14 research outputs found

    Analisis runutan nukleotida gen protein selubung dua strain peanut stripe virus: Nucleotide sequence analysis of coat protein gene from two strains of peanut stripe virus

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    ABSTRACT Nucleotide sequence analysis of coat protein gene from two biological strains of peanut stripe virus (PStV), severe blotch (PStV-Isb) and stripe (PS:V-1s), has been done to study molecular variation of these strains. Comparison of predicted amino acid sequence of PStV coat protein with other members of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) subgroup was also carried out to study the taxonomic relationship between PStV and BCMV subgroup. The CP gene from these strains contained 861 nucleotides (nts) and encoded 287 amino acids. There were seven nucleotides of the CP gene and one nucleotide of Nlb cistron that were different between PStV-Is and PStV-lsb. However, only one nucleotide at position 9309 of the CP gene caused differential amino acid residue at position 49 of the coat protein, methionine (M) for PStV-Isb and isoleucine (I) for PStV-Is. Comparison of the amino acid sequences revealed a sequence similarity of 89,9-90,9% of PStV and other BCMV subgroup. These results provide evidence that PStV and other BCMV subgroup are in the same virus with different strain. Key words : peanut stripe virus, coat protein gene, nucleotide sequence INTISARI Analisis runutan nukleotida dan asam amino gen protein selubung PStV dari dua strain peanut stripe virus (PStV) yang menunjukkan gejala stripe (PStV-Is) dan severe blotch (PStV-Isb) telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui perbedaan kedua strain PStV tersebut pada tingkat molekuler. Analisis kesamaan runutan asam amino protein selubung PStV juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan taksonomi antara PStV dan subkelompok bean common mosaic virus (BCMV). Gen CP dari kedua strain PStV tersebut mempunyai runutan nukleotida 861 nukleotida (nt) yang menyandi 287 asam amino. Terdapat tujuh nukleotida dari gen CP dan satu nukleotida pada sistron NIb yang berbeda antara PStV-Is dan PStV-Isb. Analisis runutan nukleotida dan asam amino menunjukkan hanya satu mutasi pada posisi 9309 dari genom RNA-PStV yang menyebabkan terjadinya perbedaan asam amino pada selubung protein kedua strain PStV. Asam amino yang berbeda terdapat pada posisi ke-49 yaitu isoleusin (I) untuk PStV-Is dan metionin (M) untuk PStV-Isb. Analisis kesamaan runutan asam amino CP antara PStV-Is dan PStV-Isb dengan beberapa spesies virus dalam subkelompok BCMV menunjukkan persentase kesamaan antara 89,9-90,9%. Kesamaan runutan asam amino tersebut menunjukkan bahwa PStV merupakan anggota dari subkelompok BCMV. Kata kunci: peanut stripe virus, gen protein selubung, runutan nukleotid

    Pola SegregasiKarakter KetahananTanaman Kedelai(Glycine max [L]. Merrill)Terhadap Infeksi Soybean Mosaic Virus Populasi F2 Keturunan Taichung X Tanggamus

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    This study aims to determine the pattern of segregation character soybean plant resistance to infection SMV and other agronomic characters as well as many genes that play a role in the inheritance of these traits in the F2 populations from crosses Taichung x Tanggamus follow of Mendel ratio or a modification of expectations and knowing the number of crosses. This research was conducted at the Laboratory LapanganTerpadu Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung from September 2013 until January 2014, and then continued in the laboratory observations Seed and Plant Breeding, University of Lampung. Propagation of virus carried in Kampung Baru, Bandar Lampung. This research uses experimental design without repetition with a single treatment design nested structured data is analyzed using the chi-square test for the suitability of the normal distribution and chi-squared test to test the of Mendel ratio and modifications . The results of this study indicate the character frequency distribution of plant height, grain weight per plant soybeans F2 generation from crosses Taichung x Tanggamus normal spread, while the frequency distribution for character flowering age, harvesting, healthy seed number per plant, number of productive branches, number of pods per plants and severity of disease spread is not normal. Estimates of the number of genes that control the character of harvesting is controlled by two genes are recessive epistasis duplicate the ratio 9: 7, days to flowering follow the ratio 1: 2: 1 which is controlled by a single gene that reacts not perfect, healthy character of the number of seeds per plant followed the ratio 3: 1 and for the total character of pods per plant, number of productive branches as well as the severity of the disease follows the ratio of 13: 3. the character dikendalikanolehdua genes dominant-recessive epistasis react. There are 21 numbers belonging expectations resistant to SMV. Keywords: Soybean, segregation, resistance characteristics, and SMV

    Virologi tumbuhan

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    Virologi tumbuhan merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu mempelajari mengenai virus yang menginfeksi tanaman. Virologi tumbuhan digunakan untuk menghindari kehilangan hasil tanaman karena virus dan diperlukan untuk mengetahui sifat virus dan vektornya, serta struktur dan fungsi biologi makromolekul penyusun virus. Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah dan perkembangan virologi tumbuhan, komposisi dan struktur virus tumbuhan, replikasi dan ekspresi gen virus tumbuhan, fisiologi penyakit virus tumbuhan, gejala penyakit virus, penularan virus tumbuhan, pemurnian dan serologi virus tumbuhan, deteksi dan identifikasi virus tumbuhan, epidemiologi dan pengendalian penyakit virus, serta klasifikasi dan taksonomi virus tumbuhan.187 hlm., ill. ;23 cm

    Virologi Tumbuhan

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    187 hal.; 21 cm

    Virologi tumbuhan

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    187 p. : il.; 21 c

    Virologi tumbuhan

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    *** *** Bibliografi hlm. 183-187187 hlm. :il. ;21 cm

    Aplikasi bioteknologi dalam pengendalian penyakit virus pada tanaman

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    Buku ini membahas tentang penggunaan bioteknologi untuk mengatasi permasalahan penyakit virus pada tanaman. Aplikasi Bioteknologi telah menfasilitasi perkembangan ilmu dasar dan terapan dalam bidang virologi tumbuhan. Beberapa pengetahuan dasar yang berhasil dipahami melalui bioteknologi adalah mekanisme molekuler interaksi virus dan tanaman inang, hubungan virus, dan vektor, mekanisme molekuler replikasi virus, dan ketahanan molekuler terhadap virus. Beberapa bioteknologi yang telah dimanfaatkan untuk pengendalian penyakit virus adalah teknologi deteksi molekuler virus, teknologi transgenesis, teknologi RNA interferens, dan teknologi editing genom.

    Biologi Molekuler Interaksi Virus Dan Tumbuhan

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