163 research outputs found

    Magic Mountain

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    My installations are propositions for an imaginary world that relies on its own internal logic, a world of believability without recognition. While the work references landscape it also emphasizes its contrivance, as it is automatically estranged in an unnatural gallery setting. I subvert or de-familiarize the materials and processes that I use in the service of creating a fictitious environment. My places are impossible places. They are irregular, illogical, and unstable. Our imagination can be one of most dangerous things to psychological stability as it is an inventory of all things possible, no matter how irrational or improbable. The irrational is always an option, a lingering threat. The imagination seems to hate permissions and limitations, but is nevertheless lodged within them. I want to create a sense of nonsensical logic. If all things that can be imagined are logical possibilities, I want to find the place where fantasy seems to be just barely reality. If I can\u27t have an inherent contradiction, I\u27ll take an apparent one

    Autologous Adipose Stem Cells Use for Skin Regeneration and Treatment in Humans

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    There is growing evidence that adipose stem cells contribute to the restoration of tissue vascularization, and have a potentially large therapeutic effect in the field of regenerative medicine. The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical effectiveness of lipoaspirate transplantation on the treatment of skin lesions in humans. This study began with surgical procedures in 2009 followed by a follow-up plan for 4 months. Twenty clients underwent therapy for skin lesions and follow-up. Adipose derived stem cells can promote human dermal fibroblast, proliferation, and re-epithelialization of cutaneous wounds, rejuvenation of the aging skin and related skin lesions. These stem cells replenish dying cells, and have the capacity to regenerate new tissues. Adverse events including pain, swelling and allergy were minimal. All participants expressed their satisfaction of the results. This surgical procedure is a low-invasive therapeutic approach that can resolve the problem of depressed skin, skin lesions, and wrinkles. Adopting this procedure decreases the cost of skin care, and improves client’s long-term outcome. Furthermore, it facilitates cell-mediated skin repair and regeneration. Keywords: Adipose stem cells, Lipoaspirate, skin diseases

    Effect of Boost Simulated Session on CPR Competency among Nursing Students: A Pilot Study

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    Effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation effort can lead to saving lives. This skill is especially important to nursing practice. The aim of this quasi-experimental, control group, pilot study was to measure the effect of boost training session supported by simulation on the retention of CPR knowledge and skills in 40 nursing students. Participants attended a pretest, 3-hour workshop CPR then completed posttest I. The experimental group attended simulation-supported boost training at week six. Findings indicated that the experimental group achieved significant improvement in CPR procedure compared with the control group in posttest II. Boost training sessions using simulation facilitate learning CPR knowledge and skills. This teaching strategy may apply on other competencies requiring both psychomotor and cognitive engagement. Keywords: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, boost session, simulation, nursing students

    Novel Zinc Finger-Homeodomain Gene from Barley (HvZFHD1) is Differentially Regulated During Spike Development and under Hormonal Treatments and Abiotic Stresses

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    Plant zinc finger-homeodomains (ZFHDs) are transcriptional factors that play an important role in regulating plant growth and development. Several ZFHD genes were cloned and characterized in many plant species. In the present study, a full-length cDNA sequence of ZFHD gene was cloned from barley (termed as HvZFHD1) using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The sequence analysis showed that the HvZFHD1 was 1477 bp in length, and contained a complete open reading frame (ORF) of 1161 bp. The deduced protein is composed of 386 amino acids, with a predicted molecular weight of 40.46 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.5. Multiple sequence alignment indicated that HvZFHD1 protein shared high identity with ZFHD proteins from wheat, maize, and rice. The predicted HvZFHD1 protein contained the characteristic putative zinc finger domain in the N-terminus and a DNA binding homeodomain in the C-terminus. The expression level of HvZFHD1 was investigated using qRT-PCR during spike development and in response to exogenous phytohormones and abiotic stresses. The results showed that the expression level of HvZFHD1 was fluctuated during spike development with higher expression during anthesis, medium milk, late milk, and early dough stages. The expression of barley ZFHD1 was strongly responsive to abscisic acid treatment and was up-regulated in seedlings treated with methyl jasmonate, salicylic acid, and ethephone. In addition, the expression levels of HvZFHD1 were increased by dehydration, salinity, and heat stress, but not affected by cold stress. The expression patterns of HvZFHD1 suggest that it might play a role in flowering and flower development and is involved in plant responses to abiotic stresses


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    Penelitian ini, mengedepankan topik tentang Peran reporter dalam meningkatkan mutu siaran pada program Lampung Hari Ini di TVRI Lampung. Permasalahan yang dikemukakan dalam pembahasan adalah : (1) Bagaimana peran reporter TVRI Lampung dalam meningkatkan mutu siaran melalui program siaran Lampung Hari Ini. (20 Bagaimana kebijakan redaksional TVRI Lampung dalam meningkatkan mutu siaran pada program siaran Lampung Hari Ini. Untuk menjawab permasalahan diatas, penulis menggunakan pendekatan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari data field research, yakni transkip wawancara dan hasil observasi terhadap objek penelitian, serta data pendukung penelitian yang bersifat teoritik maupun konseptual yang bersumber dari literature/ kepustakaan. Analisis data penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil : (1) Peran reporter TVRI Lampung dalam meningkatkan mutu siaran melalui program siaran Lampung Hari Ini. secara garis besar dapat dicermati pada rangkaian pra peliputan berita, peliputan berita dan produksi berita. (2) Kebijakan redaksional TVRI Lampung dapat dimaknai sebagai rangkaian pedoman yang menjadi dasar redaksional dalam mensukseskan visi dan misinya. Beberapa aspek yang mempengaruhi kebijakan redaksional TVRI Lampung dalam proses publikasi siarannya, antara lain : (1) Artikulasi fungsi media massa sebagai penyebar informasi, pendidikan, hiburan dan pengaruh. (2) Dimensi normative penyiaran, kode etik jurnalistik dan regulasi terkait lainnya. (3) Nilai jurnalistik dalam suatu berita. (4) Respon khalayak atau dampak sosial terkait publikasi siaran politik. Dalam upaya meningkatkan mutu siaran kepada khalayak, TVRI Lampung menjalankan peran/ fungsi kontrol sosial, serta berupaya terhindar dari kepentingan sekretarian atau bersifat partisan dengan terus berupaya mengutamakan kepentingan masyarakat maupun kemanusian universal. Hal ini sesuai dengan paradigma pers yang bertanggungjawab sosial (social responsibility pers), kepada Negara dan tangungjawab individual

    A Propose Model Optimal Supply Chain Distribution Network for Farmer Industrial

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    A supply chain should be operated in the most efficient way in a highly competitive environment, with the goals of cost minimization, shipment delays, inventories and expenditures, and distribution maximization, gain, return on investment, level of customer support, and efficiency. The development of supply-chain distribution networks is therefore an extremely complex task, due to the large physical production and distribution network flows, the uncertainties associated with external interface customers and suppliers as well as the non-linear dynamics linked to internal information flows. This study aims to address a problem in domestic distribution in a supply chain system that includes manufacturers, distribution centers and consumer zones to determine the optimum configuration of the network. We propose a mixed integer linear programming model to solve the problem

    Psychometric Testing of the Arabic version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (A-PSQI) among Coronary Artery Disease Patients in Jordan

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    The purpose of this study was to test the Arabic version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) among cardiac patients in Jordan. The data was collected from 130 Arabic cardiac patients during their routine visit to the cardiology clinic using the Arabic versions of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Insomnia Severity Index and the Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36. The mean Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score was 9.14 (SD = 2.34). Internal consistency reliability was 0.74. The correlations between the global Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index score and the components ranged from .25 to .49. Also, PSQI showed a moderate correlation with the Insomnia Severity Index scores (r= .36, p <.001), and a small negative correlation with Medical Outcome Study Short Form 36 pain subscale (r= -.19, p= .032).  Psychometric estimates show that the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index is reliable and valid for measuring sleep disturbances among Arabic clinical population. Keywords: Reliability, validity, cardiac, slee

    Removal of Suspended Solids Using Pumice Stone in Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge Process

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    عند انتهاء العمر التصميمي لمحطات المعالجة لابد من إجراء تعديلات للمحافظة على المردود، في الوقت الحاضر يفضل في محطات معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي القيام بالتعديلات وذلك لأنها أكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة، وتستخدم الحوض الموجود بدلا من بناء أحواض جديدة، يتم عادة استخدام مواد مستوردة كحوامل بيولوجية لزيادة الكتلة الحيوية وبالتالي المحافظة على المردود مع زيادة الحمل العضوي القادم.في هذه الدراسة تم استخدام مادة محلية "حجر الخفان" كحامل بيولوجي في حوض التهوية، وإجراء التجارب على خمس مراحل: دون حوامل بيولوجية، وبنسبة ملء بحجر الخفان 4%، 10%،20% 25%، وكان التحميل العضوي الاعظم في كل مرحلة (1.1884، 1.2144، 1.9432، 2.7768، 3.3141 g BOD /l.d ( على التوالي للحفاظ على مردود المحطة 82% في إزالة SS .أجريت تجارب اخرى لمعرفة أفضل نسبة ملء، كانت نسبة إزالة SS (67.57، 69.5 ، 79.44، 89.61، و99.2)% عند استخدام حجر الخفان بنسبة ملء(0، 4، 10، 20، و25 ) % على التوالي، وذلك عند التحميل العضوي 2 ± 0.0528  g BOD /l.d .أي أن أفضل نسبة ملء بحجر الخفان هي 25 %. في هذا البحث تم استخدام مادة محلية "حجر الخفان" كحامل بيولوجي في حوض التهوية، وإجراء التجارب على خمس مراحل: دون حوامل بيولوجية، نسبة ملء بحجر الخفان 4%، 10%،20% 25%، وكان الحمل العضوي الاعظمي في كل مرحلة (1.1884، 1.2144، 1.9432، 2.7768، 3.3141 )  g BOD /l.d على التوالي للحفاظ على مردود المحطة 82% في إزالة SS . كانت نسبة إزالة SS دون حوامل بيولوجية وعند استخدام حجر الخفان بنسبة ملء4% (82.86 % ،84.96 %)على التوالي، وذلك عند الحمل العضوي1.15 ±0.0384 g BOD /l.d  ، وعند استخدام حجر الخفان بنسبة ملء 4% و 10%  كانت نسبة إزالة SS ( 80.36 %،91.59%) على التوالي، وذلك عند الحمل العضوي 1.25±0.024 g BOD /l.d ، وعند استخدام حجر الخفان بنسبة ملء 10% و 20%  كانت نسبة إزالة SS ( 79.44%،91.23%) على التوالي، وذلك عند الحمل العضوي 2 ±0.0528 g BOD /l.d، وعند استخدام حجر الخفان بنسبة ملء 20% و 25%  كانت نسبة إزالة SS (80.45 %،92.28%) على التوالي، وذلك عند الحمل العضوي 2.85 ±0.0624 g BOD /l.d.  أي تحسن المردود عند استخدام حجر الخفان بنسبة ملء 4% ، 10%، 20% و 25% بمقدار 2.1% ،11.23 % ،11.79 % ، و 11.83% على التواليWastewater treatment plants operators prefer to make adjustments because they are more cost effective, to use the existing tank instead of building new ones. In this case an imported materials would be  used as bio-loads to increase biomass and thus maintain efficiency as the next organic loading increases.In the present study, a local substance "pumice stone" was used as a biological carrier in the aeration tank, and the experiments were carried out in five stages: without biological carriers, filling ratio of 4%,10%,20%, and25% with pumice stone, the maximum organic loading at each stage (1.1884, 1.2144, 1.9432, 2.7768, 3.3141)g BOD /l.d respectively.Other experiments were carried out to determine the best filling ratio, the SS removal ratio was (67.57%, 69.5%,79.44%,89.61%,and 99.2%) when the filling ratio with pumice stone was (0, 4, 10, 20, and 25)%  respectively, at organic loading 2 ± 0.0528 g BOD /l.d, so the best filling ratio of pumice stone was 25% . In this case an imported materials would be  used as bio-loads to increase biomass and thus maintain efficiency as the next organic loading increases. In this research, a local substance "pumice stone" was used as a biological carrier in the aeration tank, and the experiments were carried out in five stages: without biological carriers, filling ratio of 4%,10%,20%, and25% with pumice stone, The maximum organic loading at each stage (1.1884, 1.2144, 1.9432, 2.7768, 3.3141)g BOD /l.d respectively. The SS removal ratio was when we operatio without biological carriers and with pumice stone with a filling ratio of 4% (82.86 % and 84.96 %) respectively, at organic loading 1.15 ± 0.0384 g BOD / d, the SS removal ratio when using pumice stone with a filling ratio of 4% and 10% was (80.36%, 91.59%) respectively, at organic loading 1.25 ± 0.024 g BOD /l.d The SS removal ratio when using pumice stone with a filling ratio of 10% and 20% was (79.44%, 91.23%) respectively, at organic loading 2 ± 0.0528 g BOD /l.d ,  and The SS removal ratio when using pumice stone with a filling ratio of 20% and 25% was (80.45 %, 92.28%) respectively, at organic loading 2.85 ± 0.0624 g BOD /l.d ,which means there is  improvement in yield using pumice stone with filling ratio 4%,10%,20 and 25% by 2.1% ,11.23%,11.79% and 11.83%, respectively

    Perancangan Ulang Bak Penampung Bahan Baku Pakan Ternak Menggunakan Metode Reverse Engineering untuk Mengurangi Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja

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    CV. Kembar Mekar, Ciparay, Bandung, merupakan perusahaan menengah yang bergerak dibidang produksi pakan ternak berkualitas di Indonesia. Pada proses pengolahan pakan ternak terdapat proses penggilingan yang menggunakan mesin hammer mill. Di bagian atas mesin hammer mill dibutuhkan bak penampung yang dilengkapi dengan lubang input yang digunakan untuk menampung bahan baku yang akan dialirkan ke lubang tersebut. Kemudian berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti, terdapat hal penting yang jadi akar permasalahan penelitian ini, yakni terdapat banyaknya potensi bahaya pada bak penampung bahan baku dikarenakan dengan adanya desain yang kurang aman yang ditunjukan oleh hasil risk analysis dengan nilai RAC yang tinggi yaitu 2 (serius), dan 3 (sedang). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan usulan perancangan bak penampung bahan baku untuk mengurangi risiko kecelakaan kerja tersebut sehingga nilai RAC bekurang menjadi 3 – 5. Perancangan ulang ini menggunakan metode reverse engineering karena cocok untuk melakukan perancangan ulang dari produk eksisting. Tujuan telah dicapai dengan membuat bak penampung usulan yang di dalamnya terdapat perubahan-perubahan desain yang dapat mengurangi potensi bahaya berdasarkan risk analysis sebelumnya sehingga hasil risk analysis yang baru mendapat nilai RAC yang lebih rendah yaitu 3 (sedang), dan 4 (kecil). Kata kunci : Risk analysis, reverse enginnering, hammer mill, RAC, REBA, RW


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    Pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi memiliki beberapa masalah mengenai ketidakefisienan dalam proses pelaksanaannya. Permasalahan ini akan menimbulkan pemborosan (waste), baik itu berupa Physical Construction Waste dan Non Value Added Activity. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan identifikasi Non Value Added Activity pada Proyek Pembangunan Rumah Susun/ASN Kota Padang (Paket I). Data penelitian didapatkan dari kuisioner yang diisi oleh responden dan wawancara dengan Site Manager pada proyek tempat dilakukannya penelitian. Kemudian data diolah dan dianalisis hingga didapatkan hasil berupa frekuensi dan penyebab dari kemungkinan terjadinya bentuk-bentuk Non Value Added Activity di lapangan selama pelaksanaan konstruksi. Dari hasil analisis pengolahan data kusioner, diperoleh data bahwa bentuk Non Value Added Activity yang cukup mungkin terjadi selama pelaksanaan konstruksi adalah pemindahan material dari satu titik ke titik lainnya dalam lingkungan proyek. Kegiatan wawancara dengan Site Manager didapatkan hasil bahwa bentuk Non Value Added Activity yang telah terjadi pada awal pelaksanaan proyek adalah perubahan rencana pondasi yang mengakibatkan proyek mengalami keterlambatan dari rencana awal. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya Non Value Added Activity berupa gerakan yang tak perlu, cacat, proses berlebih, inventori berlebih, produksi berlebih, waktu tunggu, dan transportasi. Kata kunci: proyek konstruksi, ketidakefisienan, waste, Non Value Added Activit