1,591 research outputs found

    SenNet : a programming toolkit to develop wireless sensor network applications

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    One of the reasons that Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) applications are not widely available is the complexity in their development. This is a consequence of the complex nature in low-level details, which a developer must manage. The vast majority of the present application developments are done using node-centric low-level languages, for example, C. In order to make the WSN technology more universal; application development complexity nature should be reduced, and development efficiency increased. This paper describes SenNet language, which is a new approach to WSN application development using a Domain-Specific Language (DSL). SenNet empowers application developers to focus on modelling the application logic using domain specific terms. The new approach gives the ability to write applications using multi-levels of abstraction (i.e. network, group, and node-level). Evaluation results show that SenNet decreases the cognitive effort required for learning WSN application development in addition to the time required to write the application by using automated code generation from abstracted language commands

    Using Pollution Indexes to Assessment of Heavy Metals Pollution in Highway – Side Soils around Baghdad City

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    Assessment of heavy metal pollutants: Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni was conducted for Soils in surrounding highway of Baghdad city, evaluate the relation between heavy metals concentration in soil, and study effect of distance from pollution source. Study area was including high express way surrounded Baghdad city, in 43 km distance approximately. Four pollution indexes had been used enrichment factor ratios (EF), contamination factor (CF), pollution load index (PLI) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo) methods, to assessment of heavy metals pollution for these Soils. Results showed that heavy metals concentrations in soil samples took the order of Ni > Zn > Pb > Cd and all was higher than their concentration in comparison soils. The EF and PLI values decreased with increasing distance away of the highway edges for both sides with random distribution in some locations. This indicated to the affected soils of near sites of 1.5 and 10 m from road sides by emitted gases from vehicles exhausts that used the road. The CF values of Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni for all studied soils ranged of lower – moderately polluted (1 > CF – 3 > CF ≥ 1). All values of Igeo were within the range 1 > Igeo ≥ 0 considered as values ranged between non-pollution – moderately pollution, thus the contribution of geo source supplying with heavy metals was in the lower level. Results indicated that heavy metals concentrations appeared through pollution indexes calculations (EF, CF, PLI and Igeo) were from human activities (anthropogenic source), which support assumption of those soils affected by gases emitted from vehicle exhausts or other human activities. Key words: Heavy metal contamination, roadside soils, enrichment factors, contamination factor, pollution load index, geoaccumulation index, Baghdad, Iraq, AAS

    Study of the Active Compound in the Essential Oil of Myrtus communis L.

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    This study appears of the major volatile compounds in the essential oil of myrtle leaves because of its significant medical and economic benefits. The essential oil composition of Myrtus communis leaves during its flowering stage was determined. six volatile compounds were identified in leaves essential oils, α-Pinene 308 µg/ml, linalool (23.83 µg/ml), Eucalyptol or 1,8-cineole (41.46 µg/ml), Limonene (45.22 µg/ml), α-terpineol (41.73 µg/ml), Geranyl acetate (18.28 µg/ml) were the main monoterpene compounds. α-Pinene was Represents the bulk of the other compounds in the myrtle leave Keywords: Myrtus communis L., myrtle, flowering stage, essential oil, chemical compounds

    Corrosion Behavior of Copper and Carbon Steel in Acidic Media

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    The corrosion behavior of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) has been studied. The corrosion inhibition of copper and carbon steel in 1M concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) by Ciprofloxacin has been investigated. Specimens were exposed in the acidic media for 7 hours and corrosion rates evaluated by using the weight loss method. The effect of temperature (from 283 ºK to 333 ºK), pH (from 1to 6), inhibitor concentration (10-4 to 10-2) has been studied. It was observed that sulphuric acid environment was most corrosive to the metals because of its oxidizing nature, followed by hydrochloric acid. The rate of metal dissolution increased with increasing exposure time. Corrosion rates of carbon steel in the acidic media found to be higher

    Heavy Metals Pollution in the Highway – Side Soil around Baghdad City

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    The study aimed to assessment of pollution status by heavy metals Cadmium, Lead, Zinc, and Nickel for Soils in surrounding highway of Baghdad city, evaluate the relation between heavy metals concentration in soil, and study effect of distance from pollution source. Study area was include high express way surrounded Baghdad city, starting from main gate in Yusufiyah and ended in Al-Fedaa Company in 43 km distance approximately. Soil samples were collected from 5 locations with 9 km interval between location and other. Soil Samples were taken from surface layer (0 – 25) cm depth, at both road sides (back and forth) within 4 distances (1.5, 10, 25, and 60 m) from each roads sides, and another samples were taken from 2 km distance from road sides, to comparison 3 samples for same depth. Results that have been achieved by this study can summarize as following: Results showed that heavy metals concentrations in soil samples along highway which surrounded Baghdad city took the following order Ni > Zn > Pb > Cd And all was higher than their concentration in comparison soils. The concentrations of Cadmium were ranged between 0.21– 3.93 mg kg-1 in soil samples at high way, In general, the concentrations of Cadmium were decreased with distance from road sides, while the higher values were recorded within first and second distances 1.5 and 10 m.The concentrations of Lead were ranged between 36.0 – 129.0 mg kg-1 in soil samples at high way, while the changes in Lead concentrations in some soil locations was refered to effect of environmental changes, like direction and speed of wind.Zinc concentrations were ranged between 240.0 – 380.0 mg kg-1 in soil samples at high way, while the increasing of Zinc concentrations in Al-Daura soil samples spite of low traffic jams was due to close located to Al-Daura refinery.Nickel concentrations were ranged between 95.0 – 248.0 mg k-1 in soil samples at high way, also the concentrations of Nickel were increased in Mohammed Al-Qassim highway soil samples while others heavy metals (Zn, Pb, and Cd) were decreased and this can be attributed to another Nickel source in that location. Keywords: Pollution, Heavy metals, Soil, Air, Vehicular Traffic, Traffic density, Baghdad. Iraq, AAS

    Woodcutting Activities in Tabuk Region (Saudi Arabia): Assessment of Conservation Knowledge

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    The present study aims to investigate the effect of different social factors on the woodcutting frequency in Tabuk Region. A total of 100 people participated in this study by answering the questionnaire questions. The conservation knowledge of the participants was also assessed through 4 questions (Yes or No). The final score of the conservation knowledge assessment is 4. The present study findings showed that most of people like to cut the wood for heating during winter and fall seasons. The frequency of woodcutting in Tabuk Region was once a month. Among the social factors involved in this study, education showed negative and significant relationship with the number of logging times. However, age had positive relationship with the number of logging times. The most favourbale species to be cut and used for heating and cooking in Tabuk are; Acacia tortilis, Acacia ehrenbergiana, Retama reaetam and Calligonum comosum. For the assessment of the public conservation knowledge, it was found that most of participants had moderate to good conservation knowledge as most of them answered 3 questions correctly out of 4. The conservation knowledge showed to be affected positively by education level and negatively by the number of family members. In conclusion, it was found that there is remarkable woodcutting stress on wild plants in Tabuk Region and immediate and effective actions should be performe

    Kinetic, Isotherm, and Thermodynamic Study of Bismarck Brown Dye Adsorption onto Graphene Oxide and Graphene Oxide-Grafted-Poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic Acid)

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    تم دراسة سلوك إمتزاز صبغة بسمارك البنية BB من المحاليل المائية على أوكسيد الكرافين GO وأكسيد الجرافين–مطعم-بولي(ن-بيوتيل ميثاكريلات-مشترك-حامض ميثاكريليك) GO-g-pBCM المحضرين. تم تشخيص الممتزات المحضرة بمطيافية الأشعة تحت الحمراء FTIR التي أكدت صحة التراكيب الممتزات المحضرة. تم دراسة أمتزاز الصبغة بصيغتي لانكمير وفرندليش على أوكسيد الكرافين وأكسيد الجرافين –مطعم-بولي (ن-بيوتيل ميثاكريلات-مشترك- حامض ميثاكريليك) في سلسلة من التجارب بنظام الوجبة وتحت ظروف مختلفة. واعتُبر نموذج لانگماير معقولاً على نحو متزايد من المعلومات التجريبية لإمتزاز الصبغة. وكشفت الدراسة الحركية أن نموذج النظام الثاني الكاذب أظهر أفضل ملائمة للبيانات التجريبية، وأن المعاملات الحرارية تعني أن عملية الامتزاز كانت تلقائية ومن النوع الماص للحرارة.The adsorption behavior of Bismarck brown (BB) dye from aqueous solutions onto graphene oxide GO and graphene oxide-g-poly (n-butyl methacrylate-co-methacrylic acid) GO-g-pBCM as adsorbents was investigated. The prepared GO and GO-g-pBCM were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy FTIR, which confirmed the compositions of the prepared adsorbents. Adsorption of BB dye onto GO and GO-g-pBCM was explored in a series of batch experiments under various conditions. The data were examined utilizing Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms. The Langmuir isotherm was seen as increasingly reasonable from the experimental information of dye on formulating adsorbents. Kinetic investigations showed that the experimental data were fitted very well to the pseudo-second-order model, and the calculated positive values of the (∆H° and ∆S°) indicated that the adsorption of BB dye onto GO and GO-g-pBCM was endothermic and increasing of the adsorption process randomness. The negative values of (∆G°) imply that the adsorption process was spontaneous