattle and explored production trends. Fifty seven dairy households (average breedable cows = 2, range 1 to 3) were visited and data on reproductive, breeding and management histories were collected and statistically analyzed. Overall, 125 breedable indigenous cows were observed to be alive at different stages. The mean (±SE) calving interval were 492 ± 15days and the interval between calving and the initiation of ovarian activity were 143 ± 6.7 days. Birth rate was 53.7 per 100 cows year, with birth been reported to occur in all over of the year. Of the 87 cows that were reported to have calved more than once in their lifetime, 6(6.9%) and 5(5.7%) were associated with abortion and dystocia, respectively. Eight (9.2%) of the animals suffered RFM. All cows were dewormed and supplemented with vitamin-mineral premixes. The body weight of 125 cows and the milk yield of 71 lactating cows were recorded. The mean (± SD) body weight and daily milk yields of the cows during initial and end of veterinary interventions were 121.1 ± 21.0 kg, 1.5 ± 0.1 litres; 165.0 ± 14.0kg and 2.3 ± 0.02 litres, respectively. After productive veterinary interventions, there was an apparent effect of improved health on body weight gain (80g/cow/day) and the average milk yield increased from 1.5 to 2.3 litre/cow. It was concluded that, the present estimate of LCI, birth rate, prevalence of peripartum disorders attributes as the indicators of poor reproductive performances of cows and the productive veterinary health care services improved the general health and production status of the dairy cows in char areas


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    Objective: Shortages of medicinal products are complex global problems. Drug shortages remain a significant public health issue. Global shortages of medical products have a potential effect on patient health and total healthcare costs. Countries worldwide, especially those affected by Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is experiencing a rapid increase in drug shortage, which causes several complications for physicians, health care provider, patients, health institutes and health regulatory bodies. Methods: To carry out the study of shortages, several efforts have been taken by the regulators and industries. Prominent amongst these include FDA's research the needs and the reforms made in the regulations about shortages. We also searched for electronic databases (PubMed, Science direct, Web of Science) using the terms (COVID-19 and shortage) or (medicine and COVID-19) for articles in periods of 2019 to 2021. Results: On assessment based on the report, the number of shortage drugs in 2020 is 835; Anesthesia drugs are highest during the COVID-19 outbreak data indicate the number of shortages is 143 in USA. It was found that generic products were mostly in short supply, with antimicrobial agents (63%) topping the list of therapeutic categories of medicines with interrupted supply, followed by oncology medicines (47%) and then anesthetic agents (38%) during COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Many steps have been taken to reduce the impact of a shortage of health care. Agencies like the United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) has established guidelines and works with manufacturers and other partners to help prevent shortages. This article aims to the analysis the root cause of medicinal product shortages, their effects on the patient outcome, medication error, which occurs due to the substitution safe and effective therapies with alternative treatments, identify possible solutions and policies established to manage medicinal product shortages

    Development of E-banking in Bangladesh: A Survey Study

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    E-Banking is being grownup speedily in Bangladesh. The recent exceptional advancement in data technology and smartphones’ convenience has brought important changes in banks' services in Bangladesh. Notably, banks are presently competitory to supply complete banking services via smartphones or through on-line platforms. Such digital banking services cut back long queues within the bank’s counter to withdraw cash/ to deposit cash to their accounts


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    Objective: To evaluate the comparative study of anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic activity of methanol extract of Flemingia stricta and Nymphaea nouchali leaf.Methods: Human Red Blood Cell (HRBC) membrane stabilization method was evaluated for anti-inflammatory activity. Anti-denaturation method was performed by using Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) to evaluate the anti-arthritic potential.Results: The in vitro anti-inflammatory activity of the methanol extracts of Flemingia stricta and Nymphaea nouchali showed 81.85±0.67% (P<0.01) and 85.59±0.58% (P<0.01) of membrane stabilization at 1000µg/ml conc. and 51.85±0.49% (P<0.01) and 70.63±0.50% (P<0.01) at 31.25µg/ml respectively. All the results were compared with standard Diclofenac which showed 93.15±1.03% protection at 1000µg/ml conc. The in vitro study on both leaves also showed the presence of significant anti-arthritic activity. Here the extracts showed 70.43±1.42% (P<0.01) and 83.33±0.54% of protein denaturation at the highest conc. (1000 µg/ml) and 39.25±1.08% (P<0.01) and 38.71±0.93% (P<0.01) at the lowest conc. (31.25µg/ml), in where the standard drug displayed the 86.56±2.15% at 1000ug/ml and 51.08±1.42% at 31.25 µg/ml.Conclusion: These results suggest that both the methanol extract of Flemingia stricta and Nymphaea nouchali possess significant anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic activity.Â

    Ten years of survival among early-stage breast cancer patients: a hospital-based study

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    Background: The incidence rate of breast cancer is gradually increasing all over the world. In Bangladesh, we have very little research-based information regarding the survival of patients with early-stage breast cancer. The aim of this study was to determine the survival outcome of early-stage (Stages I- IIIA) breast cancer among female patients in respect to their age group, stage of the disease, tumor grade, nodal status, and hormone receptor status Methods: This was a prospective observational study focused on the survival outcome conducted in the department of clinical oncology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib medical university (BSMMU), Dhaka, Bangladesh during the period from December 2011 to December 2021. One hundred and five (105) female patients with early-stage (Stages I-IIIA) breast cancer were selected following the inclusion and exclusion criteria as the study subjects. Properly informed written consent was taken from all the participants before starting data collection. All data were processed, analyzed, and disseminated by MS office and SPSS programs as per need.   Results: The survival rate was found 79% (n=83). We observed stage-wise 10-year overall survival among the participants where 51.60%, 36.10%, and 12.30% survived from tumor stage I, II, and III respectively. We also observed that 29%, 60% and 11% of patients had survived from tumor grade I, II, and III respectively (Out of 83 survival cases). On the other hand, among the 83 10-year survival patients, 53.8% were of negative nodal status whereas 34.20% were of positive nodal status patients. Among the survived 83 patients, 86% were from >40 years’ age group whereas the rest 14% were from <40 years of age group. Conclusions: Early detection and treatment of breast cancer provide a definitive survival benefit. The results of the study showed that comprehensive screening and early detection of breast cancer is required to improve the survival outcome

    Productivity improvement and HR costs reduction through HRIS: A survey on banking industry in Bangladesh

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    As employee productivity improvement and HR costs reduction are two most effective options of being cost leader, the study aims at examining the relationship between human resource information system (HRIS) and employee productivity and total HR costs based on data extracted from total 40 banks (73%) operating in Bangladesh.HRIS index has been developed based on the responses of HR managers from each bank.The impact of one standard deviation variation of HRIS applications on the employee productivity and total HR costs is calculated through the multiple regression analysis while multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) is tested to examine the variation of productivity and HR costs according to the ownership patterns where HRIS is taken as covariant.The study found that HRIS improves banks efficiency through improving employee productivity and reducing total HR costs if other things being constant.In addition, employee productivity does not vary according to the ownership patterns of the bank but the state-owned banks have different HR costs experience than private-owned commercial banks in Bangladesh

    Sources, blood concentrations, and approaches for reducing exposure to lead: A critical appraisal on lead poisoning

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    Lead, a non-essential metal, enters the body in various ways, making it a major public health issue. Painters and smelters report lead poisoning in children and staff. Mining and battery workers risk lead exposure. Traditional and cultural remedies may include dangerous quantities of lead, producing lead poisoning. These drugs must be properly understood and regulated to avoid toxicity. Lead poisoning symptoms vary by duration and severity. Lead first impairs cognition, development, and behaviour by damaging the neural system. Time degrades reproductive and haematological systems. Lead's quiet entry into the body makes it deadly. Acute lead nephropathy damages kidneys at 100mg/dL. Lead levels exceeding 150mg/dL may induce encephalopathy. Blood lead levels indicate lead poisoning severity. Lead levels over 10g/dL in children and 40g/dL in adults are hazardous. Lead toxicity affects various organs. Lead may induce hypertension and cardiovascular disease. It may also cause chronic kidney disease and renal failure. Lead exposure may impede fertility, cause miscarriages, and alter foetal development; hence the reproductive system is vulnerable. Symptoms and lead levels may be treated with different approaches. Lead chelation treatment is frequent. Other vitamins and medications may enhance organ function and treat lead poisoning. Lead poisoning prevention requires widespread awareness. Strict standards and education regarding lead-contaminated products and conventional remedies should reduce occupational lead exposure. Regular blood lead level monitoring, especially in youngsters and lead workers, may help detect and treat lead poisoning early. Lead poisoning has serious health consequences. Understanding lead exposure pathways, identifying symptoms, and preventing lead poisoning is essential to public health and organ system protection

    Assessment of in-vivo anti-diabetic and anti-diarrheal effects of Flemingia stricta Roxb. leaf

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-diabetic and anti-diarrheal activity of methanol extract of Flemingia stricta Roxb. (Fabaceae) leaf. In anti-diabetic study, the extract was administered to alloxan-induce diabetic mice at two concentrations (200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body weight) for acute (12 hours) and prolong treatments (15 days) and blood glucose levels of diabetic mice were monitored at intervals of hours and days throughout the duration of treatment. Antidiarrheal test was conducted by castor oil induced diarrhea and enteropooling as well as intestinal motility in mice at three different concentration (100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg body weight). Treatment of alloxan induce diabetic mice with the extract caused a significant reduction in fasting blood glucose level of the diabetic mice both in acute (12 hours) and prolong treatment (15 days) and it was determined that the F. stricta methanol extract at both concentration (200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg) showed the significant (P<0.05) hypoglycemic effect in comparison to the standard drug metformin. In the case of castor oil induced diarrheal test, enteropooling test and gastrointestinal motility test, the extract of F. stricta  at 100 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg has given significant effect (P<0.05) compared to the standard drug loperamide. But 400 mg/kg demonstrated the highest activity amongst the three doses. These results suggested that the methanol extract of F. stricta Roxb. possess promising anti-diabetic effect on alloxan-induced mice and significant antidiarrheal effect on castor oil induced diarrheal mice. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.383974